Okay, carefully, everyone put your bats down...


I offer up chapter 22 *grovels*



*replies to those who weren't logged in.

SleepyReader- soon is no longer a word in my vocab... :'(

Anon- Thankyouuu

Analise -"Enjoy everyone's angst."...you are twisted...and so am i! :D hahaha, well your wish for a maskless meeting is about to be answered ;)

LASTLY: For all my readers, and most especially my reviewers, I want to thankyou from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me and encouraging me to write this through all these years. I'm not the most faithful of writers, but I swear that, no matter how long it may take me, I will finish what I have begun. I hope one day I can repay you all for all the wonderful things you all have said, and the time you all have taken to read these horribly drawn out stories of mine. To you all, my love and God bless!


*disclaimer: noodlesnoodlesnoodles

Chapter 22: Realization, Resolution, Revolution

"She's been out for a while…"

In the darkness, a familiar voice murmured.

Cagalli stirred restlessly, feeling like she was floating in a warm dark pool. So comfortable and safe. What's going on? Why am I here? She pondered wearily.

"Well that's what happens when someone reveals that your entire life has been a lie." A voice that would normally sound snarky issued tiredly.

A pain throbbed in the back of her head and Cagalli shifted uncomfortably now. Something wasn't right.

"So what? You were going to just leave her in the dark for the rest of her life?! Never knowing the truth?"

The truth. The words stabbed Cagalli with panic.

A chair clattered over and someone gasped. "Because ruling a country is enough shit to handle with out dealing with the fact that you're a clone!"

CLONE! The word pierced through her like a bullet. Cagalli gasped and sprang upright, her chest heaving.

She was lying in a giant four-poster bed in a large, greatly decorated room. Absentmindedly, her mind acknowledged The Princess's chambers… A chair beside the bed had been knocked over and Kitalla had Kira pinned up against the wall, her arm pressing down on his throat. They both still wore the clothes from the previous night- though rather than sleek they were severely disheveled. Bags stood out under their eyes and Kitalla's left arm was wrapped in a sling.

"Kitalla!" Cagalli cried reflexively and the woman clenched her fists.

"He's a traitor to the crown!" Kitalla argued furiously.

Cagalli looked desperately at Kira. The previous night's events flooding her mind- all up until when she fainted. "Kira?" she asked, bewildered.

"I would never betray you…" he whispered weakly.

She bit her lip, torn between her love for her bestfriend and her hurt at being chosen second to Kimi-hime. "Let him go," she at last said and with a grumble Kitalla dropped him, stepping back.

Kira panted slightly, leaning forward to lean on her nightstand. Beyond him, sunlight could be seen streaming through the crack of the curtains. Seeing Cagalli eyeing it, Kitalla rolled her eyes and reached out to yank them apart, wincing in the bright light.

There was a silence where Cagalli looked back and forth between them- neither wanting to meet her eyes. "Well," she said sadly. "Who's going to tell me the truth?"

Kitalla shot Kira a look, absentmindedly rubbing her injured arm and Kira sighed. Miserable, he sat on the bed in front of the clone of his sister. You knew this day would come. He thought unhappily. Meeting the amber eyes of his Princess he began firmly.

"You're a clone."

Cagalli flinched and Kitalla rolled her eyes, muttering. "Let's not beat around the bush."

Immediately, Cagalli shook her head. "No." She closed her eyes as if the darkness put a barrier between them. "Kimi-hime is the clone."

"It's true." Kira said quietly. "Kimi-hime is the biological daughter of Val and Uzumi."

Cagalli's hands clenched the sheets. "It can't be true. I have been-" she struggled to find the words. "It's just impossible! I have been with my mother since the beginning!" She looked frantically back and forth between them, waiting for one of them to relent that it was all a huge joke. "I have a belly button for crying out loud!"

Kitalla raised an eyebrow. "Congratulations, you want a prize?"

"That was an accident." Kira refuted, ignoring the Captain.

"He doesn't mean the belly button by the way." Kitalla interjected helpfully.

"They meant to switch you later in your life with Kimi-hime." Kira continued, ignoring the Captain.

Angrily Cagalli's eyes sprang open. The knuckles of her hands whitened as she balled them even tighter. "You mean to tell me that my life was a lie? Everything?!"

Kira hesitated. "In a sense, yes, but-"

Cagalli cut him off, refusing to believe it. "No. I don't believe you!" Her eyes darkened. "You're not on my side! You're trying to confuse me!"

