Chapter 5 – Born in the Dark

Romulus was still seething about Agricola's decision and had started rallying the men to his way of thinking. Of course he was blinded by anger and fear, fear that the Picts would find them all and kill them, of course some of the Picts would love to kill them all, but they knew when to listen to their chief.

Further out into the rolling mountains of Britannia stood a chief, he was discussing some business with a lonely woman that was cast out many years before.

"Arianna, I ask for your assistance please – I will allow you back into our village if you will help."

"What is it that you need?"

"Etain's woman is a witch and she is unable to use her magic, perhaps you might be of assistance?"

"I can try, but I cannot, nor will I promise, that it will work."

"That's all I am requesting" both set off for his village to locate Caena and help her to use her magic once more.

Arriving back at the village their ears were met with the cries of passion and screams of pain, thinking the worst Gorlacon rushed to the hut that housed Caena and Etain, opening the door his eyes were met with Etain on her back, blood pooling out of three bite wounds on her neck and hips and Caena with her head between Etain's legs, looking up Caena growled, her mouth glistening with blood and bodily fluids.

"Chief? Is something the matter?" shaking his head, eyes wide, he turned around and left.

Gorlacon found Arianna again, explaining that they needed to wait.

Etain was painting as Caena once again, bit her hip causing it to bleed freely. Caena of course was enjoying the mix of flavour her beautiful wolf was freely giving. Screaming her release Etain came with a powerful explosion, blood mixing in, Caena greedily ate it all.

Neither knew that they were both performing the darkest of magic's, binding themselves to one another so deeply, their bodies were changing as well after each sexual encounter that they had where blood was drawn.

Etain's hair grew darker, her skin paler. Caena's wild mane, settled into soft ringlets, her skin paler as well. This was the first of many changes to come.

Gorlacon noticed this, but said nothing. He knew Caena's magic was involved somehow.

"Caena, Etain this is Arianna, Arianna, these are my trackers." Smiling kindly Arianna assessed Caena, she could feel the power radiating from them both.

"I do not believe my presence is needed anymore Chief."

"And why not?"

"She has released her magic, she will no longer need me to help her. I believe she is an extremely powerful witch, my assistance would only cause a delay in what I think is going to be a lot of changes to these two woman."

Confused by her words, Caena questioned what she meant.

"You are performing magic every time you lay together. You do not see the changes that most are already seeing."

"I do not feel my magic, what are you talking about?"

"You make her bleed yes?" Nodding Caena looked over at Etain's still bleeding neckline. "With every drop of blood, you are creating a powerful, insatiable thirst for the dark. You are using blood magic of the darkest kind." Arianna left both of them standing there staring at each other, both really looking at each other properly and finally noticing the changes.

Returning to their hut, Etain was naked once more as was Caena, neither of the two ever walked around in their place of peace dressed.

Leaning over the small table to reach for a cloth, Etain gasped when she felt two fingers enter into her core, she reared backwards and felt a hand clamp around her neck followed by a sharp bite, gasping she frantically tried to move, but Caena wouldn't have it. Allowing Etain to relax into her she added two more fingers and pumped into her hard and fast. Etain was panting, Caena was curling her fingers and hitting the right spot over and over. It didn't take long for Etain to release, but this was just the beginning, pushing Etain to the ground Caena grabbed a fistful of hair exposing Etain's neck to her, biting into her again she drew blood. Allowing the blood to flow around them she finally felt the thrum of magic as it sizzled in the air.

Caena gave Etain a grin.