XD Got this idea while typing. We all know Logan has good hearing, and he looks like a wolf…You'll see what I mean in a minute.
X1 I guess?
T for language (It is LOGAN after all."
Logan sat down in his "personal" chair. It was large and comfy, and a gift from the Professor. Located in his room, he could easily sit down, and watch a game or two. He also added a mini fridge, perfect for keeping his beers cold. No one would dare take a beer from his room.
He flicked the TV on, and growled when none of his Teams were playing.
He took a sip of his beer, when he stopped. There was some sort of whistling in his ear. After checking to see it wasn't an insect, he grew more annoyed.
What was it? It couldn't be the whistle from the basketball game from down stairs. It was louder, and more pronounced. This sounded like…Logan couldn't tell. It stopped, and then continued. Growling, he took off for the sound source. Shouldn't be that hard to track it down, right?
He jogged down the stairs, running into Rogue.
"Where you going Logan?" She asked, noticing the look on Logan's face.
"Can't you hear it?"
She paused, straining for the unknown sound.
He growled, and headed towards the dorms downstairs, the sound growing more annoying by the second.
He checked the downstairs dorms, and found nothing. He clogged upstairs, nearly running over Scott.
"What's up Logan?"
"I'm trying to track this son of a bitch noise down. It's driving me crazy!"
After receiving a strange look, he continued up the stairs, growling to himself as he climbed.
"Something wrong Logan?"
"There's this noise. It won't stop and I can't find out where it's coming from."
Jean paused, thinking and listening.
"Only I can hear it. I've searched the school twice now, and still finding nothing. I swear when I get my hands on whoever's making it…"
"Who? You think it's a who?"
"Gotta be. It keeps stopping and starting, and it's moving. It has to be."
He paused, listening for footsteps. The sound of footsteps running away set him off.
His right hand claws slid from his knuckles, and he set off after the perp.
"I don't want any one seriously injured Logan!"
Anyone stupid to mess with Logan deserved some pain.
He chased after the sounds, but the perp was invisible. He stopped, and listened. Breathing was heard to his right. With his left hand, he reached out, and snagged the neck of the perp.
The invisibility was dropped, and he released his grip as it turned out to be one of the younger boys.
"What are you doing?"
The young boy didn't answer. Logan, breathing hard with his claws out, was not someone to mess with.
"Pyro and…"
He snarled, and took off for the boy.
He hunted the boy down inside a room. He knocked the door down with a swift kick.
Inside was Pyro, and a gang of boys who loved getting detention. One had…a dog whistle. A fucking dog whistle. They paled as they realized who found them.
"I swear I'm going to KILL YOU!" He lunged, and the boys scattered.
"It was Scott's idea!' They yelled, as the boys fled the room.
"I take it he found them?"
"Yup." Logan's yell echoed throughout the halls.
"He will not let you get away with it."
"He's probably on his way. Tracking you now."
"You seem rather calm about this. I can't guarantee he doesn't make good of his threat."
"I bet he will. But it was worth it."
Xavier shook his head, as Logan slammed the door open. He grabbed Scott by the shirt, and dragged him out of the room.
Students took full advantage of the chance. Scott hanging by his shirt on the fence, along with Pyro and his gang? Priceless.