"Cagalli." Kitalla warned and she fell quiet, fuming. He can say whatever he wants, he has no proof. He lied and protected Kimi-hime! Why should I believe him?

"Cagalli," Kira tentatively took one of her hands in his. She tried to tug it back but he gripped it tightly. "Do you perhaps have a birthmark in the shape of a '3' on your back anywhere?"

Cagalli froze, the fury draining from her as she considered this. Perplexed, she glanced between Kitalla and Kira. Reaching behind with her free hand she touched the spot on her back with trembling fingers. She knew the marking so well she could trace it with out seeing it. "How did you-" she stammered.

Kitalla and Kira exchanged a glance of confirmation.

"You were the third clone." Kira said quietly. "They marked you. The other two have numbers tattooed in the same place as well."

Her amber eyes widened and her shoulders slumped, lost. "No," she said quickly as her walls came crumbling down. Doubt seeped into her like a cold flood, sending shivers wracking up her soul.

"I don't know everything, but I'll tell you all what I do know." Cagalli nodded desperately and Kira continued. Kitalla righted the upturned chair and sat, crossing her arms over her chest. "Years ago, a leader from every country got together to concoct a plan with Blue Cosmos; the intention to bring peace and power to the leaders and their countries. They paid Blue Cosmos to create clones of celebrity children-"

"Lacus, Flagga and me-" Cagalli shook her head as she began to assemble the pieces. "Kimi." She corrected as an afterthought.

Kira winced, but nodded.

"When your mom-" How strange it is for him to say. Cagalli reflected, trying to remain cheery. In reality she's his mom and not mine. "First found out she was pregnant and went to get her baby checked- they took samples of Kimi-hime to make a clone of. As they were doing this they intentionally disrupted me, endangering me. They figured I would get in the way so they hoped by having me die then it would look more natural. However your mom got a doctor to perform extensive in womb operations which made me into super-classed Coordinator. Blue Cosmos found out though, and when she had the C-section they took me and told her I had died. From the moment I was old enough to understand they began training me to be their soldier."

Cagalli felt like her heart was slowly crumbling as she saw the story pan out. She could almost see it in her head like some badly written movie. Remain strong! She told herself before forcing herself to ask. "So that explains why you weren't there. But how did we get switched up?" She didn't mean to sound so challenging, so desperate- but she was. Desperate to hear some flaw in his story that she could somehow use to prove it wasn't true.

Kira grimaced. "It was a mistake. A small mix-up. When Kimi-hime was born and your mom was asleep, they brought you in to compare side by side to the real princess. Confirm that you guys were perfect matches."

The words "real princess" hit like a ton of bricks. One Cagalli forced herself to bear.

"However your mom didn't stay asleep long and when she woke up and found her baby missing she tracked down the place where the nurse had brought Kimi and went there." Kira's shoulders went down slightly. "It was just a trick of fate that when she went there, the nurse who had taken Kimi had just walked out for a moment. Just pure chance that she came upon the two of you side by side, unguarded. And-" His smile flickered, strained. "And she took you back instead…" He shook his head, unable to look at Cagalli's despairing expression. "They think it was because they had her on sedatives that she couldn't recognize her own daughter."

"Her own daughter"…the words bounced around in her head as gravity sank in. Which isn't me…

No matter how much her heart ached, Cagalli suddenly could understand her…original. "That's why she hates me…" she whispered, tears rising in her eyes. Furiously she wiped them away and as if reading her thoughts, Kitalla muttered.

"Don't get sympathetic for her now."

"I wasn't…I won't. It's just." Her tears began to fall harder. "I guess I just… understand. To her it must feel like her own mother didn't want her." In her eyes I took her family, her home, and her throne. Everything that was her birthright I stole. Even her identity…

And though Cagalli could understand she couldn't feel regret. Because not for a single second did she wish their places had never been switched. She couldn't give up the memories of her childhood. She couldn't give up the country she led.

"So they kept Kimi. Figured it was for the better that they had the legitimate one anyway, and raised her to hate Orb. Hate you. And hate your mother most of all."

These words took away the sorrow and filled Cagalli with pain and anger. "She killed her own mother." Cagalli sobbed bitterly.

Kira smiled sadly. Tentatively he gathered her in his arms, stroking her hair as she cried into his chest. Kitalla sat, silently observing. In the very recesses of her eyes sorrow flickered though her expression remained flat

"I shouldn't be here." Cagalli whispered after a while, calming down. "I'm the one that shouldn't exist!"

