Dealing with all of his siblings after so long of not dealing with them was annoying. The fact that all of them were clamoring either to welcome him back, demanding answers or were just staring at him was not helping matters. Finally Gabriel just let out a yell and all were silent.
"Now then, here are the new rules. No more Wars, no more rebellions. There will only be order. You will all do your jobs and protect the humans as a whole. No more mud-monkeys comments, no more anything. Father commanded you love them above all else and its time to remember that. DO your job and what is now your duty . You will start to protect them, hunt the things that pray on them as a whole. Hell will be turmoil for some time thanks to the fact that I killed Crowley so demons won't be an issue for a while. Everything else is fair game and shall be smited quickly and swiftly. Eve is also dead but some of her new children still live and need to be dealt with as well. Any of you that have a problem with that new rule can answer to me. If your lucky I simply kill you, if not I''ll send you to the pit or rip your Grace out. Until Father comes back I am in charge, deal with it. Now all of you get out and begin the scorching of the Earth of evil. Balthazar, stay though."
All of the angels happily left Heaven, wanting to get away from the newly returned Archangel, his power had been sweeping into all of them in his rage. Balthazar looked at Gabriel and didn't know what to do as here was the one who had basically stolen Dean from him, from Cassie. Yet he had also taken care of Raphael for them as well so what to feel question. There was also the fact that Cassie had not been 'summoned' or whatever Gabriel had done to get him up here. What did that mean? Where was Castiel?
"Dean has told me that you stole the weapons of Heaven and then gave them to Castiel. I doubt someone as smart as you appear to be would not let those weapons just go though. I suspect you know exactly where they are and probably have a stash somewhere that you did not give to him. You will take me to both."
Balthazar was not a very brave angel and he was willing to admit that, so he did not even give it much thought before he took Gabriel to both. Gabriel was the one who had just taken care of Raphael after all, what was Balthazar in comparison to that. Not to mention that Gabriel had died by Lucifer's hand and came back thanks to Father, so even of by some miracle Balthazar managed to kill Gabriel then Father would just bring him back again. Then Balthazar would have a very angry Archangel after him. No thank you. Cassie would hopeful understand that and it wasn't like Gabriel was like Raphael, he had died to keep humanity safe so he would not try to end it as Raphael had wanted. Which is why Castiel had gone against him and Castiel had met with Gabriel for several times so ..Maybe they were friends despite Dean.
"Thank you. Now start dealing with the evil infecting the world. You will not see Castiel or have any contact with the Winchesters or Bobby until such a time I allow it. DO either and I will consider it rebelling."
Balthazar wanted to demand how he could order that, needed to see if Castiel was okay and wanting to see Dean before..Before he was lost to Balthazar as completely as he suspected he would soon would be. That thought gave him strength.
"I want to see Dean...It doesn't have to be alone."
Gabriel gazed into his brother, looking closely at his Grace and saw that despite what Dean thought, Balthazar was in love with him. So he would allow one visit as long as he was there and could be assured that no one touched his mate.
"Fine. I will call you when I am ready."
He took flight and went to where Castiel was and was unsurprised to see that Castiel was unsurprised that he was there.
"I suspected that Dean would go to you, you are the one he loves the most...When my connection to both my followers and the Host was cut of, I assumed that was you..You have taken my place in both Dean's heart and the Host haven't you."
"Which one hurts you the most? And be honest."
Without any hesitation Castiel answered,"Dean."
"Then how could you be such a idiot, you had to know that Dean would never forgive you for any of this."
"Dean forgave Sam for doing almost the same thing, Dean forgave Bobby for lying to him about Sam's return, Dean forgave you for being an Archangel and not a trickster and he obviously forgave you for letting him believe you were dead. But yes I knew that he would not forgive me...I always knew that but I did it because I had to, because it was necessary. You stood by when Raphael was about to unleash Michael and Lucifer again. You did nothing when he.." Castiel went flying as Gabriel had sent a wave of pure power at him.
"You dare to blame Dean for not forgiving this level of betrayal and me for not doing anything. Do you take any blame on yourself. And for another you pathetic idiot, I could not reveal myself alive until Dean went back in time to tell me otherwise I would not be here . If you were even an ounce as smart as you think you are you wolud have known that without needing to be told."
"Tell you...Of went to the past you when I sent him back..I almost died and he was warning you..That was why he did not get the ash..All of it was about you.." The laugh Castiel let out had nothing to do with happiness.
"Yes. When you love someone you do anything and everything for them. You don't lie to them over and over again, you don't trust in a demon over the one you love and you don't bring their brother back without a soul so they could almost be turned into a vampire and lose the only father figure they had left. You don't do anything you have been doing for the last two years... What did you think when Sam didn't go to Dean, did you really think that Sam would ever abandon his brother like that? Make him believe he was suffering in Hell. Their soul-mates you idiot, they may have issues but they don't do that to each other. You should have known...We won't even go into what you were planning on doing. Are you really so arrogant as to believe that you could harness the power of Purgatory and not lose yourself, not becoming a million times worse than all of the monsters in there. There is also the fact that you took souls from Hell to power yourself. They may have been damned but that does not mean you can destroy their souls for your are a fool and I have no time for you. As of now consider yourself banished from Dean and from Heaven."
Before Castiel could speak, Gabriel ripped the souls out of Castiel and sent them where they belonged. Ironically some of them had found redemption in Castiel and were allowed into Heaven.
"You are not Fallen but you are not an angel. I want you to live and suffer for what you have done. You shall never forget Dean and the love he felt for you until you did this.. He was going to leave me for you, he doesn't know that I know it but he chose you. You have destroyed him in a way that will never heal and for that, you will also remember in excerating detail everything about him. Of what you lost because of your pride and idiocy. You will also remember how it felt to be in Heaven, to fly and to feel all our siblings. You will remember it all and suffer."
Then Castiel screamed out in agony as his Grace was changed on a fundamental level and Gabriel left him on his knees sobbing. More at the loss of Dean then anything else as despite everything, he had still been doing everything for Dean and now he had lost him because of those very actions.
Gabriel returned to Dean's side. It had only taken an hour to save the world this time and if Gabriel had to be honest that had to be the greatest to ever happen, not that he would ever tote his own horn. Well, he would blow his horn as it was his but...Oh what ever. He curled up around Dean and waited. Hours upon boring hours later, Dean finally woke up. As Gabriel had put him under until Dean was fully rested. Upon waking Dean turned to Gabriel and kissed him. Somehow he knew that everything was fixed and he was both relieved by it and saddened. He feared what Gabriel had done to Cas, that he was now dead.
"He's alive, Dean. I knew that you would not want to him dead and..I didn't want to be that merciful.. I cut him from Heaven and changed him into a lesser being, less then even a pagan god...You love him and you were going to chose him. Don't protest. I know it wasn't because you loved me less, you love me more than anything else. Even Sam. You were going to be with him over me because you felt that you owed him more and that mattered to you more than your own happiness. Which we will be talking about later. I love and understand you and nothing shall change that...Now Balthazar has asked to speak to you. I leave it up to you."
Dean had to think about that as he still didn't know if Balthazar knew about the deal.
"No, he didn't." Dean really should be mad about the constant reading of the mind but he was getting used to it. With the knowledge that Balthazar didn't know though was enough to make him decide as he would tell Balthazar the truth and tell him it was over. As Dean could never be with Cas after what he had done and Bal was a reflection of Cas to Dean now with them being friends and meeting Bal through summoned Balthazar to them. Once Balthazar was able to get over the odd feeling that he got when he was summoned, he saw Dean and felt a part of him relax. As did Dean upon seeing that he was unhurt.
"Hey, Bal.I...we need to talk." Dean looked at Gabriel and thought,'Please let me speak to him alone. I need to do this by else will happen.'Gabriel was unhappy about it but he agreed as there was nothing he would deny Dean. Though he made a point to grab Dean and to kiss him fiercely and possessively. Marking him as his so Balthazar would not touch then he left.
"Well, that one certainly knows how to lay a claim on you. What next, peeing around you?"
"Bal, don't...This isn't easy but there is no nice way to say this so...Crowley wasn't dead, Cas lied to us...because he made a deal with him. Cas wanted the souls in Purgatory to defeat Raphael...They were working together for over a year. Almost two from what I understand it..He brought Sam back without his soul...I don't know if he did that part on purpose or not...I..I was going to chose the two of you because Cas has done so much and...I think I love you as well but...What Cas has done..I can't forgive that..It's over."
Dean knew he really should have paced all of that but he just wanted it over with. Cas was in his past after what he had done and after this conversation he never wanted to speak of him again.
"Can't say that I understand what he did, Dean but...Can you really turn your back on us so easily? On me...What he did is bad but I'm sure that...Hell, just forgive me. I love Cassie and always will but I love you too. I know I haven't said it but that was because I just assumed you were only allowing me into your bed because Cas wanted me...I..I suspect that Castiel is beyond my reach now but you are not."
