Character's belong to Rick Riordan (c).

Let's play fight (3)

Hi guys, I'm back! Yep, it's time for Travis Stoll to tell the story again. I hope you weren't too bored by Katie's telling of the story, I know how annoying she can get when she rambles. It's like she has this problem or something! She can never shut up! She just keeps going on and on and it is honestly the most annoying thing in the world. Well anyways we can talk more about that later, Katie's telling me to get to the story. This time it's in Perce's narration and I must say it is very interesting!

Percy's Notes (Saturday)

Hey guys, its Percy writing! This gossiping and passing notes thing isn't really my forte so please bear with me as I try to be up to par in comparison to my co-workers. Since it was me who observed Travis and Katie's "next big thing" in their relationship, I have to be the one to tell you all what happened on Friday. So let's not waste anytime and get down to the story!

It was my turn to give sword fighting and combat lessons to the Demeter and Hermes cabins as they unfortunately had morning classes together on Fridays. Now don't get me wrong, the cabins are great! It's just that when you have Katie Gardner and Travis Stoll together, nothing ever seems to go according to schedule and yesterday was not an exception.

"Alright class, today we are going to learn how to properly fight when in the situation of hand to hand combat. Hand to hand combat is normally something that is underestimated because of the fact that we have weapons and powers. However, it is one of the most useful things you will learn." I said to my class and I noticed that they were all actually listening to me for once. Since it was hand to hand combat and it was a little bit advanced, I only had kids aged 12 and up. So with all the little ones that caused distraction weeded out, I actually had everyone's attention for once! The Hermes kids weren't pranking or trying to pick pocket anyone and the Demeter kids weren't day dreaming and smelling the flowers. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"The key to hand to hand combat is to know your strengths and weaknesses and know your opponents strengths and weaknesses. There are many sensitive areas you all should know about. The eyes, the ribs, the knees and of course the crotch are the areas where you should aim for to bring your opponent down. But since I don't want any broken campers today, your goal will be to pin your opponent down. Believe it or not, this will be much harder." I said looking at each and every one of them in the eyes.

"To help you guys out, I have come up with three tips that I find most useful. Number one: Try and distract your opponent to gain an advantage on them. More often than not, you will be facing someone you know so use their weaknesses to your advantage, mentally and physically. Number two: Always aim low. Most people have more strength in their upper body compared to their lower body; a blow to the lower region will definitely help you bring your opponent to the floor. Number three: Never underestimate your opponent. For all you know, they could be a black belt in karate."

"Any questions?" I asked looking at the group of campers. I had exactly 20 campers and it seemed to be an even split of boys and girls. Perfect.

"Alright since everyone understands, let's get right to it! I want you guys to pair up and try to pin each other down. But there are two requirements your partner must meet. First of all, they should be in the same cabin as you and second of all, they have to be of the opposite gender." I said and I watched as all their faces turned to shock.

"But we can't fight girls!" said a young boy from Demeter.

"See, that's where you are forgetting tip number three, never underestimate your opponent. I want you guys to be fighting someone you know yet someone you feel uncomfortable hitting so you can use the advantage of knowing their strengths and weaknesses and so you are out of your comfort zone. In the real world, you don't get to choose your opponent." I said and then without a word, they all paired up and start fighting.

I walked around keeping my eyes on my watch to see who would be the fastest to pin their opponent. While I was walking around I noticed that Demeter girls seemed to be having an easy time with their opponents. I also noticed that Hermes boys were pulling all sorts of moves out of the bag to try and pin their girls. After two minutes of combat, no one was pinned down. I smiled to myself; I had no weaklings in this class at all. And then I heard it, a cry of victory. I spun around and saw that Travis Stoll had pinned down a Hermes girl names Violet. I checked my watch and saw that it took him two minutes and 27 seconds on his first try! That was 37 seconds away from Clarise's record!

And I bet all of you are wondering how I pulled that off.

Well you see, it was simple really. For once I actually listened to what Percy said and I applied it. I knew Violet, she was practically my sister. I knew that her most sensitive area was behind her knees, I knew that she threw a very good punch and I knew that when tickled in the right areas, she was extremely vulnerable.