Kitalla's eyes flashed but before she could say anything, Kira shook his head.

Speaking softly into her ears, he whispered on, honestly but as gently as possible. " "You and Kimi-hime may look perfectly alike but when it comes to personalities you two are different as day and night. Two sides of the same coin. And while some may call it a coincidence I call it a miracle your places were switched."

Cagalli lifted her head to gaze up at him. "But she might not have turned out this way… if –"

Kira interrupted quickly. "Perhaps, perhaps not but that doesn't make her the person you are. She could never be you and you are the princess of Orb. Perhaps not by blood but by deed alone." He kissed her on the forehead sweetly, wiping her tears away. "You are the Princess of Orb, and not even she can take that away, so don't feel sorry."

Cagalli shook her head. "That's not the problem. The problem is that I should feel sorry and I don't. I understand how she feels now but I don't regret what happened one bit." She raised her chin. "I couldn't give up this country. I owe it my life."

Kira and Kitalla shared a glance, both of them satisfied with her answer.

At last Kitalla spoke, standing up. "Then it is time," she bowed low, crossing her right arm over her chest, her clenched fist over her heart. "Your majesty-"

For the first time ever, Cagalli could hear sincerity in her voice and the eyes that looked up at Cagalli, showed the loyalty only a princess could deserve.

It gave Cagalli confidence. It gave Cagalli pride. Sliding out from under the covers- still in her ripped dress from the previous night- she came to a grand stand, a trembling smile on her face.

Seeing her rise, Kitalla straightened, reaching to the night stand to pick up something. "I gathered these from last night. You should know that we told the party-goers that you had been attacked by some undeclared assassins. Your guards are shaken but they'll feel better once you reassure them with your presence."

"Also," Kira added. "You have a few events today-"

"Already?" Cagalli asked surprised but not taken-a-back.

He nodded. "First you have to meet your new body guards that Kimi-hime hired. Second you have a meeting with the Orb Council over United Earth-"

The three of them grimaced in unison. It was going to be tricky dealing with that. She couldn't let it go on, however she couldn't seem like Kimi-hime had been replaced. Which she had. Unless… A plan began to form in her mind and she put it away for further thought.

"And third we need to discuss finding Lacus Clyne and the preparation for war." Kitalla finished.

Cagalli nodded seriously then asked Kitalla. "What's that?"

Kitalla smiled with her eyes, taking out from behind her back the Orb diamond encrusted gold circlet and the Attha family ring. She placed the first upon Cagalli's head, her eyes never leaving Cagalli's wide ones- and the last she slid on to her hand. Finally she kneeled down, head bowed. Kira followed suit a moment later. "I am a simple Captain, your majesty and until Lacus reclaims me, I and what is left of Peace are under your command… If you will have us that is…"

Cagalli smiled, realizing the trust Kitalla had placed on her. One day I hope I can repay her for all that she has done for me. Cagalli rested a hand on Kitalla's, proclaiming. "Rise Kitalla, Renamed Captain of the first fleet of the majesty's guard; the lives of Orb rest on your shoulders." The words- practiced from childhood- flew with an imperial tone from her lips. So naturally. So perfectly.

Kitalla stood straight again, dipping her head slightly. "So forth shall my brethren and I faithfully serve you until we are relieved."

Cagalli turned to Kira. "Why-" she began, falling to kneel beside him. "Do you kneel?" she coaxed his eyes up to her. They were full of sadness.

"I lied to you, Cagalli." He whispered. Kitalla looked away politely.

Cagalli hesitated then smiled warmly. "I know now."

"But I didn't betray you!" he said feverishly. "I only saved her because I just couldn't let her die!" he gazed at Cagalli brokenly, trying to convey everything he didn't know how to say. And Cagalli understood. He still had hope for Kimi-hime. All this time and he still wanted to love her. It was so Kira. The compassion, the love, the hope.

This time it was she who embraced him comfortingly. "I love you, Kira." She murmured. "Like a true brother you have always been, and I will always consider you." Sitting back she asked, searchingly. "I know I'm only a … a clone, but will you accept me as your sister and serve beside me to help protect the country our parents loved?"

Kira beamed, relieved. "Of cour- I mean, yes, your majesty!"

That will take some serious getting used to… Cagalli thought, grinning slightly. She stood, pulling Kira up beside her. "Then, Kira Yamato, I name you official first protector to the throne and event coordinator. Nothing is to happen in this castle and in Orb with out you knowing and approving it."

