So here is the long awaited first chapter of 'What If' I hope you all enjoy it

Rating: R

Warnings: Course Language, Anal, Male/Male, Sexual Situations, Rape, Uncomfortable Situations, Violence, Eating Disorders, BDSM, Suicide Attempts, Oral Sex, HPDH Spoilers, Mpreg

Parings: DOMINANT/SUBMISSIVE— Alex/Colin (Colin/Alex), Seamus/Colin (Colin Seamus), Dennis/Noah (Noah/Dennis), Charlie/Seamus (Seamus/Charlie), Mike/Ginny, Fred/Mike

Enjoy . . .

Alexander James Anderson had slept with Colin Creevey on Christmas morning and stopped the mating process before it was too late. Colin had been in a state of depression and Alex could not calm him down. Colin only calmed down when the redhead placed the blonde back in his lover's, Seamus, arms falling asleep instantly.

But what if Alex hadn't stopped the mating process? What if he had not just slept with the small boy but marked him as well? Would things be different? Would Colin go back to Seamus? Would Alex let him? Well there is no such thing as 'what if' when the author is me. Read on to this alternate ending to see what would have happened if Alex had mated with an unwilling Colin . . .


"Oh fuck! Oh fuck oh fuck, oh god! S'goooood, nooo, ah! No, no, no! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!" The blonde panted over and over, on the brink of his completion, but never reaching it. He had no idea how long he laid there, thrusting down onto the other, spreading the dark red substance over the others back, panting, screaming till his throat hurt and feeling slightly raw. But it was good, no amazing. Then it happened, the man atop stiffened and let go of the younger's shaft causing the blonde to scream again and his whole body to convulse in what felt like a never ending climax.

He felt teeth on his neck and shivered, the older's hips striking faster as the sharp instruments sunk into his flesh. Colin thrashed and yelled before stilling, a sense of calm being forced over him. The Veela's breathing hitched and a low groan fell from his lips before hot seed splashed the inside of the small blonde. The taller removed his teeth and the first tear fell from the blue eyed boy. He was tired and sore and now he felt dirty too.

The strangest thing happened next. The Veela made a weird noise and rolled onto its side pulling Colin until the smaller's back was pressed to his chest, spooning up behind him. He draped an arm over the petite waist and nuzzled the blonde locks. The younger couldn't help but feel shocked when he felt the other literally purring behind him.

Colin bit his lip and went to slip out, a deep angry growl filling the room, the older tightening his hold "Please l-l-let me go." Colin stuttered a sob falling from his lips. He felt the French man place a kiss on his shoulder before sitting up and grabbing the blanket at the end of the bed, pulling it up and over them. He was exhausted, both were. The Veela relaxed enough to allow Alex to finally break free. He stiffened and bit his lip, Colin's shaky breaths filling the room. The blonde had cried himself to sleep.

Guilt washed over the redhead and he looked at the young boy's neck. He couldn't help but feel a slight sense of pride though. He had marked Colin and mated with him. But he felt bad because of the blonde's love for the brunette. He trailed his fingers along the pale arm, laying kisses along the slim neck and shoulder, holding the smaller close.

Alex had a difficult time falling asleep that night, the smaller tossing and turning. He bit his lip and forced some of his Veela charm out, calming the fussing boy significantly. Only then did he go to sleep.


Anasks yawned and walked down the stairs with Charlie, Seamus still asleep against the basement door. She frowned and carefully had her mate move him aside before slipping down the steps. She rounded a few corners and casted a spell, lighting all the torches along the walls. The silvery blonde woman glanced into the cell and sighed.

Alex was 'sleeping' soundly, a slight smile on his face, curled up around his mate, holding him close. She knew that the Veela desired Colin, but Alex loved him. The blonde was asleep too and looked exhausted. His hands were bloodied along with Alex's back and his face was screwed up in one of guilt and grief.

"C-Colin?" Seamus whispered next to her making the young woman jump. The brunette's eyes filled with tears and he pushed the door open. Anasks wasn't stupid. She knew the moment she lit the torches Alex had woken.

"Seamus I vouldn't go in zere. 'E is likely to try and kill you." She whispered but he ignored her. He cautiously walked over to the bed and knelt down in front, reaching out and brushing his fingertips through blonde strands. A low rumbling growl filled the room and piercing green eyes locked with his. He jumped and pulled his hand back.

