sorry this took so long I just had real trouble choosing what I wanted to put in here

(Silver's POV)

The trip to the other island seemed to take an age. As we trekked up the beach the volcano snarled more angrily than Blaze when she was woken in the middle of the night; I image it was hotter than the flames she produced when woken too. By the time we reached the houses on the island the sky was as dark as my future before the dark furred hedgehog beside me and Sonic had helped my rewrite time. The blazing blood red yes of my companion darkened in what I'd like to call a playful manner.

"Seems the Doctor is causing blue pest some problems" he sounded pleased.

"You could do better?" I inquired lightly

The ultimate Lifeform sighed wearily and my ears drooped slightly "when prevoked Silver I can destroy entire cities" there wasn't a hint of smugness in his voice just fact "if I can do that how much trouble do you think a robot can really cause?"

"Not a lot" I muttered

Absently a smirk crossed the tan muzzle "less than you've caused me over your lifetime I'm sure"

"I think that's a complement" Cream giggled happily

I smiled as I watched the Ultimate Lifeform stretch and lean against a tree to wait the battle out before grinning at the young rabbit

"Who's afraid of the big bad hedgehog?"

"Silver!" came his warning growl

I jumped at his voice and muttered softly "I am"

From the satisfied smile I guess he heard.

Finally the clouds of ash that had threatened to turn my coat as dark as Shadow's lessened and Shadow's overly keen ears twitched.

"Drill" He muttered.

The word was barely out of his mouth before I grabbed Cream and spun her round in a happy dance. It was tempting to use my powers to drag the ice cold Ultimate Lifeform into the celebration but then his earlier warning rang in my head and the ebony hedgehog remained in place.

"Let's go" I was practically jumping for joy at the prospect of my reunion with Blaze.

Slowly, agonizingly slowly, Shadow peeled himself from the tree and lead the way. They weren't hard to spot with yellow,brown, blue and lilac fur. Blaze's back was to us so she wasn't the one who spotted our arrival. Hesitantly I hung back.

"Well if it isn't the fak-" Sonic's cocky grin vanished as Shadow punched him so hard he hit the floor.

"What was that for?" came his demand.

Shadow didn't even glance at him "Amy is displeased and she requested I pass on that displeasure to which I gladly obliged"

Sonic sighed in defeat "How bad is she this time?"

"She made everyone join search parties for you" the snarl the dark hedgehog gave off was terrifying.

"Great" Sonic muttered as he dusted himself off

Blaze finally looked away from the exchange and spotted... "Cream!"

"hello Miss Blaze!" the young rabbit bowed politely "It's nice seeing you again"

Watching the pair hug I turned away slightly; it had been a dumb idea to come. I started to leave when ...

"here Mate you're a funny lookin' one" the raccoon girl spoke and all eyes turned on us

Blaze's hand shot to her heart and I watched her unusual amber-gold eyes widen

"Silver" her cry was a mixture between pain and delight

She didn't need to say anything else. We ran to each other but stopped just short. It was so much to take in. Three days ago I would never have imagined I'd be standing here looking at my partner from a future long forgotten... but we remembered. A blast of sand snapped me out of my thoughts and I glared at the offending blue hedgehog, my former Iblis trigger.

"O-K someone's spent too much time with the Shadster"

An enraged snarl behind me informed me that I was in a very dangerous situation as I stood between the two rivals. Gently with palms out I stepped forward to mediate and found myself crashing to the floor. Blaze landed on top of me. To my astonishment the offending shoe was a rocket skate.

"I thought they were going to stand there all week" the world's most impatient hedgehog laughed.

Shadow simply scoffed.

I chose to ignore them and instead turned to Blaze "you remember me then?"

She laughed then "Oh Silver you're..."

"I'm so naive" I grinned wickedly "I know"

Blaze's eyes rested on my ear for a second before she rubbed her glove across it. It was covered in soot. She gave me a questioning look.

Laughing, I explained "You just drilled into a volcano"

Blaze beamed at me as she rolled off my chest "yes I suppose I did"

My next words were cut off by a cry of "Sonic!"

"How..." I muttered as Amy Rose charged up the beach.

"Sonic!" Amy cried in delight but of course this being Amy her arms were round Shadow whilst her beloved was backing up slowly.

Snarling, Shadow twisted round "Amy!"

Amy's green eyes shot open "Shadow? Sorry I thought you were..." Amy trailed of as she spotted the retreating blue form "Sonic!"

"Hey Ames" the fastest thing alive waved anxiously

Apparently Amy's affection had gone to Shadow as her giant hammer was out "Sonic do you have any idea what you've done to me?"

The emerald eyes widened "Amy I can explain!"

"You've forced poor Shadow to search high and low for you just to stop me worrying myself to death!" one thing I will say is that girl can really scream.

'Poor' Shadow simply smirked "he also almost caused Silver and Cream to drown when the Doctor caused an earthquake"

"What!" Amy's eyes ran quickly over Cream and I. Satisfied we were unharmed she turned back to the love of her life "You could have been hurt and no-one would have known! Don't you realise I love you Sonic? Don't you know I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you?"

Sonic backed away again "I don't know why you're so upset; nothing's happened"

All eyes turned to Sonic. Even Shadow seemed sympathetic.

"Run Hedgehog" the Ultimate Lifeform advised as Amy charged past.

Sonic didn't even stop to comment.

We stood in silence for a few moments until the racoon spoke

"Struth mates is she always like that?"

Tails grinned "only where Sonic or Eggman are involved" he then looked over my shoulder and grinned "Hey Knuckles"

The crimson echidna looked flushed "Hey Tails Amy been here yet?"

The fox grinned again "you see the trail of sand?"

"Poor Sonic" laughed Knuckles then his eyes rested on Blaze "Cat"

"Echidna" she replied coolly

I decided to intercept before things broke out "how'd you get here Knuckles?"

Absently he smirked "Master emerald... I'm guessing we need the emeralds back"

Tails blushed slightly "good luck getting those"

Knuckles laughed again "I'll leave that to Amy"

We all stood watching the weaving trails of Sonic and Amy before Tails laughed lightly "they're never going to change are they?"

"I doubt it" Blaze smiled slightly

"Don't hold your breath" was Knuckles' response

"It's sweet" Cream smiled innocently

"She said she'd choose him over the world" I muttered dryly

"Lighten up Mate" the racoon informed me

"Pathetic" Shadow scoffed

"I'm glad things are back to normal" Cream muttered

"I'm just glad we're here" my eyes were on Blaze as I spoke

"I'm glad too" she smiled warmly

"Amy! Wait!" the chase was over and everyone but Shadow winced at the sounds that followed.

When it was over the ruby eyes turned to me "this trip was worth it after all"

Feeling delighted he agreed I hugged him. A low growl followed

"Silver! I warned you"

With a sigh I turned to the others "remember me when I'm gone... and learn from my mistake"

Blaze smirked slightly "Oh Silver you're so naive"

"I'm so dead" I muttered as the blazing red glare locked on me "why did I ever think he was starting to like me?"

"That's a good question" came the growl "why did you?"

Startled, I demanded "Is there anything you don't hear"

"I am the Ultimate lifeform"

I glared at him "do your worst"

I would regret that in the morning.