Overcome with gratitude, Kira simply bowed.

"Weeelll- this has all been very heart warming," Kitalla sighed, her usual attitude back in place. "But I have to get in contact with the Chariot." She made a face. "Actually I just want to go change my clothes and get these nasty bobby pins out of my hair."

Cagalli chuckled. "I'll call the resident commander and let him know of your ranking and that you are to be given full disclosure and control. Report back to me of the military status. Put a stop to whatever Kimi-hime had going on before."

"I'm going to need an official decree." Kitalla frowned.

Walking to her desk, Cagalli searched the drawers till she found a sheet of paper and a pen, and an ink pad. "It's not an official decree but it will do for now," she said, scribbling down her notice for the military to stop all of its previous conduct and to report to Kitalla. She signed her name with a flourish- I hope they don't notice a change in signature- before dipping the end of her ring into the ink and stamping it on the page, leaving the Attha mark. "Here you go." After waving it for a moment to let the ink dry she handed it to Kitalla.

"Thanks, your majesty." Kitalla bowed once before heading out, only pausing at the door to say. "Congratulations,"

"For what?" Cagalli's brow furrowed.

Kitalla shrugged. "It's been a journey through hell and back to get here but you did. Not many people would go the lengths you have."

Cagalli smiled. "I'm not many people."

"That's right," Kitalla said. "You're not. You're a princess."

And some how, her words just made it real.


NPOV Orb throne room

"How much longer are we going to have to wait for this damn princess." Menelaus Troy* muttered, bouncing his knee in agitation.

"She's a girl- she has to put make up on and stuff." Justified Heine Westenfluss.

"She's still a ruler of a country." Troy huffed.

Athrun ignored the two ZAFT staff sergeants, keeping an eye out for the Princess of Orb.

The three faux body guards sat in a smaller version of the Orb throne room that was used for more private royal affairs. The night before they had mapped out the castle and the gardens, but had remained a distance from the Princess who had disappeared half-way through the night anyway after what people were calling an 'assassination attempt'.

"It's a shame they didn't kill her, would've saved us the work." Athrun sighed. He tugged in annoyance at the thick, shaggy black wig he wore. It itched.

"Still more comfortable then that awful mask." He muttered. Remembering last night gave him mixed feelings. He had the coincidence of meeting Akira and feeling hope and joy that were only replaced with anger. He hated her. He hated her so badly for betraying him and hurting him.

But when she walked away on the arm of that other man he had felt something different. Equally as worse as the hurt and fury but different. And he didn't know what it was except that he didn't like it.

"Announcing, her royal highness, Princess Cagalli Yula Attha."

Focus, Athrun, He thought, forget about her. She doesn't matter. The Princess does.

He turned, kneeling- not bothering to look up at the already memorized blonde's face.

This will be an easy job. Once we gather all the information we can, we kill her and get out. She's the bitch who sent Akira. She's the reason behind her lies. She will die.

Really, when he thought it like that- it did sound simple. But he had no idea how wrong he was.

"Oh, please rise, It has been a long week and I'm not really up for dealing with the theatrics!"

He froze. Did I hear- Looking up slowly, Athrun found himself gazing up at the face of the princess, the face of Akira Yamato. She sat in a dressy suit, tailored to her figure. Her long blonde hair was coiled into a side pony tail and she wore no make up, her amber eyes twin fires that burned. From the tips of her slightly heeled shoes, to the thin crown resting on her forehead, she was a symbol of dignity and grace. The only things that tarnished the image were the band aid on her cheek and another scratch along her jaw.

No, she can't be- Athrun took a subconscious step forward, narrowing his eyes. How could I have not realized before?! He closed his eyes, trying to picture the princess with violet eyes (the eyes most familiar with him).

His heart froze, and his mind faltered as if he had run face first into a wall.

How? "Impossible!" He whispered. I saw the Princess at the ball last night! How could she have been in two places at once?! It's impossible! That can't be her! Because if it is- then that means… that means… I fell in love with the Princess of Orb! Well. Shit.

Is this how Anakin felt?**

"Are you alright?" her concerned voice- oh God it was too familiar, too painful- floated through his conscious and he looked up, realizing he had been grimacing while clutching the left side of his chest. His two comrades looked anxiously at him, afraid he would blow their cover. The Princess had taken a step off her throne, watching him. He could almost feel the heat of her gaze and he ducked his head slightly to stave off her inspection.

