A GENTLEMAN AND HIS MISTRESS – Fan Fic Season 2 TV-Vampire Diaries

Written by Véronique, Montreal, Qc, CANADA

Lovely Vero

Writer's note: OMFG, to take a well known expression of Elijah! This will be my third crossover fan fiction story! Following my DELENA one: "Too much noise in the bedroom", and my STAROLINE one: "An unexpected love affair". Completely in synchronization in time with my other two fan fiction stories.

I prepare something, that will help my new readers who did not follow my two other stories, to understand the historic behind it with small recaps sentences, and two prefaces (previous scenes) coming from both of my two other fan fictions. This first chapter is a short introduction of their (Katherine & Elijah) undeniable physical attraction for each other, and their stubbornness! So happy to have started this story, you have no idea!


The crossover started in my first DELENA fan fiction after the 2010 Holiday hiatus.

Elijah promised Elena to protect his family and friends like in TVD.

Elijah had to follow Elena and Damon in New York, at a Salsa Club owned by Klaus.

Elijah had to save Caroline and Stefan, after Klaus had kidnapped both of them.



Alli entered the Club's office room with Damon following her closely; she turned around to look at Damon and invited him to pass arch door with a hand gesture. Damon entered the room to see Elijah standing in front of an interior tainted window with a view on the dance floor, turning his head at their arrival.

"Thank you Alli!" Elijah said to her. She nodded her head, before leaving the office.

"Please, take a seat" Elijah said smiling to Damon.

Damon kept his standing position in front of him, with an intense serious gaze in his eyes.

"As you wish!" Elijah continued sitting on top on the desktop."So, Damon SalvatoreIt was about time that we introduce ourselves formally, don't yout think?" He asked.

"Get to the point Grandpa!" Damon replied to him.

"Ah Damon..You know, I always enjoy a good sense of humourSo damn important to have it in life, more so if you're a vampire!" Elijah replied to him before getting up from his sitting position, walking towards an open bar, and pouring a glass of alcohol.

"You want one?" Elijah asked, showing an empty glass to Damon. "You like bourbon, don't you?" Elijah continued making a point of knowing every detail of Damon's life.

Damon did not budge.

"My bad then" Elijah started.

"NowI made a pact with the lovely Elena to protect the members of her family and friends, including you and your brother, and I always keep my promise. In exchange, as you surely already know, she will stay safe in Mystic Falls, living a normal life, and not putting herself in any kind of danger; butshe was not safe tonight, was she?" He then took a sip of his glass before continuing.

"With your brother away from Mystic Falls with Miss Caroline Forbes, on what I believe to be a rescue mission to Richmond to free Mr. Tyler Lockwood of a werewolf woman named Jules, and of course yourself who was not able to stop Elena on her mission to come here, I unfortunately don't feel the need to keep you both alive anymore." Elijah finished smiling and looking at Damon in the eyes.

"I'm dead already; maybe you did not get the memo?" Damon replied sarcastically to him.

"It's a figure of speech." Elijah replied to him.

"SoDamon, as a goodness of my heart and my friendship for ElenaI'll give you another chance to prove yourself to me.She was very lucky tonight, Klaus had left the club's premises, but next time it could end badly for her." Elijah explained to him. "So, I suggest that you keep her close, and watch her every move" He added, before continuing. "You can go now, enjoy your night at the club with Elena!" Elijah finished with a smile and a nodding of his head.

Damon directed his walk towards the exit, showing only his back to Elijah, before stopping in his tracks inches from the door.

"Oh by the way, Grandpa." Damon started, his hand on the door handle, before continuing. "I don't know how, where or when, but I will kill you. As a figure of speech of course" He then turned his head to look at him straight in the eyes."And I always keep my promise also!" He finished while opening the door and closing it behind him.



They heard a loud noise, before seeing the door open; Stefan brought Caroline behind him, to protect her, no way in hell they would be separated one more time!

They looked with astonishment on their face at Gretta's body being thrown on the dining room floor, before watching a man passing the arch door and bending his up front body to reach her own lying body that was still on the floor, she tried to escape him one more time, but he was faster and he snapped her neck in an instant, leaving her death the second after!

