
"Bella! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Right as I heard that I heard a loud honk and then everything went black.

Everything was black. I couldn't hear and feel anything. I wonder if I'm dying. Death shouldn't be like this. It should be happy and bright not confusing and black. I couldn't die! My baby needed me. Edward needed me. I tried to reach down to my belly but I couldn't feel anything. I don't know what's happening.

I felt like I was slipping into darkness but I couldn't let that happen! I needed to stay strong for my family.

Time passed. And I started to hear a noise. I couldn't quite place it but then it started getting louder and louder.

"She should be waking up soon. Maybe in the next hour or so." I heard a girl say. I didn't know who she was talking to and they never did answer her either.

As more time passed I noticed I could feel my arms. I felt something touching my hand. I wasn't sure what it was.

I opened my eyes and I saw Edward staring straight at me.

"Oh my god Bella! Your awake. Why did you go and run off like that?" I could tell he was about to cry because his voice got a little shaky.

"Edward, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that. The car it came out of nowhere!" I suddenly got really panicked thinking about the accident and the baby. I reached my hands toward my stomach and felt a little bit of relief that my little girl was still in there.

"How is she Edward? Did I hurt her again? Why am I such a bad parent?" I started to sob and I felt Edward wrap his arms around me as best as he could.

"Bella she is fine. She got bumped around a little and the doctor's were worried but the car hit the back of your car so you hit your head. She will be fine. Your not a bad mom you just couldn't see. Don't blame yourself. It was an accident." He put a hand on my belly and was rubbing it. It made me feel better knowing that the baby was going to be fine and I was just here because I hit my head.

I looked around and noticed it was only Edward here. "Where is my dad?" I could see Edward look down. I wonder what was wrong.

"He left. We… we kind of got in a little argument. The nurse asked him to leave. I'm sorry Bella." He was just sitting in the chair and holding my hand.

"What were you arguing about?" I felt a little bit of irritation toward my father right now.

"Uh… Well I got here and your dad was here. I came in and came over to you. He got really mad and threw me against the wall saying that this was my fault. If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't be here." I could tell that he was truly upset but what my dad had said to him. I felt the need to comfort him.

"Edward it isn't your fault. If it wasn't for you then we wouldn't be having this baby girl. She is so special to me Edward. You cant feel that way." I could see him start to smile a little bit. "I love you Edward." He looked at me and leaned into kiss me. I kissed him back and I once I felt his warm lips on mine I didn't want to let him go.

He grabbed his face and pulled him more toward me. I started to open my mouth and I could hear the annoying beeping noise getting a little faster each second that passed. I pulled away and started laughing.

Edward was laughing too. "I love you too Bella. Your and this baby are the most important thing to me in my life." He leaned down to give me a quick peck and pulled away before I could turn it into something more.

The nurse came in and smiled and brought a tray in full of food.

"Um… wow that a lot of food." It was more food than what I usually got when I had to stay at the hospital.

"Well you are growing a baby. You need all get all the nutrition you can for the baby." The nurse smiled then left the room.

"You know I'm not really hungry." I looked at the food and it looked really good. Probably meant it was really fattening too. I saw some green beans and figured maybe I could eat a little bit of that.

"Bella you need to eat. When is the last time you ate?" He didn't look like he was mad. He was probably just curious.

"I ate at my dads. Before I told him about the baby." I lied to him. I didn't know why I felt the need to lie. I mean I know that pregnant girls usually eat more but then they also get fat. It wouldn't hurt to just skip a few meals would it?

"Well then its about time for your next meal. Come on Bella eat up. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I will be back in about five minutes. I'm going to call my mom and make sure everything is okay at home." He left the room and I noticed there was a trashcan right next to my bed.

I put a majority of the food in there. I left some green beans and a bite of mashed potatoes. I tried to do it as fast as I could so Edward wouldn't come in and see.

I started eating the mashed potatoes when Edward walked in. "Wow I guess you were hungry." He started laughing and I laughed with him.

"I guess so." I moved on the green beans and when I finished those I put the tray in the trashcan and covered the food that was in there.

