A/N: Nyahahahhaaaa! XD For once I actually wrote something ahead and am going to pay attention to my promises. ^^ Maybe I'm getting better at keeping my word. . .? X3 It's an amazing feeling.
DISCLAIMER: Sailor Moon belongs to the awesome Naoko Takeuchi and is definitely not any part of my invention. It all belongs to her! XD
Naming Guardians: Regrouping Backup
"It's been about a week since any youma attacks. I feel edgy, I feel untested, I feel. . . FAT! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
Minako's voice turned into a hysterical cry and Rei could only stare as her blonde partner started pacing around the room. It was true, there really had been nothing stirring around in the Sacred Fire lately and that in of itself was alarming, but the Senshi of Fire couldn't mess around with thoughts of what-if when she had Keziah and Minako to worry about.
Throwing her hands up and out to the sides repeatedly, Minako buried her head under their pillows on their bed and looked amusingly like an ostrich.
"It's not like practicing gun shooting, with those little cans and spare bullets- nothing can match a youma's uniqueness, NOTHING!"
"Unless it's mimicking one of us."
Rei couldn't help the deadpan that came out as she rolled Keziah off the bed and out of vulnerability hits from Minako's flailing. A bounce of movement and the Senshi of Love bolted up, excited.
"That's it! What I mean is, the thrill of danger, unvieling the stupidity of youma when they think they kiss better or worse than the real deal-"
"As Venus and second-in-command to Serenity, you should not be making out with a youma during battle or suspicion there IS a youma!"
Rei watched those coy blue eyes take on a warm tint and look at her. She squirmed under that gaze and Keziah murmured a soft coo in response to her self-vicious grip on him.
"The only person I'd ever take a chance for, risk, and love enough to kiss during a battle would be you, Reiko."
Flushing, Rei twiddled her thumbs under Keziah's pajama-clad bottom and tried not to be pleased. It was hard not to, though; Minako was normally cuddly, affectionate, even laving during outings and at public, but to say she would take a risk just to share a moment with her. . .
"D-Don't take anything for granted, Minako. I don't want you to kiss me and find out it's not me and get hurt."
At Minako's open mouth and her surprised look in those blue eyes, Rei felt a bit insulted. Frowning, she started to juggle Keziah and got an agreeing gurgle to her statement.
"What? Just because you shouldn't doesn't mean I wouldn't make the best of it."
A lone tear escaping the blonde's eye had Rei instantly alert and worried.
"So you DO care about me!"
Bouncing up from the bed, Minako bounded over to Rei and placed a sweet kiss on her lips before snatching their surprised baby out of Rei's hands.
"Youth Glow Power, Spice UP!"
Blinking, Rei only had a second to brace herself before the most hilarious scene erupted before her on the bed. Minako had Keziah's arms twirling around, much like a senshi in transformation, and at Keziah's excited squeal, Rei burst out into laughter.
Kicking up a foot to move the bed a bit from the wall, Minako had Keziah jump into the appearing crack and dove in behind him. A sudden glow of blue and orange lit up the corner and Rei blinked as a flurry of black rose petals were thrown wildly in the air.
Jumping a bit at the sudden delaration, Rei squinted when two forms burst out in a slash of individual color.
"AM! The Knight of all positive feelings within your heart, Straightlance Zia!"
Rei about fell over in laughter. Minako was her usual sparkly Sailor V self, but beside her their shared responsibility was safely on two feet, striking a pose of wobbly elegance. Keziah broke his dramatic stance to clap his hands and drawing both of their attentions to the blue blanket-clad baby.
"Mama Wei!"
All time seemed to stop when little Keziah gurgled, his blue eyes sparkling with happiness that he'd made Minako and Rei stop what they were doing and be completely astounded. Rei gaped, and Minako, doing an in-the-air jump pose, seemed to be falling in slow motion. Only the fluffy mattress kept her from hitting with any danger and Keziah rewarded her with a happy,
In an instant Minako flopped to her belly like a dolphin in water and held Keziah's stomping feet. Rei ran over to the two and rolled herself out on the bed, drawing her family close to her.
"K-Keziah-kun. . ."
Blue eyes gleamed happily, but the dark-haired baby didn't say anything. Laughing, Minako nudged Rei, her fuku splayed out on the bed at she smiled at the Senshi of Fire.
"Nope. I'm Sailor Venus, remember?"
Suddenly Rei got it.
Placing a gentle kiss to the top of Keziah's dark crown, Rei whispered, "Right. The protector of the universe can't ever reveal their identity. So sorry for not remembering. Welcome home, Straitlance Zia."
