Author's Note: Please pay attention to the dates, we jump back and forth in time.

Sept 06, 2003, Upstate NY

"So what do we say?" She asked as she nervously stood before the door.

"We aint gotta tell them anything, it aint nobody's business but ours."

"But they are our friends, do you not think they should know. I mean they will probably figure it out.

"Whatever, darlin it's your show you want them to know, you tell them, but I don't want no parties or shit like that." He commanded as she stifled a giggle knowing that was exactly what they would get.

"Agreed." She said smiling warmly at him as she opened the door and moved to walk in, only to be suddenly pulled back. "What?" She asked as she turned to him with curious eye. He simply smirked at her and then reached down and effortlessly scooped her up into his arms. "Logan, What…"

"It's tradition for the husband ta carry his wife over tha threshold aint it?" He said as he moved them through the door, and she giggled despite herself.

"Hey you two, we we're wondering what happened to you, you never checked in. " Scott said as he and Jean descended the staircase, both about to head to the Professor's office.

"Oh God Ro, are you ok?" Jean asked as she rushed to her friend who was still nestled in Logan's strong arms.

"Uhhh, yes I am fine." Ro answered as she looked to Logan, hoping he would sit her down, but he kept a firm grip on her.

"Then why is Logan carrying you?" Scott questioned as he folded his arms across his chest awaiting an answer.

"Cause," Logan began to speak as he pushed past Scott and Jean and moved to the staircase, with Ororo still in his embrace. "I'm planning on takin my 'wife' upstairs and makin love ta her til we both collapse. Tell Chuck we'll check in with him in tha morning." Ororo stared at him in disbelief as she laughed, while Scott and Jean looked after them in shock.

"I thought you wanted me to tell them,"

"I couldn't resist, did ya see tha look on one-eyes face?" Logan said with a chuckle as he took the stairs two at the time.

"Ok did he just say his 'wife'? Scott asked hoping he had heard wrong and Jean could only nod her head, which reeled from the news. "What the Fuck?"

Four days prior: Sept 02, 2003 Las Vegas

"Ok what do we do now?" Ororo asked as she watched a man leaving from over Logan's shoulder. "I mean we came here expecting this to take a few days and it only took a few hours, remind me to take you on all our recon mission." She added jokingly. "I suppose we could head home."

"Yer kiddin right?" Logan asked as he looked back at her from over his shoulders. "We're in Vegas and have exactly three days of free time, and ya wanna go home. Come on Goddess come down and join the rest of us mere mortals, let that gorgeous head of hair down and have some fun." Ororo smiled despite being slightly pissed at him calling her Goddess, which she had asked him on numerous occasions not to do.

"Ok so what do we do first?" She asked not believing she was even considering playing hookie with Logan in Las Vegas for a few days. A broad smile spread across Logan's face as he grasped her hand.

"C'mon, we're hitting the tables."

"You mean Gambling, oh no Logan…"

"Ya aint gotta gamble just come be my good luck charm." He said and she nodded with a smile.

Several Hours Later

"Goddess I cannot believe I allowed you to talk me in to gambling, nor can I believe we won so much MONEYYYYY!" she squealed as she fell back on the bed, which was covered with all their winnings. Logan watched her with a grin on his face as he leaned against the doorframe. His breath caught in his throat when Ororo began grabbing fistful of bills and wiping them over her body, as if washing herself.

"I told ya, ya'd have fun." He said as his eyes watched every movement her hands made, as it traveled along her slender frame.

"Yes, and you were correct." She giggled as she sat up on her elbows and looked at him. "So I shall do something nice for you, how about..." She let her tongue stick out a bit as she thought, not noticing the effect she was having on Logan, who had to shake his head to clear the nasty thoughts he was having. "Dinner and dancing, my treat." She said as she smiled up at him.

"Dinner sounds good, I'm hungry but I aint doin no dancing,"

"Aww come on Logan, were in Vegas what goes on here, stays here, is that not the slogan? I shall tell no one that you danced, I promise."

"Fine." He grumbled and Ororo excitedly jumped from the bed and moved to him giving him a quick hug and peck on the cheek.

"Great, now I have to find something to wear." She announced as she dashed to the hotel closet.

