Deidara quietly entered their bedroom. It was early, the sun had just risen and he had gone down to kitchen to have a glass of water. Sakura was asleep, lying on her stomach, pink hair sprawled over her calm face, the blanket had rolled down to her lower back, leaving the rest of her back naked. Deidara carefully climbed by her side and watched amazed the sun rays playing on her soft, pale skin.

Beautiful, he thought. She was a true masterpiece. His art paled in comparison with her.

Sakura's eyes fluttered open to reveal the green on them that crushed with the blues of his. "You're up early," she smiled.

"Couldn't sleep," he answered and pulled her into his arms.

"What were you thinking about?" Knowing him well enough, she asked as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Deidara smirked. "That we'll need a bigger house with a bigger backyard-"

"Why? What's wrong with this one?" Sakura looked up at Deidara as she interrupted him.

"-with all the kids we'll have that will inherit my kekke genkai-"

Again he was interrupted, only this time her lips did a complete different action. "Don't you forget about my abilities too," she said between kisses.

"Definitely a bigger backyard," Deidara grinned as he spun them around and leaned back down to capture her lips greedily.

16 years later

The 40-year old pink haired woman wiped her tears away when she watched the magnificent fireworks - a birthday present from the Iwato men and one girl. Each year on her birthday they prepared something wonderful and it amazed Sakura that it never repeated. Every time it was different and surpassed the previous year.

"Happy birthday, mom," Haru embraced her.

"Thank you, honey," she said as she returned the embrace.

"We love you, mom!" Twins - Hikaru and Hiroki - attacked her with an enthusiastic hug.

Sakura laughed. "I love you too, boys. Alright, you can let me breathe now," they finally let her go and she faced her only daughter Harumi.

"Happy birthday, mom," Harumi grinned. She was the only one of her children that inherited her pink hair, though, it was a bit paler pink.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Sakura pulled her into a embrace too.

When the girl released her and joined her teammates that were invited to this party too, Sakura's eyes wandered through all the people that were gathered in her backyard and searched for a certain someone.

Then two strong arms from behind her sneaked around her waist and she was pulled closer to a familiar body. "Happy birthday, Love," Deidara said in a low voice that only she was able to hear, sending shivers down her body as he placed a soft kiss on her neck.

Sakura turned around and put her arms around his neck and smiled at him. "Thank you. How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Those fireworks. Each year I keep wondering about your imagination and it never ceases to amaze me."

Deidara shot her a grin. "That's an Iwato secret."

"But I'm an Iwato too!" Sakura protested.

"True," Deidara's grin was replaced with a proud smirk. "But then it won't be that amazing next year if I tell you."

Sakura sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. "Also true. Have you heard something from Sasori?"

"Yeah. He said he won't make it this year."

"Gaara could have let him come this year," she pouted. "I haven't seen Sasori for years."

"We could visit him," Deidara suggested watching the twins playing a prank on Sasuke's son who was also Harumi's teammate. Boys had a suspicion that the Uchiha had a crush on the 13-year old pink haired girl. And nothing could make two 15-year old boys happier than to mock the Uchiha.

"Sakura!" Before she could answer her husband, a whine from a certain Nara cut her short.

"Shikamaru," Sakura sighed knowing what will follow next. "What's the matter?"

"Your son is trying to seduce my Yuuki again," yep, she was right again. She had heard this accusation for the past year, yet she couldn't be happier of her son's choice.

"Which one?" Sakura asked amused.

"Haru. Who else?" Shikamaru sighed.

"Relax, Nara," Deidara laughed. "She's in good hands."

"And if an Iwato has set his eyes on someone," Sakura continued, "then it's for a lifetime." She smiled at Deidara and then looked back at a horrified Shikamaru. "And if an Iwato manages to die, he will somehow find a way to come back to reclaim what was once his. Believe me, I'm a living proof to that."

"Mah, Sakura," Deidara protested, "you made me sound like I was some evil barbarian that had kidnapped the village's beauty or something like that."

"As if it wasn't like that!"

"I didn't kidnap you. You came willingly."

"Whatever," Sakura punched Deidara's arm. "What I wanted to say, Shikamaru, was that you shouldn't worry. Haru is a responsible young man. You should be proud of your daughter's choice."

"And so should you be," someone from behind them said in a smooth voice.

"Huh?" Sakura turned around and saw that it was Itachi. "What do you mean?" Itachi pointed in the direction where her daughter was...talking and blushing with Itachi's eldest, a 15-year old prodigy, like his father was. Itachi had married a Hyuuga that wasn't all that significant to the clan so their leader didn't protest much, when Itachi asked for her hand. And imagine what you get when Sharingan and Byakugan is mixed in one. Plus, that boy was extremely smart and skilled, just what you expect from someone who's father is the Uchiha Itachi. " has a good taste."

"What?" Deidara exclaimed. "What's wrong with you Uchihas? Why your sons keep stalking my little girl?"

"Deidara!" Sakura silenced him. "That Uchiha is a way better choice than the other one."

"Are you talking about my son?" Sasuke engaged the conversation. "It seems that Harumi has quite the temper. Like yourself. Reminds me of our genin days when you used to punch Naruto." He smirked. "Only this time the victim is an Uchiha, not an Uzumaki. Speaking of which, where's the dobe?"

