The End: I'll Never Forget You, My Heart Aches For You, I Wish I Could Be With You

Ryoma sat on the kitchen counter bouncing a neon ball on her red racket. She tried to ignore the smell of smoke that still had not cleared hours later. The Queen of Take-out refused to even look like she had given in to her inability to cook. Ryoga seemed to have "forgot" to mention that only half of her cooking, no matter if she made the dish a thousand times before, came out edible.

A muffled gagging noise brought her attention to Seiichi standing in the kitchen doorway trying to mask a look of disgust.

Words rolled of her tongue easily, "I told you I hate cooking."

"Yes, but you didn't tell me that you couldn't cook." His words not a loud covered by his sleeve.

"People should really stop assuming things."

She jumped off the counter and looked at the male before her. He dressed himself in a purple button up shirt and a pair of jeans. Ryoma looked down at her own attire of tennis clothes and shrugged. She really didn't have anything.

Yukimura smiled at her nonchalant shrug. One of the things he liked about her is that she cared about no ones opinion. He handed the green haired girl a trio of carnations, one pink and another red, while the last was simply a stripped mixture of the two and white.

Ryoma accepted the gift and did not know what to say. A blush rose from her cheeks and suddenly she wished she had tried harder to make dinner for him.

His eyes softened at the lovely sight of Ryoma flustered and blushing.

"Come on, I think I have a better idea," Seiichi said.

He navigated them to the front door with ease that made Ryoma have to stop herself from questioning how he knew where he was going and how he got in in the first place. In the end she figured she really didn't want to know.

Ryoma slipped on her shoes at the door and looked at her tennis case for a moment. Seiichi let a small laugh escape before he took the racket in Ryoma's hand, slipped it in the case, and pulled it over his shoulder. The duo left the house after Ryoma locked the door.

The Child of God opened the car door for his date and put her tennis racket case next to his own in the truck of the car. You never knew when a life-changing match could occur.

Seiichi's driving soared above her brother's and his presence calmed her away from her habit of gripping the seat under her. The two laughed at the stories both told of their companions from the time spent apart and soon Yukimura pulled his car into a spot.

Ryoma let a silent sigh of relief pass through her lips as instead of a fancy restaurant, like her cousin demanded she present herself at sometimes, they arrived in front of a fast food place and if her hearing was correct it could seemed to be next to a street court. Ryoma smiled looking into Seiichi's eyes and he did the same.

This is an ending to their struggle from a summer to end in glory, but it is also a beginning to a life that doesn't always make sense and wasn't completely fair. This was a continuing of a friendship and maybe the start of something more. Mada Mada Dane because they still had such a long way to go.

AN: I'm fucking done with the POT archive. This is the end don't ask me about anything else. GOODBYE!