Note: LAST CHAPTER! Yay! I changed the previous chapter, to not make it so intense. Thanks so much for reading and sending reviews, positive or negative, I was pleased regardless. This has been so much fun…I think I may do another in the future. Keep an eye out.

Chapter 5: Silly, Sweet, Awkward Teenagers

When Alek finally processed that Dylan loved him as much as he loved her, Alek pressed his forehead on her sternum and stood there, with his eyes closed, listening to her heartbeat. It was a miracle that the two of them had even met, and now he loved her and she loved him. Alek wanted to break into ecstatic laughter.

Dylan smiled and ran her hands through his semi-wet red hair, as she had imagined doing for so long.

When Alek raised his eyes, the fire in them was no longer out of control, but burning softly with adoration many reserved for deities. He looked like he was about to say something, but Dylan cut him off with a grin.

"I'm glad we established the fact that we love each other," She began confidently. "And I want nothing more than to be with you but…will you please get out so I can finish my shower?" Alek looked shocked, but he laughed when he recovered.

"Okay, okay." He replied, backing out of the shower. "I'll let you finish."

"Such a gentleman." She retorted sarcastically.

Alek waited patiently, the least he could do after jumping her like that. Even now his ears burned red as he remembered the embarrassing things he said to her. However, the fire in his stomach that he had worked so hard to fight down was still there; he knew the second he saw Dylan, those flames would go wild again. He had seen her naked…again.

When Dylan finished bathing she laughed as she came out of the stall.

Alek had his head in his hands, but she could see that his face was almost the exact same tomato-color as his hair. She fought the urge to tease him.

When he looked up, his reaction was enough of a reward. She didn't think he could get any redder. "My God! Dylan! Where are your clothes?"

She put her hands on her hips. "Funny you should mention that when they're folded up next to you, along with my towel. Usually you hand them to me when I ask, but I've already asked you five times and you didn't respond at all." The way she saw it, he had already seen her naked twice, a third time wouldn't kill him, and…his flustered face was simply adorable.

Alek averted his eyes, funny since he hadn't been able to tear them away from her earlier, and tossed her the towel. Dylan tilted her head when Alek wouldn't look at her, even when she was covered.

"How long have you been in love with me?" He asked when she sat on the bench next to him.

Dylan tilted back so she was resting on her tailbone. "Oh, I don't know. It was shortly after when we escaped from the mountains…or maybe it was when you saved us with the Clanker engines…I don't know, I guess it just happened."

"Why do you like me anyway?"

"You're certainly annoying tonight." Dylan laughed and Alek smiled as well. "Hmmm… I like the way your hair never stays flat or how you always smell like engine grease. I like how you kick the covers off when you sleep, I like…your arms when you're working on those blasted machines, and your eyes. I love your eyes." Alek blushed and she ruffled his hair. "Plus you're cute when you blush."

"I can't believe…you'd fall for a silly spoiled prince, like me."

"Fair enough. But still, I look like a boy and I swear like a sailor," Dylan tried very hard to get him to meet her eyes. "I have no shape to me and I make a lousy girl."

"On the contrary, I find you very pretty. You're brave, intelligent, and gallant and you risked your life to save…Newkirk. Your skin is quite beautiful and I love your eyes as well." Alek finished and Dylan's heart was pounding in her ears. Nobody had ever told her she was pretty before.

"If you love my eyes so much," She whispered, "why won't you look at me? Aleksander, why?"

When she used his full name, Alek melted. His name sounded so sweet in her soft voice. "It's because…if I see you again…I'll want to touch you and…I don't want to do anything to you that…you don't want."

Dylan put her hands on either side of his face and turned his head so he was looking at her. His eyes were so green it hurt to look at him for too long. "But…what if I want it?"

Alek looked at her like he no longer understood English. "What…did you say?"

Dylan smiled at their role reversal. Now she took advantage of Alek's open mouth and pressed hers to it, albeit a lot gentler than he had been. Dylan had no idea how to kiss; the only kiss she'd ever had was the one Alek had given her a few minutes ago and that, in her mind, was not a proper kiss.