"Or ya could jus buy something, yer rich now remember?" Her eyes widened to the thought.

"There was a red sequenced dress I saw down in the boutique store."

"So call have them send it up and put it on the room bill."

"And what about you, the dress is a bit fancy, do you have anything to wear that is 'fancy'?"

"I'll come up wit something,"

"Hey Ro ya ready?" Logan called as he entered her room through the adjoining door to his room. "We got reservations down at the restaurant and if were late…" His words stilled as he looked up and saw Ororo nervously standing in her bathroom doorway.

"You look very handsome Logan, you clean up very nicely." She said as she moved further into the room. Logan could only stand staring, which instantly made Ororo self-conscious. "What is it too much?" She asked as she began fidgeting with the dress, which clung to her every curve.

"Naw, yer gorgeous," Logan suddenly spoke out surprising them both with his comment. "I think I might be in for a night of kicking ass, trying to keep the guys off'n ya."

"Thank you," She replied blushing a bit as she moved to him and took his outstretched arm, and then they headed out.

"There's only been one guy, fer real?"

"Goddess why do you sound so surprised. Do I look like a loose woman to you?"

"Naw darlin it aint that," Logan assured as they sat eating their dinner. They had been at the table for over two hours conversing more than eating, but both having a good time. "It's jus that yer a very beautiful and desirable woman. I just figured ya had ta beat the guys off ya."

"Thank you Logan you are full of compliments tonight," Ororo proclaimed with a smile as she sipped at her white wine. "But if truth be told, I am just not the type men go for. Yes they look and make comments but in the end I think my looks are too much for them."

"What about yer looks?"

"Well, I am not your typical black woman, what with the white hair and blue eyes."

"And ya think yer looks hurt ya," Logan said with a chuckle as he gulped down his scotch.

"Well yes, and stop laughing at me Logan. Do you think I like being alone or liking someone when they act as if I do not exist, or they notice but they just do not wish to get involved because they find be too overwhelming."

"We don't find ya too overwhelming darlin, yer jus so hot we figer we don't stand a chance wit ya." He said plainly and Ororo watched him waiting to see if he was joking with her, and when he didn't even crack a smile she knew he had meant what he had just said to her. She bowed her head a bit shyly, and a cascade of her curly white hair fell, covering her face. Logan reached out and pushed it back and she looked up at him. "Yer breathtaking 'Ro, and don't let anyone convince you different."

Two Hours Later

"Shut up," She said as she punched him in his arm, knocking his elbow from the bar, and causing him to spill some of his drink he held to his lips, on his rented suit. "Stop saying that, when you do not mean it."

"Why don't I?" He asked pausing his glass on his lip before gulping down the golden liquor.

"Puh-leeze Logan, it is common knowledge that you have a thing for red heads." She commented before throwing back her drink and then making a face and shaking her head as the liquid burn her insides. Logan couldn't help but laugh at what he thought was a cute face she was making.

"Yeah I do, and it goes way back, long before Jean, but that don't mean I'm blind and I'd have ta be not to notice you."

"Ha!" Ororo laughed out right. "I think you are getting me drunk to try and get me into bed Logan. Well I can tell you, you have wasted your alcohol, my friend. I would have gone to bed with you anyway." She stated and nearly fell off her bar stool laughing as Logan spit his drink out across the counter, completely stunned by her bold comment.

"Is that a fact?" He asked arching a brow at her.

"Yes it is," She said lifting her chin a bit in defiance.

A few moments later

"Mmmhhhh…can't this thing move faster?" She asked in between their fevered kiss, reaching out and pushing at the elevator buttons again. Logan grasped her hand, knocked it away and then pushed the stop button, which caused the elevator to jerked to a stop. He then moved his hands back to her body where he fumbled with the zipper of her tight dress, but with little success.


He let one blade retract and moved it to the slit on the side of the dress, cutting it, allowing him to hike up the dress to Ororo's waist, as he lifted her from the floor and wrapped her legs around his waist. He moved in closer, grinding his painful erection against her and she gasped at the feel and size of him. Suddenly the elevator began to move again knocking them off balance as Ororo slipped back to the floor and just in time for the door to open on their floor, allowing entrance to a small group of people who quickly filled the elevator, and Logan pulled he and Ororo out in the hall, where he pulled her against him to a bruising kiss. He pinned her against a wall and trailed a kiss from her lips to her neck, and then down to her chest. He pulled back and hurried them down the hallway to their door. He paused and looked at her.