Sakura looked around and when she didn't see him, opened her mouth to say that she had no idea, the gate of their backyard opened and a grinning blond man with his family came in. "Attention! Attention! The Hokage is here!" He announced loudly. Sakura hit the back of his head. "Sakura-chan," he whined. "What was that for?"

"You're late!"

"I'm sorry. I am the Hokage, you know, I have some duties."

"Hokage my ass. It's my birthday, for Kami's sake! It happens only once in a yeah, you know," Sakura rolled her eyes as Naruto's face fell. "Idiot. I'm glad you came."

Naruto's face once again changed and with a wide grin he locked his ex-team mate, now one of the Council (he had done just as the Third - when he was made the Hokage, Naruto immediately took Sakura and Sasuke as his councilors. Might want to add, that they were much better than the previous ones by being more tolerant and rational, even though Sasuke did have his moments when he suggested extreme things. But that wasn't something Sakura couldn't deal with.) into a tight hug. "Happy birthday, Sakura-chan!"

"Thank you, Naruto," she answered with a smile.

"So," Naruto started once he returned Sakura back to Deidara and occupied his arms with Hinata, "did we miss much?"

"Nah," Sakura answered, "we were just comparing our kids and thinking which Uchiha is better for Harumi."

"Oh," the Hokage grinned. "There's nothing much to compare, mine are far better than yours."

"Naruto!" Hinata elbowed her husband in the ribs and smirked when he groaned in pain. "I'm sorry, he didn't mean like that."

"Of course I did..." Naruto mumbled while rubbing the sore spot on his side making everyone around them laugh.


Sakura sighed happily as she laid herself in the bed, stretching her body and crawling next to Deidara who pulled her closer to him. "That was a long day," she said as her head rested on his chest.

"Mhm," Deidara hummed in agreement and stroked her hair.

"They are growing up so fast," a glint of sadness in her voice. "Harumi's going to be 14 in few months already."

"Yeah, time does flies fast, doesn't it?"

"It does. And in just a blink of an eye we're gonna be old, with wrinkles and watching over our grandchildren as their parents go on missions," Deidara frowned at what his wife just said.

"Since when you are one of those whose glasses are always half empty?"

"Since I realized that I just turned 40."

"So?" Deidara asked and sat up a little pulling Sakura along with him. "Your life only starts now. With our kids almost grown up, we can have more time for ourselves now."

"I guess you're right," Sakura sighed one more time, her hand sliding down from Deidara's chest to his abdomen, causing pleasant shivers and he started to feel lust slowly taking over his mind as her warm fingers traced along his muscles.

"I am," he gulped a little when her fingers run dangerously low. "By the way, Hikaru and Hiroki assigned themselves at Akatsuki." He immediately regretted what he said, because Sakura stopped her movements and looked up at him.

"Make them especially hard to get in."

Deidara arched a brow. "Why?"

"If they are planning in being a part of the strongest unit of our army, then they must understand what's awaiting them."

"You just don't want them to join, do you?"

"It's enough that one of my kids is putting his life on risk by following our steps. I don't want to worry over two more knuckleheads," Sakura said a bit bitterly. Deidara smilled at her and caressed her cheek softly.

"Give them more credit, Sakura. They're actually really good, ANBU's already taken an interest in them."

Sakura groaned and rested her forehead on his chest. "I think I like the Akatsuki idea more than ANBU. At least we can watch over them better in Akatsuki."

Deidara chuckled and lifted her chin up until he met her eyes. "Now forget about them. Did I tell you how amazingly sexy you looked in that outfit tonight?"

A smile crept on Sakura's lips and she shook her head. "You didn't."

"Well then - I couldn't keep my eyes and hands off of you, that's how sexy you looked."

That smile widened as Sakura leaned closer Deidara's lips and just as she was mere inches away from them she said in a low and suggestive voice: "I couldn't keep you out of my mind the whole evening either."

"Is that so?" Deidara whispered, closing the distance between their lips a bit more, teasing both Sakura and himself.

"Mhm, and I kept remembering how it all started with us. It's funny how I thought that you were a delusional, art obsessed prick that wanted my best friend dead."

"And you were the most annoying girl I've ever met."

Sakura chukled, their lips now brushing against each other. "I kinda like it how we are now."

Couldn't standing the tension between them anymore, Deidara in one swift movement spun them around and kissed Sakura passionately. The attraction between them hadn't lessened over the years, it seemed only to grow. Though, he knew every inch of her skin and exactly how she would react if he touched her in various places on her slender body, he just couldn't imagine any other woman in her place. She was his and he was hers. And nothing in the world could change it.

When they broke off for air, Deidara said between pants: "I kinda like it too."

The End.

And it's done! Kinda short, but done. And I'm so damn proud of myself now. ^^

Thanks to everyone who read this story and reviewed and favorited and put on story alert!

I kinda enjoyed writing this and I really do hope that you guys enjoyed reading this story.

This story means a lot to me because: 1) I feel like my writing has a bit improved; 2) I realized that this is the first happy ending I've ever written. Oh, well. I'm becoming soft, obviously.

Anyways - I see you in my other stories! Keep on rockin' folks!
