Sorry about my other fiction - it was not thought out very well and, though I may go back to it, I hope you'll all forgive me as I'm gonna try and redo the entire w.i.t.c.h. story.

Okay forgive me if at first it seems a little too similar - I want to get used to the characters, ect. and I'm gonna try and stick to general storyline, Possibly use SOME script, but change things a bit ;) (CxW) I love alot of parts of the cartoon and comic too much too remove, so especially in the first few chapters it might be copied a little, but I'm hoping that you'll read it anyway as my future w.i.t.c.h. fics will probably include stuff from my alternate w.i.t.c.h. world. :D

Disclaimer: I do not own w.i.t.c.h. comics or cartoon. Otherwise the cartoon would still be running and I'd make sure the comics were still sold where I live so I could read them.

Distant and deep...


An elsewhere with need for neither time nor space...

A vast nothingness without boundaries, in the center of which rises up the Temple of Congregation.


Allow it's splendor to dazzle your eyes...

Come closer if you dare...

But do so in silence...

For the Oracle is about to speak.

The Oracle sat in a meditative pose in the center of a room walled with pillars. He was the overseer of all worlds in the universe and had kept or renewed balance for years before any current member of Congregation had even lived, though the face and body of a boy betrayed his age and wisdom."There is no more time brothers and sisters. The veil is in once again in danger." His eyes closed, and his face one of calm, the Oracle's voice carried throughout the large room clearly, but with no echo. Around him sat the congregation on large curved benches that towered abouve him like large stairs. "It is time for the Guardians of the veil to return and defend the origin of all things."

"Who will the chosen ones be this time, sir?" A large, short-bearded man asked curiously.

"Five girls, Althor." The Oracle did not need to open his eyes to know who had asked.

"Human beings?" A cat-like woman asked him, sharing an appraising look with another member who slightly resembled a tortoise. "Last time-"

"Magical beings, Luba." The Oracle cut in. No need to relive fears of the past councils. "Together they will thrive; the Earth their mother, and the elements their allies." The Oracle opened his eyes and smiled.

"Air," With every mention of an element he made a gesture with his hands and a pastel-coloured symbol formed above his palm.




When the Oracle paused many of the newer members of congregation leaned forward in anticipation. For these members, the guardians were only known from stories, and the prospect of being witness to the new generation seemed fairly exciting. Other, older members frowned with concern - they were well aware of why Luba had questioned the Oracle's decision, and well aware of why she was still meekly raising her hand to further debate against the Oracle.

"And then her!" The cat-woman's hand fell silently, realising defeat as a hollographic crystal -that could be recognised easily as the Heart of Kandrakar- formed between the Oracle and the surrounding congress. And there, in the center of the heart, misty lights swirled around a young girl. Her fragile frame twisted and turned, her vividly coloured hair blowing around her impish face and wide, cinnamon eyes, which fearfully took in her surroundings.

"She can see us?" A young panda-woman whispered to the fox-like man beside her.

He shook his head. "She is dreaming."

The Oracle looked at the scene with satisfaction and took in a breath before finally revealing her name...


She felt like the elements were attacking her. Rain felt like ice against her frail, unclothed skin. Harsh winds blew dust and glassy sands at her which sliced past her skin, and it's force threatened to blow her from the hard, unforgiving earth beneath her.


She almost begged to be blown away as sharp stones peirced at her thin legs, which she was sure were drawing blood. Worse still was the fire boiling her insides - if she weren't frozen from fear and cowering from the outside offenders, she'd be writhing as her skin burned inside-out.

"Will!" Susan Vandom shook her daughter's slumped frame and watched as pale eyelids opened sleepily to reveal big brown eyes. "You fell asleep Will, you have to get to school."

The redhead slumped over the dashboard of her mother's car once more, resting her head on crossed arms, "Mmph.. Just wake me up when we get there."

"I am." Susan sat back in her chair arms folded. After a few more minutes of getting no reply she un-crossed her arms and quietly got out of the car. She walked around the car as young students passed by on their way to Sheffield Institute. Opening the front passenger seat -where Will was snoring lightly- door, Suzan returned to the other side of the vehicle, leaned in her door and pressed down hard on the horn.

"AAAHH!" Will shot away from the noise, and many students both close by and far away stopped to laugh. Expecting to lean back on the door, she fell out of the car and onto the curb. Realising that she was centre of attension she screeched, "MOM!"

Suzan Vandom had acted fast, as soon as her flustered daughter fell out of the car, Suzan had climbed in. She then leaned over and grabbed the passenger's inside door-handle, stopping only to throw out Will's schoolbag onto the street with her daughter, "Sorry! But I'm gonna be late!" was the last thing the mortified girl had heard from her mother.

Will clumsily picked herself up, hiding her face in her unruly hair and muttering under her breath, "You will be."