"I'm sorry, Bal but no..Gabriel is the one I truly want and he will not share...I..It was a good time while it lasted, Bal and I will miss it but now..Its tainted with the fact that every single second was filled with Cas lying to me to us. And that is something I can not overlook or forgive...I suspect that Gabriel will keep us from ever meeting again...And I'm going to let him and for that I am sorry...I love you Balthazar, don't forget that."
With a mental permission from Gabriel, Dean leaned forward and kissed Bal. It was a rather heartfelt but sad kiss, for it was a kiss of goodbye. Once it was done Gabriel snapped Bal away to deal with what had happened. Or rather, Balthazar took out his rage on a coven of vampires then shape-shifters then witches .
And kept on fighting, on destroying for a very long time, centuries even. As he had lost everything and oh how he wished that he had never been found by Cassie, his life would have been so much better without
that meeting. As then he wouldn't have to be feeling this never ending loss. Of course he also wouldn't have met Dean and that he would never want to change despite the loss now. Dean was..worth the pain. Those months with him, with them had been the best of his existence and as he is several hundred thousand years old that was saying something.
Gabriel took a saddened Dean into his arms and comforted him as best he could. Days later Dean knew what he wanted and was ready to ask for it after the exhausting days behind him. So Dean approached Gabriel and in a rather brisk manner spoke.
"I want to be yours bonding you once spoke of, where it binds Graces together ...or soul and Grace together. I want that. I'm not speaking out of grief or anything else you can name. I know what I want, what it means and that it cannot be undone. You were right. I picked Cas and Bal because of what Cas had all done for me, sacrificed for me but you are the one I can picture myself with for all eternity. I want to be bound to you and no other and I will not take no for an answer."
"I have been waiting a long time for that, Dean Michael Winchester. And I had no intention of trying to talk you out of that."
The performing of the Bond was an intense yet romantic experience as soul and Grace slid together to become one. Making Dean into Gabriel, powers and all, and Gabriel into Dean. They were One. Both slept for a day at the exhaustion then they spent another three days devouring each other. Heaven itself felt their passion and trembled. Dean had never been more content and happy in his life while Gabriel had finally found what he had lost so long ago. A family. Someone that was utterly his.
Dean looked at Gabriel two days later at Bobby's. They had yet to make their presence known and were just standing outside with a living Adam with them. Gabriel had put a wall up around Adam's mind much like Death had Sam and thus he had no memories of Hell or the horrors inflicted on him there. For which Dean was happy as while he had no true connection to Adam, he was his brother and he wanted him happy. Not to mention Sam was going to need someone once he learned that Dean was leaving and probably not coming back. It was all to much for Dean to deal with, the memories of Cas and what had happen. He needed to get away and Gabriel was going to take him. They would be happy to be around Sam was just a reminder now adays of everything that had gone wrong between them. the connection they once shared was gone and Dean just wanted to be away from it all.
So...Why was he waiting? Did he really want to deal with the endless questions about Cas, Raphael and Crowley? Could he take having to speak of it all so soon. No. With that in mind Dean turned to Adam.
"Look, kiddo. I'm gonna bail. You know what happened to Raphael, Cas and Crowley. You can tell them and...tell them that I am going off with Gabriel for a while. Europe and other realms of existence..I will call them'll be a while. Tell them I'm happy and that...Just tell them bye."
"Dean, you can't leave me...How.. Can I tell them? What I am I suppose to say? Hi, I'm your newly returned brother back to life with the news that the Heavenly War is over with, Cas is now not angel or human, Crowley is dead and oh yes, Dean has gone off with his...husband-bondmate and isn't planning on don't deny it. You have no intention to return can I tell Sam that?"
"You'll have to. Cause I'm not...I'm sorry for all of this, Adam...I just don't care anymore. I don't want to deal with any of this and for once I am thinking of myself and no , everyone else has in the last few years. Sam, Bobby and now Cas. Why shouldn't I? Now take care of yourself and them. You'll need each other." Then Gabriel snapped and they were gone, at Stull Cemetery. Dean kneeled at his parents grave and said his goodbyes to them. Gabriel had offered to bring him to their Heavens but Dean wasn't ready for that. Really wasn't ready to deal with his mom after what Zachariah did to her.
"You ready,Deano?"
"As I ever will take me into the sunset, Gabriel. I'm finished."
That was exactly what Gabriel did, they walked into the sunset with Gabriel laughingly holding Dean's hand. They were together, they were happy and nothing else mattered.
A/N: Well thats the end, hope you all enjoyed it. I like this ending quite well but if anyone would like a sequel let me know and I'll think about it. Comments/feedback are our friends after all