I'M SO SORRY! I love you guys for still pm'ing me during my hiatus, by the way. Full explanation below, I promise. In the meantime, please enjoy!
Title: Drunken Alec Parte Dos
Characters: Magnus, Alec
POV: Magnus'
Warning: Same as last chapter. 'Ere there be foul language. Thou shalt deal with it.
"I don't even know what to get, Magnus." Alec murmurs as he stares up at the menu overhead, his eyes growing more intense by the second.. "I wanted to try something different…" He continues distractedly.
"Ooh, I know! A dirty martini. Those are great, trust me. It's the drink for the sexier people of the world. I would know." I announce after scouring the selection myself and giving him a nudge with my shoulder.
"Fine. It doesn't sound too bad. What are you getting?" Alec inquires with a sidelong glance.
"Oh, something light. Maybe some absinthe." I reply off-handedly, mentally counting down until my boyfriend explodes.
"Do you even know what that is? Like hell you are. I thought you were the designated whatever." Alec's voice is accusatory and pretty much fucking hilarious, from my perspective. "That shit gives you lucid hallucinations and you don't even know that you're drunk because you feel fine until eyeballs start raining down on your freaking face and clawing their way into your bloodstream to lay their demon-laced eggs." Alec finishes solemnly and I can't help but chuckle at him.
"Oh, and you know this from experience?" I inquire, wondering just how much I don't know about Alexander. I never pegged him as an absinthe man.
"W- No! Just shut up already." Alec says as he calls over one of the bartenders. If that blush is any clue, though, I'd say that he really does have experience with it. Interesting…
"You do realize that I'm not going to get drunk tonight, right?" Alec looks at me stubbornly, frowning just slightly. I've always found his determination to be sexy. Too bad it's not gonna last long.
"Yeah, I know." I concede easily. Probably too easily- he should be suspicious but whatever. We'll see who's right by the end of the night. Or beginning of the morning.
Later on
So, just to be clear, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't lose my boyfriend later that night for just one really small, really brief moment.
I'd also be lying if I said that I didn't kind of, maybe, possibly majorly freak out because with the condition he's currently in, who knows where the hell he went.
Which pretty much sums up why I'm currently traipsing along the top of a well-known Manhattan lounge, looking for a dark haired Shadowhunter, who, by the way, may or may not have abandoned his clothes for all I know. One thing that can never be said is that he lacks self-confidence. Shyness does not equate a lower sense of self-worth, that's for sure.
"Holy shit, Maggie did you see that? Did you juss see that?" I suddenly hear from the far side of the roof. Why the hell is he up here again?
I walk along the paneling quickly before finally spotting him, crouched down to where only his head is peaking out over the edge of the building. Thankfully, all he's seemed to have strippped out of so far is his jacket. Not that I'd mind his nakedness but, he'd probably regret it in the morning.
"Did I see what?" I ask before collapsing to sit behind him. His cheeks are flushed, most likely from the alcohol and his eyes are a bright, electric blue, jumping with excitement that's admittedly contagious.
"There was this fucking star, right? And it was just sitting there with the other stars. You know, hanging out and shit. Just chilling. And then suddenly, it like fucking exploded. Like, boom and I was just like where the hell is it going 'cus it was like running away and shit." Alec relayed with a grin plastered across his face. "That abandoning bastard…" He trails off, shaking his head as he gazes at the sky.
I can't help but laugh to near hysteria, Alec joining in excitedly. It's moments like these when it's actually obvious what age Alec really is. 90% of the time, he honestly seems eons older than me but, not now which is refreshing. I tend to worry that, as a Shadowhunter, he had to grow up way too fast. I know I did.
"I'm pretty sure that was a shooting star, Alexander." I finally respond after I've managed to calm down.
"Oh yeah? Well… I didn't see any gun up there, genius." Alec rolls his eyes haughtily and pointing wildly above his head before standing and only staggering for a second before righting himself and descending down the ladder welded to the edge of the roof. I may or may not have stood diligently over the ladder, anticipating his fall and planning out the precise spells to perform in order to heal him.