"I'm fine." He muttered.

Instead of being offended at his rude behavior the Princess scrunched her eyebrows- she used to always do that when she would think- "Are you sure?" she asked again. "You look like someone sucker punched you. Is it heart burn? Gas reflux? I can get you something for it?" Amusement flickered in her eyes and her words removed all the doubt left in him.

That was definitely the girl he had once known and loved. Shit.

He nodded stiffly, straightening and she shrugged, turning to talk to Westenfluss.

The second her attention left him, he breathed, wondering if maybe he had developed a heart condition because there was no way his heart could hurt that much over this. It wasn't enough to tear it from my chest, you had to rip it apart too? What didn't you lie about? He glared bitterly at her back. You lied about being apart of ZAFT. Hell you joined the very assassination team that was sent to kill you! Such a fool! He thought but his heart-the traitor!- whispered wistfully "so brave. I love that about you,,,". He shook his head again, banishing the thoughts of his foolish heart. All this time we were trying to kill you and you were next to me the whole time. Her words about Orb suddenly made sense. She was the Princess. THE DAMN PRINCESS!
"Damn it, Akira. Or whatever the hell your name is!" he hissed angrily. He wanted to grab her by her shoulders and shake the very answers from her like coins from a piggy bank. But, most importantly, he wanted to know "Did any of it matter or was it all a joke? Did I mean anything?! Do I… still?" But instead he remained silent and still, seething.

As if sensing his ire, Cagalli straightened and glanced at him, she cocked her head puzzled. His breath caught. Did she recognize him. If she did it would ruin the entire mission. Please don't! His brain thought while his heart begged the opposite. Know me, see me.

Hurt flickered for a moment when she shrugged again and carried on. This is good. He told himself. If she had known me then this whole mission would be jeopardized. Too late he realized it already was. I'm going to have to kill her. Well he had always known that but some part of him had kept hoping for Akira to escape. But now she was the bloody Princess!


Troy shot him a dirty look. "Get yourself together!" he muttered.

"Is everything okay?" Quick as a flash, the Princess pounced, her eyes glancing between them.

"No problem, your majesty." Troy said quickly.

She waved her hand dismissively. "You guys are about to be tied to me for the rest of…well however long. Please just call me Miss Atthaa or Cagalli. 'Your Majesty' gets old and boring fast. And it's stuffy in this castle already." She fanned her face as if the air was dry. The three Coordinators exchanged startled looks, Westenfluss and Troy slightly smirking in amusement. "Like wise I expect to know your names?" She raised her eyebrows.

Smoothly, Troy and Westenfluss filed out their false names.

"And yours?" Cagalli asked, taking a step closer to Athrun.

Athrun gazed straight at her, studying her. Her brow furrowed puzzled.

"Alex… Alex Dino." He said quietly. Her eyes lit up with recognition and he knew she was remembering when he spoke to her on the balcony. Which didn't make sense... How had she been on the balcony and out at the main table? If she was really the princess then who was the other girl?

Nodding graciously, she smiled. "It's good to meet you, Alex Dino. And welcome all of you!"

She was so like the Akira he knew and yet, so different. Her poise and manner so graceful and full of dignity. The clumsy Akira he had known was quiet on the outside, barely concealing a tempest within. Athrun had so many questions, he wanted to grab this strange girl, slam her against the wall, shake her vigorously…kiss her senselessly…hold her like he wouldn't let her go…

He shook his head again. He needed to remain focused. She was the reason they were here.

"Cagalli!" Simultaneously, the princess's and Athrun's heads whipped around as a brown haired boy entered, his step firm as he strode towards them. His eyes graced over the Coordinators before returning to the princess.

For a second, Athrun felt a flash of recognition- like he had seen him once before. He shifted slightly as he watched the boy stand close next to Cagalli and whisper in her ear, not in the slightest - as if they were close friends. Something akin to acid churned in the pit of Athrun's stomach and he crossed his arms tightly.

POV switch

Cagalli frowned as Kira reported that Yuna had requested tea with her before the council meeting. Seeing her expression he gave her a knowing look. "Very well," she said. "Also, if you could get the Captain for me, I want to do some over looking of all the countries known operations. By now she should be done what I sent her to do." He walked a step before she nabbed him again by the shoulder – "Also, Kira… I want a secure line to the fake Lacus, in Plants, made. I need to speak with her."

Kira's brow furrowed but he bowed and hurried out.

