Author's Note: I can't believe this story is over; it's a really weird feeling! Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed/favourited/alerted this fic, it really helped me to write it and has inspired me to write more in the future. Everyone who has shown me support throughout this fic I love you all and thank you so much! I don't really know what I'll write next but do you guys think I should write a sequel to this or just leave it and do something new? If you want me to write a sequel would you rather I start from where this left off or do it a few years in the future when the baby's a bit older? If you think I should do something new please let me know if you have any ideas because I have none! Thanks again and I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Disclaimer: At the end of this fic…I still don't own Glee!

Finn sat staring at his beautiful girlfriend as she slept. He was so proud of her, she'd been so strong and thanks to her he now had the most beautiful daughter in the world. Suddenly Rachel's eyes blinked open and she turned her head to look at Finn.

"Morning sleepy head."

Finn moved to her bedside and kissed her, Rachel hummed lightly and smiled.

"Morning. Where is she?"

"They put her in the nursery so you could sleep. She's so perfect Rachel. Thank you so much."

"I believe I didn't do this on my own Mr. Hudson!"

Finn laughed and kissed her again. They both looked towards the door as a nurse came in holding their daughter. Rachel immediately reached for her.

"Someone's eager! How are you feeling today Miss Berry?"

"Tired and sore but I've never been better!"

The nurse laughed.

"So you ready to try breast feeding?"

Rachel nodded and smiled nervously.

"Don't worry. It may hurt a little bit at first but you'll get used to it."

Finn watched as the nurse helped Rachel and before he knew it their little girl was feeding.

The nurse left and Finn pulled his chair up to sit next to Rachel's bed.


"What does it feel like?"

"Weird. Really weird!"

Finn laughed and kissed Rachel again before stroking his daughter's head. The nurse knocked on their door again and poked her head in.

"You have some visitors. Is it ok if I send them in?"

Rachel and Finn both nodded and then returned to watching their daughter.

The door opened and in walked Carole, Burt, Hiram and Leroy. They immediately rushed over to see their granddaughter.

Carole gasped as she began crying.

"Look at her, she's so beautiful."

Rachel and Finn just smiled and Rachel passed her daughter over to Finn so her grandparents could get a better look.

"I'm surprised they let all four of you in here."

"Oh there's more to come!"

Rachel laughed as she watched everyone fussing over her daughter. Suddenly the door burst open again and in walked Kurt, Blaine, Sam and Mercedes.

Mercedes ran over and hugged Rachel while Kurt headed straight for the baby in Hiram's arms and Sam and Blaine stood awkwardly at the back unsure of what to do.

As the door opened again Beth came in holding Quinn and Puck's hands and pulling them along behind her.

"Come on Aunt Quinn! Why are you being so slow?"

Quinn laughed as Beth ran over to see her niece and Quinn walked to Rachel's bedside.

"Shelby let you see her?"

"Yeah. For now I'm just Aunt Quinn but that's more than I ever dreamed of."

Rachel smiled and hugged Quinn.

"She's adorable Rachel. The perfect mix of you and Finn."

Rachel nodded and looked over at her daughter again as Shelby entered the room.

After several minutes of fussing over both Rachel and the baby everyone had finally calmed down.

Carole looked over at Rachel and asked:

"So does she have a name?"

Rachel smiled and looked at Finn, who nodded for her to tell them.

"It's Olivia."

Kurt nodded and smiled.

"Olivia Berry, I like it."

"No, it's Hudson. Olivia Alyson Hudson."

Carole began to cry again and everyone started talking to Olivia as Finn turned to talk to Rachel with tears in his eyes.

"Are you sure Rach?"

"Yes, I want her to be a Hudson."

Finn lent down and kissed Rachel passionately as everyone stared but didn't say a word.

"Can we talk to Quinn, Mercedes and Kurt alone please."

Olivia was passed back to Rachel as everyone started saying their goodbyes and shuffled out of the room. When it was just the six of them left in the room Rachel spoke.

"We'd really like it if you three would be her godparents. We know you'll always look out for her."

The three agreed and hugged Rachel, before saying their tearful goodbyes, as Olivia seemed a bit overwhelmed by all the people.

Finn smiled down at Rachel and Olivia. This was his little family now.

Two days later Finn and Rachel brought Olivia into their home for the first time. Olivia had fallen asleep in the car and so Rachel gently laid her in the Moses basket Quinn had given them and turned on the baby monitor.

"So Finn. Now that she's home…can I see the nursery?"

Finn laughed and took Rachel's hand as he led her to the nursery.

Rachel gasped as she stepped inside. It was beautiful. It was painted in the pale shade of pink she had picked out when she went shopping with Finn and the crib she had begged Finn to buy was positioned along the right hand side. A pink mobile with butterflies on it hung above the crib. The word Star had been placed in wooden letters along the wall above the crib and gold stars were painted around the room. A chair sat in the left hand corner ready for when Rachel had to come and feed her in the night and there was a white wardrobe and dresser also in the room. The wardrobe was filled with outfits people had given Olivia at Rachel's baby shower and a changing station was set up on top of the dresser. On the windowsill was a picture frame with three pictures in, one of Finn, one of Rachel and one of Olivia. Engraved at the top of the frame were the words 'our little star'.

Rachel stood frozen in the doorway with tears streaming down her face.

"Finn, it's perfect."

"Go look in the crib."

Rachel walked over to the crib and lying inside it was a small pink babygro with a gold star on the front. She pulled it out and then looked over at Finn.

"Who's this from?"

"Me. I bought it when we went to the store that first time."

Rachel smiled and ran over to Finn and attacked him with a kiss, which displayed all her emotions.

"I love you so much Finn Hudson."

"I love you too Rachel. More than you'll ever know."

Their second kiss was interrupted by the sound of crying from the baby monitor in Rachel's hand. The couple laughed and walked downstairs hand in hand to check on their daughter. Rachel picked her up and rocked her gently, before sitting down and feeding her. Finn watched amazed at how Rachel just naturally knew what to do. Rachel was murmuring gently to their daughter.

"Ssh Livvy, it's ok."

Rachel looked up at Finn and caught his eye as he walked over and kissed her.

Smiling she looked down at their little star and said jokily

"This wasn't supposed to happen!"

Finn laughed and kissed her again before saying:

"I know. But don't you think it was kind of inevitable?"