A/N: Erg.. It's been over a month. I am so freaking sorry. I have a terrible habit of getting into one fandom, and then jumping to the next randomly. I really think I have Fandom ADHD. .

Again, really sorry. I have no excuse at all. I'll just try my best not to leave another fic waiting for a month. I've resolved to write a chapter for each of my three running stories a week.

Speaking of my other stories...

I need to finish the second chapter of Invader ZiM: Real. Sorry for those who wanted to see the second chapter—though it was one of my least-read stories. I plan on finishing the next chapter after I write this, even if nobody else likes it. I rather like it.

And I have a new series up. It's in the Yu-Gi-Oh genre, and Yugi is a girl. So far, I am freaking loving writing it, three long chapters in about a week—it's awesome. I've gotten amazing feedback on it, too, so maybe it's actually good! XD The series is called Light, Darkness, and Shadows. The first in the series is Masks. Masks also has a partner story of The Past.

Sorry, again, for failing you guys in getting these up faster. This has been sitting in my computer this whole time, unfinished.


A Danny Phantom and Harry Potter Fanfic

By Clockwork Soul

Chapter 4: Diagon Ally


"Clockwork and I foresaw something. We had to take immediate action." She said, coming up to stand in front of him, "Here." She held out her hand, dangling a white-silver key on a golden thread from her finger. "We saw Him escape."

And with those four words Danny went as white as a sheet—almost gray. There was no need to ask who she was talking about; His older self.

He was about to freak before Soul raised her hand, "Do not worry, Phantom," she said, using his chosen name—a polite act in the Zone. She placed the key in his hand, and brought out a black one that was similar to his. "I called in Isis, an old Seal Master from my clan, and she and I placed three gates around his prison—only able to open by having its key. You hold the key to the first, the Silver Gate. I hold the key to the next, the Black Gate. And Clockwork holds the Green Gate key." She tapped the thin thread that held the key around her neck, "Isis also brought us these—made from hair of the Shadow Desert sphinx. They are unbreakable."

Danny calmed down as she continued, "Also, there is a human-ghost shield before each gate that requires the gates respective key holders to be there and want it gone before it dissipates. And then another shield directly after the Green Gate, which requires all of us there. At the moment, he will escape his prison—after all, it was not made to house a ghost forever—but he will not bypass the Gates." Danny sighed and nodded, smiling weakly at her.

"Thanks, both of you, since I know Clockwork's probably listening right now." He tied the thread around his neck, putting the key under his shirt.

End Flashback.

Danny woke, eyes wide, sweat pouring from his face as the memor- No! It cant, just cant be real...



Jazz falling next to him, wide eyes telling him to run as she looked at her baby brother, before falling to the ground, lifeless.

Just let it be a dream.

His dad, sprawled over his mother in an failed atempt to save her.

Just some sick, twisted dream.

The school, dead, unseeing eyes trained upwards as he flew past, as if accuseing him.

Just let him wake, back home...

Sam, trying to take out as many as she could, before getting struck down.


Tucker, face contorted in pain as he fell beside him, dropping lifelessly to the ground.


Skull masks. Black cloaks. Pain. Horrible, soul ripping pain.

A green, the same as his eyes.

Then darkness.

It's not a dream...

Waking up, surrounded by skull masks. Questions, more pain.

Escape, flight, collapsing in Fenton Works.

Darkness again.

He gripped his hair, curling in on himself as he tried to destroy the memories that haunted him. Tears fell silently down his face, the other occupents of the room still sound asleep. He growled and quickly pushed himself up, the normally squeaky bed making no sound in the presence of the surpernatural boy.

He floated out of the house, before changeing into his ghost half. He glanced up at the stars before rocketing upwards, allowing his body to become tangible enough to feel the wind on his face.

He paused, allowing his non-gravity-bound body to float backwards, as he looked up at the stars, his back to the city below. His green eyes narrowed, "Damn them..."

Line Break! :3

Soul sighed as she walked into the busy kitchen. She was still in her ghost form, the form she felt more comfortable in. Most avoided her dark, supernatural appearace, being detered by the long black cloak and hood which hid everything but her glowing eyes.

She leaned against the wall in a dark corner, surveying the room before her. Her eyes glowed brighter as her vison changed. The world around her blurred, and the usually dim aura's that surrounded people, spilling off them in waves of different colors came into focus. All had, at the edge of their uniqely colored aura, the heavy blue tinge of worry, and the sharp black tinge of fear. A feral grin appeared on her face, hidden by her cowl.

Their aura's started to float toward her, wrapping around her frame. She inhaled deeply, scenting the different emotions, expertly picking out what she wanted: Fear, worry, and death. The neon-green color, the same as the Ghost Zone, colored everyone in the room. Death hung over all of them, some more then others.

She hissed in satisfaction, unheard by the rest of the room, as she felt the emotions energize her. The rest of the occupents of the room slowed unnoticed, as they were drained slightly.

Line Break! :3

Danny came into the room tiredly, just now getting up. He glanced around, noticing the dim, blured emotions of the people in the room floating lazily toward a figure in the corner. He growled, a spectral sound that went unheard by the rest of the room. Green eyes snapped to his blue ones. Soul's eyes narrowed slightly and the flow of emotions ceased.

