Before we get into it, a little forward, which also houses the disclaimer for the entire story. I didn't feel like making this into a long author's note on top of the first chapter. So I gave it it's own little space, to branch out and what not.

Aforementioned Forward Thing

The Guild of Heros, a marvelous little place that teaches the finer points to killing things, then lets loose it's pupils out into the wide world to do whatever they damn well please. Want to save a kitten from a tree? Go for it. Want to set the tree on fire and see what said kitten will do? Be our guest.

The story goes that the Hero of Oakvale was a good man, who saved kittens and played with butterflies.

Not my Hero.

They say he was called Chicken Chaser, a harmless man who grew up a peasant, and kept the name out of nostalgia and good humor.

Not my Hero.

My Hero of Oakvale was a psychopath, who punted kitties and amassed an army of flies. Who was born a peasant, but shunned his past like the plague, killing his former kinsmen out of a sense of misplaced nostalgia and twisted humor. They dubbed him the Chicken Killer. I know him fondly, as Cock Head.

Clearly, he had some issues.

The following drabbles/oneshots will center around a Hero that is any other color of the rainbow, except white. (which isn't a color, it's a hue, I know. But if you shine white light through a prism, what do you get? That's right, every freaking color of the rainbow.) Be it straight up evil, or prancing in the middle, I will go there. Kittens and butterflies? Not so much.

Disclaimer: I own nothing recognizable in the following works, be it people, places, or situations. Everything that is to come is born from stupid thoughts inside my mind that arose during my play through of Fable: The Lost Chapters. Anything you find offensive, I'm not going to alter if you whine. If you can't handle a bit of skewed humor, how are you playing this game?

For those of you who also choose a path other than good, and found humor in various places during the storyline, enjoy.

To everyone else I say, why not take a walk on the wild side? There will be cookies. Although, I can't guarantee they'll be harmless.