After watching his back retreat, Cagalli turned to look at her new body guards. More like Plant spies. She thought sardonically. We had our suspicions but Zala being here only confirms it. Taking a deep breath to steady her self she peered at the now-black haired boy who was studiously avoiding her eyes. Have you come to kill me, Athrun? After finally realizing who I really am? She had been stunned when she had recognized him, and connecting him with the man she had spoken to the previous night. It took all of her control to not break down even now as she tried to slow her beating heart. I can't let him know I know. She thought. For both our sakes, this charade must go on. I must stall this until I can come up with a plan. "Shall we?" she invited her guards to follow her, and they nodded and fell into formation around her. One on her right, one behind and Athrun on her left, watching everything but her.

"Princess-" Troy began as he fell instep just a foot behind her.

"Please, Cagalli." She waved a hand over her shoulder.

He ignored her. "Princess Attha, we heard there was quite the commotion the previous night?"

They are curious. "Oh you know, assassination attempts have to come around once in a while." She glanced over her shoulder at the moody Athrun and added casually. "Why, the other day someone told me Zaft had attempted one on my life a little while ago." She shrugged. "For some oddball reason they thought I was aboard some mercenary ship and felt it was fit to persue and ex-e-cute." She pronounced the word carefully, allowing each syllable to hit like a hammer.

Athrun stumbled.

The Plant spies shifted uncomfortable, nervously. The leader cleared his throat. "We weren't aware- it is fortunate that you didn't die."

"It wasn't me to begin with." She said acidly. "No I was right underneath all of their noses the whoooole time… Hmm… I wonder if that eats them up in the middle of the night?"

Hammer two struck. Westenfluss and Troy exchanged confused looks while a muscle in Athrun's jaw clenched.

"Well, your highness, I think you need to supply us with a list of anyone who may have a motive against you."

Cagalli snorted. "If I had a list like that I wouldn't have left my home in the first place… But let's be safe- everybody?"
"So…no one in particular you want to name."

"Hm. My resources told me that the one who was leading the assassination in Zaft was the ex-councilmen's son, Athrun Zala. Add him on to the list. Put him before 'everybody'-" she held her hands up in the air, using them to describe her 'list'. "And after 'demon Nanny from second grade.'"

And so fell hammer three.

She could almost hear the sound of gritted teeth over the nervous clearing of throats.

Wait for it. She thought.

"Your majesty-" Athrun spoke up in a low husky voice.


"Please take us seriously."

"Why I am." His voice sounded so good that she almost hated to interrupt. Even filled with barely-concealed anger, his voice felt like a warm shawl around her shoulders on a cold winter's night. It soothed her and comforted her and soaked into her skin. She relished it. But she shouldn't. She had to let him go. But she couldn't! She wanted to be with him so bad…but she wouldn't.

"Athrun Zala, although his father has been thrown into a harshlight, is still a member of FAITH. Despite your suspicions, he is of good faith and so we must also be as well. Even if it is hard for some of us."

Cagalli winced. Keep walking. Almost to the meeting. "I am of good faith, Sir Dino, however one can be of good faith to many different callings. Everyone has a conflict in their life. Everyone has a crossroads. Our choices aren't always easy, nor right, and, least of all, the ones we want- regardless we can not remain at a stand still. We must do what is best, if not for ourselves, but for others. I heard he made a choice quite like that."

"What do you mean?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Troy furiously miming Athrun to shut up.

"Well this esteemed Athrun Zala, blessed with the mission to covertly kill the princess of Orb-or rather the imposter - had a chance to- but chose not to. A confliction. He made a decision, it wasn't an easy one."
"Perhaps he didn't know she was the princess."

"He didn't. But he did know what she wasn't."

"Truthful?" came the spitted word.

"No. Selfish."

At this Athrun fell silent, his gaze on the floor- which was good, for Cagalli realized she was overstepping herself. "OF course-" she amended with a shrug, her shoulders falling along with her heart. "That girl disappeared. Nobody's seen her again."

"Or maybe she just didn't exist in the first place." Although he sounded weary, his words cut her to the bone.
"I imagine." She said softly. "That was exactly what she was afraid of." Cagalli came to a stand outside the council room, brooding. A minute later she clapped her hands and turned to her bewildered and somber guards. "Well, enough gossiping. And never mind the list, I'll have my Captain of fleet speak to each of you separately to inform you of your individual jobs. Wait in your assigned rooms."