The man got up, and started to sweep away dust on his black stylish blazer.

"So sorry for the intrusion." He said to Caroline and Stefan. "There is so much dust in this manor it's unbelievable!"He added, before noticing the blood on the table and on the floor. "You had a little incident with Klaus I can see?"

"Elijah!" Stefan said in disbelieve.

Elijah nodded his head as a greeting for both of them.

"Could you explain?" Stefan asked him.

"WellI truthfully doubted that you two were really death actually!" He replied to Stefan while smiling at him.

"What are you doing in Richmond?" Stefan asked him.

Elijah took a few steps toward their standing position while putting both of his hands, in his blazer's pockets.

"I actually was in New York before" He started. "Elena and your brother had decided to pay a visit to Klaus, believing that he might be in a dancing Club that he owns in the city.So I had to take action and find them"Elijah continued explaining."At the same time, you were in Richmond to find the young Lockwood, and you were gathering information into the city."

Stefan looked at Caroline, while nodding his head in disbelief.

"Following the little "rendez-vous" of your brother and Elena in NewYork, I was ordered to present myself here, and I received the information that you died inside of an old flour factory, very original if I may addcause of the deaths: an unexplained fire. Check the information, was able to find out that you had escape the burning blaze that had been set by Jules and her men.Put two and two togetherAnd here I am!" He finished with a debonair smile on his face.

"Like thatNothing more?" Stefan asked him, adding. "Why?"

"I gave my word to Elena that I would keep her family and friends alive. I am a man of my words Mr.Salvatore." Elijah replied to him. "Now...we lost enough time, here are the keys of your truck"Elijah said to Stefan while putting the keys in Stefan's hand. "…Take it.All your personal belongings are in the carsI suggest that you change before reaching Richmond city thoughI doubt that it is the time for the Circus to be in town..." Elijah added with his impeccable English humour while smiling sarcastically at the sight of their 1864 clothes."I took the initiative to book two bedrooms at a hotel for you to pass the nightyou'll find the address in the car also."

"Stefan!" Caroline interrupted. "I'm not leaving without Tyler!"

Stefan winced hard at her mention, for an unexplained reason he just felted a hint of jealousy inside of him at the mention of Tyler's name.

"Mr.Tyler Lockwood is already waiting for you at the hotel." Elijah added to a speechless but happy Caroline.

"I will drop you at the hotel..." Stefan said to Caroline. "...But, I have to find Damon and Elena."

"I suggest that you refrain yourself of that action." Elijah replied to him.

"It's my brother and..It's Elena!"Stefan started, adding. "I won't refrain from finding them!"

"I know their present locationI already took action into finding them." Elijah explained. "I'll go, and I'll protect them! We both know that you won't be able to go against Klaus! Let me do it!"

Stefan took a few steps back and forth, sliding his right hand on his face to calm himself down; he knew that Elijah was right! It would be difficult for him to battle this evil Original alone, and with no time in front of him, Elijah had the strength, the time, and the information in his reach to go against Klaus.

Stefan nodded his head in approval.

"Now go!" Elijah said whit a hand gesture to advice them to leave the manor.

Stefan took Caroline's hand in his, before directing his steps to leave the dining room, Caroline made him stop by holding his left arm.

"What about Katherine?" She asked him.

"Katerina?" Elijah asked surprised, adding. "What about her?"

Stefan turned and looked at Caroline in the eyes.

"She turned you, Caroline!"

"I know" Caroline started, adding. "But, I wouldn't wish Klaus on my worst enemy!" She explained, before turning to look at Elijah in the eyes. "She's in one of the Dungeon cell!"

"In here?" Elijah asked surprised.

Caroline nodded her head in approval.

"It would have been a too easy place for Klaus to hide her in here. Thinking about it now, it was the perfect place that I wouldn't have thought of" He said, adding. "Now go, I will take care of her!"

He looked at Stefan's and Caroline's departure, before passing a nervous hand in his hair.

He would take care of her how? By leaving her in the cell's dungeon to die or taking her with him? That was the real question.



Katherine raised her head at the sound of a door being suddenly open. She stood up very slowly in a standing position, holding herself with both hands on the cell wall. She was weak, tired and hadn't fed for days! She took a few steps backward, to reach the farthest back corner of the small habitable, standing in the dark with only the sound of footsteps to fill the emptiness of the Dungeon.

