Hiya! Yeah another story! I have bad news HOPE is gonna have to be taken a break until I get four chapters on this story. Why? Because I want this story updated every other day while I update HOPE. I hope you understand =) enjoy!

"Ugh why do I feel like I've been stabbed multiple times" Wesker muttered. He opens his eyes and found where he was. On a freaking island. What next Chris sleeping to him? Wesker looked and see Chris sleeping next to him.

"Here Sheva let me help you with that top" He snores.

"Redfield. I thought you killed me but now I can kill you"Wesker growled. He was about to kill Chris when.

"GET AWAY!" a man screamed. He running without his shirt. A women was running towards him.

"Leon wait! I want our overtime!" Ashley yelled. Then another woman came out of the forest with his shirt.

"NEVER in a million years!" Claire appeared and kicked Ashley's ass.

"Here's your shirt Leon" Claire smiled.

"Thanks Claire" Leon put it back on.

"OK let's find the others"Claire froze and see Wesker.

"Oh my god!" Leon gasped.

"Wesker is GAY! He also alive!" Claire screamed. That cause Chris to wake up.

"My Claire senses are tinging!" Chris got up and ran towards Claire.

"BRO! Wesker is Alive and almost tried to rape you!" Claire explained!

"I don't see how that possible I was trying to kill him."Wesker walked towards them in a badass way.

"How the hell are you alive? Me and Sheva killed you with Rocket launchers and you were in LAVA!" Chris asked.

"I don't know ether." Wesker replied.

"Hey let's call it a truce and find the others there might be others."Leon said.

"I agree! Sheva might be here." Chris ran off into the forest.

"I'll find Jill and see if gives me a Jill sandwich" Wesker ran off too.

"Ugh Men."Claire said in disgust. She walk towards the forest with Leon.


"Jill?" Wesker yelled out. He wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone.

"OW! Watch it!" Ada growled pissed.

"Ada? What the hell are you doing here?" Wesker asked.

"I'll tell you if you help me up."Ada said.

"No thanks" Wesker replied. He went deeper into the forest with Ada following him. Then a man with a beard ran towards a woman with brown hair who was running away from him.

"I want my Jill Sandwich!" Barry roared.

"You will never get my sandwich joke do you Barry?" Jill yelled at him.

"I do!" Wesker mustang kicked Barry.

"Thanks Wesker. Wait WESKER?" Jill gasped.

" I believe you owe me a Jill Sandwich Jill" Wesker grinned. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to a deeper part of the forest while Jill yelled all the cuss words she knows. Ada went to check on Barry.


"Sheva!"Chris yelled. He found some herbs and went to grabbed them. But then he got attack by a girl.

"My Herbs!" Rebecca yelled. Beating him with a stick.

"Rebecca what wrong?" Sheva gasped. Chris just had a nosebleed seeing Sheva wearing her Tribal Outfit.

"He was stealing herbs!He must be punished to the Herb God!" Rebecca Explained.

"Rebecca that Chris remember?"Sheva sighed and helped Chris up.

"Long time no see potnah" Sheva smiled.

"Hey Sheva can I have one herb please?" Chris asked

"Sure why not what can happen."Sheva walk to the pile and gave him a herb.

-Leon and Claire-

"I wonder if Ada is here?" Leon asked. Walking with Claire and holding hands.

"We will find out why?"Claire said.

"So I can say Ada wait!" Leon smiled. Then Sherry ran towards them with Sheva,Steve,Ricardo,Excella,Barry,Ada,Billy, running behind her.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIFE" Sherry screamed. Claire and Leon just stared puzzled. Then when they turned around they see Chris as a TANK!

"HOLY SHIT RUN!"Leon screamed like a girl and ran as fast he could.

"Whats next Rebecca as a WITCH? Claire asked running beside him.

"Nice going guys! You jinxed us!" Billy yelled. Then Rebecca as a Witch run towards them alongside Tank Chris. They stop to look for a new path but instead they saw Jill and Wesker making out and yeah...

"Hey! They're making a Jill Sandwich!"Barry pointed out.

