Chapter One

It was late morning, the alarm clock on the night stand reading eight thirty AM in bloody red neon numbers for the world to see. It was silent for another five minutes until the alarm clock decided to announce the tune the owners guardian decided to program it to 'sing' the owner into a wakeful state. "In the Navy! She can sail the Seven Seas! In the Navy! She could put your mind at ease! In the Na- , "the alarm clock dutifully did its job until the owners fist came down upon it with a resounding crunch. The form on the bed gave an irritated groan and rolled over with his face in the bed's pillows before finally deciding to 'rise and shine' and 'greet the new day' with an irritated snarl on his face.

Rin Okumura, resident adopted fifteen year-old and one hell of an 'angst muffin' as his adoptive guardian like to call him, was not your average angsty, 'get-the-fuck-away-from' teenager. Despite all normal appearances that was consisting of tangled, pitch black hair, azure eyes, 180 cm, and lightly tanned skin, this 'angst muffin' could summon shrouds of blue flames to his beck and call, see demons as they roamed and terrorized 'humans' on the streets, and sported a lengthy and slightly furry black tail to go along with his short, elf-like ears. Ruffling his hair as he shuffled foul temperedly down the stairs and towards the kitchen muttering curses at his guardian.

Upon reaching his destination, the first thing he did was cut off any introduction the 'parental figure' had to offer him and berate their choice of song for his alarm clock to wake him up with. "Good mor-," the woman who was fighting with the stove in an attempt to make scrambled eggs tried to greet, but was promptly interrupted. "What the fuck do you think you were doing when you put whatever the hell that song was on my alarm clock," Rin snarled at his elder as he took over the cooking from her, attempting to salvage the mess she was making of his breakfast. One Rin Okumura was not impressed with Lyra Mackentyre.

"Well, I thought you should have a change in song for your alarm clock and I had just watched Down Periscope last night so… Yea, I decided use the ending song as your alarm clock wake up call," the elder woman muttered with her head slightly bowed. Rin snorted in disdain at her meek comment as he scraped the barely salvaged scramble eggs on to a plate.

"So you decided to use the song with an Indian in booty shorts, a gay construction worker, a biker decked in leather, wannabe cowboy, and a sailor as my 'reveille'," the teen commented with no lack of sarcasm. Lyra only laughed meekly while running one of her hands nervously through the back of her hair.

"It got you up didn't it," she pointed out to her charge. All that she received in reply was an exasperated eye roll. With this she turned and pointed at him with the spatula covered in what used to be eggs and commented," Hey. Don't be that way! Just think! You're getting away from me and into a new environment. All those new people to mentally shock and torment right? And for Gehenna's sake, put your tail away! Not only is it your weakness, it's unsightly! Also, don't forget to grab the sword latter. You know where it is."

"Yes ma'am," Rin replied sarcastically as he rummaged through the pantry and left with his war spoils of strawberry poptarts. The sword was always kept in a secret compartment in the china cabinet. One could get to it by simply pulling up the bottom of the cabinet, but that would require one to remove the hundreds of little collectables in the cabinet out of the way.

After the tedious progress of extracting the sword from the china cabinet and finishing the two poptarts in the process, he went back upstairs to his bedroom to collect his bags. He didn't really appreciate the fact that it was a boarding school, but you took what was given, right? Rin had been admitted to True Cross Academy due to his impressive grades in his school. Well… that is if he even showed up to school. He didn't necessarily need to go to school since he met Lyra. Due to her resources as a librarian, he always had a constant source of info to learn from. It didn't help that others his age tended to isolate him, causing to reach more for the companionship of the dry, whispering pages of books rather than the cruel prejudice of warmer company.

Examining his room, he quickly went about gathering anything he would need during the school year and packed it neatly and as air tightly as possible into a suitcase and a bookbag. Rin's room was generally bare. No poster slewn walls, extravagant or colorful paintings on the walls, desks piled chest high in randomly stacked papers and books, themed bedspreads or cloths strewn across the floor in a poor imitation of a jungle. No, his walls were bare except for the turquoise paint, his bedspread was a solid navy blue with matching sheets and pillow covers, the floor was clear of anything, the desk neatly organized with the papers in labeled folders, the books lined against the farthest side showing their titles broadly to the world, all the cables untangled and neatly out of sight behind the desk for his laptop and the only real decorations in the entire room were already packed into his suitcase, two hand crafted dream catchers that used to hang from the chords of the ceiling fan.

Double checking his luggage, Rin headed towards the small, 22"x30" closet and removes a panel of the floor to reveal his last school essential item, the demon slaying blade, Kurikara. He vaguely recalled how he had saved the blade from a trip to a garbage heap on one of his few "check-ups" on the church he used to live in. Later he discovered that the sheath held a rather nasty secret, namely the entirety of his demonic powers. Rin grabbed the blade from its hidden spot and went back to his bed, where the teenager had left his bookbag and suitcase. Quickly, he put is bookbag on his back, slung Kurikara in its transport bag over his shoulder and grabbed the handle of his rolling suitcase and headed out through the front door to catch a ride to the academy with one of his guardian's acquaintances.

Sitting on the curb with his luggage next to him, the teenager waited for the person who even his modest and eccentric guardian called "a bit weird." He definitely wasn't looking forward to the meeting. When he saw a light cotton candy pink limo pulled over right in front of him, Rin dreaded it even more. Out of the "car" came a strange looking man. To Rin, the elder was reminisce of a clown. "Oh my, what a sunny day! A beautiful, clear day to accompany you on a journey," the strange man exclaimed while tilting up his white top hat. Rin carefully examined the other, dully noting the elder was wearing what appeared to be a cape, breaches, knee high boots, and pink stripped stockings then looked back to the limo.

"What's with the car and who are you," Rin asked with mild trepidation. The other simply smirked at the teenager as he smugly replied while completely ignoring Rin's questioning over his choice of car," I am Mephisto Pheles, but for where we are going I am known as Johann Faust V, the principle of True Cross Academy."

'Just great,' Rin began thinking to himself as he gently massaged his forehead. 'More weird people to deal with my life and it's already overfull menagerie of bizarre things.' With a sigh, he stepped into the pink limo and was off to his 'adventure' at True Cross Academy.

*dangles chapter over readers' heads* Ooooo, lookie here! A fickle wittle chappie! Ahem, I finally did it. I updated. Yaaaaaay and all that fun stuff. The fact that I have been playing relative ping-pong and been stuck either without a laptop or no Internet for ages doesn't have aaaaaanything to do with why this is so late. Nooooo not at all. The random OC insert is not important and is completely irrelevant to the story plot besides just giving Rin shelter until he's old enough to attend the Academy. But if anybody is remotely curious, I can always edit it later and throw in a little flash back explain how they meet. That's only if you, the reviewers, say you want that to happen in your reviews.

Thanks to Solntse for being my buddy and making me update faster and to you, the reviewers, for the support. Feel free to give ideas of how you think this should go and I'll try to update sooner. Try, no promises. Now time to answer the few questions~

Kari Suttle: I think this chapter answers your question.

12417: In the beginning, Rin was around four or five, the age of all his childhood flash backs in the anime. Now, he's fifteen.

Isthisparadise: That's a good idea. I wasn't really planning on throwing Rin's lot with the humans but I'm still not quite sure how I'm going to throw this together.

Ookami-242: Yes this is actually the first story I've ever written. The only thing I've ever had to do with writing before were my English papers and I hate doing those…