It could only mean that Klaus had come for her! It was her time…Did Klaus kill Stefan? Probably so…Or did he have a darker plan in mind for him? Even if he had already explained to her that she would be suffering for centuries to repay, her running and bad behaviour, from and to him, she knew that Klaus could easily snap back to his insanity in an instant and kill her the next!

The footsteps were approaching now; she closed her eyes in a last prayer to God. When was the last time that she had prayed exactly? In her memory, it must have been after witnessing the awful carnage deaths of her entire family.

The footsteps stopped! She kept quiet, her eyes closed.

"Good evening, Katerina."

She almost jumped out of her skin! Only one person on earth would roll the "R" while pronouncing her name that way! She opened her eyes in an instant, only to see her greatest fear coming to live, in a standing position, behind the bars of her cell.

"Elijah!"She whispered to him, scare and angry at the same time.

"I see that you're still frightened at the sight of me"Elijah replied to her sarcastically. "You finally understood that you should always be!"

"You left me in the tomb for Klaus to find me!"She angrily answered to him.

"Did I?" He answered while leaning his back on the wall behind him. "You don't seem well?"He added, crossing his arms in front of his chest in a casual way.

"Go to hell!" She angrily mumbled to him, before letting her body slide on the wall, dropping herself on the floor the next second, not able to stand on her two legs anymore. It would not be long now that she would lose all the motions in her body!

"You are getting weaker and weaker, as I can see, Katerina."He added to her, with a devious smile on his lips.

He suddenly took a few steps to his left. She nervously wondered where he had disappeared, not being able to see him anymore.

"Elijah?" She asked him, with the mix feeling of wanted him far away from her, and at the same time the need of knowing that someone was at her side.

He came back with a chair in his hand, dropped it in front of her cell before taking place in a sitting position on it. He then stared at her lying position on her cell floor.

"Are you going to stay there and look at me all night?" Katherine asked him, with a angry tone in her voice.

He did not answered right away…he wanted to make her anticipate his next move, controlling brilliantly her nervousness.

"If you want to kill me, Elijah...Just do it already!" Katherine screamed at him.

"I have a proposition for you, Katerina."Elijah said to her, leaning his body forward, pressing his left forearm on his knee.

"You can keep your proposition to yourself!" Katherine lashed out at him.

"In that case" He started standing up from his sitting position, pushing his chair away from him, and adding. "…How many days without blood now? It should not be long for you to mummifyYou shouldn't feel any pain when that process will start...Farewell, Katerina!"He added before slowly directing his walking steps toward the front door of the dungeon, at the end of the long corridor.

"Wait!" He heard her whispered to him, he stopped his walking track, smiled, and turned around to walk back in front of her dungeon cell.

"Yes, Katerina?" He asked her.

"What kind of a proposition?"She then asked him, crawling on her cell floor toward the cell bars, her body getting out of the darkest corner of her cell.

At her sight, Elijah was hit with remorse! She looked awful…Way more awful that the day he had compelled her to stay in the tomb…He hair were dry and lifeless, her face was as white as a sheet, her eyes were empty of any emotion…the way she was crawling on her cell floor was a given of her soon to be mummification. Elijah turned his head to his right, to hide his real feelings from her.

This could not happen to him again! He thought in his head…KaterinaPetrova would not play with his heart a second time…The only reason that he was here was to prove a point to his brother! To take her away from his home, during his absence!

"Tell me" She asked him again, awaiting for an answer from his part.

He turned back his sight at her, while showing a perfect face with no expression, before taking his sitting position back on the chair.

"I have different homes and penthouse in North Americabut, I recently purchased a Manor in England, the country side of Chester City to be more exact...I am in need of help!"Elijah explained to her with a devious smile on his face.

Katherine raised her head to look at him with astonishment, what in hell was he talking about?

"What kind of help?" Katherine asked mostly afraid of hearing his answer.

"Well" Elijah started while nodding his head and doing his very best to not burst into laughter. This would soon be very entertaining for him! "I need a couple of extra housekeepers to take care of the house."

