Title: The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions
Rating: Mature for explicit sex
Spoilers (if any): General season two spoilers
Warnings (if any): Sex scenes and mentions of male pregnancy
Word Count: 1,767
Summary: Blaine is grateful for his werewolf abilities. Especially his sense of smell. It comes in handy, especially when it comes to telling whether or not he can get his boyfriend pregnant.

A/N: Written for a prompt at the glee_kink_meme. The story will later include sex scenes, mentions of murder, and male pregnancy

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

Blaine and Kurt had been dating for two months when Kurt had revealed to Blaine that he was part cat. His mother had been a scientist fond of self experimentation, and one of her tests had gone slightly awry only days after Kurt had been conceived. Blaine remembered how nervous Kurt had been, terrified that Blaine would leave him. The knowledge has only sufficed to make Blaine love Kurt more.

Plus it totally made Kurt ten times sexier.

It also made Blaine admire Kurt more. Somehow, he managed to fit a tail into those skintight jeans that were practically spray painted onto Kurt's body. Somehow Kurt managed to style his hair so that his beautiful pointed cat's ears were hidden underneath chestnut locks.

At first Blaine had been confused on how Kurt had two sets of ears, but Kurt had embarrassedly explained that while it enhanced his hearing, it was mainly an erogenous zone. He also had to explain, as Blaine had absentmindedly been stroking his tail, that the extra appendage was also an erogenous zone, and what Blaine had been doing was the equivalent to giving Kurt a handjob. Needless to say, Blaine had continued what he had been doing.

Their first time was the one thing Blaine truly regretted. Kurt had gone into his first heat, and he had been terrified and horny. Blaine took advantage of that. He had been horny as hell, approaching his time of the month, and their first time had been quick and rough. It was pleasurable for both of them, but Kurt's heat had ended after getting fucked, and he had sobbed afterwards, essentially breaking Blaine's heart.

Shortly after that, Blaine had explained to Kurt that he was a werewolf.

Oddly enough, that seemed to fix everything, and the two were once again as close as ever, with the added bonus of sex. But Blaine had decided to do a little research about cats in heat, and had turned up some rather interesting information, information that he definitely wanted to find out the truth about.

According to his research, Blaine could get Kurt pregnant.

Well technically any guy could get Kurt pregnant, but just the thought of another guy touching Kurt had Blaine growling possessively. But the point was, Kurt could get pregnant. And for some reason, the thought of Kurt, belly swollen with Blaine's litter of...whatever they would have, managed to turn Blaine on. So much so, that the first time Blaine pictured it, he had to excuse himself to the restroom so he could stroke himself in peace.

But Blaine was determined to make that dream a reality. Being a werewolf, he had enhanced senses. But his sense of smell was the strongest. So strong, that Blaine could smell when Kurt, or really anyone at that matter, could get pregnant.

It was only Kurt's second heat, but he was seventeen, and Blaine would be eighteen in a month. They were more than ready to have children. Teenagers did it all the time, and the majority of them weren't as well off as Blaine was. Well, okay, Blaine hadn't talked to Kurt at all about this, but he knew it wasn't necessary. Kurt was in heat, and horny as hell. And Blaine was determined that the pair wouldn't stop fucking until Blaine was sure he had gotten his boyfriend knocked up.


"Door. Door, get the door."

Blaine currently had his lips attached to Kurt's neck, one hand on the countertenor's lower back, the other groping his ass. Kurt was being held up by Blaine, his impossibly long legs wrapped around Blaine's waist.

Groping blindly behind him, Kurt's hand found the doorknob. He quickly twisted it, and the pair practically tumbled into Blaine's bedroom. Once inside, Blaine wasted no time. He literally threw Kurt onto the bed, climbing on top of the beautiful boy, looking for all the world like the fierce predator that he was.

His hazel eyes locked onto Kurt's multi colored ones, and seeing the desperation and need in Kurt's expression, Blaine quickly began shedding their clothes. He only managed to strip them of their shirts, before being distracted by Kurt's gorgeous chest. There were so many things that Blaine loved about having a part cat as a boyfriend, but one of his favorites would definitely be Kurt's chest. Instead of having just two nipples, like every boring human had, Kurt had six, like a cat. And all of them were as fun to tease.

Bending down his head, Blaine paid special attention to each of Kurt's nipples, taking them in his mouth and tugging gently, until each was hard and erect. He smirked as he heard Kurt whimper underneath him. God, he would never get tired of hearing that. Finally finished with his attention to Kurt's nipples, Blaine quickly undid the button on Kurt's skintight jeans, and pulled his briefs down with them.

Blaine knew that among other the things, seeing Kurt's beautiful cock, dark and hard, just for him, would never get old. But Blaine wanted to experiment. He would definitely be getting Kurt pregnant today, but that didn't mean they were restricted to one orgasm. Oh no, Blaine planned on pounding Kurt until he couldn't walk the next day. It would be absolutely fantastical. But for now, Blaine wanted to see exactly how little he had to do to make Kurt come.