She moved from her corner, walking toward him. The temperature dropped signifigantly, making the Trio glance over at them. She stopped beside him, her echoing voice lowered, "You are a fool if you think you can survive forever without feeding, Phantom. No ghost can resist the call."

"I'm not a ghost, now am I?" He replied evenly.

She growled, "Neither am I!" Her voice rose slightly, still low enough to be missed by the rest of the room. Her glowing form flared, and her dim neon-green death and white life mixed aura lashed out, sharp red anger on its edge, "Don't you dare think you can use that pathetic excuse on me, human!" She hissed mockingly.

"I don't." He replied, now on edge, "I've been resisting it all this time, I doubt anything will change now."

She snorted, "Don't give me that crap. Time is not on your side when it comes to this, Phantom. And if you interrupt my feeding again..." She let the threat hang in the air, and walked away, down the hall. Her form vanished.

Danny frowned, coming fully into the room, sitting down next to the Golden Trio, who looked at him worriedly, "What was that about? She looked pissed." Ron commented.

Danny shook his head, "In the Ghost Zone, there are a completely different set of rules. I just offended her. Greatly." He said, thanking Mrs. Weasley when she handed him a plate of eggs. The Trio exchanged looks.

"But you didn't do anything." Hermione said.

Danny shook his head again, "Yes, I did, and one of the few things that could get you painfully killed in the Zone."

Their faces paled, "S-she wont do anything, will she?" Ron asked, but Danny shook his head yet again.

"No, but I suppose I am lucky. She's lived by those rules for many years."

Hermione frowned, "You should apologise, Danny. I don't know what you did, but she looked really mad. Don't let it simmer."

Line Break! :3

Soul came back later in the day, just as they were getter ready to go to Diagon Ally. Danny came up to her, prodded forward by Hermione. He sighed and looked away from her cold green eyes. He decided to play it safe.

"I'm sorry, Time Keeper."

She almost smiled at the use of her title, "It's alright, Danny." She said, her eyes softening, causing him to breath a sigh of relief, "Just remember what I said," she continued, frowning, "Your... immunity to the call wont last forever."

He sighed, ignoring the confusion of the Trio behind him, "I know," He replied, running a hand through his hair, "It's just not... right."

She leaned forward, lowering her voice so the others couldn't hear, "Everyone feeds, Danny. You saying that makes you a hipocrite. You eat beef, no? This is the exact same thing. In fact, this is tamer—you don't have to kill."

He frowned and nodded, "I suppose—It just makes me feel like a cannibal."

She laughed, "Oh, don't worry, that'll pass. All ghosts feel like that. But I know you feel the call of their emotions already. Just don't starve yourself, okay?"

Line Break! :3

They stood in the kitchen again. Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Soul, Danny, and Ginny. Fred and George wern't going, because, according to Mrs. Weasley, they'd just "Buy more supplys to make more of those accursed prank things!"

Soul had changed back to her human form, and Danny was staring apprehensively at the fireplace.

"So.. we have to step into fire? ...You people are insane." He said bluntly.

Mrs. Weasley laughed, "Oh, don't worry, dear! You just take a pinch of Floo Powder, toss it in the fire, step in, and state where you want to go!"

Soul blinked before a wicked grin graced her face, "Nice. Fire travel—only the higher-level fire elemental ghosts can do that. Even I cant! And yet you wizards throught it up." She reached over and grabbed a pinch of the powder, tossing it into the fire, which turned a bright green. She stepped in.

"Diagon Alley!"

Line Break! :3

Soul stared longingly at the group of mewing kittens. She sighed, knowing she couldn't get one. It would die far to fast. She reached over and petted a black one, scratching him behind the ears. He purred contentedly. She smiled sadly and stood, walking back out the store reluctantly. She walked through the alley, avoiding the witches and wizards that bustled around getting last-minute school supplies. She had drifted away from the others, content to look on her own.

She found herself in a dark side alley between two stores. She looked around, noticeing that no one was around. She walked down it, curious. She paused when she came to a dead end. She tensed when she heard a echoing mew.

She turned to the sound, to behold a ghost. It was a blue-black cat, with a glowing azure outline. It had wide, glowing azure eyes. Two thin circles surrounded it's pupil, and moved with it. It had two long tails, and the fur on its belly and chest was white. Azure fire burned on the tip of its tails.

Who are you?

She jumped when she heard the echoing voice in her head. It was similar to a young boy. She looked down at the cat, "Was that you?" She asked, kneeling down before it. The cat froze, looking at her with wide eyes.

You can hear me?


The cat mewed happily, Oh, good! I was worried I'd never figure out what was going on! I remember getting hit by something, and I woke up like this!

Soul smiled sadly and placed a hand on the cats head, "What's your name? I'm Soul."

My name is Rin, Soul! He purred happily, leaning against her hand.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, Rin, but you are... a ghost."

Rin froze, shoked. He looked up at her with wide azure eyes. A... ghost...? So I'm dead? He lowed his head, thinking. I'm dead... What do I do now...? He asked, looking back up at her with wide eyes.