Was he purposely making fun of her before her last living-death moments as a vampire?

"You are despicable, Elijah!"She answered him back before spitting on the floor in front of him, only to be hit a second later with an unstoppable cough.

"You're not getting better, Katerina" He firstly said to her, with a sarcastic tone of voice, adding."but if you prefer to die, my brother should be home in a day or two!" he continued, before finishing with a last sentence. "And don't think that somebody will check on youI pretty much killed the majority of his guardsand his witch, Gretta was her name wasn't it?...She's unfortunately dead! I spared his warlock thoughhe seems to have disappeared with my beloved brother!"

She wiped her mouth with her hand before adding.

"Where did he go? Did he kill" She started in a whisper to him, without being able to pronounce the name.

"The youngest Salvatore"Elijah asked her, continuing."That is your question, isn't it, Katerina?"

"I'm boredAnd mummifying at the present moment, don't you rememberI want to pass the timeand I'm just curious." she answered him, while shrugging her shoulders.

She was a fighter! That's for sure! But he knew also that it was not the only reason…which made him upset for some sort of a reason.

"He's alive and on his way back to Mystic Falls with his lady friend." He answered her.

"What is there for you to safe the day, Elijah?" Katherine asked him.

"Let just say, that I have my reasons." He answered to her, adding."NowI have urgent matters that I need to take careCan we finalize the conditions of our deal" He added to her, with a sarcastic smile on his lips. "I won't go back twice on it, Katerina!"

"You have your five minutes of fun at my expense, Elijah!"Katherine answered him, more angrier than ever.

"Considering that you had several centuries on mine, don't you think it's a fare exchange?"He asked her.

She lowered her head at his saying.

"So, I would need to do what exactly?"She asked him.

"My first chief butler is getting oldhe needs help to take care of the Manor.Considering that Klaus has no real use for you these daysand that you'll be death soon one way or the otherIt would be to your best interest to gracefully thank me, and accept my proposition."He explained to her, adding. "This is my way to steal you from my beloved brother's handsand forcefully keeping you away from the Salvatore'swhile at the same time having a new housekeeper that will take care of me for the eternity, if you behave and I don't decide one day to kill you myself, of course!"

"You are enjoying this, don't you, Elijah?"Katherine asked him.

Elijah smiled back at her. No words were necessary, she knew!

"He's human?"She asked surprised, and completely unbalanced by the way he was keeping his crazy game going.

"Charles? My butler…Yes, he is!"Elijah answered to her. "But don't you have ideas, KaterinaHe's human, yesbut also a powerful warlock!"

Katherine was now thinking that this plan was her best option! She would get out of Klaus's dungeon, play Elijah's game for a while, and then escape away from him!

She raised herself up on her knees, before standing on her two feet, keeping her balance with one of her hand on the wall.

"OK!" She answered him, adding. "Now, pleaseLet me out of here, Elijah!"

"There's another condition to my proposal, Katerina!" He continued explaining to her, with a devious smile on his face.

"I knew it!" She would not get out of this nightmare as easy as she firstly thought!

"What else would you want from me? I have nothing else to give you, ElijahYou pretty much took the rest of my proud just now?"Katherine screamed at him.

Elijah approached the cell bars while locking his eyes with hers.

"Men have needs Katerina!" He answered her, adding. "In the future it is possible that I ask you to fulfil these needs!"

Katerina took a few steps to reach his standing position, while facing him behind the cell's bar.

"NE-VER" She articulated every syllable as an answer to him. "I'll do the house cleaning job, I'll wash your dishes, clean your floor, even wash your damn underwearbut I will never sleep with you!"

Elijah smiled at her. He was holding her life in the palm of his hand!

"But you see, Katerina" He started. ".You won't have the eternity in front of you to have the privilege to say never to meI'll say that at the latest tomorrow, you'll be too far gone alreadyThis only, if you are not accepting my proposition."

"Devil man" She though. He knew that she did not have any cards in her hands presently to beat him at his own game!

"Why me? You could have thousands of other women! You despise me, Elijah!"Katherine answered to him.