"What about you?" Troy asked, confused.

Cagalli laughed, " I have guards all over the place- I think I can survive the afternoon." She dipped her head in farewell that they quickly returned before stepping in side the council room and closing the door completely close behind her. For a moment, a memory flooded her, of when she was little and had snuck in before her father's meeting and hid underneath the oval table that filled the center of the grand room. Quiet as a mouse she had stayed there, listening to the badgering of advisors and her father back and forth over politics. She learned more there in what became a common adventure then she ever did in her classes. Not to mention, by the time her father had caught her, she had perfected the art of secretly tying people's fancy shoes' laces together.

She nodded her head at the Yunas' who were viewing her with a uncertain gaze before taking a seat at the counsel table next to her brother of heart. Quick and to the point. "My council men and women." She began. "I have called this meeting to discuss the military decisions…" She took a deep breath,feeling everyone's gaze upon her. "And I hereby, in the name of the throne of Orb over which I reign, cancel all military support to the EA and retract all troops back under my control."

It was like lighting a firework. Hardly had she finished when the room exploded.

"Your majesty!"


"What the fu-"

"-The EA?!"

"-is going on here?"

"We already have one enemy why-"

"Your father-"

At that moment Cagalli slammed her fists on the table with a bang, effectively silencing them. "My father, bless his soul, died and left his nation in my hands. He left his advice in yours. I have heard your reasoning, but I will make my decision. Firstly, the EA is lying to us. This United Earth is a sham to spread their control into Orb. Recent evidence has shown that the assassination attempted on my life last night was orchestrated by our so called "ally". We are Orb! We only strike against those have struck against us! I will not allow their warmongering with Zaft to infect our peaceful nation as long I live!"

At that moment the door slammed open. "Your majesty!"

Cagalli spun around, angrily. "What?!"

Taken aback to see Kitalla there, already changed into the blue and white Orb uniform, Cagalli cleared her throat before speaking calmly. "Captain?"

Panic shone in Kitalla's eyes as she stared at Cagalli. "Your majesty- it's too late!"

"What is?"

"That's what we've been trying to tell you!" one of the Councilmen piped up, Cagalli shot him a dark look.

"What do you mean?" she asked Kitalla.

"The military- it has already been seized by the EA!"

Cagalli staggered back slightly, feeling like she had been sucker punched in the gut. "How is this possible?! The military wasn't supposed to leave for a few more days!"

Kitalla shook her head. "An executive order was given last evening. They fell under the EA's control this morning."

The room swam about her for a moment and Cagalli reached a hand back to lean on the table. Oh my God. What do I do... Kimi-hime must have had some fail-trigger in place for this. So that incase I took her throne this would happen. Unless… Cagalli sat down abruptly, her shaking hand reaching up to hold her head. Unless…this was her plan all along. Her plan for me to assume the throne. So that I would die with Orb. She looked numbly up. The council room had disposed into chaos of people shouting. But she couldn't hear them. All she could hear was the pulsing of her heart, like a cannon in her head. Is that all I've been doing? Going along with her sick plan? What do I do now?

Kira had grabbed her by the shoulders and was shaking her. His mouth was opening and closing but the sounds that trickled out didn't make any sense to her befuddled mind.

What is he saying? Cagalli wondered dazedly.

Kitalla pushed him a side, swinging Cagalli's head to focus on her. She brought her hand up. And then, quick as a flash, slapped her across the face.

Blood flooded her face and the noises surged into Cagalli'so ears. "Oh my God." She sputtered, rubbing her face. "Ow!"

"Cagalli, snap out of it!" Kitalla hissed, she looked nervous.

Get it together! Cagalli thought to herself- she spun to her feet, mustering all of her dignity. "QUIET!" she called and the arguing council fell silent. "Take your seats!" she commanded imperially. They did so, some of them reluctantly.

"We are at an emergency right now."

"How-" began one of the men but she bulldozed through his words.

"I said silence! I will speak, and you will listen! I know some of you were for this, an alliance with EA. I know some of you have been pushing this for many years, even when my Father wore the crown. But I will not have it! You are either with me and with Orb, or you are not welcome in this room."

You could've heard a pin drop as everyone's gaze followed her as she walked around the room.

"As I have stated previously, the EA had ulterior motives to assume control over Orb. Considering we've already granted them two thirds of our military, they have been quite successful. However not much longer. We will terminate all connections, treaties and agreements of military and nonmilitary value with the EA. We shall announce them as a neutral nation and demand the safe return of our military that is with them. And if they refuse, then we shall declare them enemies to Orb."