"Ya sure ya wanna…" She cut off his question with a kiss and when she pulled back she nodded her head as she stared at him with lust filled eyes. He let a growl emanated in his chest and he moved his mouth back to her and swiped the key through the lock. He pushed the door open and they stumbled inside, he then kicked the door shut behind them.

They stumbled across the room, neither letting the other too far from them, after a few moments of heavy groping and heated kissing, Ororo pulled back as Logan reluctantly released her lips.

"Logan," She said breathlessly as she looked at him in a haze. He quickly buried his face against her neck, suckling there and making it difficult for Ororo to finish what she was saying. "What are we doing? This is not us we are both a little drunk…But Goddess that feels so good…and you are a really good kisser…Mmmmhmhm." Logan taking her words as an invitation, moved back up to her mouth recapturing her lips in a heady kiss. Again she pulled back. "Logan?" He stopped instantly and stared at her. "This will change everything, could possibly ruin our friendship are you willing to risk that?" She asked and after a moment's pause to reflect, he replied.

"I'm willing if you are," He said shrugging.

"Goddess yes," She replied and they fell against each other again raping each other's mouth. Their remaining clothing was discarded and Logan hurriedly lifted Ororo into his arms and carried her toward his bed. He settled her down against the spread and then climbed up hovering above her, placing soft kisses along her jaw line and neck, before moving down her chest and to her breast, where he latched on slowly sucking and twirling his tongue around the nipple.

"Sssuuuuuuuu," Ororo hissed behind clenched teeth as she allowed the pleasure to wash over her, shamelessly lacing her fingers through Logan's hair and holding him to her, while arching up to meet his mouth. After several moments giving both her breasts attention, Logan kissed further down Ororo's body, pausing at her crossed legs, which he immediately pried open, not caring for Ororo's protests or attempts to keep him out.

"Logan you do not have to do that, I do not want you to." She spoke out clearly as if her drunken state had passed. He paused at her slightly bent kneecaps which were together as if fused that way, looking at her.

"I know but I want to, I wanna taste ya Ro, don't tell me you don't like guys goin down on ya?"

"No guy ever has." She said calmly invoking a wide grin to cross Logan's face.

"Oh then we're both in fer a treat. C'mon darlin open up, if'n ya don't like it I'll stop, just tell me to, and I swear I'll stop." She watched him warily and then slowly allowed her legs to fall open, and with a smirk on his lips, Logan quickly moved in between her legs before she could change her mind. He hastily and hungrily licked her clit and then sucked into his mouth sending a shock through her system, which caused her to gasp and clutch at the bedding. He released her bud and took his tongue and ran it along her pink folds and was rewarded with a whimper of ecstasy from Ororo and a mouthful of her sweet juices. He groaned, closing his eyes and breathing in deeply and the taste and smell of her over took all his senses. As he continued to lick and nip her pussy, he placed one of his fingers at her opening and slowly slid it in. Ororo cried out but he wasn't sure if it was in pain or pleasure and didn't care as her walls tightly gripped at his finger.

"Fuck, yer so tight darlin." He spoke in a near growl as he slowly pulled his finger out and then just as slowly pushed it back in. Ororo fisted the bedding in her hand and she closed her eyes and bit her lip, trying not to cry out as both exquisite pain and pleasure coursed through her. A sliver of sobriety invaded her mind as she recalled something she had forgotten to tell Logan and the urgency to do so filled her as he crept up her body, moving in between her thighs, using his knees to spread her legs open to him. When she opened her mouth to talk she was greeted with his tongue, as he began to kiss her but slower this time and she moaned into his mouth, completely forgetting her earlier thoughts, but they came crashing back with one swift thrust from Logan.

Ahhhhhhh…owwwww, GODDESS!" She screamed out throwing her head back and completely arching her back off the bed.

