Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh nor do I make any money from this piece of fanfiction.

AN: This was written for the YGO Drabble community on LJ, but given the happy prompt, I decided to place it in this universe. Also, first time writing from Kaiba Seto's perspective, so I only hope I got it right. Regardless, enjoy the story!

Challenge Name and Number: #045, Celebration
Drabble Title:
After Party
Word Count:
Warnings (if applicable):
Mentions of drunken Puzzleshipping PDA.
Pairings (if applicable):
Puzzleshipping (Shouldn't be a surprise by now, should it?)
There was a reason why Kaiba Seto avoided the after parties.

Another tournament, another loss, another official post-tournament celebration.

And of course, this party would only be followed up by an after party, courtesy of The Twins. The Twins being, of course, the wholly unrelated Yamino Atem and Mutou Yuugi. The former quite literally coming out of nowhere (Kaiba was not sure how he managed to have two separate sets of memories regarding Atem, but he was sure asking would net him an answer that involved more of that magic nonsense) to displace him as Yuugi's main contender for the World Champion title two years ago, and the latter being the one who took the title away from him in the first place.

Kaiba Seto mentally grimaced at the thought, as vague memories of a rather drunken game of Twister resurfaced. And while Kaiba Seto did not necessarily mind Twister, the way The Twins had played the game that night . . .

Needless to say, the CEO was wishing he had a Blue Eyes White Dragon sized bottle of brain bleach by the time the game was reduced to The Twins contorting (or was it really some twisted form of foreplay?) themselves to determine the winner. Fortunately, Otogi had chosen that particular moment to return with the vodka, and Kaiba very quickly decided to down half a bottle then and there so he would never recall the rest of that game as long as he lived. Or so he had hoped. Unfortunately, the amount of alcohol he drank that night was still not enough to stifle the remaining echoes of his memories of that game. (He was sure it involved some very clumsy and heated drunken grinding, and maybe some stripping of leather clothes, but he dared not delve deeper lest he pull forth the full memory from its drunken confines of his murky memory of that night and require him to figure out just how one went about using bleach to wipe out memories.)

"So, Kaiba-kun, will you come?" The CEO was ready to turn them down – he had refrained from accepting any other invitations after that party – until Mokuba spoke up.

"Come on, niisama, it'll be fun! And I know you finished all your work at the office before the tournament started, and I'm positive Kaiba Corp can run itself until Monday morning." Well, there went his excuse. And to make matters worse, he had turned to look at Mokuba while he spoke . . . and Mokuba was making those Eyes at him. He wrenched his eyes away from the younger Kaiba, only to land on Yuugi's face.

Who, as Kaiba grimly noticed, was also making similar Eyes at him. His determination to refuse the invitation vaporized like a Skull Servant on the receiving end of an Ultimate Burst from a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Sighing, he nodded in acquiescence. Then paused, and added, "Only if there's no alcohol."

"Whatever you want, Kaiba-kun!" The shorter of The Twins grinned and turned to Mokuba. "So, any game requests?"

"Yeah!" the younger Kaiba replied with a grin, "Capsule Monsters and Twister!"

The CEO groaned and instantly reached for another flute of champagne. Capsule Monsters, he was fine with. But Twister? "On second thought, make sure there's plenty of alcohol there." The hangover in the morning would be worth it if it meant his brain would be free of drunken twincesty foreplay disguised as a game of Twister.

Yuugi only grinned, happy to have roped the usually aloof CEO into attending. "Whatever you say, Kaiba-kun, whatever you say."
