A/N: Wait- Don't get me wrong, I'm still working on my other fics! xD Bear with it, cause my brain keeps imagining stuff! Gotta write it down before I forgot it! Ha ha~
~ You Know I Ain't Rich ~
by PervertDutchman
The brown-haired person looked up to see something that hit her so hard. It was a girl, with a long silky black-hair.
The brunette got up, "Sorry..." He said, as he offered a hand, "A-are you okay?"
Nodded, "N-no, I'm sorry..." The black-haired girl muttered, then she looked back in horror, as if she was chased by some ghost or anything.
Not long, a few of boys standing in front of the brunette, but the black-haired girl already rushed behind the brunette. The brunette frowned, "Uh... Who are you guys?" He asked, trying to keep his calm.
"Get away, our business is not with you, kid" One of the guys said, as he tried to pushed the brunette to the side.
The brunette keep her place, "No, who says it's not my business? She's... my friend and I wouldn't let anyone messin' around with her, neither of you boys"
"Oh, you'll regret what you've said, kid!" Right when the guy was about to punch his face, the brunette takes the black-haired girl's hand, then they ran away to the nearest policeman around the area.
The police officer arrests the guys, then the two sighing in relief.
"T-thank you... uhm..." The black-haired girl said, stuttering.
"Ritsu, it's Ritsu. Nice to know you" Ritsu grinned, then looked at his watch. "Tsk! Dammit, I gotta go now. You'll be fine here, right? Because I gotta catch up my dad, he'll probably landed already, See ya" He said, as he waved at the black-haired girl, then ran away.
The black-haired girl flinched, "Oh no. I like him? Ugh~ I can't fall for him, that'll breaking my rules!" She muttered, then reached her cell phone to call her friends. It's not like I'll meet him again.
"Okay, on three"
Nodded, "One..."
The twin brothers pushed a car. That car was their friend's car, it's pretty old, but the owner keep saying 'no' whenever they suggested to replace the car with a new one.
A blonde guy sighed, "Gee~ This thing is getting older, isn't it?"
Someone get out of the car, then grinned, "What do you mean?" Frowning.
"He mean, this car has to be on the museum already~!" A dark-brown haired guy said, as he leaned on the side of the car.
Chuckled, "I've told you, this car is-"
"The reason to keep us being your friends" The two guys finished, then sighed.
The dark-brown haired guy sighed, "Tell you what? That's true, but we know you, Ritsu"
"And we'll not gonna leave you even if this car being replace~" The other guy added.
Laughed, then put arms around the two guys as they walked towards the building, "Ha ha! You guys know me so well~ Uhm... I'll try to upgrade it, when I had the money for it"
"Hm, how about we help you on that," He pulled his head a bit, "What d'ya think, Kei?"
Kei nodded, "Sure stuff~! Rei and I will help you on that"
"And of course with the help of Satoshi too~" Rei added.
Ritsu thinks a bit, "Talkin' about Satoshi, where is he? Haven't seen him since... I arrived"
"Oh, he might be checkin' up that girl again" Rei said, yawning a bit.
Ritsu frowned, "And who is "that girl" might be?"
"Gee~ Such a last year, huh?" Kei chuckled a bit, "You see, there is this new girl comin' to our campus"
Rei nodded, "Yup! And she just came yesterday, right after you leave though, that's why you don't know about her"
"So... Satoshi take interest on this girl?" Ritsu asked, frowning even more. This was replied by a nod from both boys, "Hm... I wonder how this girl looks like" She muttered, then made her way to her class.
"I've told you! You already gone broke, so there's no point for me dating you anymore!" A girl voice said, her words were so hurtful.
Ritsu stopped when she saw a girl on the staircase, with a guy, who looked quite nice in everyone's eyes. She stunned, when she realized, the girl was the same girl that she helped the other day. Coincidence? Nah~ It's destiny I believe. She thought, as she smiled to herself. However, this one is so different from the other day. She looks so... rude, especially at that guy.
The guy stand in front of the black-haired girl, trying to get her way. "No, please wait! It's not all my fault, it was YOU!"
"How could it be me? It's your fault that your parents thought you're drunk" The girl said, shouting at the guy, as if it's really none of her fault. "Now they confiscated your car and all of your facilities, you're broke and we're so breaking up~" She said, coldly.
The guy clenched his fist. Damn that girl! "Tch! You... You big materialistic girl! You don't deserve to live, and you'll regret what you've said to me," He said, then walking upstairs.
The black-haired girl sighed, then looks around her. She was surrounded by a few of people, Ritsu and her friends were there too, seeing all the drama between the black-haired girl with her poor boyfriend.