Alek, in panic, tried to pull away, but Dylan's stubborn hands pushed his head closer to hers and she was not as weak as her slender frame indicated. Giving up, Alek grabbed her cheeks and the two of them pulled each other as close as they could.

They broke away at the same time, Dylan pink, Alek red. Dylan kept her hands in Alek's beautiful hair but Alek let his hands trail down until they were wound around her thin waist. Only a towel and a pair of pajama pants kept them both from being completely naked. It was burning hot everywhere in the bathroom.

Alek ran his lips up and down her tiny, pink ears. "If you let me continue…I can't guarantee that I'll be able to stop…"

She shifted so that she was looking right at him. She looked deadly beautiful. "Funny…I was about to say the same thing to you." She cocked her head so that her wet hair fell into her eyes. "If you don't watch out, I'll attack you Alek. It's a good thing your shirt is off. I would have torn it off by this point."

"Does that mean-?"

She raised one eyebrow and grinned.

He needed no further invitation, reclaiming her lips with a smile of his own. He focused mostly on her skin, as usual, his hands running lightly up and down her arms, up her neck to where it met her hairline, and gently scratched her scalp. He felt goosebumps rise almost instantly from every place he touched. He shivered as she returned the favor, tracing the lines of his muscles in his arms, back, and chest.

"Wait!" He gasped, pulling away for a split second. Dylan looked like she was about to ignore his request and jump him, so he talked quickly. "When I use my mouth on you…you have to cover your mouth…so you won't be heard…"

Dylan smiled maniacally. "Is that a promise?"

Alek rolled his eyes; she was wicked. "One more thing." He took her nightclothes and put them in a pile at the very end of the bench.

"What's that for?" Dylan asked, as Alek scooted closer to her again.

Alek looked at her in all seriousness. "It's so you won't hurt your head on the wood."

This sweet gesture practically made Dylan melt, and she threw herself at Alek. He kissed her shoulder and eased himself down so that he was lying on top of her. Trying to muffle any sounds, Alek was constantly kissing her on the mouth, his lips soon swollen from so many. When that was the case he whispered to her in German only a breath above her mouth.

"Liebst du mich?"

"Yes, I love you." She murmured in reply, shifting up to kiss his freckled cheeks.

Dylan flinched a little when Alek's hand found the edge of her towel and he slid it down the edge like he was opening an envelope.

"Wait!" Dylan hissed, feeling the heat rising in her face. "Wait…Alek…"

He stopped instantly and cleared the hair from her face. "What's wrong?"

"Are you scared?"

Alek kissed her forehead and showed her his hands. They trembled like there was an earthquake. "A little bit…I'm not sure what I'm doing. And I don't know if I'll be any good at this."

Dylan nodded; at least she was not alone in her insecurity. "Ok…I'm okay Alek."

He took off her towel like he was opening a fragile package, and he sucked in air as her white body lay out before him. He drank it in with his eyes; the first time he'd seen her naked body, he had been too panicked to really care; the second time, a few moments ago, he had mostly been focused on discovering her feelings for him. Now he was free to just…stare.

Dylan blushed. "Are you just going to look?"

"Be patient." He begged, his green eyes wandering softly over her soft, pale skin. He was amazed at how her body could be so lean but also curvy at the same time. He adored how her concaving stomach rose into fine, bony hips and long, slender legs. If there was any hair on her, it was nearly invisible or very pale blonde. "You're so…gorgeous."

Dylan jerked a little bit, her hands clasping over her mouth as Alek pressed his face into her stomach and planted a kiss on her belly button. He looked up at her with a silly grin, resting his chin on her ribs.

Dylan stifled her laughter. "I will not be the only one naked and embarrassed. Take your pants off." Alek looked surprised. "Or I will."

Alek climbed off her easily and pulled his pants off in record time. However, he seemed reluctant to turn back around; Dylan pulled his hips so he faced her and pushed her hands over her mouth, to suppress another burst of laughter.