"My mom says everything is good and she is glad that you are awake and hopes to see you soon." He smiled up at me. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

I was let out the next day and Edward took me home since I couldn't drive my car. The car ride was long.

"Hey Edward, do you think we should start thinking of names for her?" I looked down and started rubbing my belly.

"Yeah. I have been thinking about names. I wanted to talk to you about them but I didn't know if you wanted to yet." He looked at me and he was smiling at me with a crooked smile. For some reason I could feel myself getting all tingly inside. I could feel myself staring at him. I looked away and wiped the drool off my chin.

"What have you thought of?" I thought of maybe a few but none that I liked a lot.

"Well I was thinking maybe Carlie or Aleigha. We could call her Ali for short." I had to admit I loved his names. But I couldn't think which I liked better.

"Those are really nice. I really like them. I also had a question… about her last name?" I didn't know if he would be offended that I didn't know if she should have his last name.

"What do you mean?" I could feel him get a little tense. I think he could tell what was coming.

"Do you think she should have you last name even though were not married… I mean what if something happens and we break up we move apart from each other. I don't know what I would tell her. I know I'm probably worrying about nothing but it still worries me a little bit." I noticed I was rambling on so I decided I would just shut up and wait for an answer.

"Bella I love you. And I would like it very much to marry you someday. So I would like for her to have my last name. But if you don't want it…" I could tell he didn't really know what to say. He looked really upset at the thought of her not having his last name.

"No its not that. I think it would be nice for her to have her daddy's last name. I just wish things were different." I didn't want to start talking about marriage because I didn't want for him to feel like he was being pushed to marry me.

"What do you mean different? Are you regretting all of this between us?" He was taking everything I was saying in the wrong way. I didn't want him to think that I regretted being with him. I love Edward.

"No that's not what I'm saying. Just forget it. She will have your last name. I was stupid to even bring it up. I love you." I smiled at him rested my hand on his thigh as he kept driving.

We arrived back at Seattle and I started to head up the stairs when I felt my head getting a little dizzy. Edward stopped behind me.

"Bella are you okay?" He sounded concerned and he put his hand on my back to help me steady myself.

"Yeah. Just got a little dizzy there." I started walking up the steps and was greeted by a warm hug right when I entered the apartment.

"Oh Bella I'm so glad you are okay. Edward got so worried when you called." She sounded like she was going to cry when she said the last part. "He was an emotional wreck. Then the call from the hospital. But were both really glad that you and the baby are okay." She hugged me again then put her hand on my belly.

I felt a little weird considering I didn't really know her and she was acting like we have known each other for years.

"Yeah I'm really sorry about everything. I shouldn't have started driving while I was crying like that. It was stupid of me. I could have been really hurt. I could have lost—"I couldn't even say that without my voice cracking and me about to cry. I couldn't cry again. I was crying too much already.

"Oh Bella. Everything will be okay. I'm leaving tomorrow but I will make sure to keep in touch and visit more often to see my granddaughter. She is going to be so beautiful. She has such handsome parents." She smiled at us and I couldn't help but blush.

"Well yeah I know how good looking Edward is." I smiled up at him and winked. He smiled back and started pushing me to the kitchen.

"Maybe you should eat something. That was a long drive back. What would you like me to make for you?" I didn't know if I could put this off. Edward saw how much I ate. Even if I did eat all the hospital food it still felt I should be eating more. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Yeah sure. Just one egg though. I'm not too hungry and I think I'm going to go to bed soon. I have a headache." I really did have a headache. But I wasn't really too tired.

"Okay. Are you sure? Maybe I can make you a big breakfast in the morning." He came over and leaned down and started brushing my hair away from my neck. He kissed my neck really softly.

"I-I would… really like that." He drove me so crazy sometimes. I didn't even realize what I was saying, I just knew how much I wanted Edward right now.

He pulled away quickly and walked away like nothing just happened. "Okay." Was all he said when he turned to go make me my food. He was such a tease sometimes. But I love him. He makes me happy. I started to smile then I noticed Elizabeth in the corner smiling and watching us.

"You guys are really in love. I can tell. You light up every time you see him or when he touches you. And he is exactly the same. You guys look at each other like its Christmas morning and you just got the best gift from each other." I didn't know why she was telling me this. I knew I loved Edward with all my heart. Nothing could break us apart.