Wetting his hand slightly with saliva, Blaine reached behind Kurt and began stroking his long silky tail, eliciting a moan from the countertenor. His strokes were long and sure, and Blaine began varying pressure and speed as Kurt began panting underneath him.

"Bla-Bl-oh god-oh Blaine, Bl-"

Kurt's manicured fingernails began scrabbling at Blaine's chest, leaving long white marks on the otherwise tanned skin. Blaine could see the desperation in Kurt's eyes, and while normally he would prolong the foreplay, it was far from over.

Blaine reached up to Kurt's head, and with his free hand, he began playing with Kurt's soft, delicate cat-like ears. As soon as he did, Kurt's hips immediately thrusted upwards, a sinful moan escaping his lips. Blaine smirked, and quickly removed his lips from Kurt's, ignoring the whine of protest. He moved up towards Kurt's cat ears, and without any warning, began lightly tracing the sensitive skin on the inside of Kurt's ears with his tongue.

The boy underneath him froze, and then bucked upwards, shrieking out as Blaine abused one of his most sensitive spots with his tongue. Blaine was slightly nervous at first. He had never done this before, and he didn't know how Kurt would-oh hello. Kurt was coming in long, pearly white strings.

Abandoning Kurt's ears and tail, Blaine moved down and began licking Kurt off, making sure to get every last drop from his chest and cock. As Blaine finally looks back up at Kurt, he sees that his boyfriend is staring at him with shining, lust filled eyes, albeit a little sleepily.

"B-Blaine, you barely even touched me!" Kurt gasped out in wonder. Blaine smirked. He was just that fucking awesome. Kurt moved his hand down, as if to jerk Blaine off, but Blaine's wrist instantly snapped out and caught Kurt's. The blue eyed boy looked at him in surprise, but Blaine simply smirked.

"Oh don't worry Kurt, I'm not done."

Blaine's voice was low and sultry, and though he knew Kurt was surprised, he didn't bother to pause his actions. Reaching across to the nightstand, Blaine quickly grabbed some lube, and slicked his fingers with it. Kurt's asshole was self lubricated, but it was still a little dry. Without warning, Blaine slid a finger into Kurt, and the brunette let out a cry, a mixture of pleasure and pain. Blaine knew that Kurt was oversensitive, but he also knew that Kurt would enjoy every moment of it.

Blaine continued to tease Kurt with his fingers, and he noticed Kurt getting hard again. When Blaine was sure that Kurt was prepped and ready, he poised his cock at Kurt's entrance, and slid easily in, aided by Kurt's wet hole, and the lube. Kurt shrieked once again, and Blaine waited until he gave the go ahead. Unable to resist, Blaine began whispering to Kurt, wrapped up in his own pleasure. As he thrusted in and out, he began telling Kurt exactly what he was thinking.

"Oh god Kurt, oh god, nfg, so fucking hot-you have no idea. Oh god, you'll look so hot with your belly swollen. Of f-FUCK KURT!"

Blaine cried out in ecstasy as Kurt slammed his hips upwards as Blaine thrusted down, the friction amazing. Kurt was now rock hard, and Blaine loved that he could do that to his boyfriend. He loved knowing that he could turn Kurt to putty in his talented hands. Deciding to give Kurt another release before he continued on, Blaine reached up and squeezed Kurt's hard member, instantly rewarded with more of Kurt's come.

But this time Blaine didn't stop to lick Kurt off. This time, Blaine didn't stop at all. He could see the tiredness in Kurt's eyes, see the pain from the oversensitivity, but he also saw the blissed out expression, the completely pliant boy underneath him. Blaine had completely unhinged him, and seeing his boyfriend so debauched made him moan with pleasure.

Blaine continued thrusting into the hot, tight, wet cavern of Kurt, making sure to slam into Kurt's prostate with each thrust. Kurt had become completely incoherent, stuttering moans and nonsense. Blaine began talking fervently again, feeling himself come closer and closer to the edge.

"Oh god Kurt, you'll look so perfect, and my seed will be inside you, and they'll be beautiful, beautiful as you, with your eyes, and oh god, KURT!"

Somehow, Kurt had managed to rake his hands seductively down Blaine's chest, even in his blissed out state. Unable to hold it together any longer, Blaine slammed into Kurt's prostate with a scream, bringing Kurt with him as they tumbled over the edge together. Blaine made sure to keep his cock buried balls deep in Kurt for at least five minutes. He needed Kurt to get pregnant. Finally, after he was sure that the marathon round of sex had gotten his boyfriend knocked up, Blaine pulled out of Kurt, both of them wincing as he did so.

As he pulled out, the two of them found themselves in a sticky mess, but Blaine didn't really care. However, when Kurt reached out blindly, sleepily calling, "B-Blaine. C'mere. I wanna cuddle," Blaine quickly complied. Kurt enjoyed their post sex cuddling almost as much as the actual sex. Ignoring the mess and smell of sex, Blaine wrapped Kurt in his arms and murmured how their babies would look, as the pair drifted off to sleep.