Sorry for not updating for a while, I've been a bit busy with voluntary work and friends. Plus when I start listening to a song, I can't stop and it's hard to write while listening. BTW Thank You Very Much for reviewing on my story ''It's Just Life'' We really appreciated it and we hope you review here too :)

Enjoy and Please Review!

Momo's consciousness was stirred when a butterfly landed on her nose. She groaned a bit and her back felt really warm. She then remembered everything that happened yesterday. From encountering the blue cougar to him telling her he loved her. She felt so happy after hearing that and she still was absolutely ecstatic. She smiled to herself as she felt him stir behind her. He opened his eyes and yawned. She turned around, looked at him and smiled,

''Good morning, Toshiro-kun!'' She exclaimed.

''It's Hitsugaya to you, Hinamori.'' He coldly snapped back.

She gasped and froze up. He chuckled and kissed her.

''I'm kidding Momo, it was a joke.'' He smiled lightly.

She breathed out in relief and smiled weakly,

''You almost gave me a heart attack. I was worried that yesterday was a dream.''

''Don't worry, it wasn't.'' he chuckled and laid his head on the ground.

She then snuggled closer to his chest and listen to his heartbeat, it was like habit to her lately. After a few minutes Toshiro's ears perked up and he quickly stood up. Momo looked at him,

''What's wrong?''

''There's a stampede coming this way from the village. We should run…fast.''

They both got up and began running as fast as they could/ Momo noticed that Toshiro made a lot of twists and turns, she guessed to try to throw the stampede off of their tails (no pun intended). Their scent was disappearing too. As soon as they reached the river, they jumped in to get rid of their scent. Even though the water was freezing. They quickly got out and ran as fast as they could again. They actually ran back to the cave that they had used for Momo to recover when she had been bitten. They stopped and panted heavily. They quickly hid in a small crack in the cave that was very uncomfortable, considering their bodies were totally pressed against each others. They heard a number of wolves run by them. Momo was about to sigh, but Toshiro shook his head, looking through the crack. There was a single wolf left in front of the cave. Toshiro could take him on, but he could call out and their covers would be blown. He couldn't see who the wolf was. Then suddenly the wolf began walking to their direction. Toshiro quickly hid away. As soon as the wolf was near enough for them to see who it was. Toshiro was about attack the wolf, but then he was met by his brothers smiling face,

''Hi, little brother!'' Kusaka smilingly said.

''Hey, why were you standing there?'' Toshiro asked.

''The chief was pissed that you insulted his daughter and left the pack for some other wolf so he decided to gather the whole pack to come after you. They gathered a blue cougar and a massive rat on the way. I came to see get them off of your tail. Granny, Hikari and the other members of the family didn't come because I told them what happened.''

''I see, where are they now?''

''They said they are heading to the forest across the huge high way.''

''But that's my home!'' Momo exclaimed, but lowered her ears and blushed as the two wolves looked at her.

''So that's her, eh Toshiro? I'm glad you got away from Suki.'' Kusaka smiled at Toshiro and then Momo. They both blushed.

''We should get going to the forest, the inhabitants there could be in trouble.'' Toshiro said. Kusaka and Momo nodded.

They all began running towards the forest.

Anica was teaching Rangiku, Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, Tatsuki, Jinta, Ururu, Kira, Gin, Renji, Komamura, Hisagi, Ikkaku and Yumichika how to neutralize different snake poisons.
Rangiku was a red fox and Gin was a silver fox.
Ichigo was an orange cougar and Rukia was a small (smaller than Momo) black cougar. She had an older brother, Byakuya, but he was so noble, such lessons wouldn't help his honor.
Orihime was a squirrel.
Tatsuki was a raccoon.
Jinta was a red shrew and Ururu was a blue shrew. They were still children so when they misbehaved (mostly Jinta), Anica would come and swat him with her large tail.
Kira was a blond deer.
Renji was a cherry red bobcat and Hisagi was a black bobcat.
Komamura was a light brown wolf.
Ikkaku was a bald eagle [A./N. We couldn't resist XD].

Yumichika was a peacock. [A./N. Obviously XD].

Jason was merely sitting near by under a tree listening where Unohana was listening to the lesson as well (not like she needed it anyway.)

Then they heard scurrying from the bushes near by. They all turned their heads and saw an entire wolf pack coming out. The leader came in front and began speaking,

''We are here for Toshiro Hitsugaya, where is he?'' he asked.

''Toshiro? You're a little late, he left like a bit more than a week ago.'' Anica stepped in front and waved them off.

