
This is a fic dedicated to Cloud & Zack from Final Fantasy VII.
It will mainly involve around those two, but will also include Reno & Sephiroth's 'strange' relationship.

Main Characters: Zack, Cloud, Reno & Sephiroth.

It will contained Yaoi - it will be perverted and dirty and somewhat humorous.


Chapter One: Feelings

Zack had to snap out of it.

He had been crushing on the infantry man for long enough now. Something that had started off as a little... curiosity had turned into a full blown obsession. The only thing that ever occupied his thoughts nowadays was the image of Cloud Strife beautifully naked. Of course, Shinra frowned upon such relationships. The men were just expected to share bunks together and never once get a little tempted. The punishment for same sex relationships in the company was anything but nice.

Oh how mad we must be to get a little frustrated!

Zack let out a loud sigh and excruciating sigh. They certainly hadn't mentioned this drama in the Shinra criteria. Why did he have to be developing a pathetic crush on Cloud of all people? The guy clearly wasn't interested and even if he was, it would only end in disaster.

Disaster meaning I'd be fired...

Maintaining a good relationship with the lower class Soldier's and Infantry Men was incredibly important to Zack. He wanted everyone to like him and vice versa. But lusting after one of them? Thinking about him every time he showered or touched himself? That was insane. Even if he was the cutest thing he had ever –

Can't be thinking like that!

Zack had even started buying stupid magazines and renting unholy films to keep himself satisfied. His work kept him preoccupied for long enough, but it never quite filled the gap that he himself had created. Oh, what would his mother say? But he had to do some out of character things once in a while...

Anything to keep Cloud off his mind...

Zack found the frustration too much to bear; shaking his head and groaning in irritation. It was relieving to let his anger out in some way – even if it may be childish. That small noise slowly turned into a piercing roar; causing the entire floor of men to gaze questionably at him. He hadn't even realised how loud he'd been moaning...

Better quieten myself down...

It was too late though. Someone commented before he had the chance.

"That what you do in the bedroom, Fair?" came from behind him.

Oh no...

Zack urgently forced the embarrassment away; turning slowly and excruciatingly to the figure behind him. He was greeted by a sickening smell of smoke and a smug, satisfied grin.


"Surprised you remember what that is!" Zack laughed, slapping his friend playfully on the back. "How longs it been since you had some Reno? Two months? Three?"

The red head glared at the now amused Soldier and began frantically digging in his pockets for another smoke. "Been shorter than your time, yo."

Zack drooped his head ashamedly.

He hated to admit it... but Reno was right. Ever since meeting Cloud; he hadn't been able to look at any one else romantically- male or female.

Zack hated to label himself. He wasn't sure what he was.

However what he did know was right there – right then ... he wanted Cloud.

So so bad.

Damn you, brain!

Zack rolled his eyes at Reno, who had without hesitation retrieved another crafty smoke and deliberately began blowing it in Zack's face.

The redhead laughed as he watched the Soldier choke and scrunch his features up at the nasty smell. It amused him to see someone repel so much to cigarettes. Damn, his life was based around them. Who needed sex when you had smokes?

Obviously you do, yo.

Both men silently cursed at themselves as their brains sent them spiraling down the single-and-not-getting-any route. As much as they hated to admit it, being single and lonely made them utterly miserable. They both wanted someone to be with. Reno just wanted to calm his growing sex drive, which had been affecting his concentration for weeks now. Zack on the other hand, was desperate to wrap his arms around the adorable blonde and whisper things into his ear which would almost definitely make the man blush.

Can't be getting too excited here...

"Well, I gotta run," Reno sighed, pulling out yet another smoke.

Zack shook his head disapprovingly. "You won't be a good Turk once you've ruined your lungs."

"Soldier's should stick to the fighting," Reno chortled, throwing Zack his signature grin. "Stay away from the advice, yeah?"

Zack happily waved to Reno as he watched him depart down the corridor and exit towards the elevator doors.

What's he doing on this floor anyway?

The Soldier shook his head, chucking lightly to himself. He really didn't understand Reno.

Turning away from the amused glances of his friends; Zack slowly began walking towards the training room, totally in the mood for some brutal ass-kicking. He missed fighting. He was sick of just waiting around for something to happen. Things in Shinra had been too calm lately and he didn't like that. He felt like he was wasting time.

Zack turned to go into the training room, raring for some action, ready to relieve some frustration...

