Title: Betrayed
Chapter 3 – A New Beginning

Mac watches in horror as John's body absorbs the gunshot to the stomach as his body is pushed to the side and out of harms way. But just as Gerard turns the gun on Mac, Stella's body slams into Gerard's, pushing him forward and causing his gun to go flying.

Gerard, however, is able to stop himself from falling completely onto his stomach, instead, landing on his hands and knees and clawing at Mac. He kicks back at Stella who loses her grip on him and lunges at Mac, forcing Mac's weary body to crash through a small wooden wall and land on the dirty floor, both of them coughing from the dust now swirling around them.

"Stella…help…John," Mac calls out before he utters a painful gasp just as Gerard's fist lands on his freshly wounded side and blood starts to seep forth in a greater degree.

Stella, in the meantime rushes past Rita who is now tending to John and gives her badge to the oldest daughter. "Take my flashlight and head into the tunnel, toward the surface. If you meet the police ask for a man name Don Flack and give him this. Now go!" Stella instructs, watching the small girl nod before darting off into the darkened tunnel.

She hurries back to help, leaving Rita to tend to her husband while she rushed to help hers. She watches Mac punch Gerard in the face but Gerard quickly counter and reach for the knife that he had stabbed Mac with earlier. Just before the knife is about to plunge into Mac's vulnerable side, Stella's hand latches onto Gerard's and yanks it backward, causing him to curse angrily and try to pull himself free.

Quickly changing tactics, Gerard pivots around and with his free hand, punches at Stella's thigh causing her to stumble backward but not lose her footing.

Mac pushes himself to his knees, wraps his arms around Gerard's waist and tries to pull him back. Gerard pushes backward, causing Mac to land on his back and yell out again as Gerard's elbow strikes his stab wound once more, another blow breaks the stitching wide open and Mac's arms fall to his sides.

"It's over…Taylor," Gerard wheezes as he twists around again with the knife in his hand; not caring where Stella was or what she was doing.

Stella had raced to find her gun but remembered Mac's words about taking him alive, so instead of shooting him in the back she opts to shoot him in the leg just before the knife can plunge into the heart of her beloved husband. The knife, misses Mac's side as Gerard's body pushes him back down; Gerard clutching his leg in agony.

"You'll pay...for this..." Gerard vows angrily.

"Not this time Gerard," Stella states firmly.

Mac's fingers try to push the knife out of Gerard's grasp as he tries to get at Mac once more, but Stella steps in and kicks Gerard in his wounded side, causing him to cry out in pain and finally roll of Mac's throbbing frame.

"It's over…Gerard," Mac stammers as he remains where he is on the ground, his dirty hand firmly pressing down on his bloody side.

"How is he Rita?"

"He's not moving…what do I do? I can't lose him," the terrified woman sobs quietly. "Please John…please don't leave me," she begs. "Someone help us!"

"You better pray he makes it," Stella hisses at Gerard.

"This isn't over…"

"Yes it…is," Mac growls. "You murdered those two…rookies. Death sentence for you."

"Go to hell Taylor," Gerard glowers at him in hatred. But before another word can be spoken, voices are finally heard at the end of the tunnel and both Mac and Stella breathe a sigh of relief.

"You're going…back to hell," Mac manages as he slowly pushes himself upright to a seated position.

"Stella!" Flack's frantic voice calls out to her in the darkened tunnel.

"In here Don!" She shouts back, still covering Gerard with her gun. "If I asked why, what kind of answer will I get?"

"Me telling you to piss on it Bona…Taylor…whatever the hell you call yourself now."

"It's Detective Taylor," Stella says firmly as Flack rushes up behind her. "And you are under arrest."

"I got this now. Damn it Gerard," Flack groans as he relieves Stella and lets her head over to Mac. "Medics are right behind us."

"Take John first," Mac directs as he looks up at Stella.

"We got two medics on the way Mac," Flack smiles at his friend. "Gerard here will have to walk up on his own."

"I've been shot in the leg!" Gerard moans.