The chief's blood began to boil and he yelled,

''He came back to he pack and gave me the information he needed! He was supposed to marry my daughter Suki, but he left her for some other female wolf!'' He said pointing at his daughter, ''We know they came back here, now tell us where they are!'' he again yelled.

''Could you describe him to us?'' Komamura asked.

''He is a large white wolf with wild fur and bluish-green eyes.'' The pack leader said.

''It's called turquoise, douche nozzle…'' Anica looked at him annoyingly from all of his yelling, ''Besides, I haven't seen him in like 9 days, and he hasn't shown up so just leave already.'' She said, turning her back to them.

''Then we will attack this place until he comes back.'' The chief said.

''We don't think so.'' Said Jason who was next to Gin, Ichigo, Tatsuki, Kira, Renji, Hisagi, Komamura and Ikkaku (who was on Renji's shoulder.)

''ATTACK!'' The leader yelled.
Everyone started going one-on-one. Anica told Ururu, Jinta, Unohana, Orihime and Yumichika to gather the other forest animals and bring them here. Jason was fighting with the pack leader and everyone was fighting fiercely. Soon Toshiro, Kusaka and Momo appeared. The leader looked over and yelled,

''You disrespectful, pathetic excuse for a wolf! How dare you call my daughter a whore and leave the pack? You will either come back and mate with my daughter or die!''

''Sorry, I've already got a life partner.'' Toshiro calmly stated.

''WHO?'' Suki and her father both yelled.

Toshiro stepped aside to reveal Momo blushing. Suki puffed her cheeks,

''I am SO much prettier than her. Why choose her when you have someone as sexy as me?''

''You are not pretty, you are grotesque. You are the complete opposite of sexy.'' He calmly stated.

''PACK! ATTA-'' the leader began to yell but was interrupted by Toshiro,

''BEFORE YOU ATTACK, you should hear what I have to ask. Are you really going to attack me just because I'm not marrying someone I despise? Really? Well, I'd rather be with someone I really care about! Now ask yourselves, would you marry that damn female wolf or someone you love?'' he asked.

Some wolves lowered their heads in shame, some nodded, some stood still, but some are just plain untouchable cold hearts. The leader huffed,

''Don't listen to him! Join me, I command you!'' he began attacking the three wolves and there were about 7 wolves behind him from the 19 wolves that were. Jason and the other animals joined in the battle. They helped each other out and Jason and Toshiro even saved each other a couple of times.

Anica ran over to Momo,

''You're back safe and sound! I'm glad, but now let's beat the hell out of that bitch Suki!'' Anica winked.

''I don't know, should I?'' Momo asked.

''She tried to take away your life partner, I sure wouldn't forgive that. Plus, she called you not pretty.''

Momo thought for a minute and then smiled mischievously,

''Let's do it.''

They began running towards the stuck-up female wolf and pounced her. Anica bit her neck hard while Momo tore out her fur. Suki kept screaming and trying to get away from them, but with no avail.

By the end of the battle, Jason, Toshiro and the others had won and Anica and Momo had literally torn out all of Suki's fur. The wolf pack headed back and everyone celebrated. But first they got their wounds healed. Toshiro licked Momo's wounds even though she kept protesting she could do it herself. She then cleaned his. Anica cleaned all of her wounds, but then Jason pointed out a bloody scratch on the back of her neck. He licked it since she couldn't reach it.
At night Anica asked to stay in Jason's den to give Momo and Toshiro some alone time. They had grown fond of each other during the time Momo and Toshiro were traveling. He agreed. They even took a walk at midnight.

Momo plopped on Anica's spare bed and happily sighed,

''It's nice to be back home.''

''Yeah, but I won't be seeing my family for a while, if not forever.'' He sighed sadly.

Momo frowned sadly, went over and kissed him. Then she pushed him to bed and laid down on top of him.

''What're you doing?'' he asked.

''Showing you you're not alone!'' she said,

He sighed and smiled at her a bit,

''I realize that with you, I'm never alone.''

She smiled sweetly, rolled off of him and snuggled closer to him. He closed his eves and whispered,

''I love you…''

She smiled and whispered back,

''I love you too…'' and then added in her thought 'Shiro-chan…'

Well, we're sorry for not updating for a while, but like I said, I had jobs and Kitten was being a lazy sloth

Kitten – I WAS NOT! Besides, it's YOUR job to write the stories, not mine.

WhiteRose810 – You've written chapters too, you wrote ''I'm sorry'' and like 2 chapters in ''It's Just Life!''
Kitten – Still, not my fault.

WhiteRose810 - :p

Both – We hope you enjoyed it and Please Review! :)