They both sat upon the bed, Logan at the foot roughly racking his fingers through his hair and Ororo sat up near the headboard, clutching the sheet to her naked body, as she nervously watched him. Both had lost their buzz and were now bone sober and silent until Ororo spoke out.

"Logan, did I do something wrong, was…was I bad?" She asked tentatively and he shot his head back and stared at her in disbelief.

"Naw, you're…you were a fucking virgin," He stated what was now the obvious as his eyes fell from her face down to the crimson stain on the sheet, he quickly closed his eyes to the sight, turning back around and burying his face in his hands, which he wiped down his face.

"You say it like it is a bad thing, it is the way of my people, a woman remains this way until she is married, she then offers it as a gift to her husband."

"Yeah and that's the bad part, ya should've done that. That was something special and sacred and it should have been given to yer husband or at least someone ya loved, not like this." He said waving his hand about. "Why tha hell didn't ya say something, 'Ro?" He asked again turning to face her.

"I forgot," She answered honestly.

"You forgot, how tha hell can ya forget something like that Ro?" He said in a near yell causing her to flinch back a little.

"I do not know, you were kissing me, and I was drunk, and I got this funny tingly feeling in here," She placed her hand below her navel.

"You were drunk and horny," Logan stated nodding his understandings. "Look I'm sorry 'Ro, shit I should have known."

"How could you have?"

"Oh there were signs, tha way you smell and Sabretooth." He said.

"Sabretooth?" She repeated and burrowed her brow in confusion. "And what do you mean the way I smell, what virgins smell bad?"

"Naw, not bad it's a sweet smell, all-natural and no amount of perfume can cover it, I smelt it on you but couldn't place it til now, and Sabretooth could too, which explains why he always targeted you in all our confrontations, arousal, it's an intoxicating smell. Just don't know why I didn't notice til now."

"Maybe because you were too busy sniffing around someone else." She threw out snidely and Logan arched a curious brow to her comment about his flirting with Jean, and the fact that it seemed to have bothered her.

"Maybe." He agreed and grew silent for a moment before speaking again. "So…" He said and she looked at him in bafflement.


"Guess there's only one way ta fix this, where we both save face."

"Really, you can fix it, how, are you going to put it back?" She said sarcastically with a giggle, which instantly faded as she noticed the serious look on his face. "What?"

Hours Later

She sat up, leaning against the headboard, staring down at her hand, twisting her new ring around and around on her finger, while he lay across the foot of the bed, with his arm thrown over his face, waiting.

"Darlin, it aint legal, legal til we do." He spoke out with a heavy sigh.

"I know that, it is just…well we are married." She replied as she stared in disbelief at how easily he had adapted.

"Yeah I was there."

"Well this is all just a bit disconcerting, don't you think?"

"Naw, not really, look 'Ro what's the big deal it aint like we aint…" He eyed her as he lifted his arm a bit from his face. "Hell, that's why we're here in the first place." He ended dropping his arm again, as he drummed the fingers of his other hand against his taunt stomach.

"Yes and that's just the story I shall tell our children, how you took my virginity and then did the honorable thing and married me." She said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes and folded her arm across her chest. When she finally looked back to where he lay she flinched a bit, for he was staring at her intensely, which made the hairs on her neck stand on end. "What?"

"Our children?" he repeated her statement. "You wanna have my kids, 'Ro?" He asked as a playful smile spread across his face.

"I…no…well…yes…I have always planned that once I was married I would have children, but I never pictured this scenario, Goddess what have I gotten myself into?"

"Hey look I thought it was the best course of action, we both save face this way, hey I'm a bastard most the time I admit that, but I'm not without honor." He said as he sat upright. "I took something sacred to you…"

"I was a very willing participant too Logan."

"Look, if ya want out we can, we haven't…" He raked his eyes over her frame, which was dressed in a white satin nightee, which Logan couldn't help but notice went well in contrast with her skin and hair. "We can get it all annulled"

"Is that what you want?" She asked watching him.

"I usually 'do' what 'I want' Ro," He answered plainly. "I ain't gon lie never thought I would get married, but gotta say marrying a beautiful, sexy woman who just happens to be my closest friend aint a bad way ta go either." He said with a hint of laughter on his lips and Ororo smiled at his compliment despite the situation. "But I don't want you ending up hating or resenting me for it, so if ya want out we can do that too, but it's yer choice." She thought on his words for a moment before looking up at him again.