"I really do love him. I'm glad were going to be a family. I didn't think we could do it but I'm sure now. With everything that we have gone through I am so happy that we are keeping this baby. She makes me so incredibly happy. And that fact that her daddy is Edward makes everything so much better. He will never let me down." I started rubbing my belly.

I was about to say something about hopefully getting married someday but Edward walked in. I decided maybe I should just keep my mouth shut for a while. Edward put the egg in front of me.

"You know I can hear everything you two are saying from the kitchen." He smirked at us and had a smug expression. We all started laughing.

"Oh!" I said startled.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Edward and Elizabeth practically yelled at the same time. I started to giggle a little bit. They were so protective.

"She just kicked really hard is all. Everything is fine." I looked over at Elizabeth and I could tell she wanted to say something but didn't know how. I think I knew. "Would you like to feel?" She looked up and smiled.

"I would really love that." She scooted her chair over and I grabbed her hand and put it right where the kick was before. She kicked again but this time not quite as hard.

"Oh my god. I miss being pregnant. One little baby was all I had. I wish I could have another one." She sounded a little sad but I figured she didn't really want to be pregnant she just missed the days she was.

I ate all my food then went to the kitchen to wash my plate. "I'm really tired. I think I'm going to head up to get some rest." And with that I headed upstairs and got undressed in my bra and underwear. I didn't feel like putting much else on. I climbed into the warm bed and was instantly asleep.

I kept feeling this itching on my back. I rolled over and reached for my back. It was my bra. I quickly unhooked it and threw it on the floor. I rolled back over and noticed Edward was sound asleep next to me. I cuddled right up next to his side. He stirred around a little then put his arm around me. I felt perfectly in place.

When I woke up the next morning I noticed Edward still sleeping by my side. I gently shook him to try to make him get up. He rolled over and I shook him again. He looked around and I saw him smile.

"You weren't dressed like that when I went to bed." He was staring at my chest. I could feel myself blush. I forgot I had taken my bra off last night.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I wrapped the sheets around my chest and I started to get out of bed. I turned around and Edward was just in his boxer's. He was sitting against the headboard and just smiling at me. I went over to his side of the bed and sat on his lap.

"I'm not getting too heavy for this am I?" I laughed and he just pulled me closer.

"I like you just where you are." He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. He started leaning me back until I was laying on the bed. He pulled the sheet away from me and put it over his body that was hovering over mine. We sat there kissing and I wanted things to move on a little faster. I reached down and grabbed his cock through his boxer's.

He was so hard and I could feel myself getting wetter. I heard a low moan come from him as I did that. He started kissing my neck and moving down lower and lower until he got to my chest. He started licking and sucking at my nipples. I moaned and I could feel his hips bucking against mine.

I reached down to my underwear and gently pulled them off. Edward reached his hand down and started to rub my clit.

"Oh god Bella! I need you so much." He was panting then he got up and pulled his boxer's off then got back on top of me. He was kissing me really roughly and I could tell he was ready. I could feel his cock right at my entrance then he pushed in slowly. I couldn't help the moan that came out. I realized that Edward's mom was right in the next room.

I tried to stop myself from moaning and I could tell that Edward was trying to be quieter as well. I could feel it building up and it became harder to keep quiet. I accidentally let out a moan and I felt myself let go. Edward made a few more thrusts before he stopped. He slid out and got up. I didn't think I had the strength to get up yet. I was breathing pretty heavy and I felt the baby move around. She always gets excited and moves around when me and Edward are together. It made me smile. I got up and wrapped myself in the sheet and started walking toward the bathroom.

I looked at myself and I looked horrible. My hair was all messed up and my make up was smeared under my eyes.

"I don't know how you do it." I said to Edward as he was coming through the bathroom too.

"Do what?" He went over and started the shower.

"Get a boner when you see this." I pointed my fingers at my face and he turned around and started laughing.

"You are very gorgeous." He came over and grabbed the sheet and threw it on the floor. We both jumped into the shower.

Hey I don't know what to name the baby. So choose between those two and choose a middle name because I suck at those. Lol just give me some idea's please!