"Yeah? Tell someone who gives a damn. You killed those kids in cold blood you scum and now you are going away for life…or should I say death? Let's go."

"The only man who saw is dead…"

"Wrong, Steve McMasters was vested and he's alive and going to put you away for life. Now move your worthless ass!" Flack growls as he hauls Gerard up and starts to drag him out of the small room. The two little girls rush into the space, the youngest to her mother's side and the other to Stella to give her back her badge.

"You did great sweetie, what is your name?"

"Stella," she answers in a soft tone and Stella's eyes instantly well. Stella's fingers grip Mac tighter as her free hand brushes away a dirty blond strand. "That's my name too," Stella tells the small girl who smiles brightly in return. The young girl turns and heads back to her mother who was now standing by and watching the medics rushing to help her husband.

"Just hold on okay Mac?" Stella mentions softly as the medics hurry to their aid. She momentarily lets go of Mac's hand and bites back her misery when his lips offer an angry grunt of pain as his body shifts oddly onto the small stretcher. Before they start the slow, painful walk toward the surface, the two medics work on fixing Mac's gaping wound so that he'll lose less blood on the way up.

Stella eyes the small rucksack bag that Rita had packed and quickly grabs it. It only contained a few items; one being a small wad of bills that she was sure would have been the only means of monetary support for the entire family; it would be used up to pay only a small portion of John's medical bills, but then what? There wasn't enough to pay the rest and then they would once again be tossed out on the street. Her heart sinks as her mind pictures the two small faces before her once more.

'Stella'. The little girl had offered with hopeful eyes. But that hope quickly faded before she turned and went back to her mother, probably very accepting of their bleak future by now.

"Alright Detective Taylor, we are ready to move out."

"Stella did you find all the weapons?"

"I did," she nods her head in confirmation before she turns and leads them out of the room; the two medics carrying Mac following her and two other NYPD officers at the very back. Stella's lips wince in the darkened tunnel as she hears Mac trying to stifle a painful gasp whenever the ground would become rougher or they would have to maneuver around a corner.

After what seems like a small painful eternity, they reach the surface; it now being well into the darkened morning and the night air cold and attacking them instantly. The other ambulance containing, John, Rita and their two girls had already taken off and Flack was still wrestling with Gerard in a verbal battle over who should do what first. She leaves Flack to finish up with Gerard and hurries into the back of the ambulance; sliding down the bench so that she is beside Mac, taking his hand and waiting for the ambulance to head for the hospital where Dr. Adams was already called and waiting for them to arrive; him already having assigned his top surgeon to work on John.

"I want to pay for their bills, Mac."

"Figured as much," Mac looks up at her with a small smile. "How are you holding up?"

"Tired and I need a shower but until I know you are safe…"


"Mac you were stabbed with a foreign knife and patched with a…well a dirty needle."

"Ben will give me a tetanus shot when we get to the ER," Mac refers to his friend and physician Dr. Adams. "But I do need a shower."

"And the midnight snack?"

"Oh yeah we did kinda miss that didn't we?" He slightly frowns.

"We did," she sighs as she looks away.

"Stella," Mac's soft tone pulls her gaze back to him. "What is it?"

"I just wish we could do more for them…seems so unfair."

"That little girl, Stella," he pauses. "You saw yourself right?"

"But not the first time either right?" She counters.

"We'll do what we can," Mac tries to assure her, his lips wanting to smile but as they round the corner he offers a wince instead and she leans in closer.

"Just close your eyes and rest now. I love you," she tells him as she kisses his forehead and brushes a small fleck of wood out of his damp hair. They finally reach the ER and are wheeled straight to Dr. Adams small private examining room where two nurses were waiting to help him patch up Mac.

"Well young man, another typical night for you I see?" Dr. Adams frowns as Mac is gently transferred from the stretcher to an examining table.


"Stella, what happened?"

