This is the sequel to House of Artemis! If you have not already read my first story, please do before you continue reading this one.

Special thanks to all my readers. I might not have even made this sequel if it wasn't for you.

I own nothing on HOA.

Today is the day! I am finally going to the boarding school my father went to when he was younger. As the thought crosses my mind, I bolt out of bed before my alarm even goes off. For half my life so far, I lived in America. Seven years here in England were by far the best. No offense to Americans, of course, because I am half American.

I quickly get dressed and race downstairs. My father is already there, sitting at the table with a grief-stricken expression etched on his face. I suddenly remember what else today was: the anniversary of the day my mother died. My excitement dies down as memories follow.

Dad looks up from his cup. "Alyson Rutter! What have I told you about running in the house?" He always says that when he knows I'm super-excited. He stands up, walks over, and wraps me in a tight hug. "You look so much like Nina," he breathes.

To stop the tears, I bury my face in his chest. "I know," I whisper. "You've said that before."

He holds me out at arm's length, his eyes grazing over me. "The only difference…"

"Is the fact that my hair is darker," I finished with a half-smile. "And that my accent is more British now."

"Amber should be here –" He is interrupted by a knock on our door. "Right now," he chuckled. He opens the door to my blond-haired godmother.

"Fabian!" she squeals, although they see each other every other week. Because my mother died so early in my life, Amber kind of filled the void. Fabian pulls out of her embrace of greeting and immediately shoves me forward. "Allie! I missed you so much!" She critiques my outfit and nods approval. Then she grows sullen. "Is today…?"

I nod, knowing Dad does not want to hear this again. "Ex-nay on the ancer-kay," I whisper to her. I look past her, expecting to see my "cousin" outside. "Hannah's at the school already?" I ask.

Before she could reply, Fabian interrupts. "Amber, may I talk to my daughter for a moment?" She nods and heads outside. He turns to me. "Allie, this school is very important to our past. I met your mother there, and we had many friends. There was a mystery that we began to solve until…" He breaks off, uncertainty evident on his face. "Anyway, your mother wanted you to have this." He presents a small diamond necklace with a slight blue tinge to it. I try not to gasp. "Nina found this one day on our trip to Greece so many years ago. One of my last visits with her, during the cancer thing, she told me to give you this when I thought the time was right. You might not remember, but you were with Amber and Hannah that day."

I carefully position the gem around my neck. "It's beautiful," I murmur. "It really used to be Mom's?" He nods, blinking a tear out of his eye. I hug him. "Thank you."

"Come visit me at the studio sometimes, okay?" he queries, back to his usual self.

"Of course," I promise. He had taken over my grandfather's record company. Once or twice we would take a trip to an archeology site because he also loved ancient history and fossils, but mostly I helped him with the music. Even when we were in the States, I skipped school to go with him to the branch there. "You have to remember how to cook," I tease.

He smiles. "Don't worry about your dad. I'll be fine." He glances at the door. "Not to mention Amber is there for me."

We walk outside and head for Amber's car. I put my long dark brown hair into a neat ponytail, draping over my left shoulder like I always do. The sharp scent of Hannah's perfume is still noticeable, but I ignore it.

When we finally reach the school, I see several houses that I know aren't mine. Amber parks, gives me another hug, and tells me to call her if I ever need fashion advice. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dad roll his as we walk toward the house.

His dark green eyes graze over me one last time. "I know you'll take care of yourself, Allie. Artemis House can teach you many things, including how to better protect yourself. Know that anything you think you hear might be the gods trying to help you." He always had this belief that the gods existed alongside us. I was the exact opposite whenever he brought it up. But now I am not so sure. "I love you, Allie."

"I love you, too, Dad," I respond before heading inside. This would be the first year I was truly away from him. Ever since Mom left, we did everything together except for school. At home he helped me with assignments. And I was letting all that go because of boarding school. I look over my shoulder just long enough to see his retreating back.

It is time to meet my new housemates.

What did you all think of the first chapter? I know not much has happened yet, but hey, it is only the first chapter!

Goal (not requirement… yet…): at least 5 reviews before next update