"You would actually go through with it, til death do we part, and all just to help me keep some honor, that is only really relevant back in Africa?"

"Yes, because I know it's relevant to you, which is why you stayed a virgin for as long as you did. That and the fact that I love ya, and never wanna see ya have any stress over some fuck up shit I did."

"Logan, you did not force me, I wanted you…I still do." She said dropping her head with the last part, as Logan arched one of his brows to her comment.

"There's no reason for that to embarrass you now darlin, we're married. It's what yer suppose to feel." Logan said, as he now rose and slowly crawled up the bed beside what he sensed was a more relaxed Ororo.

"And what of before we were married?" Ororo asked as she stared at her husband's face, as his head now rested against the headboard, right beside hers. Logan couldn't help but to smile at the knowledge she had, had sexual thoughts and arousal for him before now. "Should I be embarrassed of those?"

"Naw yours were probably nothing, if I told you about the sexual fantasies and thoughts I've had about you over the years, those would definitely embarrass ya." He chuckled as Ororo only turned to face him more.

"Tell me." She said stunning Logan for a moment until he smelt the sweet musk rising from her skin that told him how aroused she really was. He reached out settling his strong hand behind her head and pulling her closer until their hot breaths mingled.

"I'd rather show ya," He said in a low voice before leaning in and capturing her lips. Ororo's mind reeled at the softness of the kiss that Logan was giving with brute intensity. It was all that she could do to just breathe as he now grasped her hips with his free hand sliding her closer and down further, beneath him, which she obliged him without protest. Once she was positioned in the place he wanted her, Logan moved his free hand from her waist down her thigh to below her knee where the hem of her gown rested, he gently brushed his hand across the soft skin of Ororo's knee, moving upward and slowly lifting the gown as he moved. Ororo's heart pounded at the feeling Logan's touch shot through her as well as the fear. Their first encounter which had occurred only hours before hand and while she was a bit intoxicated had been memorable, particularly the pain of it. As if reading her thoughts, Logan pulled from their kiss and stilled his hand, to pull back and look down at her. "It won't be as bad as before, we'll go slow, ok." He waited a second more until she nodded her approval, before recapturing her mouth and allowing his hands to continue their trek up her thigh.

Ororo now freely roamed her hands over Logan's body; through his wild hair, down his broad shoulders, across his hard chest and rippled abs, stopping just at the waistband of his jeans. Not allowing her shyness to inhibit her, Logan quickly grasped her hand and placed it against the huge bulge that strained against the fabric of his jeans, and then slowly began grinding against her. She paused only a second before moving her hands to the rhythm he was setting, as she squeezed and rubbed him. She then did something neither of them would have thought her capable of, she unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped his fly, and then nestled her small hands inside to find his hot flesh. Upon contact they both let out gasps, his was from the pleasure her hand invoked as she squeezed him once again, hers was from surprise and shock at the size of him. They soon found their rhythm again, him grinding as she stroked him. Not to be outdone, Logan felt the need to reciprocate as his hand crept underneath her satin panties, to find even more smooth skin, which invoked a deep growl to rumble in his chest at the knowledge that she had shaved there since their last encounter. He quickly let his middle finger slide down between her lips into her slick folds, coating his finger while making Ororo jerk and moan in response. He moved the wet digit up until he found her clit and ran his finger across it lubricating it with her juices. This caused Ororo's body to involuntarily convulse and she broke her contact with his mouth and threw her head to yell out.


Her hands lock in a vice grip; one within the sheets of the bed and the other around Logan's cock, an action that made the blades in the hand still gripping her hair to shoot out and embed into the headboard.

"FUCK!" He roared and retracted the blades, as he pumped faster within her grip and lowered his mouth to her satin covered breasts that heaved up and down in tuned with her erratic panting. He suckled hard and again her body jerked and convulsed beneath him as she moaned and released the sheets to grasp his head and hold him to her, wanting him closer, needing him closer. He sucked and nibbled her breasts like a half starved man, as she thrashed her head about wildly and spoke with the tongue of a mad woman, spouting incoherent words. This time with a growl on her lips, Ororo pulled at Logan's jeans, yanking them down and freeing his cock from its restraints.

