
There it is. Marked on my calendar. The night of the New Moon. Tonight. Just as long as I make it back home in time, I will be somewhat okay. Or at least that was what was originally the plan. Life has its way of throwing a wrench in the gears, doesn't it? Originally I was enjoying my day, just hanging out with Sonic and his friends out in Twinkle Park when Knuckles was the one that had checked the time on his cell phone. How he was able to hold it was beyond me, but it made my quills harden when he said it was six in the evening.

Oh no. I begin to feel the tingle in my hands as I feel the surge slowly make its way through me. This is why I hate summer days, I can never tell when it's late anymore because it's so light out. "Uhm, sorry guys. But I am gonna have to go. I just remembered I have something to do really fast." I say, chuckling nervously.

"Aww, leaving so soon? The party is just getting started!" Sonic frowned at me, and I could feel his disappointment at me leaving. When I begin to feel other's emotions, that is when it is my cue to high tail it out of there. "Yeah, well I kinda need to. Gotta get ready for tomorrow. I have cleaning to do and all! Bye!" I say quickly, taking off and looking behind me as I wave at the group. I wasn't lying. I've been gauging my power surges for a few months now, and they usually wind up throwing a number of things around. Nothing major as I don't have very much stuff in my house, but still enough to warrant a grumble or two from me when the mess has been made.

The tingle in my hands moves to my head and I grow a headache with every step I take back to my home. It starts to feel like my hands are on fire as the sun is a mere slice of bright yellow on the horizon. I scan the sky for any sign of a sliver of white against the light magenta backdrop. There is none. Damn it! I silently pray for a moment while I run back to my house. I need it, I need to. I run as fast as my legs can take me. If only I had Sonic's super speed right about now.

The ache in my head grows and I search for any opening to let off a little of my powers before they go completely haywire. Good, no one is around. I make a hop in the air, letting my own power fuel my momentum as I gain speed through the air, praying my house would come into view shortly. The surge of power grows within me, letting me stay in the air longer than I normally do as I fly. If only it wasn't a painful thing to have this much power at once, I would fly around more often.

Everything passes by me in a blur, but I can see my house coming into view and in a hurry. I fumble for my keys and, with them in hand, I stop my power, sending me back to the ground and into a run. I make my keys fly right into the keyhole, unlocking it and come right back out as I dash through my door, shutting it behind me with my mind as well.

I made it. I finally made it. The burning feeling in my hands finally begins to spread through my body as my quills turn forward. Just a few more seconds. My hands roam in the darkness for the basement door, and finding the handle, I yank upon it and slide down the hole and shutting the trap door behind me. Finally!

The marks on my hands begin to glow brightly as my powers begin to magnify all on their own at a faster rate than before. It hurts so much, making me drop to my knees from the pain. At least here, I have no worries about damaging anything, as my basement is empty. I feel a scream make its way out of my mouth as the pain becomes too much, the raw power within me forcing itself out. The blue aura flashes out of me in a form of a ring, blasting its way out of the basement, and causing a ripple effect. The cyan light fills the dark room as the air and debris swirls around me. I feel my body lifted from the floor, floating in the middle of the swirling vortex of power. I always forget how much raw power I have yet to tap into. I've tried numerous times in the past, but they always fell flat because I forced it. I never let it come out on its own like this.

The pain fades, and I see, hear and feel everything. It all feels like a horrid nightmare. I hate being this sensitive. I can even feel my neighbor's emotions as they get frustrated over a game of Rummy. I can feel the slam of the hand of another neighbor's television as their signal goes out briefly, no doubt to my power surging like it did. I can see a blur making its way here. Wait, a blur? No! No please, not now, Sonic! Please, just stay away, for your sake!

Wait…this energy, it's different. Chaotic, sure but it's fine tuned. I recognize that energy. It's controlled at its fullest, not like me right now. It makes me feel inferior. HE makes me feel inferior in this moment. Shadow did always have such precision and power over his own abilities, it makes me jealous sometimes really. I wish I had that kind of control with my ESP.

The surge dies down at last, leaving me lying on my basement floor on my side, curled into a ball and shivering. My energy is draining fast, yet the sensitivity lingers, and I can still feel Shadow heading my way. Wait, there is another energy, raw, Chaotic energy. Sonic, too? No please, both of you, stay away! For your sakes, stay away from me! Please...

I hear the lock of my house come undone as Sonic had used the spare from behind the jasmine plant on my porch. I wish I hadn't told him about that. It would make my life so much easier right now. I hear their voices, Shadow's gruffness and Sonic lighthearted ones clashing, looking for me. Please, just stay fatigue sets in. Keeping my eyes open is getting harder and harder. How much of my power did I release? My eyes flutter to a close my energy drains at last, feeling, seeing and hearing nothing.

When I come to at last, I'm on my couch, my eyes opening to Shadow watching me with scrutiny and Sonic with a look of concern on his face. "Dude, we found you, PASSED OUT, in your BASEMENT. What happened?" Sonic asks me, a cup of something warm in his hands, which he hands to me. I murmur a 'thank you' before I sip it. Mmm, my lemon ginger tea. "Uhm, it's nothing important. Nothing you need to know."

"Silver, you were unconscious in your basement." Shadow glares at me with his blood-colored eyes. I shrink into myself as I put my tea down, wrapping my arms around my knees and not looking at either of them. I can't tell them. I can't tell them what happens at this time. What would they think of me?

"Silver, what happened? You can tell me. Please?" Sonic asks me, leaning forward in the chair adjacent to my couch. I shake my head no vigorously, I can't tell him. I can't tell them.

"Tell us."


" Why not?"

"I just can't."

"Stop lying. There is something."

"I can't tell you. You wouldn't understand."

"Try us."

I forget how long we go in circles like this, with Sonic begging me to tell him, and me denying him access. but one question cuts through this routine.

"How often does this happen?" Sonic and I look up at Shadow, who has his arms crossed and looking at me with his typical glare. I feel so small compared to him. The pang of jealousy goes through me again, as I can sense his energy, fine tuned, coursing through his body. I wish I had that kind of control. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I finally take in what he asked. He knows. He knows, and I can't hide it from him. And with Sonic now knowing that Shadow knows, I can't hide it anymore. I let out a sigh, as I begin to tell them what happened to me a little while ago.

I had this up yesterday, but it was so ridiculously raw and I couldn't stand it, so I revised it. I needed it to flow better, and thankfully it does. Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading!