This is a tribute to all of the followers of the old ways.

To those who can walk into Hot Topic and see beyond the little green dog on every shirt.

This is a tribute to the memories past, to the people who have made Invader Zim into what it is today.

We are many. We support romance and love between all characters (Especially between Dib and some Mary Sue, because trust me, we have ALL done that)

This is a tribute to those who were too scared to go to InvaderCon because we remembered what Invader Zim REALLY was. And were afraid to show our faces.

And this is to those who remember the fandom when it started.

I am DibsLyn. And here is my fanfiction, derived from what used to have been.

Dib walked down the street, head down, shoulders hunched. He had long ago given up on capturing and exposing Zim. He had long ago given up on his dreams. He had long ago given up hope that dreams existed, once he had figured out that the media had taken hold of his life.

So he walked to Zim's house. One last time.

After a single knock on the door, he was met with a crimson, blank stare. Both human and alien knew that they had failed. They had seen the obvious. They had seen the commercialism. They had seen the conventions thrown in their honor.

They had few things to say to one another.

"I am sorry for igniting a colossal fury," Zim said.

"I am sorry for being brought into this at all," Dib replied. "I should have just kept tracking Frankenchokey."

Dib smiled. Zim smiled.

And finally did they realize what the world had done to them.