Chapter 1-

Kensi Blye's head lifted wearily when she heard a slight sound over in the corner of the room. She had been at her desk for the past 2 hours, trying, and failing to fill in her report on their latest case. It was now 10 am and she was incredibly bored, no new cases meant boredom reached critical levels on a Wednesday morning. Callen and Sam were in the gym, Deeks was out getting donuts and Nell and Eric were in ops. The noise was there again, a soft sound of careful footfalls behind her. She whipped around but there was nothing to see except a couple of vacated desks.

Standing up, she started to creep across to where the noise had situated from. She heard a creek and got out her gun, no one would make this little noise without a reason, especially in a building with highly suspicious people that owned highly dangerous weapons. On the floor, perched just out of sight, was a girl. She didn't look particularly old, around 13, but she seemed petrified.

"Put your hands where I can see them," Kensi didn't know why she was still pointing the gun but something about her looked like she knew too much. The girl turned around, rose slowly and looked straight at her. She had brown curly hair that fell in loose ringlets around her face, she was quite tall and had huge curious green eyes that reminded her so much of someone. She was wearing white leggings with an apple green strapless dress and a white cardigan, Kensi noticed that her sandals were scuffed, like she had been walking a long way.

"Yes?" She said looking like she was serious about being questioned. "But 3 things before you start shooting, one, I'm 13 so how could i be some evil spy planning to destroy NCIS? Two, if I was evil, how on earth did I get in here? And last but not least please take me to Nell Jones."

Direct and straight to the point, Kensi took a few moments to reply after the bluntness of the statement. Her accent was an obvious British, but she wasn't anywhere near posh.

"How do you know Nell?" She questioned, not lowering the gun.

"You'll find out soon, but please just take me to her." The girl looked scared again but was trying not to show it. "I promise she'll vouch for me."

Kensi didn't know what persuaded her but she lowered her gun and led her around the corner and up the stairs. The girl looked slightly happier after being allowed to see Nell and her pace started to quicken when she located their destination. She stood in front of the doors and they swished open, Kensi saw Eric turn around and look confused but Nell's body stayed facing away from them.

"Hey Nessie," the girl said weakly looking straight at her. Nell froze and turned slowly around staring at the girl like she was a ghost.

"Omg, Lils." Upon hearing her name the girl rushed into the room into Nell's open arms and broke down into racking sobs. Nell's face was pure concern and sat down on the floor, with the girl clinging to her like she couldn't bear to let go. However, Kensi and Eric's face showed pure shock as Nell whispered soothing words of comfort to the girl who was starting to calm down.

"Sorry about that," she said wiping her eyes, "I've been holding that in for ages"

"That's okai, but what the hell are you doing here? Last time I checked you were in England and perfectly happy." Nell replied "You are here with your mum and dad, aren't you?

The girl eyes filled with tears and she replied with an exasperated sob, "Look, I've been trying to persuade my mum to let me come and see you for the last 3 years but she only just caved last month. She booked a trip for two weeks here in L.A and we arrived on Monday night. Obviously we weren't going to ring that night but we were going to ring the next day. So when we woke up I kept badgering them to ring you but we got into a stupid argument over it so I stormed out. Planning on coming back when I'd calmed down, I Walked along the beach for a while and texted them saying I was sorry."

Everyone in the room had been quiet up until that point but Eric gave a cough,

"I'm sorry for interrupting but who actually are you?" He said

Nell stood up and took the girls hand, "This is my cousin Lily, my mum and her mum are twins, but she moved to England when Lily was 8. There, a bit of my personal life but what I want to know," she said turning back to Lily, "Is what happened when you got back to your flat?"

Lily's eyes filled with tears again but she carried on, "Well, I got back to our flat and the door was unlocked, which I found odd, so I stepped inside and... and..." She started crying again but this time she shrank away from Nell as if she was ashamed.

"And what? What happened!" Nell insisted

"And they were dead!" Lily sobbed and ran out of the room; Nell sat stunned for a second but then started to go after her.

Lily started running blindly back down the stairs and heard someone shout her name behind her. Suddenly she crashed into someone head long. It a quite tall body that was extremely comforting, not caring who it was, she felt his arms come up around her to hold her close.

She let her mind go blank and realised for once, in a very long time, she actually felt safe.