"Will you guys get away? You're blocking my way"
Kei looks at her, "Don't you see? You're the one who blocking everyone's way," He said, irritably at the girl.
"So you're the one who should be getting away from there," Rei added.
"Whatever~" She said, then go downstairs. Therefore, Ritsu looked back at the girl, which is made the black-haired girl looking back at her too. Where did I ever saw her before?
She doesn't recognize me. Must be because of my hairband. Ritsu chuckled and smiled at the girl. Surprisingly, the girl smiled back at her. Déjà vu? Me either.
"What the- ?" Kei and Rei looked at each other, then at Ritsu, then at the girl, then back to Ritsu and to each other again.
Rei waved his hand in front of Ritsu's face, "Oi! Don't tell me you like her"
"Oh no, wait- She do like her! This is bad~" Kei said, dramatically.
Ritsu rolled her eyes, "You guys started to get crazy again~ C'mon, class was about to start now" She said, dragging her friends upstairs.
After classes.
"Ah~ I'm so bored in class, Azunyan~" The air-headed girl cried at her girlfriend.
The so-called 'Azunyan' rolled her eyes, "What did I tell you about the nickname, Yui?" She only got a grinned from her girlfriend as a reply.
A blonde-haired girl giggled at the sight of her friends, "My my~ Yui-chan, Azusa-chan, you could find some other time for your lovey-dovey session"
"Sometimes, I still don't accept the fact that Azusa is bi" The black-haired girl sighed, "and it's getting more unbelievable, when I know that Yui is your crush" She rolled eyes.
"W-well, I don't want to believe it at first too, but it's just too hard to ignore" Azusa said, smiling a bit. Then frowned, at the blonde, "M-Mugi-senpai... how did you bring that?"
Mugi only smiled, then keep pouring tea for her friends, "You want this too, right, Azusa-chan?" She offered.
Nice move, she tried to get rid of Azusa's question. Mio laughed a bit, then take a small sip of her tea.
Yui thinks a bit, "Uhm... Ne, Mio-chan, I heard that you've been dumping another guy at this campus~" She blurted out.
"Ah yeah, I heard about that too. Is that true, Mio-senpai?" Azusa asked, curiously.
Mio nodded, "He's just another trash to be thrown though" She said, looking away.
"Well, it's not too surprising if Mio-chan dumping another boys" The blonde-haired girl turned to face Mio, "Ne, how many times already this time, Mio-chan?"
Mio chuckled, "As what I remember," She thinks a bit, "It's the fifty-seven times already"
"Wow~ And that was all the rich guy in this campus, right?" Yui asked.
"We're just moved here yesterday, and you're already date that much of boys?" Azusa stared at Mio with a disbelief look.
Mio sighed, "No, counted since yesterday, this campus only has five rich boys" She said, plainly.
Mugi giggled, "And she's already dated all of them"
"I still don't know the proper reason for you doing all that for boys" Azusa said.
Sighed, "Mugi, could please tell her about that?"
Mugi nodded, "That'll be my pleasure, Mio-chan" Inhaled, then exhaled, "That was because of Mio-chan's first boyfriend"
"Hai hai~ He was a great looking guy, and he's also rich" Yui added.
The blonde smiled, "Unfortunately, after the third day, Mio-chan spotted him cheating with another girl"
"But Mio-chan keep silent about it, then decides to revenge by making the guy go broke on her" Yui added, again.
"And I still remember that guy's expression when I dumped him~" Mio said, as she laid her back on the chair. "It's become my habit afterwards"
Azusa stared at Mio, "Wow, I don't know it's true or not. But I agree with your idea when you knew he's cheating on you"
"Remember when we're on the first year of College?" Mugi asked.
Yui smiled, "Mio-chan has dated more than fifty boys already"
Mio sighed, "But you know what's the surprising part of it?" She asked.
Azusa tilted her head to side, "What is it?"
"I never kissed any of them" Mio said, plainly.
Mugi and Yui laughed a bit, "Yeah, none of those boys has ever pressed their lips against Mio-chan's" Mugi said.
"Because Mio-chan always had an excuse to deny any of that request" Yui added.
"That's making me has a title for that"
"What is it again?"
"The Most Shy Girl"
"The Most Fragile Girl"
"And The Most Materialistic Girl," Mio stopped, "...ever"
Name: Rei Kurosaki
Age: 19th
Relative(s): Kei Kurosaki (Twin Brother)
Name: Kei Kurosaki
Age 19th
Relative(s): Rei Kurosaki (Twin Brother)
A/N: That's it, people! There'll be some other OCs but dont worry, the girls wouldn't be paired with any of them~ xP