"Logan, I need you now…please!" She demanded as she pulled his head from her breasts, and with a primal sneer and a quick yank, he tore her panties from her and nestled himself between her thighs. He closed his eyes for a moment to control himself as the heat and aromas radiating from her wrapped around him. Resting his forehead against hers, they locked their eyes on each other, both stilled, waiting; Logan waiting for her ok and Ororo waiting to be filled, completed. She then lifted her leg and wrapped it around his waist, pulling him into her, and when his head penetrated her they both closed their eyes and let out a hissed. Logan focused on how tight, hot and inviting she was and Ororo marveled at how thick and long he was and how her body willingly opened up to him, around him. Neither could imagine anything feeling as wonderful as that moment when he settled into her fully, until he slowly pulled out again, sending a shockwave through both of them. They began to move but not together, not rhythmic, yet still in tuned to one another's movements, no matter how either moved the feeling was the same and as intense. So they danced and rolled about the bed in a maddening frenzy; licking, biting, and clawing at each other, for hours until both cried and howled out their release, before collapsing into a numb sated state that was soon overcome by slumber.

Sept 07, 2003, Upstate NY

"Ok we should really get up now," He said in a winded voice as he lied on his back and stared up at the skylight over the bed. He then turned to his left to look at the clock on the bedside table. "It's twelve past noon."

"Goddess it is very late, the other's might be worried that we slept so late." She spoke out around her pants for breath, as she laid back with her eyes close, still enjoying the small aftershocks of her multiple orgasms.

"Well, we weren't actually sleeping, darlin." He replied with a sly smile as he turned his head to look at her. She in turn popped open one of her eyes to look at him, and then quickly clamped it shut again.

"No," She said plainly.

"No, what?" He asked as he turned his body fully towards her and moved closer to her. He buried his hands under the covers, and rubbed them over her hot, sweaty body.

"No we cannot make love again, Logan." She stated and then felt his very erect cock grinding into her hip, telling her otherwise. "At least I cannot, I do not have your regenerative abilities. Besides we were supposed to report to the Professor this morning, and I am to resume my teaching duties today at 2. I need to take a long hot shower, grab something to eat, and that is just what I plan to do…as soon as my legs start working again." She said and began to giggle as Logan also chuckled at her.

"Ok, darlin, but I think a bath might be better for your aches, I'll go run some water for us. How do you like it, hot or warm?" He asked as he moved to the edge of the bed, stood and stretched, allowing Ororo full view of 'everything'. She shook off the urge to pull him back into bed, and quickly averted her eyes from his naked form when she noticed he was watching her.

"I usually like my baths warm but my muscles are screaming 'hot'." Again he chuckled as he headed to their bathroom.

"Hot it is."

"So nice of you two to finally join us," They were greeted by Scott as they descended the stairs.

"Sorry Scooter did we have a date and I forgot?" Logan threw back as he and Ororo stepped from the stairs and headed right past Scott.

"Funny," Scott replied with a look of distain as he crossed his arms across his chest, "The Professor was expecting a report from you this morning."

"And…so what, he'll get it now." Logan grumbled as they kept walking towards the Professor's office. Ororo had remained quiet only allowing her giggles to escape her lips. "How have you put up with that asshole for all these years?" He directed the question to his wife, who in turn laughed outright.

"It seems he is only an asshole with you, dear husband." She replied and then entered the Professor's office, but stopped suddenly. "Oh I am sorry Professor I thought you were alone, good morning Jean."

"Good afternoon," Jean corrected as she avoided eye contact with the two people now standing before her, by shuffling through some paperwork on the Professor's desk. Ororo quickly picked up on her friend's behavior but before she could telepathically question her, the Professor chimed in.

"Jean and I were just finishing up our monthly budget reports, please come in." Logan and Ororo complied and took a seat in the two chairs facing the Professor's desk. "So I hear congratulations are in order?" The professor said casually and Jean hurried spoke out.

"I mentioned the good news of your marriage to the Professor, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Ororo replied kindly with a smile.