"Excited, aren't we?"

"Aren't you?" He fired back and she pulled him back on top of her.

Now that they were both pressed up against one another, they were both taking the proceedings seriously. Alek's hands found her perfect little breasts and found, to his delight, that not only were they plush and soft, but they fit in his hands as if they were made for it. Meanwhile, Dylan kept up just fine, running her lips and tongue all over his neck and arms. Not to be outdone, Alek ran his tongue and teeth over her pale nipples and felt them get hard even in his warm mouth. He was amazed that she didn't even utter a sound.

However, he found out why when he pulled away for a split second. Dylan laid with a gasp on the rudimentary pillow, pink in the face, but looking very pleased with herself.

"What…have you…done?" Alek gasped, looking at his chest and neck, which were covered in hickeys. "How will I cover this?"

Dylan smiled, "That's your problem."

The two of them laid back down on the bench and Alek started to move his hips a little bit. Dylan jumped when this happened and Alek stopped.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. Don't stop."

The steam in the bathroom from Dylan's shower had long since receded but it seemed to the two of them that things were only getting hotter and hotter. Dylan had given up on irking Alek and was just pressing her face into his stringy red hair. Both of their hands shook with passion and the slightest bit of fear from stepping into the unknown.

Alek moved his hips into Dylan's just right and she yelped. Alek froze and looked at her. "Are you okay? What happened? Did I do something wrong?" He felt comfortable, more so than ever before.

"I don't know." She whispered. "It's odd…keep going…please…"

Alek nodded and pushed down. He and Dylan gasped simultaneously. He was inside her…it was unbelievable. Dylan dug her nails into his back and looked at him, wide-eyed. Neither of them dared to move.

"Does it hurt?" He asked breathing heavily.

"I don't…know…" She whispered, holding onto his hair for dear life. "Don't move…please…"

Alek stayed rigid as stone, trying his best not to even breathe.

"Alek," Dylan said. "Why didn't we go back to the room and…do this?"

Alek smiled and stroked her cheek. "I would have loved to. But can you imagine having Bov watch us with those big eyes of his."

Dylan laughed aloud pressing her face into Alek's neck and something about those two actions caused something to break loose in the both of them. Something about the way her hips moved up into his made them both make the strangest noises.

"Should we?" Alek asked, looking down into her big blue eyes.

"Do it again." Dylan said and Alek moved his hips. Dylan opened her mouth but did not cry out as Alek braced his feet on the wood and pushed into her hips with all his might. She pushed up in return and Alek gasped at her audacity. She was excellent at this without even realizing it.

When he did it again, Dylan bit his shoulder and arched so that her back didn't even touch the bench. The two of them could not be any closer if they tried.

Alek wrapped one arm around her hips and the other cradled the back of her head as he gave control over to his body, letting it do whatever felt right. And it felt so right. Alek could only speak for himself, but it was singly the most pleasurable experience of his life. How he and Dylan were both staying silent was beyond his comprehension.

"Alek!" Dylan hissed and he felt the exact same way: that the climax to the act was fast approaching. Dylan pushed her torso as far back as she could, her entire frame shaking with exertion and Alek came a moment after her, kissing her on the lips so he wouldn't cry out.

The two of them lay tangled on their wooden bench, Alek alternating between gasping and kissing the spot over Dylan's pounding heart, Dylan running her hands over his sweaty forehead and hair.

"I am so glad I met you." He whispered. "I can barely…believe it."

"Believe it." She sighed. "I will definitely want to do this again. But for now…" She pushed him up so he was sitting on top of her. She glared at him, teasing. "You have to take responsibility." She gestured to her flushed body, something Alek was more than willing to get a second look at; somehow it was prettier when tinged pink. "I just took a shower and you made me get all sweaty again."

Alek grinned, and pressed his forehead to hers. "Something easily remedied. Just shower again. I'll help you."

She stared into his lovely green eyes. "I was hoping you'd say that."