Stella goes on to relate to Dr. Adams what happened and then leaves Mac in Ben's very capable hands before she gets her own shot from the nurse, a fresh bandage to her grazed side and then goes in search of John and Rita.

"Jenny," she calls to Dr. Adams personal nursing assistant. "There was a family that came in before us…the husband, John, had a gunshot wound to the side. Is he…"

"He's in surgery and I think will pull through. Was there something you needed?"

"Actually yes. I have a question about their medical bills."

"Do you have a last name? The medic said he wouldn't give them a last name; that he's no one."

After biting back a small twinge of guilt, Stella gently fishes through the small bag until she finds a tattered drivers license. "He is someone," she whispers as she hands the well worn piece of plastic to the younger woman. "I'll be right back."

Stella turns and heads back to where Mac was now seated upright and being gently scolded by his older friend.

"Why do I always feel like a parent with you two?" Dr. Adams smirks as Stella nears Mac's table.

"Because you love us," she grins at her husband's nearly naked state. However, her smile fades as her eyes drop to the marred spot of flesh on his perfect chest.

"Surprisingly, Mac will live," Dr. Adams teases as he hands Mac his dress shirt back, his bloody t-shirt already resting in the garbage bin. "He just needs some rest…as do I think you both."

"How did you get stuck with the night shift?" Stella asks their friend as Mac slowly gets off the table and then allows Stella to help him put his dress shirt back on.

"Had an inkling you two would need my services," he winks before he looks down to his chart and starts writing. "Actually I was on call," he confesses in truth; still not looking up.

Mac finishes doing up the small dress shirt buttons, takes his slip for some pain killers, thanks Dr. Adams and then slowly heads out of the ER, hand in hand with his wife.

"Mac I just want to stop and see the Ryder's before we leave."

"The who?" Mac arches his brows in wonder.

"John and Rita Ryder. I found his drivers license," Stella answers. "I also told Jenny we'd be paying the bills."

"I love your kindness and caring for others," Mac squeezes her hand a bit tighter. "Do I ever tell you that enough?"

"You said it now and that's what counts the most," she assures him by squeezing his hand back. "What else did Dr. Adams tell you?"

"I'll live," Mac smirks. "One of these days I think he's just going to quit on us."

"Trust me Mac, he cares for you. I think we should make a brief stop right here," she gestures toward the area just before the elevators.

They talk a bit more before they reach the surgical waiting area; entering the small room to see Rita with a daughter on each side waiting for any news on her husband. Her face lights up when she sees Mac and Stella enter the room and walk up to them.

"Here," Stella holds out Rita's rucksack as she sits down beside them.

"I forgot…I don't know about the bills and…oh god I'm just worried about John. What if he doesn't make it?"

"Ma'am, the best surgeon is working on him, he'll pull through. Your husband doesn't seem like a quitter," Mac mentions in a kind tone. "Here…this is from us," he offers them each a bag with some food in it.

"Oh I can't…"

"Please do," Stella insists. "I'm sure you must be hungry and he'll be well taken care of."

"Thank you," Rita utters with tears about to brim. "What do you say Stella? Vanessa?" Rita asks softly.

"Thank you," both little girls answer at once before hungrily diving into the contents of their food bag. The main cafeteria wasn't open due to the hour, but the few vending machines provided enough sandwiches, chips, drinks and cookies to keep them more than satisfied.

"I just hate to think of you all going back to…"

"It's okay," Rita's hand rests on Stella's as she offers her a tender smile. "It's a life we are used to now."

"It's not fair."

"We are alive and altogether as a family," Rita insists. "That's what really counts."

"Your optimism is…truly heartwarming," Stella mentions in truth as she leans in and gives Rita a brief hug. "I wish you all the best for your future."

"We are blessed to have met you both. I hope you take good care of each other."

"We intend to, thank you," Mac replies. They let Rita and her girls eat; the doctor finally coming in and telling them that John came through his surgery okay but would need to remain at least a day or two to ensure that he received proper medical care. Dr. Adams's assistant, Jenny, had already talked to the billing department and arranged for the Ryder's medical bills to be taken care of.

