When the right goes wrong
When I'm scared to death and got nothing left to lean on

I got you
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah I do
Baby I got you
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah you got me to

Yeah baby
I got you
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Baby I got you
Baby I got you

Eve stares at Kevin and sighs. "Why can't you just understand?" she asks.

"Understand? Are you kidding me Eve?" Kevin sighs and drags a hand through his hair. They've been at each other all morning and it doesn't seem like it's getting any better, not that Kevin's surprised. After all, they're good at this.

"I'm so tired of everything being about you." Eve shakes her head as she turns to walk over to her bags.

"Only you would think that." Kevin grabs his own bag. "I'll see you later. I'll catch a ride with Mike."

Eve turns in time to see Kevin leave. She plops down on the couch, letting out a heavy breath. She hadn't intended to start an argument. Today hasn't gone the way she had wanted it too. Starting the argument definitely didn't help. She doesn't blame Kevin for leaving because she would have too.

Reaching up, Eve runs a hand through her hair. Could today get any worse? Maybe once she's at the arena things will get better. Eve can only hope.

Eve sinks down to floor, tears falling even though she's trying her best not to cry. She knew that wouldn't happen though. Not with everything that just happened. Her hope of being here making the day better utterly failed. In fact, her day just got worse. And she can't even go to Kevin to just be in his arms. Letting her head fall against the wall, Eve sucks in a deep breath trying to regain her composure. She wants to have control before Kevin returns. But when the door opens, she knows it's too late.

"Eve?" Kevin asks walking over. He squats down in front of her. "Baby, what's wrong?" Kevin wipes Eve's cheeks with his thumbs.

"I shouldn't be crying," Eve says softly.

"Cry all you want, just tell me what's wrong."

Eve smiles through her tears at Kevin's statement. Leaning forward, she wraps her arms around Kevin's neck. He's actually here. After what they'd been through at the hotel, he's here with her. "It's stupid."

"Try me, Princess."

"I'm losing the belt."

"Oh Babe, I'm sorry." Kevin holds her close.

"I know I shouldn't be so upset about it. But everything was going so right and now it's changing into being all wrong."

Kevin pulls back enough to look at Eve. "Listen, no matter what happens, I'm here. You know that, right?"

Eve meets Kevin's hazel eyes. "Are you? Even after today?"

Kevin wipes the tears from Eve's cheeks. "Of course Princess." Leaning in, he presses a soft kiss to Eve's lips. "I love you. We can fight all the time and I'd want to stay."

Eve takes a staggered breath after hearing this. It's definitely not what she expected. She had thought Kevin would be hesitant to be anywhere near her for the rest of the day. She had no doubt that they'd work this out. She just hadn't expected it to be so soon.

"It'll be okay Eve. You are amazing and will hold that belt again."

"I just feel like an idiot for getting so emotional over it. It's so much more than that though. Everything today has gone wrong. And I hate myself for starting a dumb fight with you. I hate that I do that all the time."

Kevin can't help but smile a little. He knows Eve doesn't like to start the fights they have, who would though? Kevin knows he doesn't like starting them either. But he also knows he would continue fighting with Eve if it meant they stay together. Eve wipes her eyes and laughs a little.

"I hate when you do this to me," Eve mutters.

"What'd I do?" Kevin asks.

"You make me crazy." Eve wraps her arms around Kevin's neck, holding him close. "I'm sorry."

"Me too Princess. Come on, I need to get out of this position."

Eve allows Kevin to help her stand and lets him capture her lips in a soft kiss. Kevin slides his arms around Eve's waist, holding her close to him. He doesn't want to let her go. He wants to make her forget about her worries of the evening. But he knows he has to back away before he won't be able to. Kevin takes a step back and smiles at Eve.

"I love you," Kevin says.

"Love you too," Eve replies.

"I have to go out soon so I need to get going. I just wanted to come see you before I did. Now I'm glad I did." Kevin kisses her again. "I'll see you in a little bit, okay?"

Eve nods. "Have fun out there."

"Of course I will." Kevin winks at Eve before walking out.

Kevin watches as Brie…or Nikki, he's not completely sure…pins Eve. He rubs the back of his neck and lets out a heavy breath. Eve shouldn't have lost the belt like this, but Kevin's not surprised its how it went. He walks over to wait for Eve to walk back. When he sees her, he flashes her a small smile.

Eve can't help but smile when she sees Kevin standing there. When she reaches him, she throws her arms around his neck. Kevin chuckles as he slides his arms around her waist. He'd hold her like this all the time if he could.

"You did amazing," Kevin says. "I'm so proud of you."

Eve pulls back enough to look at Kevin. "Thank you for being here."

"No need to thank me. I'm here." Leaning in, Kevin brushes his lips over hers. "You're stuck with me."

"I'm so upset about that."

Kevin moves his arm to rest around Eve's shoulders as they walk toward Eve's dressing room. Eve smiles up at Kevin. She loves the feel of him being so close. This is it. This is what she's been wanting. Kevin is her missing piece.

"What's on your mind?" Kevin asks.

"I got you."


Author's Note: This is it! Thanks for all the wonderful comments. Hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it!