Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic or anything. This is the product of when I play the end of SA2 while I'm half asleep. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!! It's kinda short....

"So vulnerable..."I think to myself as you lean against me for support. You may act like you're tough stuff, but as you mumble incoherent words about your Maria, I can tell you're a living thing who has their limits too. Shadow and I had just got done saving the earth from that hunk of scrap metal that was plummeting towards it. Unfortunately, that took a lot of energy, leaving me a bit drained and Shadow exhausted. "I think I have enough energy left to get back to the ARK..." You tell me as you start to fly in the wrong direction, disoriented. "Here...let me help you." I had answered and had let you lean upon me, so trusting, like a little baby. That's not what the old Shadow would do, who was destined to be alone, who wouldn't let anybody help him, who was stuck in the past. You had no idea I would snap that newly formed trust as one could snap a seedling that had just started to grow. Because deep down I know, I know you yearn to be with your Maria, to just give up on living...but you are bound by a promise that you cannot break, but I can. Besides, you're the only one that can keep up with me, and I find that scary. I take your hand, hold it to my heart for a moment, and slip the bracelet off your wrist. You stare at me oddly but with tired, uncomprehending eyes. I wonder if you're even awake enough to know what I'm doing. "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog..." As the words pass my lips, I see your eyes widening momentarily. Ah, so you do know what is about to happen. You make a move to protest, to get free of my grasp, but you are weakened by your weariness...so different from the two times we fought. Using most of my strength, I shove you as hard as I can towards the Earth that was balefully glowing below us, the only witness to my crime. You try to hover with your jet shoes above the gravity, however they were weakened as well and gave no fight. I hear your dying words, something about your Maria, and as you fall you stare me right in the eyes with your haunting gaze filled with accusation. Was it accusation? No, that was only to throw me off, behind that gaze of yours I see...gratitude. Your purpose in life is finally complete, now you may rest. "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog...." I mumble again before I turn around and fly towards the ARK, your bracelet in my hands.