"Do you want to come and see him? Even for a few minutes?" Rita urges as they all stand up to go and see John after his surgery. "He doesn't have a private room but we are used to that," Rita gently smiles. "And I know he'd like it."

"We'll stay a few minutes," Mac tells her in truth as they follow after the surgical nurse to the recovery room that John was now resting in. Mac and Stella hang back while Rita heads for John's side, takes his hand and talks to him in a quiet tone, the two little girls standing deftly beside their mother. John talks to her and then looks up to see Mac and Stella hovering silently in the doorway and gestures for them to come closer.

"We won't stay long," Mac assures him as he pat's John's hand. "I am sorry about all this."

"Don't be," John manages in a quiet tone. "I'm just glad you got your man and you are both okay."

"We are thanks to your kindness," Stella assures him as she gives him a warm smile. "Just rest up and take care of your family."

"I try my best."

"If you…ever need anything," Mac pulls out a crumpled card from his wallet. "And I mean anything, please call me."

"Thank you," John nods as he takes the card and wraps his large hand around it.

"Take care," Stella gives Rita and the girls one last hug before she loops her arm around Mac's wait, his around her shoulders and they head out of the room.

"Let's go home," he whispers as he kisses her on the cheek.

"Let's," she agrees as her head comes to rest on his shoulder. The ride home in the cab was spent in silence as they just sit in the back, hand in hand.

"Are you hungry?" Stella inquires as they enter their quiet apartment.

"Not really, you?"

"I was in the hospital but now I think I just want a shower and to get to sleep," she replies with a small frown.

"What is it?"

"He's not going to call you is he?"

"Stella, we can't do anything else for them. If I could offer him a job I would, you know that," Mac walks up to her, putting his hands on either forearm and rubbing them gently before leaning in and kissing her on the forehead.

"You smell like the hospital," she whispers in a sad tone.

"Go have a shower and I'll…"

"We could have one together," Mac suggests with a teasing smile.

"Could you practice self control?"

"Mind or body?" He retorts with a small chuckle. "Go first."

"You need it more than me Mac, I don't mind. Besides, I think I'll call Don and then make myself a cup of tea. Then you'll be done and we can get some sleep."

"A few hours at least," he huffs. "I won't be long."

Stella watches him slowly turn and head down the hallway and disappear into the bedroom before she heads for the phone and calls Flack; wanting to get an update on Gerard.

"Sheldon was on night shift and he ran the unknown DNA against Gerard's and got a match. And yes his file had been tampered with and we also arrested the clerk who took the money to make the digital changes. Gerard has been officially charged with the death's of those two rookies. He's being patched up and will wait in a holding cell until the formal hearing in a few days. Then his traitorous ass will be heading back to Rikers."

"What a relief. Thanks Don."

"Anytime. How's Mac?"

"He'll live," she slightly laughs. "See you tomorrow."

She hangs up and then heads into the kitchen, frowning when she hears Mac in the bathroom muttering an angry curse before the water starts up. While her heart is more than thankful that her husband is safe and alive, her mind drifts to the Ryder's and her anxiety surges once again. They would leave the hospital, descend back into their underground hell and would be once again forgotten by society at large; a terrible testament to a brave family that had risked everything to help them in their dire time of need.

"Just not fair," Stella angrily shakes her head as she leaves the kitchen without making her tea and heads for the bedroom to change and shower after Mac was finished. She slumps down onto the edge of the bed and looks down at the band of gold on her finger; her mind flashing her the happiest moment of her adult life when Mac had asked her to become his wife.

"Stella?" Mac's warm tone breaks her thoughts and forces her to look up at the doorway.

"Lost in thought," she mumbles as she pushes herself upright and slowly pads toward him, lingering in front of him before her lips move in and rest on his. "Mmm you smell good," she whispers as she pulls back. "How did you manage?" She inquires, letting her eyes trail down his bare chest to the ugly black webbing marring his smooth flesh.