Thankfully, that was an unneeded precaution.
How Shadowhunters remain graceful even after intoxication is and probably always will be beyond me.
Despite Alec's inebriation, he still manages to clear the ladder and disappear into the lounge long before I do and for a second, I worry that he'll disappear again before I merely shrug it off and decide that he can't really go that far.
Once inside, I find Alec leaning heavily on the bar, eyes fixed on the somewhat startled bartender.
I think about saving the poor guy from all of the trouble and ordering for Alec myself, if not just forget the drink altogether but, the situation is far too priceless for that.
The guy is leaning forward, obviously trying to make sense of what my boyfriends is undoubtedly slurring. He doesn't seem to be in too much distress though because, he's apparently enjoying the view, if the way he's staring at Alec's ass currently perched on top of the counter is any clue. I have to admit, those jeans show just about everything.
I have better hearing than most humans so, under the music, I can just hear Alec slurring a few words together which probably make perfect sense in his head, despite the garbled effect that it seems to have on everyone else. Nonetheless, the bartender is grinning adamantly, trying his best to understand him.
After finally getting his drink, Alec turns around sharply, eyes automatically locking onto mine.
"Maggie, get your skinny little ass over here." Alexander demands, curling an index finger with his empty hand in my direction.
I take my time sauntering over, deliberately looking around anywhere but his eyes because I know how much it's frustrating him. He comes off as cool and collected to most but, with a little alcohol in him, he becomes far more emotionally attached. To everything. And let's just say that he has more than a little alcohol in him tonight.
As soon as I'm within reach, Alec leans heavily against me, snaking his hand down to cup my ass and groaning wantonly before accidentally smashing his glass against the polished floor. The lights overhead dance off of the shards of glass, catching Alec's attention.
He looks down with his arm outstretched, his reaction only the slightest bit delayed, given the fact that Shadowhunters have nearly impeccable reflexes, even when drunk.
I begin to get a little worried as I watch Alec stare blankly at the shattered glass beneath our feet.
Right before I get the chance to ask him what's wrong, I notice that his chin is quivering ever so slightly.
"Shit. I killed her." I think I hear him mumble as he slowly bends to the floor, hand still outstretched towards the gleaming, crystalline shards.
"…Killed who?" Quirking an eyebrow and kneeling beside him.
"Glassala." He looks at me in outrage, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "She was nothing but good to me and I just, I murdered her dead." Alec shakes his head mournfully, reaching out a finger to lightly stroke the glass.
I almost want to yank him away from the shards as soon as possible but, honestly, a cut would probably be the least significant injury that he's ever had in his life. And, I'm pretty sure that if I were to yank him back, he'd somehow manage to end up kissing said glass with his face, which would not be pretty, superficial wounds or not.
"It was- Glassala's time." I pat his shoulder comfortingly as I casually reach into my pocket for my cellphone quickly tapping into the video function. This is going to be hilarious when he's sober. For me, at least.
"But she was so young! And, she was the best glass I'd had all night. More substantial than those shallow little shot glasses, more elegant than those beer mugs yet far less conceited than the dainty martini glasses. She didn't deserve this." And, with that, Alec starts humming quietly, eyes locked on the shining glass.
"If by the time the bar closes…" He starts, surprisingly on key. "And, you feel like fa-alling down," He hiccups, eyes shining. "I'll carry you hoooome. To- nigh- igh- yi—iyiiiight" Alec all but wails and I'm so eternally thankful that after all these centuries, the Mundanes could finally come up with something as brilliant as cameras on phones. "She was so young." He sings, changing the lyrics to fit his, ah, situation, as I finally manage to pull him back to a standing position.
"The staff will give her a proper burial. This was her home after all." I say morosely, earning a sullen nod from my adorable boyfriend.
"Yeah, you're right, Magnus." Alec agrees. "I'll never forget you." He whispers solemnly behind us.
Immediately after though, he seems to forget the entire ordeal by the time we walk back towards the dance floor, though when he starts to suddenly bob to the latest LMFAO dance track, thrusting his hips forward every few beats.