"C'mon Travis, come at me!" Violet said with a smile as soon as Percy let us know it was time to fight.

"I don't want to hurt you Vi, are you sure you don't want me to go a little easy on you?" I asked sincerely. I was very protective over Violet. She was just a year younger then me and I had always felt closest to her out of all the campers. The first person I went to with my problems was Conner, the second was Violet.

"I'm positive. I'm a big girl, don't you dare hold back on me Travis!" she said and with that she pounced on me and threw me to the ground with her on top of me. Now I guess it must have been my subconscious going into control but suddenly I thought of another similar situation with considerably less clothing where a girl thought she was in control and pounced on me. I smiled at Violet the way I smiled at the other girl and I flipped the position with a quick move I learned in the bedroom.

I was now on top of Violet but I was still no where close to having her pinned down. She was still relentlessly kicking and punching and I didn't know if I would be able to hold her down any longer. I then remembered that she was extremely ticklish behind her neck and I started to tickle her. My plan worked and suddenly she stopped kicking and she was using her arms to cover her neck.

I suddenly grabbed a hold of the golden opportunity and grabbed both her arms and pinned them down to the floor. I then smiled at Violet cockily and cried out in victory.

"Travis! Great job! Congratulations on being first!" I said with excitement as I walked over to Travis and Violet.

"The next one to pin down their opponent will be against Violet and the next one to get pinned down will be against you." I said and both of them nodded.

It turned out that the next two to fight Travis and Violet were found in the next ten seconds. I heard another cry of victory and I looked to my left and my jaw dropped. Katie Gardner had pinned down Jake Toms! Thin and petite Katie Gardner had pinned down the tall and lanky Jake Toms? Either this girl was secretly a black belt in karate or my tips were working! I walked over to them congratulated Katie and then set up Travis and Jake to fight and Violet and Katie to fight.

I then continued walking around continued to do the same with other campers. By the time everyone was on their third fight, Katie and Travis were looking for partners for their fourth. Both of them hadn't lost even one match yet. They both were very strong competitors and they seemed to be using very interesting styles of fighting.

After about a half hour of fighting I decided to let everyone take a quick water break. It seemed to me that everyone but Katie and Travis seemed to be struggling on the concept of pinning another person down. People were just not pushing themselves out of their comfort zone enough. Maybe if they saw an example of how to do it, they would be more motivated!

"Alright everyone fall in and make a circle around me! We are going to try something a little different now!" I said and everyone started towards me and made a rough circle.

"Instead of all of us fighting at the same time and you guys fighting all different sorts of people, I am going to choose two people to fight in the middle of the circle." I said with a smile and I saw all their faces turn to nervousness.

"Katie! Travis! Front and center please!" I said with a smile as I watched my two best students walk into the middle of the circle.

"Alright class, pay attention to these two! Take notes, analyze their moves, do whatever you need to so that you can remember what they did and why they did it! These two are undefeated and have been going strong all morning."

"Are you two ready?" I asked looking the both of them in the eyes and they both nodded.

"Let's get this show on the road then!" I said and with that I joined the circle and watched the show.

Now, I am sure you guys want to hear this in my perspective compared to Percy's so that you know what the fight was like first hand compared to a spectator's view of the fight.

As soon as Percy said that Katie and I could begin, I started to recall everything I could about her. I remembered that Katie was experienced in bed so any of my bedroom maneuvers would be easily countered by her. I also remember that Katie had strong calves and good balance so attacking her from below the hips would be a bad idea. And then I got it, I remembered the most important thing I knew about Katie, she got frustrated when she was not in control and when Katie was frustrated, she was always very fragile.

I then realized that the only way to pin Katie down was by taking full control of the situation and not even letting her think that she had control for a little bit. And that my friends is why I did what I did next. I grabbed Katie's waist picked her up and spun her the tiniest bit and put her down on the ground all in one swift move.

I then climbed on top of her, leaned down to her ear and whispered "You know Katie, I expected more of you. I was told that you always took control in the bedroom. Oh well, guess you aren't as good as I thought you were, if you know what I mean."