"The edges got a bit wet and the skin pulls and stings but the rest is dry so it'll be fine."

"I won't be long."

"Okay," he replies softly as he turns and watches her walk past and disappears into the bathroom. He heads for his drawer, retrieves a clean t-shirt for sleeping in and then heads for his side of the bed; stifling a painful wince as he slowly eases himself down in between the covers.

He hears Stella softly humming to herself in the shower and can't help but smile. She was an amazing woman indeed and the only one he would have wanted at his side in the situation they just came through. She was strong and tough; could fight and hold her own against any man, but also was tender and emotional when it came to those vulnerable and less fortunate. She did often wear her heart on her sleeve and when he first met her considered it a weakness to show that kind of emotion. But over the years her kind compassion won him over in ways he never imagined; tonight he saw her love for strangers in action and was compelled to respect her all the more.

He knew it pained her to be only able to pay the hospital bills and then be forced to walk away, but what else could he do? John Ryder would be leaving the hospital in a few days with his family and then they would lose track of them. As his mind pondered that sobering thought, his heart starts to be painfully in his chest, he too wanted to do more and knows that its Stella's influence now reeling him in.

Finally an idea struck him and without any hesitation, he reaches for his phone and sends a text, putting the phone down just as Stella finishes her shower and emerges in the bedroom a few minutes later. Mac's lips curl as he watches her dress into her sleeping clothes and then holds the covers open for her to join him.

She moves her body close to his, mindful of the bandaged wound and his tender ribs. "I love you Stella Taylor," Mac whispers as he twists his head and kisses her on the lips. "Never forget that."

"I love you to Mac Taylor," she smiles in return. "I never will. I promise."

Mac turns off the light and the two of them are instantly whisked away into the dark realm of sleep, being treated to a some very realistic nightmares before it would be time to get up once again.

Later the following morning, Stella opens her eyes and looks over at Mac with a small frown. His face was still a bit pale but the fact that he had slept for most of their abbreviated night was a reassuring sign.

"What time is it?" Mac asks with a soft yawn.

"Too early to be up," Stella groans as she watches him open his eyes all the way. "Good morning handsome."

"Morning yourself," he replies with a warm smile of his own. "How is your side?"

"Its fine," her fingers brush his rough cheek. "You are getting a five o'clock shadow," she teases him.

"Think it suits me?"

"No," she answers without hesitation, drawing a small chuckle from his mouth. "I like you smooth," she whispers as she leans in and brushes his lips with hers. But before she could pull away, his hand wraps around the back of her head and keeps her mouth pressed against his for another searing kiss.

"Can we take a snow day today?"

"Well I think we'll have to go and just finish up a few things but how about after that we duck out early and go for supper?" Mac suggests.

"I'd like that. Can I pick the place?" Stella asks with arches brows.

"Should I be afraid?"

"Very," she retorts with a giggle. They linger in bed a bit longer before it was time to get up, get something to eat and then head into the lab to get a few things done.

"Seriously Mac, you are in today?" Flack walks up to him with a surprised expression.

"You are," Mac shoots back.

"I didn't nearly die last night," Flack retorts in sarcasm. "How's the side?"

"Fine and how is our guest of honor?"

"Denying everything and demanding to see McMasters once more. I told him to go to hell and he'd see him in court," Flack in forms them as the three of them walk toward Mac's office.

"I'm sure that went over well."

"Gave me the finger," Flack just shakes his head. "Stella, how are you holding up today?"

"Tired but where else would I be right?"

"You have been around him too long you know."

"And that's a bad thing?" Stella teases.

"No I guess not. Whatever happened to that guy that went to the hospital last night?"

"He survived and will be in a few more days, I talked to Ben this morning."

"Right well good to hear it. Okay I gotta run."

Stella waits for Flack to leave before turning to Mac with a small sigh. "Mac…"

"We did what we could Stella," Mac answers in haste. "Come on we have a few things to finish up before we head out."