"Y-you mated with him?" the Irishman asked quietly. The older slowly and skilfully climbed over the youngest, laying down and blocking Colin from Seamus' view. He was protecting him. Alex, or more so the Veela, barred his teeth in warning.

"You lost Finnigan." Was all the taller said before turning his back to him, facing the smaller. He smiled lovingly at the blonde and nuzzled his hairline lightly running his fingertips happily along the pale arm.

"He hates you, you do know that right?" The brunette grumbled out, standing.

"That may be but who's the one that has him now?" It was the Veela, not Alex that much was obvious.

"But he'll never love you. He'll reject you because you forced him to do something he didn't want to! I love him and he loves me! How can you do that to someone?" he yelled. Colin shifted and the tallest was up and in front of the Irishman in seconds, picking up the blonde.

"S-Seamus?" Colin whispered, eyes starting to water as he reached out. The Veela growled and apparated away, the blonde literally kicking and screaming as he walked over to his bed and tossed the blonde down. The younger went to crawl off and the older snapped his beak, pinning him down on his stomach.

"Let me go!"

"No!" The grip was loosening and Colin knew that Alex was slipping back through. Green eyes locked with his, a sad expression crossing it. "Please just go back to sleep."

"Fuck you!" His voice raised an octave and cracked. Alex closed his eyes and pulled back, walking to his bathroom and slamming the door shut. Colin heard a frustrated yell followed by things breaking and hitting the wall, sniffs following soon after. The blonde blinked and cursed as he felt a pull leading towards his Veela. He walked over and opened the door. Alex was sitting on the toilet seat with his glasses on the counter, heels of his palms digging into his eyes, body convulsing.

"A-Alex?" Colin placed a hesitant hand on the lean shoulder and squeezed. "Al?"

"What?" He ground out.

"I-I'm sorry."

"No you're not it's the mate. You want Seamus. But you can't have him!" Alex was up and pinned the smaller across the room in seconds, knocking the breath out of him. He nuzzled the pale neck and pressed his lips to it; shivers raking the smaller's body, a quiet moan slipping out.

"D-don't." Colin muttered, struggling slightly. The redhead pulled back a little and brushed his nose alongside the others, his eyes closed. Strong hands shifted from the pale arms to the slim waist, rubbing the side gently. He moved away and stretched.

"You're still starkers by the way." The older said over his shoulder. Colin's eyes widened and his face heated up. "I'll have the house elves fetch some clothes from your home, but for now you can borrow some of mine." The younger went to object and Alex cut him off. "Unless you'd prefer being naked. I wouldn't mind that at all really." He smirked knowingly and motioned for the smaller to follow.

The blonde sniffed and stepped around the broken glass, glancing up and blushing. Alex did have a nice arse, and . . . tattoos?

"Y-you have tattoos?" Colin whispered.

"Hmm? Oh yeah." He nodded and opened a wardrobe, shifting through and sighing. He looked down at the other and chuckled.

"What?" Colin slowly went to cover himself.

"No not that. Our height difference love. You're like what? Five feet tall?"

"Five two thank you." The other barked. Alex laughed and shook his head, pulling out a button up shirt. "Why how tall are you?"

"Six feet even." Colin gaped at him. The taller smiled and turned to the other, holding the open shirt up for the smaller.

"I can do it." The blonde muttered but slipped his arms in anyways, blushing deeply when the shirt nearly fell back off, reaching down to his knees. Alex stifled a laugh and led the short boy over to his bed, sitting on the edge and reaching out to do up the buttons. "You're making me feel like a child."

"You are a child Colin." Alex smiled up at him, continuing his task. He finished buttoning up the shirt and smiled watching as it slid a bit, revealing the mark he made. He lightly grasped the thin hand and leaned over, pressing his lips to the bite, the other shivering slightly.

"Bottoms." Colin whispered.

"Hmm?" Alex kissed the spot and smirked when a quiet moan slipped out of his mate.

"B-bottoms, my arse is getting cold." The older smiled and pulled back, summoning a pair of boxers. He briefly wondered how long it would take for Colin to realize he was still feeding some of his calming charm. The last thing he wanted was to have the smaller burst into tears over the Irish lad.

"I was going to toss these ones since they're a bit small, but I think they'll be ok for you until you get some clothes here."

