The year is 1450 and I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My maid, but also best friend Caterina was combing my silk, dark brown hair, while talking to me.

"The weather outside is wonderful. We should go outside, take a walk and make our own flower buckets" she said happily. I looked at her reflection in the mirror and nodded. Her smile, which she was constantly wearing on her face, brightened.

"Caterina?" I asked in a sad voice.

"Yes, Misses Jadelyn?" she answered, still on a good mood.

"When I get married, will you come with me to my new home?" I asked, fearing her answer.

"I don't know, if it is possible, Misses Jadelyn."

"You have to! I can't live anywhere without you." I pleaded.

"I'd follow you everywhere, if that is your desire." she answered, taking some of my strands and putting them over my chest.

"I really appreciate your solidarity" I smiled at her, just to get a smile in return. The door of my boudoir opened and my mother entered.

"What are you preparing yourself for, Jadelyn?" she asked curiously.

"Caterina and I wanted to promenade, mother." I answered, turning around to face her.

"Don't promenade too long. The prince of the Netherlands will arrive in the evening to take a look at his bride." As she said that, my face dropped.

"Mother, with due respect, I don't want to marry him" I tried to stay calm, but failed.

"Jadelyn, don't let your emotions overwhelm you. You are going to marry him. It is our advantage to have a good political relationship to the Netherlands. And for that you have to marry the prince."

"I want to decide on my own, who I am going to marry. I want to marry someone I truly love" I desperately shouted.

"Jadelyn West, pull yourself together and watch what you say. Caterina."

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Take Jadelyn outside. My daughter is bewildered and needs to find herself again" she said strictly.

"Yes, ma'am!" Caterina obeyed. I swallowed the tears that were building, stood up and followed Caterina.

We were walking around in my father's oversized beautiful garden, with every flower you can imagine. Everything was symmetric and looked wonderful.

"Are you feeling better, Misses Jadelyn?" Caterina asked concerned. I shrugged.

"Yes and no. I settled my mind, but I still don't want to marry him. I love-" I trailed off. Caterina nodded, knowing about all of my secrets. She is the most trustworthy person I have ever met. And I was glad that I got to know her. She gave me a push and I looked at her, confused. She pointed straightforward with her head. My eyes followed her gesture to find both of us looking at my father's servant, Beckett Oliver. He smiled at me, as he saw us. I blushed, looking away. Beckett was my secret love for over a year now.

"Caterina, let us go to the labyrinth, or somewhere else. Please" I whispered.

"Why?" she asked me, confused.

"Let's go" I said, pulling her by the hand. She followed me.

"Why didn't you talk to Beckett? I thought you love him?" she asked sadly, as we reached the labyrinth. We walked into it, knowing the way to the centre really well.

"Everyone can see us. They will gossip viciously about me and him and I am not able to afford something like that to happen, you understand?" I asked her quietly, as I made sure, that nobody was there. She nodded, but then a bright smile crossed her face.

"What happened now?" I asked confused.

"Ladies." A voice behind me said. And I recognized it immediately. I turned around slowly to face Beckett, who clearly followed us.

"Caterina, I think we-" I wanted to tell her that we should leave, but I saw her walking out of the labyrinth, turning around to wink at me. She can't leave me alone with him. I thought desperately.

"How are you feeling today, Misses Jadelyn?" he asked, trying to break the silence between us. I was embarrassed to talk to him alone.

"I'm feeling good, and how are you feeling?" I shyly asked in return.

"It pleases me, that you're feeling good." he said, ignoring my question, because he knew, that in a kingdom it didn't matter how a subordinate felt. I smiled a bit. He watched me carefully.

"Misses Jadelyn, am I making you feel bad? If it is so, I won't disturb you any longer. I apologize, for not noticing it before." he said, taking a bow, preparing to leave.

"NO!" I shouted. "No, I mean." I said catching myself. "You're not making me feel bad, I swear." he looks at me, still dissatisfied. I smiled at him and he relaxed.

"I hope you don't mind me to say this, but I have never seen the portrayal of an angel ever before." he said softly and took my hand to kiss the back of it. As his soft lips touched my hand, it sent shivers down my spine.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"Miss Jadelyn" he started, letting go of my hand. I whined on the inside.

"Yes?" I asked, eager to know what he wanted to say.

"Do you mind us to get to know each other better?" I shook my head. No. He smiled and leaned closer. I closed my eyes and his soft lips touched mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist, as we deepened the kiss. We were interrupted by someone gasping. We quickly let go of each other to see Caterina, who came back.

"It is you" I said quietening down. She smiled and looked from me to him and from him to me. I felt embarrassed.

"Your mother is looking for you, Misses Jadelyn. It is getting dark." Caterina said, I nodded.

"I have to go" I said towards Beckett. He smiled.

"Am I going to see you again?" he asked me, his voice filled with hope.

"Yes. Tomorrow. When you see me walking to the labyrinth, you can follow me. But do it unobtrusively." I commanded him. He looked after us, as we left the labyrinth.

Caterina and I entered our dining hall. There were more than two hundred people, sitting on their seats, waiting for the prince of the Netherlands to arrive. You could hear loud mumbling from everywhere. Every one was talking to someone. I took my seat next to my mother. Suddenly a, for me unknown, servant made us draw our attention to him, by pulling the bell.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the king of Scotland of high renown, his prestigious wife and his beautiful daughter, I feel honoured to announce the arrival of the honourably and only prince of the Netherlands, Sinjin Van Cleef."

AN: Hey guys, new story, new luck. I came up with this idea a long while ago. Haven't had the time and didn't feel the want to write it though, until now. So I've started. And I will give away, that I try to involve every other character. Since this is a BADE- story, it will focus on their relationship and on the Sade relationship. Other pairings will be hinted and/or in later chapters. I hope you all like this 'Middle Age' story prologue. I try hard to keep all in character, hope I won't fail.

Don't forget to review and tell me, whether you liked it, or not!