"You can do whatever you want! You can haunt people, travel the world, anything!" Soul said, smiling at him, trying to cheer the cat up.

He mewed lowly, Can I... stay with you?

Soul blinked at him, before smiling brightly, "Sure! But there is one thing you should know about me, Rin."


"I'm half-ghost." The fire at Rin's tails burned brightly, and he hopped up into her lap, standing up by placing a paw on her shoulder. He licked her cheek, causing her to laugh.

I don't care!

Line Break! :3

"Hey, where's Soul?"

Harry blinked around, not noticing the dark girl anywhere near them. Danny shrugged, "Went off on her own. Don't worry, she can handle herself."

The Golden Trio nodded reluctantly, glancing around for any sign of her. They decided they should go on to Ollivander's and get Danny a wand, Mrs. Weasley had gone to get their school books. They entered the quiet shop. Danny looked around, interested.

"Ah, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. And you must be Daniel Fenton... or do you prefer Phantom?" They all jumped hearing the voice, and Danny looked at the man who stood behind the counter suspisiously. He had wide, silvery-grey eyes, and was staring at the halfa with a look that made Danny want to squirm.

"Either." He replied cautiously, "How do you know of my chosen name?"

Mr. Ollivander waved a hand dissmissively, "Dumbledore told me. Wand arm, please."

Danny frowned, his eyes narrowing as the flashed a deadly green, "Did he now..." He murmured. The Trio glanced at eachother warily as Danny held up his right hand, and the magical tape measurer started measureing every inch of him.

There was a light clink-clink as another person entered the store as Mr. Ollivander bustled to the back. The four turned to see Soul standing there, with the oddest blue-black cat perched on her shoulder. Danny raised an eyebrow, while the Trio looked at it curiously. "What kind of cat is that? I've never seen one..." Hermione asked.

"He's a ghost cat. His name is Rin." Soul replied, and Rin meowed happily.

Hello, there!

Danny jumped, hearing the boyish voice in his head. Rin cocked his head to the side, looking at him. Oh, you can hear me, too?

He nodded his head, and the Trio blinked. Soul elaborated, "Rin can speak using his thoughts. I guess only other ghosts can hear him." Rin nodded at them, his azure eyes bright.

Danny frowned, "It seems Dumbledore is being very talkative with our secret, Soul." He informed her. Her eyes narrowed, and Rin mewed, cocking his head to the side. Secret?

Soul glanced over at him, "That we are halfas."

Oh. And you trusted him with that secret? And he's telling people?


Rin was silent for a moment before a low hiss escaped him, and the azure fire at his tail flared, That's wrong! You put your trust in him—He shouldn't have told anyone!

Soul smiled slightly and reached up, placing a hand on his head, scratching behind his ears, "Don't worry, we'll talk to him." Rin calmed instantly and rubbed against her cheek, purring.

Olivander came back at that moment, carrying a stack of old, dust-covered boxes, "Here we are. I found these when I heard from Dumbledore about your predicament. They are old wands, some using cores and wood that have been long abandoned. Here," he said, pulling out a wand, "elder and thestral hair. 10 inches. Whippy." He held out the wand, and Danny took it. He gave it a hesitant wave and it was snached from his hand almost instantly.

"No, no... Here, cherry and unicorn hair. 12 inches. Stiff." Danny took it in his hand, and waved it. There was a loud crack as the chair next to Harry split. He hastily gave it back to the old man, who looked though the boxes distractedly.

"Ah.. maybe... Yes, I do belive this one may work. Elder and a mixed core of unicorn and thestral hairs. 10 inches. Flexible. It is truely a wand of life and death." Danny took the wand in his hand, instantly feeling that it was right, even before the bright green and white sparks shot from it's tip.

Mr. Olivander turned to Soul, "Ah, and do you need a wand, too, Miss. Clockwork?" He asked.

She shook her head, holding up the Spirit Wand, "No, I have one." Mr. Olivander's eyes widened.

"Ah.. the Spiris Wanin... May I...?" He asked, holding out a hand. She shrugged and handed over the supernatural wand. He looked over every inch of the wand, murmuring to himself, "Yes... 13 inches... Stiff... Made of the mythical Trees of Life and Death that resides in the world of spirits, with a core of spirital energy..." He ran a finger along one of the green veins and looked up at Soul, "This would be from the Tree of Death, correct? And the black wood, from the Tree of Life?"

She nodded, "Yes. 'The two ancient trees, entertwined for eternity, guard the sealed Gate to the Afterlife.'" She resited from memory as the wand was handed back to her. Mr. Olivander nodded.

"'And only those who are deemed worthy by the Trees may pass on through the Gate.'" He completed, smiling lightly, "Yes, all those who study wand lore know of that, and many have seeked out the Trees, which have only gave wood for one wand—the Spirus Wanin."

Danny handed him the money for his wand and they exited the shop. They decided to go get Danny's and Soul's robes, and have Ron's fixed up, as he had accidentally torn it's sleeve.

Line Break! :3

A/N: Again, very sorry for the long wait. Some ghost lore in this one, though. :D There will be more of that. :3