Hello there! :) First of all, I know there are a lot of "How they started to date" stories of Beck and Jade but I think (hope) this one is different. Mostly because Jade and Tori both start under the same prerequisities. I could've made it a "secret" who Beck chooses in the end but, well, just look at my profile and it would have been obvious anyway LOL I'm sorry if there are similarities to any other story, if that's the case it's not on purpose.
Oh right, the title is inspired by a line of the song "Goodbye" by Miley Cyrus. I'm no fan of her (anymore) but I love the song and I thought that line kinda fitted the story :)
I hope you enjoy ;) Disclaimer: Wait, let me check my ID... No, apparently my name is not Dan Schneider. I own nothing and I don't get paid for writing - what a shame.
O N . M Y . M I N D
.. I can honestly say you've been on my mind since I woke up today ..
It was the first day at school. Well, it was not just any school. It was Hollywood Arts, the elite school for the most talented kids in L.A. All of the few who got accepted to that school were most likely to become actors, singers, directors and - most of all – extremely famous later on. If you got to go to school there, your future was as good as set.
All those who had made it through this year's auditions and could from now on proudly call themselves students of Hollywood arts, were now crowding in the auditorium of their new school. Principal Eikner wanted to give a speech to the new students there to bid them all welcome, so everyone was bustling around excitedly, trying to find a good seat and take a look at their fellow students.
A girl with long brown hair stood in the aisle and gave a rather helpless impression as she looked around nervously while dozens of other kids passed her to get a seat. Along those kids was a boy with dark skin and dreadlocks. As he made his way through the crowd, his eyes fell on her and without thinking he stopped in front of her.
"Hey", he smiled.
Her big brown eyes met his gaze as she shyly lifted her head. "Hi.", she replied insecure.
"I guess you're also new?"
She nodded.
"I'm André.", the boy told her and held out his hand.
She took it gratefully. "Tori.", she smiled.
"So, do you know anyone here?"
Tori shook her head. "No, not really. Well, my sister goes to school here, but she's not in the same year. So, no, I don't."
"Well, that makes two of us.", André said. "Wanna sit with me?"
She smiled relieved. "Love to."
Together they made their way through the crowd and sat down on two empty seats in the middle.
Meanwhile, two girls were entering the auditorium as well. The first had bright red hair that, despite the fact she was rather small, stood out of all the other heads in there, while the other girl was tall with dark brown hair that had a few colored streaks in it.
"Cat.", the one with the dark hair said and rolled her eyes. "Would you please let go of my arm?"
"I'm so so so so excited, Jade!", Cat exclaimed and squeezed her friend's arm even harder. "We really made it! Hollywood Arts!"
"Yeah yeah, let's just get a move on and sit down." Jade dragged her twirly friend along the rows of cushy seats, looking out for some good ones.
"I can't wait until we finally start our first class! I mean, acting, singing, improv – all of that sounds so exciting! And I really wanna..."
Cat kept on babbling like that and Jade stopped listening to what she said. This day was stressful enough. She turned her head left and right constantly to find two empty seats she would be satisfied with and hence didn't pay attention to what (or rather who) was right in front of her. Before she knew what was happening she had bumped right into a boy who also seemed to have been looking for a good seat.
"Whoops", he said in surprise when they hit each other. "Are you alright?"
Jade looked up and stared right into the handsome boy's face. The first thing she recognized where his kind brown eyes. And he definitely had the most awesome hair she had ever seen on a boy. But she wouldn't be Jade West if that had been be enough to impress her. "Watch out!", she hissed and pulled Cat with her as she went by him without another word.
The redhead giggled and waved at the boy while Jade had finally chosen a row and dragged her to some empty seats. He gazed after them, a little confused at the tall girl's rudeness but also felt a little interested in it. He shook his head and smiled as he took a seat next to a weird boy who had brought a puppet.
. . .
The morning had passed by fast and lunch time arrived soon. Cat and Jade went outside to the 'Asphalt Café', where all students of HA usually had their lunch. It was located next to the school's parking lot and had lots of round tables to sit at, as well as a truck where you could buy food. But the most special part of it was definitely the upper stage, which immediately caused Cat to bounce up and down excitedly.
"I love this school!", she exclaimed and happily clapped her hands.
"I know.", Jade sighed. "You've told me at least a thousand times today." She looked around and spotted an empty table. "There.", she said and dragged her bubbly friend along.
As soon as they had sat down, Cat jumped up again. "Wait here, I'll get us some food!"
"Whatever." Jade rolled her eyes as her friend left and headed over to 'The Grub Truck'.
This school was definitely special. And that was exactly why Jade had chosen it. She knew that she had talent. Much talent. Singing, acting and dancing, directing movies, writing plays – that was her world, what she wanted to do, even though her father was anything but happy about that.
It didn't take Cat long to reappear, two bowls with burritos in the one hand and on the other she dragged a weird looking boy along. He looked like a total nerd to Jade and (to top it all) was holding a... puppet?
Jade raised an eyebrow at her friend. "Jade, this is Robbie.", Cat introduced with a wink to the weird boy.
"Hi.", Robbie said shyly.
"'Sup, sexy lady.", his puppet said right after him. Jade's jaw dropped and she glared at Robbie. Usually no one dared to speak to her like that.