"I don't want to move here." Colin glared.

"Tough." The blonde snatched the undergarments and growled when the older didn't let go. A fine brow rose in amusement.

"If you want to give me attitude I can warm your arse up in a different way." He said in a monotone voice, locking his eyes with the petite boy's. Colin flinched and bit his lip, looking away.

"S-sorry." Alex let go of the bottoms and watched as the other slowly slid them on, the material still a bit big and slipping down a little. "A-Alex?" The other nodded at him. "Why doesn't my arse hurt that much?" The older chuckled and pulled the slightly struggling blonde onto his lap.

"Because I used some spells about an hour after you fell asleep to help numb the pain. Keep struggling and the charms could break then you'd really be hurting." Colin stilled and looked at the other with wide eyes. There was a knock on the door and Alex looked up. "Yes?"

"Lord Anderson?" He sighed.

"Come in." The door opened and boy about Colin's age poked his head in. "What is it Marcus?"

"I was just wondering if-"

"No." Alex cut in. The brunette huffed and nodded closing the door.

"That wasn't very nice!" Colin grumbled.

"He's been trying to shag Noah for three years now."

"Oh." The smaller blushed.

"Yeah." Alex shifted the smaller and stood up, lowering the blonde to his feet. "Come on, breakfast."

"M'not hungry." Green eyes glanced to him and his arm shot out, momentarily startling Colin. The taller's glasses flew into his hands and he slipped them on.

"Then sit with me."

"No thanks." He mumbled. Alex lightly, grasped his shoulder and led him to the stairs. Colin's eyes watered but he reluctantly let the taller lead him. He wanted Seamus. A quiet sob shook his body and Alex sighed, pulling the smaller closer to his side. He rounded a few corners and went down a flight of stairs, ending up in the main lobby area. A house elf rustled over and smiled, giving a bow, nose scraping the ground.

"What can Tweety get for Lord Alex and his companion?"

"This is Colin Creevey, and just something light to eat and some clothes from Colin's home please." Alex said softly.

"Right away lord Alex!" There was a loud crack and the blonde jumped. Al smiled and led him into a smaller sitting room, walking them both over to a soft, plush carpet in front of a warm fire.

"This is my study." Alex mumbled. Colin glanced around at the couch and coffee table, book shelves on both sides of the walls, an elegant desk on the far side of the room, dark heavy curtains drawn over the windows.

The carped was a soft beige and the walls were a light peach, wood trim with the couch being white and the table and desk a dark wood. Colin sat down and tangled his fingers in the soft carpet, watching them disappear slightly. "Is it fur?" He asked quietly a bit nervous.

"No." Alex stated, sitting next to him. "Noah and I are both against that. Mike could care less about that kind of thing." He smiled watching the small boy play. There was a knock and Alex glanced up. "Yes?"

"Tweety is back sir!"

"Alright, come on in." Alex called out. The small house elf rushed in with a giant smile and placed the tray of food down between them and the fire. The older wizard smiled and rubbed the bald head in thanks, large eyes glinting as the house elf bounced away. Alex looked down and laughed at the food. Colin glanced over at it and his face brightened up dramatically.

"I used to have this all the time when I was little!" He called out looking at the crackers, cheese and kielbasa. Alex picked up a piece of cheese and taped the younger's lip with it. Colin flushed and hesitantly opened his mouth, letting the short rectangle slide it. The taller smiled softly at him and picked up his own cracker, munching on it. "You're supposed to make sandwiches." Colin laughed. Alex looked at him confused. "Watch."

Colin picked up a cracker and put a piece of cheese and meat on it, placing another cracker on top. "See?" The older chuckled when the younger held it out to him. The blonde's face slowly turned the shade of his house when the other leaned over and took a bite of it, the food still in the other's grip. Alex stifled a laugh and quickly ate it, leaning in and pressing his lips to the rosy cheek.

He sat back and picked up a cracker, putting cheese and meat on it, followed by another cracker and watched as his mate shyly ate the rest of the one he bit. Alex's eyes skimmed over the smaller, taking in how his shirt would slide, exposing the slim neck and collarbone. Colin was beautiful. Grey blue eyes looked back up at him and Alex smiled, leaning back on his forearms and looking up at the ceiling.