"It aint no secret." Logan said.

"No but it is a bit sudden." Jean stated.

"According to who?" Logan asked as he stared at Jean with an arched brow.

"No one, it's just well we didn't realize you and Ororo were seeing each other." The Professor cut in, having sensed the sudden tension filling the room.

"And you were supposed to know? Is that some rule of being an X-Men we have to tell you all of our business? If so I think I'm gonna have to resign."

"No, not at all Logan." The Professor said with a smile. "Sorry if we seem presumptuous, it's just that well Ororo is family, she is like a daughter to me…"

"Right, look Chuck sorry I didn't come to you first and ask for her hand, not that I ever would have, but It wasn't planned…it just happened."

"There's no need to explain," The Professor conceded. "But I hope you will allow me to throw a celebration party to announce your union."

"That would be lovely Professor, thank you." Ororo spoke out before Logan could turn down the offer.

Later that night

"Aint marriage about compromising and talking things out before major decisions are made?" He asked from his place on the bed, where he watched her sorting his belongings and placing them in her closet and drawers. They had decided he would move in with her, since hers was the bigger room.

"Agreeing to a party is hardly a major decision Logan, and it was a compromise, the Professor had suggested telepathically that he would like to throw us a big formal wedding." Logan only grumbled in reply as he finished off the beer he had been drinking. "Exactly, so you see this party is a compromise, of sorts. Besides, I would not fancy the idea of planning a huge wedding all by myself, for I got the impression Jean is not too happy with me at the moment."

"Why?" Logan asked as he scowled, irritated by the idea that someone, even Jean, had a problem with his new bride. His question got Ororo's full attention and she turned to face her husband.

"Because of you I would assume."

"Me? I aint done a damn thing to Jean."

"Maybe that is the problem. For years you have been sniffing around Jean's skirt. You throw out unsubtle sexual innuendos about her and to her. Not that I think she would have ever acted on anything, but I do know she liked the attention. Now she probably thinks she will not have your attention any longer, all due to me, thus the slight animosity I got from her in the Professor's office. She is obviously jealous. Maybe I should speak with her and tell her…" She paused not sure of what she would actually tell Jean.

"Tell her what?" Logan asked curious himself.

"I do not know, I guess I could tell her that she does not have to worry, that our marriage is…I am still not sure exactly what our marriage is, but I suppose I could tell her it is an open marriage. You can continue to flirt and see whomever you like." Even the thought of Logan continuing to flirt with Jean upset Ororo more than she would ever acknowledge aloud, but she would not assume that their marriage was more than an honor bound arrangement. Logan cut her a hard glare.

"You want to fuck him doncha?" His words and tone startled her, but the look in his eyes frightened her and she stumbled back against the closet door.

"W…what, who?" She asked truly not understanding Logan's sudden and strange outburst.

"Gumbo, I've always noticed how close you two were."

"Gambit? What does Gambit have to do with this?"

"If ya think you'd use me to break ya in, pop yer cherry, make you more experienced for that swamp rat, ya got another thing coming." Logan spoke as he stood and stalked to where she stood. Ororo could only press her back further against the closet door. "Yer 'my' wife," He said as he leaned in menacingly. He placed one hand against the door, and tangled the other one in her thick hair. He tugged her head back a bit, not roughly to cause her any pain, but she still gasped out in surprise. "This aint an open marriage, I aint sharing you with no one."

"And what about Jean?" She panted out not really caring to hear the answer, as her body hummed in arousal. She never would have thought that a man handling her in such a manner would be a turn on, but it was. She knew it had more to do with the fact that the man doing the handling was Logan.

"What about her? She's Scott's woman, and yer mine." He replied and then latched his mouth onto hers. He alternated between suckling her bottom lip and her tongue as if trying to decided which tasted better. Ororo hungrily kissed him back as she moaned into his mouth. Logan took this as an invitation and quickly moved one of his hands to her waist and the other to her thigh, where he fisted her long cotton nightgown, and pulled it up above her waist. He then slipped a hand under the elastic band of her panties, and stroked his fingers roughly against her hardened nub.

