A/N Welp, here is the next chapter to my 4 parter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Sonny With a Chance.

I watched as Sonny walked over to her cast mates and gave out a round of hugs. She smiled and grabbed Chris's hand again, he entwined their fingers and tightened the hold. I closed my eyes for a moment and remembered back to the time when I was able to do that. The tingles I would feel every time I did that, now my hand was just burning with desire to do it again.

I was wondering if I should just avoid talking to Sonny all together but quickly shook my head to that. She was my best friend, and best friends don't avoid each other.

Right after that thought, I managed to accidentally make eyes contact with Sonny and I saw her smile even brighter. She let go of Chris's hand and practically ran over to me. I met her halfway and she wrapped her arms around me for a hug. I inhaled her scent and tried desperately hard not to close my eyes because I was drowning in the moment. I suddenly remembered our surroundings and gently pushed her away. Sonny let go of me and gave me a funny look. I nudged my head over towards Chris slightly and she suddenly got the message.

"Well, Chad, I can honestly say that you look even more handsome in a tux than your regular wear," Sonny finally said.

I smiled at her voice. "And you look beautiful, as always," I took her hand and kissed her palm. My lips quivered at touching her skin and my heart sped up a little bit when she brought a hand up to brush a strand of hair out of my face.

She smiled that special smile that she only had for me and my knees suddenly got weak. She would kill me one of these days.

"Thank you," she said.

I opened my mouth to engage in more conversation, but then I heard, "Hey guys, what's up?" I looked over Sonny's shoulder and saw Chris walking over and smiling. I knew that he was watching us and saw everything that we just did, which is basically why he came over in the first place.

"Hey, Chris, I was just about to go and get me some punch." I said. Sonny narrowed her eyes at me and then I gave Chris a polite smile. I knew that if I was rude to him tonight Sonny would never let me hear the end of it.

"Well, I hope you have a good rest of the night." Meaning: I hope you have a good night watching me dance the night away with the girl you're still in love with. He bent down into Sonny's ear and whispered, "Wanna dance, babe?" Sonny smiled and nodded. She gave me a small nudge on the shoulder before walking passed me and towards the dance floor with Chris. I stood there for another moment before taking in a shallow breath and walking to a table to sit down at.

I couldn't believe that I, Chad Dylan Cooper, was sitting alone at a table watching everybody else have fun. I'm the life of the party for crying out loud! Chastity and Marta motioned me to come over to them and dance a few times, but I always shook my head. They would pout but then forget all about me and start dancing again. I looked away when all of the slow songs came on because I didn't want to accidentally lay my eyes on Sonny wrapping her arms around Chris, and Chris wrapping his arms around Sonny's waist, it made my stomach drop just thinking about it. Instead, I just rested my hand under my chin. Another slow song came on and I let out a frustrated groan.

"If you asked me, that sounded like someone who is in desperate need of a dance," a familiar voice said.

I turned around to see Sonny's face and I smiled in response. She had her hand pulled out in front of my face as if I said yes already. I gladly accepted it and she pulled me up from my chair. I tried hard to ignore the wonderful sensation that was shooting up from my hand, to my arm, to my entire body. I also tried to ignore the eyes that were watching us as we walked by.

Something crossed my mind as we almost reached the dance floor. "Where's Chris?" I asked.

"I told him to get me some punch and find us a place to sit."

"How sneaky of you," I chuckled. Sonny stopped and turned towards me, our faces were only a few inches away from each other.

"I'm not being sneaky, Chad," she stated, "Chris knows that we have a lot of history and how much you mean to me, he understands."

I swallowed hard. How could I even compete with a guy like that? If I were Chris I'd kick my own butt! I looked away from her for a moment, then I realized that she had took my hand and placed it firmly on her waist. I looked back at her and watched as she grabbed my other hand and placed her own on my shoulder. I shuttered at the feeling of having her so close to me. Then, we began to dance to the slow beating of the song.

I looked at her cautiously for a moment and started to wonder if this was really a good idea or not. After we get done dancing, she's just going to go back to Chris again and then I'll be more heartbroken than ever. But right now, it felt like we were the only two people in the world that existed.

"What are you thinking about?" Sonny asked.

You, I wanted to say. "Nothing much. Have you been having fun?"

Sonny smiled, "Yeah, it's been fun. The guys are really warming up to Chris."

"I bet," I muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I sighed, "I mean, they'd rather have you with him than with me because they hate me. I'm not surprised."

"They don't hate you. They're just looking out for me. They don't want me to get hurt like-"

"-the last time?" I half finished, half asked her.

"Yeah," she said in a breathless tone."

The slow song continued on and I pulled her closer to me, causing her to clutch my shoulder a little but more. I stared directly into her chocolate brown eyes and I could feel that spark that we've always had go through my body. I could tell that she felt the same way because she stared back at me with the look of desire in her eyes. I could feel myself wanting to lean in to kiss her, but I quickly leaned away and looked away from her, too bad my eyes landed on Chris who was standing on the edge of the dance floor in rage.

"What's wrong?" Sonny asked.

I looked back at her and sighed, "Sonny, I can't do this."

Her hands slid down my shoulders and to her sides. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, that if I do this to myself anymore, I'll just end up hurting myself even more."

Sonny began to shake her head. "Please, let's not do this, Chad. Things are going to well to just…" she trailed off.

I backed away from her. "That's why I'm stopping myself. Sonny…I think you should go talk to Chris now. I'll…see you around." I turned away from her and began to walk away but then I felt her grab my wrist and pull me back to her.

"W-what do you mean 'I'll see you around'?" Sonny's voice trembled a little. "Chad, you're my best friend."

"That's the thing, Sonny, I don't think, nor can I just be your best friend. Bye." I gently took her hand off my wrist and gave it a gentle kiss before walking through the crowd of other people and leaving her on the dance floor. I walked out of the back door before anybody could realize what happened.

When I reached my car I sat there for a few minutes, then I pounded on my steering wheel; again, and again, and again until I finally leaned forward on it and let out a small cry.

A/N D'awh, poor Chad! It'll get better for him…at least I hope! Don't be shy, leave a review. :)