... but was stopped.


Right in front of him, looking goddamn sexy in his uniform, was the guy he was madly lusting after.

The guy he wanted to storm right up to and slam against the wall.

The guy he was...

...Meant to be avoiding!

He went to turn back the other way, make a quick and easy run for it, when he heard his named being called out. Zack cursed at himself for having such terrible reactions and forced himself to turn back towards the blonde. Cloud was throwing him an unbelievably sexy smile; causing his body to react in many... unusual ways.

"Hey, Cloud!" he said casually, approaching the blonde with as much calmness as he could muster.

"Zack!" Cloud beamed, removing his helmet to reveal an angelic face. "You going in the training room?"

The Soldier found it oh-so-typical. "Yeah, I am. You?"

"Yeah. Want to train together?"

"Sure," he choked, reluctantly following the blonde into the abandoned room


Seeing Cloud get all hot and sweaty was not going to help Zack get over him. It was only going to make his dirty fantasies much worse. It was only going to give him more perverted material to work with.

Zack followed the eager blonde into the beckoning training room; pleading for someone to unexpectedly phone him. That would have been extremely helpful.

Unlikely though. There have been zero emergencies lately.

The Soldier laughed as Cloud held the door open for him, feeling similar to that of a girl on a hot date. Who held open the door like that in this sort of company? The blonde heard his random outburst and stared at the man - puzzled. He didn't get it. Poor boy was just being courteous and holding open the door for a friend. His mind wasn't focusing on the more dirty and inappropriate thoughts.

Zack held his hand up. "Forget it Cloud, just me being stupid."

Cloud's nervous expression quickly turned into a warm one. He turned away from Zack and headed towards the center of the room.


Picking up a medium weight sword; Cloud skilfully began swirling it round his body. The sight was certainly an appetizing one. Zack admired how amazing and natural he looked with the weapon. He happily stood and watched as the blonde did a few swinging tricks and lazy moves, without even breaking a sweat. Zack knew he could gaze at him all day...

Unfortunately though, Cloud wasn't there to be stared at; which meant Zack had to snap out of dream land and come crashing back down into reality.

"You look good with that sword, "Zack said honestly, joining Cloud in the centre of the room.

The blonde blushed violently. "I don't. You're just being nice to me."

"No way! You look great!" Zack grinned, patting him on the back.

Cloud's blue eyes stared into him. "Really?"


They stared at one another for a few moments, both taking in the wonderful, yet slightly embarrassing moment. Cloud hated being given compliments and Zack feared showing the blonde just how much he thought of him.

There was an awkward and painful silence for a few minutes; before the blonde finally lifted his practise sword up from the ground and drew it in front of Zack's stunned face. "What you got, Soldier?"

Zack let out a light chuckle and instantly bought his sword up to meet Cloud's.

See? Just being friendly towards him.

The two fought playfully for a few minutes, laughing hysterically as the other pretended to be injured or dead. Anyone passing by and watching the two men would have thought that they both had the mentality of twelve year olds.

Zack was pleased that he had made such a close bond with Cloud. After Modeoheim, the two had become scarily close, causing a few jealous glances to come their way. They didn't care though. People could assume that it was favouritism and call their friendship unfair and unhealthy. It was true, Zack did favourite Cloud... but that would never make him rank the blonde above the other men, solely for that fact.


Without warning, Cloud carelessly swung at the dazed Zack, who hadn't been expecting such a lousy shot. It stunned both men momentarily.

Oh no...

The dark haired Soldier flew to the ground; howling madly as he clutched his injured arm. Those blue eyes looked close to tears...

Cloud stayed frozen to the spot.

Have I hurt him?

He nervously bent down to his moaning friend, who now had his face scrunched up in pain and his mouth wide open. The blonde's heart began to race as he realized that he might have actually seriously wounded the Soldier.

He placed his hand on Zack's injured arm; pulling up the blood drenched sleeve with care. There was so much blood. It was sickening. Cloud was really expecting a huge, gaping cut...

...Not a tiny scratch.

"Is that it?" he cried, leaping back up as Zack released a loud howl. This time it was laughter.

"Should have seen your face!" he snorted, wiping the tears from underneath his mako infused eyes.

Cloud shot daggers at him. "Was not at all funny, Zack."

The Soldier chuckled lightly to himself.