"But, my dearI already can have all the women that I wantAnd I'm actually in a relationship at the present moment" He firstly said to her, making her raise one of her eyebrow. "But sometimes I'm bored like you are, KaterinaI only want variety in my bedthat is the down side of being eternal, would you say?and what better way than having you has my mistressto annoy my brother and to put a little bit of challenge in my love lifeBut for the time being you are very luckyI wouldn't be touching you if my life would depend on it! But, I could change my mindIf I doYou'll oblige to my demand."He explained to her, adding. "I'm surprised that this is bothering you so much, Katerinafor what I heard these last centuries you were not shy of your sexual prowess?"

Oh! She hated him with every inch of her body, and the small part of soul she had still in her! …He knew how to make her feel less than nothing simply by giving her one look, or a well said sentence. ..She always hated that about him!

"Open the cell door, Elijah" She begged him to do, while locking her eyes with his, and nodding her head in approval of his demands. "..I'll go with you and be whatever you want me to be!"

Elijah put his hand in the right front pocket of his blazer, before removing the cell door key.

He opened the door and showed her with a hand gesture that she was free to get out of her prison. She took a few unbalanced steps before reaching the dungeon corridor.

"One last thing, KaterinaDo not forget that I'm your master now..."Elijah started. "If for whatever reason you decide to turn on me or escapeI will make you pay in a worst possible way by compelling you to become my slave and not have your free will anymore, plus, I will make you forget all your previous memoriesincluding, the one that you still have about your familyAm I clear?"

Katherine nodded her head in approval to him, before holding herself with her hands on the wall, while taking unbalanced steps toward the dungeon's exit.

"You have to feed me, Elijah!" She asked him.

"I will" He answered to her, standing at a near inch of her back.

"NoI mean now" She whispered to him before collapsing on the floor.

"Katerina" He screamed to her, before kneeling at her side on the floor, brushing her hair away from her face, while caressing one of her cheek. He then very quickly put one of his arms under her knees and back, to raise her in his arms and a minute later directing his walk to the exit.

"You'll be fine" He murmured in her ear, adding. "I'll take care of you!"

Katherine smelled the sweet red nectar, she was feeling the anticipation of the first gulp in her mouth…She could not resist anymore, she started to drink abundantly.

"Go easy, Katerina!"

She heard a voice warning her. But not any voice! A voice that could only belong to one person…Elijah! She suddenly opened her eyes and saw him leaning above her, while holding a blood bag near her lips.

"What happened?" She asked him.

"You fainted" He started answering her, adding. "The depravation got the better of you. How do you feel?"

"Better" She responded.

"Good!" He said while nodding his head to her and putting in her hands the blood bag he was holding in his for her.

"Where are we?" She asked him, while looking at her surroundings.

"In a limo." He answered simply to her.

"Where are we going?" She then asked again.

Elijah smiled at her nervousness; Katherine hated being kept in the dark! She need it most of anything, to have the control on everything…But this time, it's him who had the control over her!

"At the airport" He answered her.

"Where are we going?" She asked him, while raising her body in a straighter position.

"We" He repeated, while looking at her with a sarcastic debonair smile on his lips, continuing."We are not going any where Katerina, you on the other hand are leaving for the UK in a hour."

"Alone?" She exclaimed herself with a smile on her face.

"NoWith guards" Elijah responded to her, adding. "Vampires guards!"

She lost her smile in an instant.

"You are not coming with me?" She then added as a question one more time.

"I have unfinished business that I have to take care, Katerina." He responded while opening his limousine side door. "Take time to feed yourselfThere is a small luggage in front of you with clothes, and a toiletry bag." He explained to her, putting one of his feet outside the car, holding his motion a second later, before coming back inside, leaning toward her sitting position, taking her chin in his right hand, while approaching his lips to put them on top of her mouth. He could feel her lips trembled, without being completely sure if it was fear or desire. He started murmuring a second later to her:

"Don't try to escape, you would regret it...Till we meet again, Katerina!"

He then detached his lips from hers and got out of the limousine, while closing the door behind him.

Next chapter:"AT YOUR MERCY."

Be very patient with my update, I have three crossover stories now and I need to go in chorological order. I thank you in advance.

Thank you also to my readers who are following my three crossover stories…I know there are some of you.

For the new readers, I hope you enjoyed this first introduction chapter?