"What did you just say?", she asked angrily and frowned at him.
"N-nothing, that was just Rex, I'm sorry.", Robbie stuttered.
Cat giggled. "He's so funny, isn't he? That's why I brought him, we can all be friends!"
"Cat!", Jade moaned. "What did I tell you about making friends with random people?"
"I know, but Robbie isn't random! He's our classmate." She turned to Robbie, who looked quite uncomfortable. "Come on, sit down with us."
He didn't seem happy about sitting with Jade but did as he was told. Before Jade could say another thing, two other students appeared at their table.
"Hey, can we sit with you three? All the other tables are full.", a dark skinned boy explained.
Cat nodded happily. "Yay, more friends!"
Jade rolled her eyes once again as the two sat down with them. "I'm André and this is Tori by the way.", the boy introduced.
"Hi.", Tori smiled.
"I'm Cat and this is Jade and that's Robbie.", she said and pointed at each person she named. "So, we're all new, right?"
"Guess so.", André said and unwrapped his lunch. "Do you like the school so far?"
"I love it!", Cat squealed. "I can't wait to get to know everyone and everything!"
Tori chuckled. "That's awesome. Have you met a lot of people yet?"
"No, only Robbie and you two.", Cat said. "Jade and I have been best friends before." She grinned at Jade, who did her best to ignore all those new people around her. She really wasn't that much of a sociable person.
"Oh, that's so cool! To go here with your best friend, I mean.", Tori said.
"We can be best friends, chick.", Rex said and Robbie covered his mouth in shock.
Tori knitted her brows. "What-"
"I'm sorry!", Robbie exclaimed. "He is just like that, ignore him."
"We're not stupid, we know it was you who said that.", Jade growled.
"I didn't! It was Rex, I swear!", Robbie explained desperately.
André raised an eyebrow. "He's a puppet, man."
Robbie gasped at him in shock. "He's not!"
The other 4 exchanged glances. "Yeah, right...", Tori then said. "Let's not fight on our first day here. It's alright."
They resumed their lunch while talking a little about this and that, when Cat suddenly jogged Jade's elbow. "Jade, Jade, look!" She pointed to a boy a few yards from them, who seemed to be looking for a place to sit. "It's that boy from this morning."
"So?", Jade asked annoyed.
"Maybe he wants to sit with us, too!"
"No, Cat, please don't-"
But Cat had already jumped up and waved at the boy. "Over here! Sit with us!"
Jade groaned as he waved back and walked towards the group, looking relieved to have found some familiar faces. "Hey", he greeted as he sat down.
"Hi!", Cat said excitedly. "Do you remember Jade and me? We met this morning!"
The boy glanced at Jade who just picked at her salad. "Of course I do. And I'm Beck by the way."
Cat introduced all the others to him and they gave Beck a friendly nod.
"Nice to meet you.", André said. "I'm glad I got to know so many people on my first day already!"
Tori smiled. "Yeah, me, too." She glanced at Beck. He was cute, no doubt. And definitely her type. She sat up a little and tried to fix her hair, wanting to make a good first impression.
"We all should become best friends!", Cat said clapping her hands.
"Cat", Jade sighed. "That's not what you tell people you've only known for five minutes."
"'s alright, little red.", André said and suddenly Cat's mood lightened again as she giggled at that nickname. "I think you guys are all pretty cool, we should really hang out and stuff."
Beck nodded. "As far as I can tell, I agree. And besides I don't know anyone except for you 5 so far."
"Same.", Robbie said.
"What a surprise.", Rex teased. Beck shot the puppet a confused glance.
"Just ignore it.", Tori told him and shrugged.
Beck knitted his brows and gave Rex once last glance. "OK..."
"Hey Jade", André said.
Jade jolted up her head. "What?", she hissed and frowned at him.
"Woah, easy, girl. I just wanted to ask if you could pass me the salt please?"
She glared at him but pushed the salt shaker in his direction.
Beck chuckled a little. "Are you always like that?", he asked Jade.
"Always like what?"
"You know, like... being on edge?"
Jade narrowed her eyes and frowned at him, not giving an answer. Cat giggled. "She's just Jade."
. . .
"So, how did you like our first day?", Cat asked Jade as they were on their way home. They lived very close to each other, only a few houses away. That's why they had known each other for really long.
Jade shrugged. "I think the school's quite good for me."
"I love this school!"
"I know, Cat.", Jade growled. They walked a few steps in silence until Cat couldn't hold it back anymore.
"Beck's cute, eh?"
Jade raised her eyebrows at her. "Don't build up false hopes, guys like Beck only date girls like that Tori. You know, those pretty, everyone-loves-them girls."
Cat giggled. "I'm not after him. But I think he's interested in you."
"No. End of discussion.", Jade simply stated. Cat knew her friend well enough to know that she meant what she said and there would be no use in arguing.
They arrived at Jade's house. Jade gave Cat a small nod. "See you tomorrow."
Love it? Hate it? Should I continue? Tell me in a review please :)
Oh, and to all my lovely readers who are waiting for an update to Summer Nights: Don't worry, I will finish that story as well. I'm just on a writer's block on it...