Chapter 4

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reviewing! :D

When its someone's thoughts read by either fabian/nina its supposed to be in a different font but for some reason it doesent show up when its published :( so its made the fic look realy confusing, sorry if u got confused :(









Power to stream different colourd energy out of her palm (just like others) Her colour is Purple :)

Power to read minds


Can read minds

Power to stream energy out of palm (Blue energy)

(More soon) :D


Power to stream energy out of palm (Pink energy)

(More soon)


Power to freeze and minipulate time

Can stream energy out of palm (Green)

More soon)


Can control the weather

Can stream energy out of palm


Can talk to animals! :D

Power to stream energy out of palm

Stream water out of palm too :)


Can control/create/minipulate fire

Stream energy out of palm


Can fly :D

Stream energy out of palm :)

Chapter 4

Fabian's POV

Woah. Nina's telekinetic?

''So far..ive got the best power''

Nina...Seriously that is annoying...

Well it was annoying when you did it to distract Victor while i use my super cool abbilities to distract Victor


I sighed and looked around the classroom. Amber and Mara were still aiming there palms at the teachers.

Patricia was sat casually on her desk, she was aiming both her palms directly at Victor who was scowling.

Mick,Jerome and Alfie were at the back of the clessroom, they seemed to be having a very tense stare war between eachother.


Right. Somehow i had to distract Victor.

How hard could that be?

I concentrated on Victor.

I gave him my best evils i could manage.

Victor smirked at me.

''Do you realy think you can just glare at me and then ill just run im going to stand here all day if i have too...untill you kids give up...''

''We're not going down without a fight!'' Alfie yelled.

I sighed.

''Alfie, Quit it with the cheesy movie quotes!'' Mara hissed.

I looked at the floor. Why can't i have a realy cool power like the others?

Suddenly i felt angry.

Realy angry.

Why did i feel so angry?

Then i clenched my fists as hard as i could.

Suddenly i felt a huge gust of wind fly past me.

I heard the others let out screams of both fear and excitement.

Then i found myself and the others my room?

Mine and Mick's room in Anubis house?

I looked at the others.

Amber was staring at me as if i had two heads, Nina was grinning like a cheshire cat, Jerome and Alfie were arguing over something and Mick and Mara were smiling at me too.

''What?'' I said self conciously.

Then i caught Mick's gaze.

''What?' I repeated.

'' can teleport!'' Nina squealed.

It took me a few seconds to realise...oh my god.

I could teleport!

i had brought myself and the others here.

I must of got so angry...i somehow teleported us here.

Nina ran over to me and kissed me full on the mouth.

Then she grinned.

She held out her palm, then balled it into a fist.

Suddenly there was a Rose in my hand.

''How did you...'' i begun.

Then i laughed.


Nina laughed and then cupped my fingers over the flower so the Rose was protected in my grasp.

''Keep it'' She said.

Amber clapped her hands making us both neraly jump out of our skins.

''Right, psycho teachers coming towards the house!'' She shouted urgently.

All eight of us turned to the window.

Victor, Mr Sweet and Mr Winkler were running up the lawn towards Anubis House.

Nina sighed.

She jerked her hand and we all watched a bucket fly into Victor's face.

He yelled out in pain and then tripped over his own feet.

Mara pointed her palm at the sky.

Then it began to thunder, then huge bolts of lightening flew out of the sky towards the teachers.

''get inside, ignore the extreme weather...its just the kids using their powers!'' Victor yelled.

''Right, its time for operation..get rid of teachers...escape evil grasp of Victor and then kick some bad a...''

''Alfie!'' The eight of us yelled in unison.

''Stop it with the cheesy film quotes!'' Amber yelled annoyed.

I took a deep breath.

''Fabian..can you teleport us somewhere safe?'' Nina asked me.

I nodded.

''Try not to get travel sick!'' I shouted,

Then i clenched my fists and i could feel the wind sweep over all eight of us again.

''You better not give me travel sickness Rutter!'' Amber yelled.

''HOLD ON!'' I yelled.


60 Seconds later:

Nina's POV

Fabian teleported us in the strangest place possible.

A supermarket. TESCO to be precise.

No'one realy noticed eight teenagers just appear out of nowhere.

''Right, Where do we go?'' Mara questioned me.

I noticed she was holding Jerome's hand.

Aww. Thats so sweet.

''You've got to be kidding me!'' Amber yelled.

''What is it?'' Alfie said.

''They've got my fave sandwhich filling, egg mayo..and its three pounds ninety nine!'' She yelled annoyed.

Suddenly Amber cried out in both excitement and fear.

Everyone turned to see her, she had a handfull of cash notes.

''Where..did you get them?'' Jerome asked.

Amber grinned. ''Watch!'' She squealed.

