Author's Note: Well my first Bleach chapter fic and I'm doing it all for you guyz so I hope you enjoy it. There is also some Byakuya and Renji in here and yes it's A fantasy AU a seriously mega awesome( you know you were born in the 1990's if you still use the word awesome) fantastical fantasy AU with mpreg. So bring it on and remenber( I love you people) Don't be a jew, donate a review. (O).(O) please. I need a beta. ^^'

Disclaimer: Don't own

Warning: flames will be fuel to write more and this contains abuse and violents but id will have a happy ending.

Chapter 1: Bridge to creating peace.

" was a good day." Ichigo mumbled to himself as a body was carried in to the village. It seemed things were getting worse with the Hueco Mundo Clan for the buy that had been brought back had only just been allowed to hunt on his own two weeks before and now he was dead.

" They just keep getting worse and worse huh cuz." Renji said from behind his cousin.

" What brings you here? Aren't you usually solving some couples marital disputes." Ichigo teased trying to lighten the mood.

" Ha-ha really funny. For your information your uncle sent me to get you." Renji said seriously.

" What could he possibly need from me at a time like this?" Ichigo thought to himself as he followed his cousin.

" Idon't know, but he seemed really distracted by something." The red head put in.

Looking at the serious expression on his cousins face had Ichigo wondering what Renji had witnessed on the tride leaders face.

" Is it really that bad Renji." The orange haired tiger asked.

" I haven't seen that expresson since your mother passed away." The red tiger half breed commented.

Ichigo didn't want to think about that day; that day was the worst/best day of their lives.

" Lets go find out what's happening." Ichigo had a good idea that it was gogin to be something he wouldn't like.

~ Hueco Mundo Clan ~

" You would have thought with him being blind he would have heard me coming, but I killed him one second flat. the black lion barked in humor.

" What do ya expect from those defective half breeds. Those rejects never should have been allowed to live. Now look , we get the work of population contro;." Grimmjow sneered as he thought of the lesser shifters at the bottom of their moutain.

" Grimmjow." Byakuya called calmly to his cousin.

" Oh Byakuya, I was just talking to Kenpachi about the half breed he killed this afternoon." The teal haired panther smirked but felt it drop at the look on his cousins face." What do you want from me now?" Grimmjow hated when his cousin came around his presence always seemed to ruin his mood.

" Clan leader wishes to speak with us about somethingof importance." Came the monotoned answer.

" Why do you call him that he's your uncle, also what could he possibly want from me?"

" Ididn't ask for details. Excuse me I must be on my way." With that Byakuya turned his back to the panther and contently walked way from his cocky cousin.

" What!" Grimmjow yelled when he heard the news.

" You heard me correctly Grimmjow. As of now there will be no more attacks on the half breeds of the Karakura tribe." Mayuri growled as he starred down the young shifter.

" What could they possibly be worth to us besides good hunting sport?" The teen yelled in horror.

" I have sent a messenger to the tride leader asking for two of their best breeding submissives." The black lion said bluntly.

" What would you need that trash for?"

" Because Grimmjow-." Mayuri pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes in frustration.

" They are to be our mate." Byakuya stated camly in his usual monotoned voice.

" No. Fucking. Way." Teal starred in to blazing gold as he defiantly refused." Where did you get this crackpot idea anyway?"

" I had been going over it since Kira left to be with the panther halfbreed."

" And you think he had the right idea. You're going senile."

" He has the right idea. We are only a generatoin away from inbreeding. we need new marterial for the genepool."

" We have fresh material." Grimmjow protested

" That's not enough Grimmjow." Mayuri countered.

" Not enough, how can it not be enough? We have that rogue lion and his skiddish mate and those two annoying leopard twins."

" Chad and Nova have moved from place to place half their lives. They could pick up and leave any time they wish since they haven't seemed to settle any roots." The leader sighed.

" Fine , but what about the punks?" he insisted.

" In due time, but until then you and Byakuya will be our bridge to creating peace."

" You're really just going to take this sitting down, Byakuya." Grimmjow asked.

" As nephew to the clan leader it is my job to also do what's best for the village and its people. It does not matter if I want too or not." The raven haired shifter stated.

" And as being part of this honorable family you too will do what is best and stop arguing my authority."The black lion growled as he flashed his fangs in warning.

" This is so fucked up." Grimmjow yelled before punching the wall and stalking from the hut.

" Have him ready and under control by tomorrow Byakuya." Mayuri marned flashing a toothey smirk that reminded Byakuya of his mother when she was blackmailing his father." I really do wish he was more like you." The leader snorted.

" I will talk to him amd he will behave himself tomorrow." Ending their conversation he rose and went after his aggressive cousin.

~ Karakura Tribe ~

" What's wrong Uncle Kisuke?" Ichigo asked when he saw the look on his uncles face.

" I just received a letter from the Clan leader of the Hueco Mundo Shifters.

" What did it say?" The two boys asked curiously.

" They want to make a bond of peace." Isshin explained as he walked into the log hut.

" Dad?" Ichigo couldn't help but be shocked that his father was participating in the meeting as well.

" That's a lie. they killed Kaname just a little while ago." Renji couldn't help the outburst that flew out of his mouth.

" It seemed someone didn't get the memo." Kisuke joked somberly.

" What do they want in return for them to stop killing us off." Ichigo questioned.

" Submissive breeders and they have to be strong." Isshin hissed as he thought of the pureblooded shifters taking one of their people his auburn tail twitched in agitation

" Why the hell would they want two half breeds?" The red head questioned.

" They finally realized how close to inbreeding they are so they need to mix things up a little." Golden ears flattened on the blonds head as he gave his troubled explanation.

" I'll go." Ichigo volunteered.

" No, Ichigo. We can find others." Kisuke didn't want to give up his sisters eldest son he reminded him of his little Masa-chan in so many ways, especially when he was able to get him to make a silly grin.

" If I can save Kira and Hantaru some stress about the future of their unborn child and make sure Shiro, Kon, Karin and Yuzu can be safe when they can finally hunt I'll do it." There was no backing down for Ichigo.

" Then I'm going with you." Renji cheered as he locked arms with his orange haired cousin." No way am I letting you go alone and besides , Jinta isn't to far from being able to hunt either."

Kisuke and Isshin sighed in unison as they watched the teens talk excitedly about helping the people in their misfit village.

" Than it's settled." Kisuke tried to sound perky." You leave tomorrow at noon."

A/N: Please donate a review to the poor and tell me what you think. Thank you