"My EYES!"Sherry covered her eyes her hands.

"Yo Wesker and Jill Quit making yer sandwich and HELP US!" Ricardo yelled. That cause Jill and Wesker to stop.

"HEY!"Jill Blushed grabbing Wesker's Jacket and wrapped it around her.

"Now will you help us?"Steve said impatiently.

"With what?"Wesker put his sunglasses back on.

"The Tank and Witch!" Excella pointed towards Tank Chris and Witch Rebecca running towards them.

"Let me guess you let Chris have a herb when Rebecca was seeing you taking one of her herbs."Jill Guessed.

"Well to stop Tank Chris and Witch Rebecca is to show them this."Wesker threw a picture .Ada caught it and when she looked at it she barfed.

"What?"they asked and looked. They each have a look of disgust on there faces

"I am not having a sandwich ever AGAIN!" Barry vowed. The picture was Nemesis in Excella's dress.

"This better work!" Steve transforms in to his HULK form. He run towards them to slow them down

"It will. Now leave us in peace" Wesker growled. They left to help Steve.

"Hey Chris and Rebecca lookie!" Claire showed them the picture. They ran away.

"Well that did it."Leon pointed out.

"Yeah we can't go back or..."Sherry shivers when they found Jill and Wesker.

"Yeah I agree. It was a lot worse back in Africa. "Steve put hand on Sherry shoulder.

"What happened in Africa?"Billy Asked.

"You DON'T want to know" Excella,Ricardo,Sherry and Steve said in unison.

"I can tell them if you want me to scar them more" Sheva offered.

"Go ahead" Ricardo shrugged.

"OK what you saw back there was a lot worse in Africa. Excella didn't fall in love with Wesker anymore,Irving got turned into the lock ness monster,and Steve and Sherry both got scarred for life."Sheva explained.

"That is horrible." Claire commented. Then a tree got chopped in half. To reveal Alexia,Alfred,William,Sergei,Nemesis,HUNK, and Krauser.

"STARS!" Nemesis roared.

"Oh my god it's my lover!"Alfred squealed running towards Ricardo who punched him in the face.

"I'm not yer lover!" Ricardo yelled.

"Huh? So everyone here?" Sergei asked.

"It appears so."Wesker said. He and Jill and walked up to them with they're hair slightly messy.

"It's about freaking time!" Excella said Annoyed.

"Oh shut up dear" Ricardo growled.

"Hey! Will you all shut up?" A girl a with blond hair who was about sixteen showed up.

"Who are you?" Alexia asked

"I'm Alice Wesker. Jill's and Wesker's future daughter."Alice explained

"What are you doing here then?" Krauser asked.

"I'm the host of this show and I'm here to torture the hell out of you for my fans pleasure" Alice Grinned.

"She got your idea of torture Wesker" William commented

"Shut up William!"Wesker hit him in the back of the head

"Now you guys. There two teams. Wesker and Leon are the team leaders."Alice explained

"Why Wesker and Leon?" Ricardo interrupted.

"Cause Wesker is my dad and Leon is freaking hot." Alice replied

"That makes sense."Claire said.

"Anyways when you picked your team members go to the beach and wait there." Alice continued.

"Good luck"Alice just poofs away.

"OK I pick. Jill,Nemesis,Alexia,Ada,Sergei,William,HUNK,Krauser, and Irving, "Wesker started.

"Then I get Claire,Steve,Sherry,Chris,Sheva,Rebecca,Billy,Barry, and Alfred.." Leon picked out.

"I suppose we got to the beach and go to where Alice is."Steve asked

"Yeah"Claire replied.

"What about me?" Excella yelled.

"Oh yeah."Wesker found a random gun and shot her in the head.

"That was cruel Wesker." Jill scolded.

"Well she deserved for being annoying,"Wesker said

"She was even more annoying then Rebecca and Ashley."Claire agreed

OH boy this is chapter 1 only! X3 and I'm going on vacation so I wont update anything for awhile. Yeah WeskerXJill is freaking awesome so I'm adding it to here with other couples xD

Review how I'm doing please!