As I leaned away from her, I saw a fire in her bright green eyes that meant she was frustrated and I knew that I was going to win. But then in a matter of two seconds the fire melted away and her eyes changed to a darker emerald green colour. I had never seen Katie's eyes that colour before. It was almost as if they were luring me into a trance.

And then all of a sudden, before I knew what was happening, Katie grabbed my wrists and flipped us over so that we had switched positions. She then leaned down to my ear the way I had leaned down to hers and whispered "I may be weakest when I am frustrated Travis but I you should also know that I am strongest when I am turned on and boy did you accomplish that mission."

She then leaned away from me and winked at me leaving me awestruck. Then not more then ten seconds later, she pinned down my arms by pressing down on a pressure point on my forearm and cried out in victory.

It turns out that Katie and Travis's show ended up being a three minute seduction fight. Katie and Travis had used the method of seduction to distract each other! I should have known that when I put a couple against each other, of course there was going to be sexual tension! What was I suppose to tell the campers? The way to win a fight is by seducing your opponent?

"All right! Thank you Travis and Katie! That was very… interesting!" I said awkwardly as I ushered Travis and Katie back into the circle.

"All of you have worked very hard today so I will let you guys go early! We will continue practicing next week! Have a nice rest of the day!" I said hoping to put what just happened out of their minds.

"Oh and Travis and Katie, could you guys stay for a minute, I want to talk to you guys." I said as I called to the couple that was just about to leave.

"Hey Perce! What's up?" Travis asked running towards me with Katie's hand in his.

"I just wanted to let you guys know that I am bumping the both of you up to advanced combat training." I said with a smile.

"Really? I thought that was only for people like you, Ares campers and Athena campers!" Katie said with an excited look on her face.

"Nope, it's for people who are able to understand that knowing your opponent is the most important thing in combat which is where you two especially excelled today." I said and I saw the both of them blush. They definitely knew what I was hinting at.

"Have a safe weekend guys. And here's a tip, the harpies don't care for guests." I said with a wink and left the couple.

I didn't know if my students had thought they walked away from today's lesson with any valuable information but I sure knew I had.

There was no way I was going near the Guest Cabins this weekend.

Wow! Why does everyone jump to the conclusion of sex? Well anyways, after Percy left, Katie and I skipped lunch and went to the North Forest for some privacy. We had been watched enough that day.

"So that was an interesting lesson…" I said trying to break the silence as we walked through the North Forest.

"You could say that again." Katie said and we both laughed.

"So, how much did I turn you on today Katie, my dear? I asked Katie in a playful tone and I heard her groan in embarrassment.

"What will it take for you to forget I even said that?" Katie pleaded and looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"You don't want to know." I said with a laugh and Katie rolled her eyes.

"But really, if I could turn you on without even trying, imagine what would happen if I tried!"

"Travis! I will do anything, please forget about it!" Katie pleaded again and I could tell that she really would do just about anything.

"Anything?" I asked in a suggestive tone and Katie nodded her head.

"Kiss me." I said and looked at Katie in the eyes.


"Kiss me, I have always wanted to know what it would be like to be kissed by the oh so great Katie Gardner. Almost every boy at camp has kissed you and bragged about it but I want the one that is able to say that I got kissed by Katie Gardner." I said with a smirk and stared at Katie.

"You really want me to kiss you?" Katie asked incredulously and I nodded.

She then walked towards me, grabbed the collar of my Camp Half-Blood shirt and pushed me up against a tree. And then instead of letting go of my collar, she pulled it down so that my face was as close as it could be to hers without touching it. Before I knew what was happening, Katie closed the gap between us and pressed her lips to mine. The kiss wasn't sweet and gentle like I expected, it was so much better. It was as if Katie was channelling all her thoughts and feelings into the kiss. I noticed that her lips tasted like strawberries and that the sensation of kissing her was out of this world. And then all of a sudden it was as if my world was crashing down, much too soon for my liking Katie pulled away.

"I'll see you later Travis." she said with a smile and with that she walked away.

Man, that girl was going to be the death of me one way or another.

So, it's been more than a year and you are still reading, there is only one thing I can say... I love you :)