Colin watched the muscles in Alex's biceps move as he leaned back, his toned stomach showing. His dark green boxers slid up a little when he bent his leg, the pale, strong thigh being shown. The younger flushed and looked away, nibbling at his food again.

The French teen sat back up when the other finished eating and pushed on the blonde's chest. Colin's hands flew back to stop himself from falling over and Alex crawled closer, pushing down a bit harder and leaning in, nipping the pale neck lightly.

"A-Alex s-s-stop." He shivered and closed his eyes, the taller lightly grasping his one arm and pulling it out, the younger toppling onto his back. The green eyed boy shifted around, forcing his Veela charm on the younger, watching the blue orbs roll and the thin back arch, a quiet moan slipping out, his member twitching.

The older smirked and slipped between the almost hairless legs, slipping his hand up from the underside of his calf, up around his knee then inwards on his upper thigh, spreading his legs farther apart. Colin let out a shaky breath as his mind entered a clouded fog, tingles trailing up his leg. He wanted the tingles to touch him, it felt good. He needed to feel good.

"Vat do you vish vor me to do Colin?" Alex grumbled in a deep, heavy French accent. The smaller moaned and subconsciously reached out, gripping the strong bicep. He arched up and squeezed his eyes tight.

"The t-tingles please make the tingles come back." He whispered biting at his lip and tugging it between his teeth. Alex smiled and leaned down, ghosting his lips over the others, laying his hand back on the other's inner thigh.

"As you vish." Colin gasped and Alex pressed their mouth together gently, the smaller moaning as the older pulled his lip between his teeth then slipped his tongue into the warm cavern. The younger let out a high moan and pressed his tongue to the hot tingles, running it along them and groaning, the same feeling slipping along his lower half and light pushing on his perineum.

"Ah!" He broke the kiss and tossed his head back, arching and bucking. Alex trailed his lips along the pale jaw and down his neck, continuing to massage his perineum, his other hand reaching up and popping the buttons on the white shirt.

"Lord Alex!" The redhead let out an annoyed sigh and buried his face in the pale neck, nipping it.

"Yeah?" He grumbled out sucking on a patch of skin. Colin arched and shivered.

"Master Noah wishes to see you and a Dennis Creevey is worried because his brother didn't come home last night." Tweety said. The French man groaned and sat back. Colin's eyes widened and he scuttled away.

"Let them in." The door opened and both boys froze.

"Alex . . ." Noah ground out carefully.

"COLIN!" Dennis was across the room in seconds, plopping down next to the confused boy. Alex let out a heavy breath and stood up.

"We need to talk . . . Now." Noah hissed yanking the taller out of the room. Dennis locked eyes with his brother and bit his lip.

"Are you alright? What happened? Where's Shay?" Colin let out a sob.

"H-h-h-he mated with m-m-me!" He pulled his knees to his chest and the younger glared at the floor.

"Come on." Dennis stood up, the other standing and following him. "We have to be quiet though." Colin just nodded.


"What the hell did you do?" Noah hissed at him. Alex raised an amused brow and leaned against the wall.

"What do you think I did? Painted a homeless shelter?"

"Stop joking around Alexander!" The smaller yelled. "These are peoples' lives you're fucking with! He loves Seamus! How can you do that to him?"

"Oh please." Green eyes glared down at brilliant blue. "Like you'd do anything different!"

"I would!"

"LIAR!" Alex grabbed the blonde's arms and spun them around, pinning him to the wall. "You would do the same thing Noah! You love Dennis, he's your mate, he's MADE for YOU! If someone else was dating him you and I both know you would do everything in your damn power to get Dennis or get rid of the other guy!" Noah looked away and slumped. Alex leaned away and stiffened.

"What?" Noah asked confused. The older let out a growl and ran back to his study, throwing the door open.

"Where is he?" He yelled at his brother.

"What? I don't know!"

"Don't fuck with me Noah or so help me god you'll regret it!" The older barked.

"I don't know!" His eyes widened and he yelped when a fist collided with his face. Blue orbs watered and he looked up shocked at the other. Alex's eyes flashed and his face hardened. The Veela was pissed, not Alex. "I'm not telling you." Noah turned on his heel and staked off.

"Fine. I'll find him myself."

I know Alex seemed slightly childish in here but keep in mind that he's not even 18 yet, almost, but not quite. He's in April and its December.