Zack knew by now that Cloud could easily go off in a strop and be moody with everyone for the rest of the day. He overreacted. Most people found his ever changing temper annoying. Zack however, simply found it cute. No, not just cute...

... Sexy.

"Sorry, Chocobo," he apologised, drawing the blonde in for a friendly hug.

Cloud resisted at first, struggling pathetically in the strong grip of the 1st class Soldier. It was no use though - the raven-haired man was far too strong. Zack's constant training certainly didn't go to waste. His arms were extremely muscular and powerful.

Can't get out...

"Let me go!" Cloud whined, fighting back the giggles as he wriggled in Zack's lap.

"Nope! Not until you forgive me!"

"Zack!" Cloud cried, unable to hold back his laughter. "Stop!"

Is it healthy for two friends to be in such a position?

"Fine!" Cloud sighed, finally unhooking himself from Zack's grip. "Apology accepted."

Zack grinned up at him. "Good! Now, where were we?"

Cloud threw his arms to his sides, ready to haul himself up and continue with the training – when he stopped abruptly.

Oh my...

His face fell dramatically and his eyes turned dazed and confused.

His blonde brows furrowed in somewhat concern.

Zack didn't get it. Why had he suddenly stopped? Was he now trying to panic Zack and get him back for tricking him? He wasn't too sure.

What's going on?

"...Cloud?" he whispered, starting to feel more than slightly concerned. "You okay?"

The blonde unevenly cleared his throat and clumsily struggled to his feet. He seemed shocked. His pale face was even whiter than usual and his blinding blue eyes were wide and animated.

"Talk to me Cloud!" Zack said firmly, struggling up himself and gripping the infantry man's solider.

Cloud's eyes dropped to the floor. "You are, uh... well, I don't know if..."

"You're not making any sense, Chocobo!"

What's happened to him?

The blonde embarrassedly moved his eyes down Zack's body; slowly reaching an area that stunned the poor Soldier to silence.

Is he... looking at my crotch?

Zack confusedly stared down at the same area - wondering what could possibly be the issue. Was the guy checking his junk out? Was he hinting at something? The thought of it made his heart race; regardless of it being wrong or not. Was this finally the moment for him?

He went to go and make his move – start something that he knew he shouldn't... when he noticed something that caused his heart to stop.

No wonder Cloud was so damn shocked.

I'm hard.

Extremely hard.

Zack gaped down in horror at the growing bulge. He rarely found himself unable to contain the 'beast.' It was ridiculously easy to notice. It must have been digging into Cloud whilst he was sat on his lap. If only the ground could swallow him whole...


"Cloud..." he started, unsure how to explain himself.

The blonde interrupted him mid-sentence. "It's okay Zack, its fine."

"I just haven't had it in a while..." Zack began explaining, nervously scratching the back of his head.

Stupid habit.

Cloud's deep blue eyes stared into him once more. "So, it wasn't me?"

"No!" he spluttered, almost a little too harshly.

Cloud turned away from him.

Zack couldn't make out whether the blonde looked upset or relieved. Whatever the look was, it wasn't a happy one and it tore the Soldier apart.

"I- I think I'm done for the day," Cloud choked, shakily picking up his discarded helmet.

"Yeah, okay then," Zack replied weakly, placing the practice sword back into its slot.



Zack shot up at the sudden interruption and converted his eyes down towards his trouser pocket. Something inside there was vibrating... his phone...

The Soldier quickly pulled out his ringing mobile and snapped it open without hesitation.


"Zack," the cold voice replied, sounding deadly serious. "Emergency. My office. Now."

The Soldier groaned. "Yes, Tseng."

Typical, he rings AFTER I've messed things up.

Placing the phone back into his pocket; Zack painfully turned towards the silent Cloud, who was now clumsily trying to put his helmet back on. The Soldier wanted to help him - stop his desperate struggles... but he knew that wouldn't help the situation at all.

Kid already thinks you're obsessed with him.

He couldn't believe he'd even contemplated that the blonde had been making a move!

"Well," he said awkwardly, scratching his gel filled hair once more. "I'll see you then?"

"Yeah," Cloud replied, stumbling out of the training room. "Maybe."


How on earth was he going to solve this?

What had he done?

Ugh! Reading this back I HATE this... No wonder this barely gets any reviews O.o

I guess it's better now it has been edited.

For new readers, or even old ones, please review? I'd really appreciate it ^.^