Disclaimer: I own nothing.

AN: The sequel arrives! Hopefully you'll enjoy it, if not...constructive criticism is always appreciated. There won't be as much Elena in the beginning of this story, hopefully that won't bother too many people. But there will be loads of Damon, Alaric, and two new characters I will introduce soon. The first couple chapters will be kinda slow but after that the real story begins. I used some scenes from one of my other favorite shows. Can anyone guess which one?

~Closer To The Edge~
Chapter 1

Before I met my husband, I'd never fallen in love, though I'd stepped in it a few times.
-Rita Rudner


"We're having a baby." Elena whispers, playing with my fingers.

"Yes, we are." I reply, running my hand up and down her arm. We're sprawled out on the couch, Elena lying back against my chest, both of us still trying to let the news soak in.

"We should tell Ric and Jenna tonight after dinner." She says, turning her head to look up at me.

"Don't you want to wait?" I ask, stroking her cheek.

"No, I can't keep a secret from her, and you sure as hell can't lie to Ric. He sees right through you." She says, smirking.

"True. Even I'll admit that." I reply.

"Your WHAT? Are you kidding me? You aren't even married yet." Jenna exclaims, jumping off the couch.

"Jenna come on, don't be so hard on 'em. They've been together a long time and they're engaged at least." Ric says, trying to calm his wife down. I smirk and give him a thumbs up from across the room.

"Why do you always have to take Damon's side? You should be defending your wife." Jenna yells, pointing to herself dramatically.

"Well this didn't go as planned." I sigh.

"Shut up Damon. For once in your life, please, just shut up." Jenna groans, covering her ears and running up the stairs. A second later and her bedroom door slams, echoing throughout the house.

"I'll go calm her down." Ric sighs, standing and disappearing up the stairs.

"That was fun." I say, smirking and sitting down next to Elena.

"That was not fun, Damon. I didn't expect her to freak out like that." Elena says, lying her head on my shoulder.

Ten minutes later and there's still no sign of Jenna. Sarah and Claire sit on each of my knees, talking to each other in whatever unknown language they speak. I pull out my phone and text Ric.

Any progress on your end? -Captain Awesome

A few minutes later and my phone vibrates in Claire's hand.

"Lemme see that for a second Claire-bear." I say and she hands the phone over with a smile.

Some. We'll be back downstairs in a sec. -Trusty Sidekick

"Alaric says Jenna's coming around." I tell Elena.

"You're texting each other from the same house?" She asks.

"Do you have a problem with that?" I ask her, smirking.

"Nope, just saying." She replies, returning the smirk.

"I'm sorry I overreacted." Jenna says, coming down the stairs.

"It's all good, Jenna." I say, pulling Sarah's lollipop off my cheek.

"I'm happy for you guys. I know for a fact at least one of you will be a great parent." She says, faking a smile in my direction.

"Jenna, I'm touched, really. But I happen to think Elena will be a great parent as well." I say, winking at her. She rolls her eyes and takes Sarah and Claire off my lap.

"Time for bed, you two. Bye guys."

"Bye Jenna." Elena and I call after her. Alaric laughs when she's out of earshot, hitting my shoulder.

"That was fun." I tell him.

"Yea, nice having you over, man." He says, reaching his hand down to help pull me up.

"Congratulations, by the way." He adds, as me and Elena exit the house.

"Thanks Ric" Me and Elena say together as we climb into my blue Chevy.

"I'm scared." Elena whispers against my chest.

"Of what, love?" I ask, brushing the hair off her cheek.

"What if I'm not good at this?" She asks.

"You're already awesome at whatever it is." I tell her.

"You'll be a great dad, Damon." She says, lifting her head to look at me.

"I hope so."

"Hmm?" I groan, keeping my eyes closed.

"I think I'm showing." Elena says, leaning over my once sleeping form.

"That's awesome, baby." I tell her, trying to go back to sleep.

"Do you wanna see?" She asks.

"Is there a chance I can see after 9:00am?" I ask, opening one eye to look at the alarm clock.

"Daammoonn" She whines, bouncing up and down.

"Ok fine, lemme see." I say, rolling over to face her. She climbs off the bed and lifts her shirt, exposing her stomach.

"You look skinny as ever." I tell her. Hoping to end this conversation quickly and get back to resting.

"You don't see it?" She asks, frowning and rubbing her stomach.

"Maaaybe, but I've been conditioned over time to say 'you look skinny as ever' and that's what I'm going with." I say, climbing out of bed and walking away.

"Damn it, Damon. Tell me I'm fat." Elena yells from the bedroom.

I grab the newspaper and walk back into the house, passing Elena in the living room. She's staring at her stomach in the mirror once again.

"Nice, look how fat you are." I say, walking passed her.

"Shut up, Damon." She says angrily.


"Are you my baby?" I say softly, bouncing Sarah on my hip. "Are you my baby, yes you are." I tell her, smiling. "My sweet, baby girl. You're all mine." I add happily.

I turn around and see Jenna standing behind me with her hands on her hips.

"You're not my baby are you, no." I say, turning to face Jenna. "You're not mine at all." I add, handing her over.

"What is crazy Elena saying to you, Sarah Saltzman? Is she trying to snatch you up?" Jenna says, taking the one year old in her arms.

"I seem to be getting two heartbeats this time." Dr. Marshall says.

"That's normal right? I mean, mine and the babies?" I ask, getting nervous.

"Let me rephrase it. If we're counting yours...I seem to be getting three heartbeats." He says.

"Are you sure, Doc? I mean...does that mean..." Damon says.

"I've only been doing this for thirty years, but yes. Congratulations, you're carrying twins."

"Damn 'Lena, twins must run in your family." Damon laughs, leaning over to kiss me.


"I'm going over to Jenna's. Be back soon, babe." Elena says, leaning over the couch to give me a peck on the lips and then turning towards the door.

"Hurry back Miss Salvatore, I'll make dinner." I call after her as she shrugs her coat on. Her round belly seems to be getting bigger by the day. Only one month left until her due date. We decided we wanted the sexes to be a surprise. Elena also decided that she didn't want to have a round belly in her wedding photos so we had a small event with immediate family only.

"K, love you." She says, opening the front door.

"Love you too. Drive safe." I yell as she closes it behind her. I watch the news for a couple minutes then make my way to the kitchen to start dinner. Spaghetti sounds nice right about now.

I'm stirring my homemade sauce when my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket.

"Salvatore speaking" I say, leaning my head to hold the phone against my shoulder as I return to stirring.

"Mr. Salvatore, this is Mystic Falls General Hospital, I'm calling about your wife..."