Hey guys its me i'm super duper sorry for not updateing,I had stupid writers block. Please review XD
I don't own sega or the sonic team or Grass or Luna.I do own Starlight.
Natasha's name is from Grass's past.
Amy left something in Starlight's room and went to get opened the door and gasped.
Amy ran back to the others and was breathing deeply.
" what's the matter?"Cream asked,worryed.
"Starlight's not in her room and the window was opened,and I found this."Amy replied,handing them a note.
-Dear losers,
I have your feline freind and If you want her back meet me at the old clearing or you'll never see her agian.
Scourge the hedgehog
P.S. you better hurry,she doesn't have long to live.
"That coward useing her like bait."Shadow muttered in disgust.
"We have to help her."Cream said,tears forming.
"O no your staying here where it's safe."Luna replied,frowning abit at Tails and Cream and Grass.
"Hey why do I have to stay,it's my fault she is in this mess,I'm going."He said,his Russian accent strong.
"Were going two."Tails and Cream demanded.
"Fine,let's go!"Amy shouted over them,before running past them.
(At the clearing,a light fog hangs in the air)
"Scourge where are you!"Amy yelled,turning around in circles.
"Guys I found Starlight!"Cream yelled,bending over the briused and battered feline.
"Shadow is she ok?"Amy asked her boyfriend,worryed about her friend.
"Yeah,But just barely."He replied,much to everyone's relief.
"I don't think you should be worrying about her."A voice said behind them.
"Scourge!"Everyone yelled,causeing him to step back abit.
"Damn,who do I look like Helen Keller shit."He cussed,rubbing his ears.
Silver,Shadow,and Tails transformed into their were-forms and Luna,Amy,and Grass took fighting postions.
Cream protected Starlight,who was slowly wakeing up.
"You hurted my friend,and almost killed her,thats unforgiveable!"Amy yelled as she plowed into Scourge.
"Shadow,Silver hold him for me."Amy yelled,trying to hold him,But failed.
Luna roundhouse kicked his jaw and he wraped his legs around her,takeing her down and Tails clawed his stomack area,causeing him to roundhoused kicked them all,sending everyone got up and elbowed his chest,makeing him step back and then she moved over reveiling Shadow as he bit his shoulder.
Scourge grabbed Shadow by the back of the neck and throw him into used her speed and strength as she flipped him over .Grass grabbed his neck and pulled him off the ground.
"Any last words before I kill you."Grass asked,His words cold and mean.
"See you in hell."Scourge scoffed,returning the hate in his voice.
"I've already been there."Grass stated as he ripped off Scourges head.
They ripped his body up and buried it in holy was waiting for them and she looked very worryed.
"Is everyone alright?"She asked,running up to Tails.
"Yea,How is Starlight?"Amy asked.
"She is fine,she is resting for now."Cream replied,relief washed over everyone.
"Lets go home."Shadow said,slinging one arm over Amy' shoulder.
"Yeah,after you my king."Amy replied,looking at him.
"Ofcourse my qween."He smirked.
(10 years later)
"Silver,Luna how are you?"25 year old Amy asked her friend,her belly bulging slightly.
"We are fine,"Skyler,Emily say hello".Luna nudged a silver hedgewolf and a pure white hedgewolfette forward.
"Hello."They said.
"Aww their so cute."Amy gushed.
"Amy!"A tan rabbit shouted hugging Amy.
"Cream!"Amy returned the hug.
"Cream,Remeber us."Tails asked,holding a two-year old tan-yellowish fox.
"Sorry Tails."Cream replied blushing.
"Hello Amy,Shadow."Tails nodded to them.
"Tails its been awhile."Shadow greeted.
"Now where is Starlight and Grass at?"Amy asked,puzzled.
As on cue a purple cat pounced on her following was Grass and two six-year old twins.
"Hey Amy-san,miss me?"She asked,smileing brightly.
"Yeah I sure have Starlight,NOW GET OFF!"She yelled the last part.
"Mommy,Levi pulled on my ponytail again."one of the twins complained.
"I did not."The other yelled.
"Who are they?"Amy asked,pointing to the twins.
"O this are my children,this is Levi and that is Natasha."She replied.
Levi was a purple fox with red highlights,and Natasha was a green cat with red highlights.
"I see your carrying a baby also."Starlight asked,eyeing Amy's belly.
"Yeah,It's going to be due in a month or two."Shadow said proudly,hugging his wife.
"O Shadow stop your makeing me blush."Amy replied.
"Hey guys who's up for a game of tag?"Cream asked,as the children gathered around her.
"Ok I'll be it."Amy replied,going over to a tree.
For the rest of the afternoon they played tag.
Thanks for reading hope you liked it,XD please review.