A happy gurgle and Keziah plopped down backwards on his bottom, reaching over and tugging on Rei's hair.
Instantly her heart melted into a throbbing puddle of loving mush for her small cousin, and Rei chuckled, drawing a hand up to carress Minako's flushed cheeks.
"Here's your mama, too, Zia. Oh, c'mere, take that off."
Minako wiggled under Rei's hold, snatching Keziah up and snuggling him close.
"*gasp!* No, partner Zia! Remember this, even in the future, you've got to say no to anyone wanting to take your clothes off!"
Rolling her eyes Rei laughed, dragging Minako close to her and carefully unwrapping the loose blue blanket from Keziah.
"Roger, Venus. But this is Rei-mama talking, so I demand you take this off so I can take us out for. . . a couple hours' play at the arcade!"
Rei laughed when Minako squealed and unwrapped Keziah, leaving the small baby a little confused when his head popped out from underneath the warm material. Venus de-transformed herself, bouncing up and down on Rei's stomach.
Drawing them all to their feet, Rei pulled Minako to the door and held her hand out to carry Keziah.
"Who's the little smart one now, hmm, Keziah-kun?"
With a little movement of his chin, dark curls hanging about his small ears and forehead, Keziah pointed a cute finger at her, then Minako who followed close behind.
Bouncing Keziah on her hip, Rei shook her head in amusement.
Grabbing the keys to her grandpa's trusty old shifter, the miko called to her guardian, who responded with a knowing nod. Minako watched with large eyes as Rei positioned Keziah safely in the baby seat in the back, strapping him in securely.
The small rabbit foot that was hanging above his seat had Keziah curious and the little baby grasped it, eyes widening in delight as it sprang out of his hands. Satisfied the seat wouldn't bounce around after a secure jiggle, Rei gallantly helped Minako in to her side and then got in the driver's seat.
"His first ride in your grandpa's car to the arcade."
Smiling, Rei looked around and shook her head, dark strands shifting from perfection to being intimately ruffled by a loving Minako.
"Actually, first ride to the Outer Senshi's house."
The smile on Minako's face never dimmed in excitement.
With a last glance to Keziah's reaching form in the back seat, Rei carefully backed out of the driveway.
". . . I'm pretty sure my vision's more adequate than most at 20/20, and even though we haven't fought for a little more than a week, I'm POSITIVE you didn't look PREGNANT!"
Rei and Minako blinked as Haruka Teno'h, senshi of the planet Uranus and both girls' adored friend and idol, turned into a normal wide-eyed woman who didn't expect her friends to show up at her doorstep holding an over-a-year-old baby.
"Ara, Haruka, calm down. Minako-chan, Rei-chan, good morning."
Smiling in greeting, Rei proudly help up Keziah in front of her, comfortably cradling her little cousin to her belly and chest, face-forwards to the couple's shocked gazes.
Minako bounced a bit at the older senshi's reaction, blue eyes widening in surprise.
The aqua-haired woman's partner recovered her initial shocked panic and smiled down at Michiru. Eyes softening, Haruka opened the door and waved them all in.
"But like I said, both of you didn't look anything like one would if you were going to have a baby."
Laughing, Minako nodded and curtsied.
"Why, thank you. I have many skills."
Rei snickered a bit when Michiru led them into their living room, a choking Haruka behind them.
"No, please excuse her for her arrogant libido. This is my cousin who was left with us because of some financial problems with my uncle's company. Thankfully it's only just that and Keziah-kun's mother and father will have this all settled out in about a year."
Politely accepting the snacks Michiru brought out, Rei leaned back on the couch and looked around. The place really was magnificent, she thought.
The perfect home to a perfect family.
Of course, children were something uncommon to the Outers, having the lifestyle they did as senshi and their own unique upbringings, but. . .
"Is Hotaru-chan in?"
Minako crunched into a cookie and glanced up the stairs leading to a small indoor balcony. The dark-haired girl's room was just beyond, and Rei had to smile at Minako's forethought.
"Rei-chan. Minako-chan. Good morning. Who's this little guy?"
A smooth voice sounded behind them and Keziah wriggled in Rei's lap, his neck craning upwards and staring curiously at something past the Fire Senshi's shoulder.
Minako bounded up the back of the couch and Rei smiled apologetically at Haruka and Michiru. Her partner had a special bond with the Senshi of Time as her more-or-less direct opposite in love and heartbreak, and with Minako's affectionate and hyper personality, the couch was just something to give her a boost.