"Sounds like a plan," she comments quietly before Mac heads into his office and Stella to the lab. The next few hours were spent just finishing things up, leaving Flack to finish the Gerard case and then heading out for a romantic dinner, just the two of them.

"What is it?" Mac asks Stella, noticing her eyes staring out the window of the restaurant they were in.

"I just hope that something good happens to John and Rita," she offers with a tender smile. "I really do."

"So do I. Ready to go?"

"We just finished dessert," Stella notes. "What's the hurry?

"You look very sexy in that dress, you tell me," Mac counters with a twinkle in his eye.

"Your side?"

"Well I can be on top for once you know," he winks as he hands the waiter his VISA. The cab ride home was spent talking about their enjoyable evening and what the week ahead might hold. They enter their quiet apartment, shedding their coats and instantly melding into each other's waiting embrace.

"I love you Stella," Mac whispers as his lips start to devour her mouth, her body arching as they move slowly down her fragrant skin.

"Make love to me Mac," Stella hotly begs as her fingers firmly grip the back of his head and guide his mouth back to hers. "Please," she whispers as her fingers slip from his waist and move lower. Ignoring her soft protest Mac lifts his beautiful wife into his arms and carries her into the bedroom, his foot closing the door and her fingers unbuttoning his dress shirt. He slowly lowers her to the bed and smiles down as he joins her in haste.

"You are so beautiful," he offers in truth as his lips move lower, hovering right above her left breast. "But your heart Stella...truly makes you perfect."

Stella's eyes slighlty water as his mouth moves back to hers. "I love you too Mac," she tells him in truth before silencing him with another heated kiss and their bodies finally become one.


1 Week Later~

"And this one too. It was…" Stella starts as she hands him a file and looks up, hearing shuffling behind her as she was seated in Mac's office. Her jaw slightly drops as she looks upon a family of four. The family that stood before them however, was different from the one standing before them a week ago. They were clean, smartly dressed and looking like a family that just left a regular suburban neighbourhood.

"John? Rita?"

"Can we come in?"

"Please do," Mac invites them.

"How are you feeling?" Stella asks in haste.

"All rested and healed up."

"We came to thank you for helping us out. We will pay back…" Rita starts only to be cut off by Mac holding up his hand.

"Please don't," Mac starts with a smile. "It was a gift, not a loan."

"But we don't take charity," John insists.

"A gift is a thank you," Stella pipes up. "You saved us that night and we wanted to help you in return."

"Well we more than appreciate it," Rita tells them in truth.

"I came to thank you for the job also. My boss said you told him not to tell me, but one of the other fellows described you and I just had to come and say how much I appreciate it."

"I know you'll make good of it John," Mac remarks warmly.

"We already have an apartment that is close to a public school. It's not much but it beats a hole under the city."

"You know now that you are all here, why don't we go for lunch," Mac suggests.

"You sure?" John asks in haste.

"We are," Stella replies. "Just let me get my coat."

"Stella made this for you," Rita urges her daughter go to Stella.

"As a thank you," the young girl mentions quietly. Stella unfolds the paper and gazes upon a group of six people. "You are family now."

Stella feels her lungs constrict and her eyes water as she kneels down and wraps her arms around the little girl. "I love it," Stella whispers and the little girls face beams. "I'll be sure to put it on the fridge at home."

"Okay let's go. There is a great diner just down the street with the best burgers in town," Mac suggests as the six of them head for the elevator.

But just as soon as the elevator doors close, Flack rushes up to Mac's office with a panicked look. His fist pounds the wall as he pulls his phone and stares blankly at the foreboding message that he would soon be sending to Mac.

'Gerard has escaped.'


A/N: Okay so left it a bit open ended in case I want to come back and have Gerard come back for revenge. Hope you all liked this ending and this ficlet and please leave me a review before you go and thanks in advance if you liked this ending and if you'd like a sequel ficlet! You know what Alice does with your reviews (uses them to write even more smacked for you all). Thanks again everyone!

PS: NY Stories just updated and hope you like it also.