"Mmmm…Goddess," She whimpered breaking from their kiss, and throwing her head back against the door. Logan felt her sudden wetness coating his fingers, as her feminine musk overwhelmed his senses. He became a man crazed as he hastily pulled at his belt buckle, and the button and zipper of his pants, working to free himself. Once free he reached out and easily tore away Ororo's flimsy panties and lifted her from the floor. He used the closet door as support, and Ororo instinctively wrapped her long legs around his waist. He fused his mouth back to hers, and locked his hands around her waist holding her in place, just as he forcefully plowed forward, and buried himself deep within her hot, slick core.

"Mmhhh!" She screamed into his mouth as she then pulled at his hair and clawed at his shoulder, seeking to be released. Tears sprang to her eyes that lay open, wide as saucer. The burning between her legs due to Logan's girth stretching and tearing her was nearly unbearable. This 'new' position allowed him complete access to her, deeper than his usual position on top. He knew that his position on top still allowed her some control over how deep he could go. All she had to do was press her thighs towards each other and it would restrict him. But this position fully exposed her; her thigh muscles were working to keep her legs wrapped around his waist, and gave him no resistance to her entrance. Her screams soon died down to sobs, then to moans, and he released her mouth and moved to suckle her neck as he continued his fevered thrusting within her. For her part, Ororo could only hold on, wrapping her arms around his neck and softly crying against his shoulder. These new sensations of pain and pleasure, fear and excitement overtook her, and her hips began to gyrate and grind against Logan of their own accord. "Logan…Logan," She cried out to him in a melodic tone. Her voice no longer held any hints or pain, only pleasure, and he replied by nipping at her harden nipple through the thin fabric, and then sucking it into his mouth. Ororo's body shook with a sudden jolt, rumblings of her climax, which hit her like an electric shock. "Aahhhhh!" She screamed out, slamming her head back against the closet door, and squeezing her eyes tightly shut. At feeling her inner muscles pulsate around him, Logan's own urge for release possessed him, causing him to bite down hard into the nipple he had been suckling. Ororo cried out again as the sudden pain hit her, just as Logan roared through his climax. For several long seconds he crushed his body against hers, pinning her to the closet as he pumped his seed into her. When he was finished he moved from her, and stumbled back to seat himself on foot of their bed. Having lost their support, Ororo's lethargic legs gave out on her, and she slid down the closet door to the floor, where she rested her upper body against the door behind her.

"God 'Ro, I'm sorry darlin," Logan finally spoke out as his eyes drifted from his cum pooling on the floor between her open legs, up to the blood stained nightgown covering her breasts. "Did I hurt ya?"

"You bit me, that kind of stung." She replied in a winded voice, as her breathing slowed to a normal pace.

"I'm sorry about that." He spoke as he raked his fingers through his wild hair. He didn't seem to be bothered with his appearance his jeans down around his ankles and his cock, flaccid but still large, lying across his thigh.

"Why did you bite me?" Ororo asked as she stared, fascinated, at his cock.

"I didn't plan to it was instinct. Me thinking you wanted Gumbo, the thought of him touching you…I guess a part of me wanted to mark you. Fuck, it's hard to explain."

"I think I understand," She said with a kind smile on her lips, and she did. As a child she remembered sometimes watching wild animals mating, and some of the males would bite the female. "Do you feel better now that you have 'marked' me?"

"Yeah I think the beast within is satisfied, but that don't mean I won't rip Gambit's fucking head off if he touches you, or looks at you the wrong way."

"Logan, Remy is like a bother to me, we have a sibling's love for each other nothing more." Ororo explained. "Besides," She continued as she bowed her head coyly. "You have truly ruined me for any other man. I do not think another man could fill me as you do. I doubt I will ever want any other man as I want you." He arched his brow to this statement and a smile curled his lips as he moved from the foot of the bed down to the floor.

"Really," He said as he reached out and grasped one of her ankles and tugged it until she was pulled to the wooden floor, flat on her back. He then crawled up her body, nestling himself between her legs once again. "Good to know," He then leaned down and recaptured her lips in a searing kiss. As a flash of lightening graced the skies, and the winds outside howled, the two lover's passion erupted again, but this time in a slow and steady pace that lasted until the sun began to peek out over the horizon.