Alfred did not know exactly what was going on. All he heard was vast amounts of yelling and screaming, words smashing together, making him unable to comprehend all of the words spat out by the anonymous persons. Arthur had long since let go of his hand, making him appear and feel like a lost, abandoned child, dependent on their mother.

Now Alfred knew for a fact that they were to go to the world meeting, Arthur being his eyes for him. Though, he didn't understand as to why that child (Hong Kong, correct?) was now yelling angry curses at his Arthur. Knowing that both were now angry and spitting out unkind words, Alfred had wisely stepped out of the way (successfully running into a tree, but that was beside the point).

Now here he was, attempting to listen to the taunts and sneers that Xiang had thrown at his dearest. Anger bubbled up inside of him, yet there was no point to it at all, being blind. Of course his self-esteem was rock bottom now, no thanks to Francis and his visit. So he felt that he could do nothing to support the Briton who supported him so.

Alfred blinked suddenly, Hong Kong's voice rising above the rest. His ears perked at the voice, trying to hear and detect any words.

"You! I'm so tired of you! F*cking kidnapping me from China!" Hong Kong roared, Alfred hearing footsteps. Was he walking away, or to Arthur…? He didn't know, and felt confused by all of this. His head hurt.

"Leon—" Alfred knew for a fact that that was England's voice, but it was cut off suddenly by the personification of the city.

"Don't you dare call me that f*cking name! I am not Leon! I am Xiang, personification of Hong Kong!" the boy shouted, making Alfred blinked. Jeez…when did that kid get vocal chords? "And I am tired of everything you've done to myself, and my baba, Yao! You must pay for what you've done!"

Alfred at that point wanted to be by England's side, but couldn't find him without any eyesight. He shivered softly and growled in frustration, wanting to at least know what was going on. How frustrated he felt…

"Fine then! Hong Kong, just end this! Stop picking a fight that you can't bloody win!" Alfred's face twitched. He didn't remember the last time England got this angry…

There was a sudden smacking sound, followed by an 'aiyah' and a scream. Alfred blinked, narrowing his eyes, realizing that Hong Kong had attacked his dearest. Without even thinking, he ran out towards the noises of the commotion, tackling the first thing he felt.

Luckily, it was Hong Kong.

"What the bloody—" the boy had obvious traces of a British accent, confusing Alfred for a few moments. But he quickly snapped out of it, smelling the overwhelming scent of Chinese food wafting from the boy. "Get off me you damn American!"

Alfred did not speak, it was something he had not done ever since the accident. He only spoke once, his words slurred and mushed together. It was embarrassing, to say the least. Feeling ashamed of his verbal skills, he decided to become a mute.

"Answer me dammit!" there was a sudden pain in his stomach, knocking the air out of him and making him fall onto his backside, Chinese words spat at him too quickly for him to know what was happening. Alfred snarled, scrambling to his feet, clumsily throwing a punch at the air. A cry of frustration left his lips when nothing contacted his fist. Footsteps sounded away from him, then yells of pain from England. His England!

"…Arthur." He whispered, eyes narrowing, hear more sounds of agony leaving Arthur's lips. Slowly, Alfred walked towards the noises, anger boiling inside of him, threatening to erupt and explode. No one touched his Arthur like that and got away with it. Especially when it caused pain to the one he loved.

Frustration took over and overwhelmed him. The frustration of people believing that he was crippled and could not do anything without assistance was taking its toll on him. Especially what Francis had done to him was horribly painful. People were trying to take Arthur away from him just because he was blind…? It made his heart ache horribly.

But all of that would end today, he decided firmly.

"Hong FUCKING Kong!" Alfred screamed, marching right up towards the noises, which had ceased once he had spoken. A smirk crossed his lips. Apparently this was the only good thing about not speaking in so long. Now he had wanted to see the look of surprise on the Chinese city's face when he saw that he wasn't incompetent or a baboon or anything of the sort…

The smirk left Alfred's lips when Hong Kong responded, suddenly feeling the Asian's hot breath on his face, "hmm. Looks like the idiot can finally speak." Alfred's face suddenly stung when Hong Kong smacked him, causing him to nearly topple over. "Now what the hell do you want?"

Alfred cracked his neck, turning his head back towards the sound of the Chinese-accented voice. "…for you to stay away from England." He snarled, his hands curling into fists again. Vaguely he heard England murmur something, likely in surprise that he was speaking.

Hong Kong laughed loudly, then shoved America in the shoulders, causing him to nearly fall backwards. Nearly. He was able to quickly regain his balance, listening to Hong Kong snap to him again. "Stay out of my business you Yankee! This is my business and that damn England's only! So go learn how to read and write, you retard!"

That had pushed Alfred far off the edge.

Without hesitating or thinking twice, Alfred lunged at Hong Kong, knocking him to the ground. A small squeak of surprise left the Chinese boy's lips as both collided with the earth roughly. Alfred wasted no time with beginning to punch and kick the boy's face with a scary strength and anger. All the frustration that he was feeling was coming out all at once, and with a vengeance.

"Bloody hell! Get off me!" the boy screamed, kicking and attempting to break free from the angered American. But it was completely futile, Alfred would not lessen his attack at all. "Get off!"

"You still think I'm a retard?" Alfred roared at him, punching him in the middle of the face again. "You still think I can't take care of myself!"


Another punch in the face, not noticing that the other had already fallen unconscious, "You still think that blind people are crippled, worthless beings?"


"You still think—"

"Alfred!" America felt two pairs of arm wrap around his torso and attempt to pull him away from the fallen Chinese city. At first Alfred fought against the pairs of arms, then paused, recognizing it at Arthur. His Arthur. "Alfred! Get off that poor boy this instance!"

Alfred didn't make a sound, letting himself be dragged away from Hong Kong. He felt Arthur's body trembling, and he frowned, concerned for his lover. "…are you alright Arthur…?"

"I'm fine lad, I'm fine." Arthur said quickly, turning Alfred around then hugging him close to his chest. The American felt Arthur begin to gently stroke his hair. "…I didn't know…you could…speak…"

"I'm not stupid Arthur."

"I never said you were stupid either love…" Arthur whispered, kissing his forehead. "…I just…didn't know…" Alfred blinked, hearing groaning from behind him, then smirked, hearing frantic footsteps and loud Chinese curses as Hong Kong ran away from the two. Alfred one, Hong Kong zero.

"…are you alright?" Alfred asked after a few moments of silence between them, frowning. "Did he do something to you? I heard you yell in pain…"

Arthur hesitated, then answered. "Yes Alfred, I'm quite alright. The lad just got too frustrated with his past and took it out on me…" he hugged Alfred tightly. "…at least you're alright now love…and that's all that matters…"

Alfred smiled broadly at Arthur, hugging him back tightly. It did not matter anymore if he would no longer be able to see at all, or if he wouldn't be able to do the things he wouldn't be able to do…it didn't matter. As long as he had Arthur, he would be fine…and he would be happy. America didn't need sight to see the love that England displayed towards him.

After all, he had all the time in the world to be with England, now didn't he?