This started with a dream I had about Kurt and a cat. I know, it's weird but I decided to run with it. Starting here with Kurt, I'll do a different character for every chapter, with just a little drabble about them and a pet. I hope you like it and ideas are more than welcome! Enjoy!
"Don't look at me like that." He tilted his head to one side and saw big green eyes staring back. "I know I have stuff to do. You don't need to remind me every three minutes."
The sleek form of a black cat meowed and jumped down from atop his bookshelf, sitting on his history book. It meowed again.
"Boq, shut up." He had lain on his bed fiddling with his phone for almost three hours, completely ignoring the fact that he had his first finals test in a week. Boq had not. He meowed again, willing his owner to sit up. He put his phone on the end of his bed, stretched and moved to sit at his desk. Boq jumped off the book.
"See? I'm studying…" He opened the book to a random page and stared at it, not reading, barely absorbing even what the pictures were. Suddenly he heard his phone ring, and jumped up to get it. However, in the exact spot where he had set it down, there now sat a large, lean black cat. Once again it rang, muffled under a layer of fur.
"Move," he said, narrowing his eyes. Boq did the exact same thing. "I will move you, you know. You don't scare me."
Like a well thought rebuttal, the cat delicately stretched out a single paw, and spread his claws out gracefully.
"Touché." He raised an eyebrow and begrudgingly sat back down.
In the hour it took for him to read and take notes on the Vietnam War, his phone rang seven times, and all the while, Boq sat there, staring at him menacingly. It was not until he had closed the book, and put all of his papers into his bag, that Boq stood up, stretched, and with a lazy sigh, jumped off of his bed.
"I feed you, you know!" he yelled after the cat, to which he received an exasperated, sigh-like meow. "I know you didn't like the bird," he mumbled under his breath as he took a seat back on his bed. "But he's gone now…jeeze…"
In the quiet darkness that night, Boq snuck down into his owner's room. He eyed the pile of books on his desk, the row of shoes lined up neatly against the wall, and finally, his best friend sleeping soundly in his bed. Tentatively, but with well-practiced movements, he jumped up onto the side of the bed and stalked around his feet before coming to curl up at his knees. He knew that sometimes his owner hated what he did, but he did it for his own good. Boq knew everything; he had been there for him through thick and thin, and because of this, he felt that he needed to watch out for him. A he dozed off, he knew tomorrow would be just as eventful and possibly dramatic as today, and he was ready for it.
That was really cute. In case you don't know, Boq is a prominent munchkin from Wicked, so I thought the name worked. And just in case you're wondering, I do dream about Kurt a lot…far too much…