I pushed my way towards chemistry class as soon as I saw them. No one was ever there anyways, so a few minutes with the chem. room locked wouldn't kill anyone.

As soon as I locked myself, I removed the phone Josh had given me and dialed the number. I tapped my finger on the table anxiously as I waited for him to pick up the phone. After three rings he answered the phone with a wary hello.

"Josh, they're her, I don't know why, but they're here." I said panic rising in my throat as I had the urge to just scream out loud. "What? The Mangordians?" He said with uncertainty. "Of, course, who else genius?" I said my voice full of panic. "I'll be right there," he said and hung up the phone.

Just then I saw the knob of the door to the lab, moving. I stiffened as I heard hushed sounds, trying to make out what was going on outside. I was barely breathing. I moved towards the desk nearby. Just then someone kicked the door open.

I could hear their voice as they made their way towards me. "I think I saw her go in here," A male voice said. "Are you sure, I didn't knock the door down for nothing." A female voice said. Though I had never thought female mangordians existed but they had to I guess how would they reproduce?

"I don't know John, maybe Jane's right she isn't here." Another male voice said. "But I saw her run Sa-" he was interrupted by Josh rushing in with his weird sword he always kept. "You're not the mangordians…" He said his eyes boring into them, though all I could see was him thanks to the other desks.

"Who are you?" Josh asked. "That's what I should be asking," the one named John said coming into view. He had cropped blonde hair and his green eyes were analyzing Josh. "We are number 4 and 6."The female said coming into view as well. She too had blonde hair.

"Jane why'd you-" John said looking at her in awe. "Call her out will you, or is her legacy being invisible as well?" Jane said completely ignoring the blonde guy. "Ashlee, come out," Josh said in a hushed voice. I was a bit unsure, but I had to trust Josh, his judgments on Lorien.

I came out and stared at them. They were around my age, seventeen, even the other guy. He looked up at me and said, "So which number are you?" I gulped. So these were the two numbers who were gathering all of us together, to fight the mangordians and save the earthlings.

I smiled and said, "I am Number Eight."