Haruka and Michiru just smiled and shook their heads, instead leaning forwards to watch their housemate's reaction.
Warm red eyes blinked once, then softened as a dark curl flopped over onto its side on Keziah's head. Careful hands gently picked the baby up and Rei watched Minako tense a bit as Keziah got a clean hit with his shoes into Setsuna's stomach.
"It's okay, you two. I'm not going to hurt you, right, little buddy?"
With Minako relaxing at her side, Rei turned to the couple behind her.
"We were wondering, did you guys ever get to spend enough time with Hotaru as a baby?"
At the amused grins she got, Rei cocked her head, Minako mimicking the same movement to a chuckling Setsuna.
"If Setsuna-mama stopped Time any more than she did when Haruka-papa and Michiru-mama freaked out at me growing like a weed, I would be forever three years old or younger."
Hotaru's calm voice sounded at Setsuna's side, and Rei turned once again to find the Senshi of Death playing with Keziah's small hands.
A peaceful smile played across her lips.
"You turned into a wonderful young lady, Hota-chan. And we're so proud of you."
Michiru held Haruka's hand, and Hotaru broke out into a grin.
"Doesn't change the fact all of you took extreme measures when I was three."
Garnet eyes laughed with Hotaru's amused statement.
Glancing over at Rei, Setsuna walked past the couch and carefully gave Keziah to a stunned Haruka. Racer looked down at the baby in her lap and juggled it like she would a hot potato to her mate's.
Minako smiled at the blond's antics and relaxed against her own partner as Michiru tickled Keziah's sides. Hotaru hopped in her Haruka-papa's lap and studied Keziah, dark eyes serious.
"The youma aren't getting any weaker, you know. With Usagi-chan out of town with her family on a cruise, we've got a small break. But that doesn't mean evil has taken this time to rest."
Nodding, Rei turned towards Minako.
At the understanding glimmer she got in those loving blue eyes, Rei spoke, their bond giving her permission granted.
"That's why we came here, or one of the reasons. Since we all need to train and fight, I'd like to ask for us to train together. If that's okay, then I'm asking permission if we could take turns guarding Keziah."
At the blank stares Rei was receiving, Minako jumped in.
"We're still taking him home and caring for everything he does. All we're asking is a chance to get stronger and better protection."
A sudden movement beside them, and Setsuna softly sighed.
"Are you willing to endanger this child's existence, and his family's?"
Shock coursed through Rei, and the Senshi of Fire faltered.
Yet. . .
"We promised Kikyo-san we'd watch Ke-kun and keep him safe. There is really no other option, and with or without your help, Rei-chan and me will keep that promise, no matter what!"
. . .
Silence broke as a scream resonated throughout the Outer's yard and glass broke, a youma's hideous face appearing in the shattered window.
Rei started as Michiru passed a wide-eyed Keziah to Setsuna, the Senshi of Time securing Keziah with a pat to his green shirt. Glancing over, Setsuna gave a reassuring grin at the two Inner Senshi and made a shooing motion as Haruka and Michiru transformed behind them.
"Your choice, your consequences. Doesn't mean I'm heartless."
Rei felt herself break out into a smile and she could feel Minako glow with the feeling of love beside her.
"Thank you, Setsuna-chan."
The Senshi of Time rolled her eyes and gave a curt nod.
Wielding her Time Staff, Sailor Pluto let out a faint, "Hope little Curly here doesn't mind Time Travel!" as the two forms blinked out of sight. Turning to Minako, Rei grinned at the hyper blonde, giving her a quick hug and wink as Minako undoubtedly remembered their earlier conversation about youma and kisses.
"Hey, mind helping us keep this youma from violating our yard?"
Sailor Uranus' amused yell from her stance of peeking in at them from the Outer's broken window caught their attention and both laughed. Jumping out the window frame, Sailor Mars and Venus gave a shared, "On it!" and proceeded to beat the lawn-mower youma into rusty-oil bits.
With a quick planner check from Haruka and Michiru, Minako and Rei got them all an agreed outing to the arcade.
Hotaru's yell that she was going to go after Keziah and Setsuna only told them all that they had complete support of taking care of the curly-haired babe.
After all, protecting the planet Earth encompassed duties that were fun, too. A new family of Outers to share that with only made it so much more interesting.
A/N: XD Hmmm, maybe this was a bit short, but at least it's on schedule! Whooohooo! *dances* And that's what counts. Hope you enjoyed this one, I actually think this was needed for the whole 'plot' thing. Ooops, now I gotta work on Minako POV in the future. ^^ Thanks for reading, take care, ja! XD