Torchwood Four

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

AN: So sorry for not updating sooner! I promise I'll be better! :)

Chapter Twelve

As soon as he heard the front door slam shut, Ianto broke down. Tears falling down his face, he buried his face into his hands and sobbed.
Moments passed until the door opened again, Chris entering through it. "Yan? Are you ok?"
Ianto looked up at Chris and shook his head. He thought about lying, about brushing away his tears and plastering on a fake smile because the last thing he wanted his now boyfriend to see was him crying over his ex. But he'd done enough lying to last a life time. "No I'm not"
Chris gave a soft sigh and moved to sit beside his love. "You did the right thing."
"Did I?"
For a moment, the other man was stumped by the reply. "Well...I thought you were happy."
"I am but...I do still love him."
"Oh…" He knew, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
Ianto hated seeing the way Chris' face crumpled at his statement. "You knew that."
"I know but...I thought that if you sent him away that you'd gotten over him." Chris didn't like how weak – fragile – he sounded at that point. But he couldn't help letting his fears overtake him, just for a second. "How did he find out anyway?"
"I basically left him a note." Ianto shrugged though his gaze was downcast, half guilty and half nonchalant.
"Ianto..." Even if they weren't together, Chris still would have been disapproving. It was completely against regulations.
Ianto sighed and looked up at him. "I know how he gets Chris. I didn't want him feel guilty. I wouldn't want him to feel that way even if I was dead. But it doesn't mean anything. I still support the mission."
Chris gave him a pointed look. "Then why were you so upset?"
"Because he looked so upset. I know he didn't love me, but it still must be hard to hear someone tell you that they completely lied to you."
"Then why did you lie to him?" Chris needed to understand Ianto's thoughts if he was going to comfort his lover, but he was just getting more and more confused.
"Because while we don't know what we're facing, we do know that it comes from the very centre of the rift. If Jack thought that there was any chance he could get me back, then he would do it. And that might get him hurt, which I don't want."
"So you're not going back to him?"
Ianto could hear the way Chris' voice shook as he spoke, and knew his boyfriend was worried. Well, that was something he'd have to put to rest. "No." As if backing up his words, he curled into Chris' chest and placed a kiss on the other man's neck.
Chris let out a soft breath at the actions, leaning into Ianto's kiss. "Good, because you're mine".
"Excuse me?" Ianto recoiled immediately, and Chris swore inwardly, realising his mistake.
"Well, I mean..."
"I am not an object to be bought or won over". Ianto snapped. "Is this what that thing with Jack was about?"
"What thing?"
"How you clearly knew who he was even after only seeing him at Thames House and yet acted as if you didn't, as if you had no idea of our previous relationship while you flaunted ours in front of his nose?"
"Well I..." Chris was stuttering now, and had he not been so angry, Ianto would have found it funny. The elder man rarely got flustered. Instead, his eyes narrowed, hands on his hips. "Yes?"
"I just worry is all." Chris admitted, his gaze meeting Ianto's and then the floor.
"About what?"
"That I'm going to loose you. That you're going to go back to him."
Ianto sighed, the tension leaving his body as he curled back into Chris' embrace. "Chris...what's it going to take to prove to you that I care about you?"
"Do you love me?" The statement was blunt, and yet it encased all of Chris' fears, everything he was thinking. He needed to know.
"Do you love me?"
Despite Jack's appearance, Ianto didn't even have to think. "Of course I do, you idiot." And he kissed Chris deeply, putting any fears the man had quickly to rest.

Gwen immediately knew that something was wrong when she saw Jack come into the foyer looking absolutely devastated.
"Jack? What's the matter?" She asked him, but he just walked past her silently, to the car.
Sparing one last glance at the four faces who had been watching her while similtaneously looking to the upstairs landing since Ianto and Jack had gone to talk, one of which was now moving upstairs, Gwen too left the manor, shutting the door behind her.
Dashing to the car where Jack was sitting in the drivers seat with his head in his hands, clearly crying, she said. "Jack. Please. What's wrong?" The man was scaring her.
Jack looked up at her, his eyes red and puffy from crying and said.
"He doesn't love me."

After a good hour spent wrapped in each others arms, Chris and Ianto went to the training room to continue working out with the others.
They didn't know when or where the final battle would take place, and they had to be ready.
No-one mentioned Jack's appearance, or anything they may have heard. They simply trained as if nothing had happened. Because really, nothing had. The guardians had no ties to earth or anyone on it.
They had a job to do, and that was all that mattered.
They were concerned however when Fliss stopped suddenly, eyes going white with a premonition as she sunk to her knees.
They crowded around her, Chris quietly asking if she was alright, but when Fliss finally came back to herself, she looked anything but alright.
"He's coming." She whispered, fear in her bright eyes. "The beast is coming in three days."