"You wanna dance?" I ask, grinning as he lets his head roll back lazily as he continues to dance sporadically.
Instead of responding, he decides to rest his hand in my hair before tugging me forward by it. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hot. It totally is.
"I'm horny." Alec announces, staring into my eyes as if he's concentrating.
"Are you now?" I smirk before shallowly grinding against him, eliciting a sound akin to mewling from his lips.
"Yeah I wanna make sex." He reveals, eyes slightly hooded and dazed, a smirk fixed to his mouth.
"Maybe tomorrow." I respond, continuing to dance and knowing damn well that he'll be far too busy nursing his impending migraine tomorrow. Or rather, I will. I'd hate to leave him to deal with that all by himself.
"But, I want you now." He whines, batting his long, thick eyelashes in a way that would definitely rival his brother and sister put together. What is it with the Lightwoods and begging? They're an incredibly needy bunch from the looks of it. And, it's so damn effective. What are they, part puppy or something?
"I want you too, Alexander but, I don't want to feel as though I'm taking advantage of you. I don't want either of us to regret anything at all, ever, okay?" I nudge his chin, making sure he's actually looking at me.
"Well, you're gonna regret not tapping this." Alec replies indignantly without as much as a blush, pointing a finger to his chest and shaking his head sassily. Huh. His filter seems to have completely disappeared. I can't say that I'm not liking this.
"Maybe but, I can live with that." I amend lightly.
"Your ass looks so hot in those jeans." Alec announces, trying again.
"You can't even see my ass, you're in front of me. But, thanks for the gesture" I chuckle at the expression on his face. That is, until I feel two large hands cupping my ass, pulling me further into Alec's somewhat heated body.
He's making this so damn difficult.
"Your ass feels so hot in these jeans." He amends, grinding against me roughly and causing me to have just a bit of trouble breathing. No big deal.
"What do you say we take this to my place?" He asks seductively.
"You know what? Fine. You win. We're going home. Right now, Alexander." I pull away just enough to latch onto his side before leading him towards the door.
"Get over here, Magnus." Alec demands before attacking my mouth with his and automatically pushing his tongue into my mouth, prodding everywhere before chastely kissing my bottom lip.
"Lightwood, you don't know what you're getting yourself into here." I mutter against his neck breathlessly, at least planning on a very heated makeout once we get home.
"Well, hopefully later on, I'll be getting into-." Of course, that's when a taxi actually decides to stop for us and, to spare the driver, I decide to resign myself to distracting my boyfriend a bit longer.
For those that don't care, please skip the following message:
Sooo. Where to begin. First of all, I saw Brad Paisley in concert which was absolutely amazing and couldn't be missed for the world. It was in celebration of my best friend's birthday and I realized my obsession with country guys. What can I say? I love a guy in boots. Plus, an excellent chance to wear my own fire engine red boots.
Then, my teachers started assigning homework that I'm guessing they pulled out of their asses because it's all busy work which is one of my pet peeves. ALSO some of my photos are currently being displayed in a museum which is very exciting for me- almost as exciting as the fact that I just got cast as one of the leads in my school's new upcoming musical! *insert cheers from my crowds of adoring (hopefully?) readers* Of course that means intense blocking and rehearsals lasting up to midnight but, I'm pumped!
Then, there was homecoming this weekend and stupid Garrett (just kidding (kinda)) couldn't go because he had a church retreat-ish thing going on. And he didn't even have phone service. But, I mean, I'm really okay with that because church is important and I know it makes him happy so, really I'm just whining a bit. Feel free to ignore me now.
Also, who watches White Collar? I just started and I'm mildly (chronically) obsessed. Also, how about Taylor Swift's Safe and Sound? I don't like her music at all but, that song is perfect. Please go listen to it, even if you don't like country because The Civil Wars are featured in it and they are musical geniuses. Just saying.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this. I also hope that you can find it somewhere in your hearts not to hate me, regardless of how stupid I am when it comes to updates and letting my life get in the way of everything. :( I really am sorry. I hope I still readers because if I don't, that would suck…