We watched.

Amber closed her eyes, and made a face as if she was making a wish, Then a tube of lipstick appeared from out of nowhere onthe palm of her hand.

''Woah..Thats...''' Mara begun.

''Amazing'' Mick breathed.

Amber grinned. ''I know! I can like think of something..Then it appears!''

''Erm..Amber!'' Fabian said urgently.

''Wait your turn Fabian!..Now What does everyone want?'' Amber asked.

''Guys, Victor...Mr Winkler...Coming this way!'' Fabian yelled mnore urgently.

Everyone turned and gasped out in annoyance and anger.

''Damn, i thought we'd lost them!'' Mick yelled expararated.

''Fabian, now would be a realy good time to teleport!'' I shouted.

''Run!'' Amber screamed at the top of her voice, attracting attention from passers by.

We had no choice but to start running for our lifes down the supermarket aisles.

''Rutter, You could of teleported us to a TESCO more further away from Anubis House then five minuets away!'' Mick yelled.

Suddenly black energy streamed straight past us and hit the wall.

''You have got to be kidding me!'' Fabian yelled.

''What is it?'' Patricia yelled.

The eight of us stopped in our tracks and turned to be face to face with Victor and Mr Winkler.

Fabian grabbed my hand.

Victor smiled. Then he held out his palm.

His palm was glowing black.

''Oh my god...'' Amber breathed.

''Kids, Dont make a scene...come with us or..ill blast you to oblivion'' Victor said aiming his palm at us.


''How did you get...''Amber said.

Victor chuckled. ''A simple gift from the Gods Mrs Millington...But my powers are only temporary..that is why we need you...we need your powers'' He said.

''Tough, Your not having them!'' Alfie shouted.

''Nina, Hold on''

To what? i asked Fabian's voice in my head.


''Okay, you can either come with us...or we will take you by force'' Victor said scowling.

I heard Amber say something back, but i couldent hear her because a gust of wind flew over me, drowing out sound.

''Fabian, What are you doing?''I yelled.

''Improvising!'' Fabian yelled back.

''Your...your leaving the others behind!'' I screamed.

''Nina, Fabian!'' Amber screamed.

''Mark my words Mr Rutter, you will perish in the sacrificial circle of Horus!'' Victor yelled.

Then i was swept of my feet into Nothing. Literally.

Amber's POV

Nina and Fabian had gone. Dissapeard.

''Nina and or have been kidnapped by a gust of wind!'' I hissed to Mara.

Mara sighed. ''Amber, Fabian teleported both of them somehwhere safe'' She said.

''Come with me NOW'' Victor demanded. He then aimed his palm at us again.

''Now, would be a good time to run!'' Jerome hissed.

Suddenly i had an idea.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on Victor and Mr Winkler's face's.

Suddenly Victor cried out in horror.

I opened my eyes quickly to see Victor with a huge tarantula in his palm.

''Get if off!'' Victor screamed.

''Leg it!'' Mick yelled.

We ran through aisle's untill we reached the exit and the back of the store.

Mick,Mara,Jerome and Alfie ran out of the store's door.

I followed them but suddenly i skidded to a halt.

A searing pain in my head make me cry out in pain.

''Ahh!'' I screamed in pain.

My vision went blurry.

Then all i could see was darkness, but i could hear the others yelling my name.


Then i heard Victor.

''Mrs Millington. You are very wise indeed...Now get here now!''

The pain in my head got worse.

I felt like my head was boiling and about to explode.

Then saw something. Like a tv in my head.

I had seeen this on films...

Oh my god.. i was having a vision!

I concentrated on the vision i was seeing.

Amber's vision.

A bus...going past?


Nina and Fabian..running.

Blast of energy..

More grass. Like...a...park?

Then i saw numbers.


That was todays date...

Then i saw a clock. As bright as day.

The clock read half past seven...

Then two letters...PM

That meant it was 7:30pm

Suddenly an ear piercing shriek.


Nina's voice screamed...

Amber's POV

I gasped and opened my eyes to see light. I was back in the supermarket.

The other's were crowded round me.

''Amber..are you okay? Its okay Victor's gone..for now'' Mick said.

I jumped up.

''We need to go..damn dident tell me where they were!'' i yelled in frustration.

''What?'' Mara shouted confused.

Suddenly another stab of pain in my head.

''Ahh!'' is screamed clutching my head.

''Run...just keep running!'' Nina screamed.

Fire. Fire was chasing them.

Then a sign.

Spa park.

I gasped again.

Opening my eyes i saw the other's.

This time they looked realy worried.

I jumped up.

''Spa park...we need to get to Spa park!'' i yelled.

''Why?'' Patricia said helping me stand up properly.

''Nina and Fabian are in trouble'' I replied.