"And what about Zaft." Spoke Kitalla quietly.

"Zaft…" For a moment her heart flickered to a certain confused bluenette. And then it hardened as reality sank in. "Our spies in Plant have been reporting for years their military preparation for war. They have tried to assassinate me while I was away and now that I know of their advances they will stop at nothing."

"You want us to face two nations… With a third of our military?" Counselor Seiran spoke sardonically. "I beg your pardon, but are you insane?"

Cagalli flushed, and furiously, she opened her mouth- only to feel Kitalla's hand on her shoulder. "If I may?" the Captain queried.

"Although Orb may take no side, we are not alone." Her voice was calm, like cool water flooding the room.

"And you are?" one of the councilwomen demanded.

"I am an engineer, a captain, and a leader of the secret Peace Organization. More importantly, I am the recently named Captain of the First Fleet." Kitalla replied, her gaze direct and unnerving.

The lady bit her lip.

"As I have mentioned, I am one of two remaining leaders of Peace. Peace was founded under Siegal Clyne's directions and passed on to his daughter and myself. As my co-leader is out of commission, I speak for the both of us in saying that all of those under us will lend their support in this coming war. Already, ships full of mobile suits and pilots are making dock in Orb's harbors under the Princess's orders." She gestured to Cagalli who nodded in agreement. "Also, I have connections with smaller Zaft secs that have always been rather neutral. Granted, they are under siege of the EA in the deserts. Their term is if we come to their aide now, so shall they rise to ours."

"Those small Zaft militants are puny." Said Seiran broadly. "A few Ground troops and desert mobile suits don't do us much. And you would trust them over the EA? Am I the only one hearing this?!"

"One of the leaders of these 'puny' militants is my sister who is also pledged to the Peace Organization. And family is family no matter what." Kitalla snapped.

"Regardless. That still doesn't give us much." Another councilman spoke up.

Kitalla nodded in agreement. "I'm not finished. Lastly, you are all familiar with Mwu La Flagga, champion to the EA's beliefs?"

The room muttered their yes's.

Kitalla smiled grimly. "That man is not Mwu La Flagga. That man is a clone designed by Blue Cosmos to take control over the EA."

Cagalli grimaced slightly, glancing at Kira in bewilderment at the turn of events. He mouthed "Trust her" back and she nodded.1111111111111111111111

"HA! That's ridiculous!" Seiran barked. "You have no way of proving it!"

Kitalla smiled smugly. "Au Contrair, Sir Councilman." She turned to the door, clearing her throat slightly. "Come in!"

"No way." Cagalli whispered under her breath. The room went silent as they stared at the door and finally it swung open to reveal a cleanly shaven, if slightly pale blonde man. He was dressed in an EA's gray officer uniform, and there was slight bags under his eyes as he studied the room nervously. Beside him stood Captain Murrue Ramius who's eyes lit when they saw Cagalli, a smile spreading across her face in recognition.

Kira, the envoy, walked up to Mwu La Flagga, a slightly apologetic look on is face as he bowed slightly. "Officer,"

"Yamato." La Flagga greeted curtly.

"He certainly looks like him."

"And sounds like him?"

"Then who is the man in EA?"

"Or who is this?"

The soft whispers were exchanged around the room and La Flagga shifted under the staring. Murrue elbowed him slightly, giving him a comforting smile, and he relaxed.

"I am Mwu La Flagga, First Officer and Lieutenant to the Mobile Suits of the Earth Alliance Skies." As he spoke, confidence bloomed in his voice. "For the past few months I have been in…lock down," he exchanged a look with Murrue. "Until recently I was freed by Orb. A lot has happened with out my permission in the EA. In fact I have been replaced by this…imposter! I have never been a warmonger, and never shall be. Regardless, I will also not allow my nation to tear it's self apart under the misleading of Blue Cosmos. I swear my help to Orb until there is peace."

"What good does that do us?" someone asked rudely.

La Flagga shrugged. "There are many EA soldiers out there that are peace ful at heart and have no wish to follow with this but are remaining quiet. I believe that if I rise and take a stand, I may gather some of them to rally with us."

There was a few mutterings, and then elderly man stood, leaning on the table slightly as he spoke. "This all sounds good and promising, milady… But truthfully it's a gamble of chances. Is it truly worth it to risk all our lives for this?"

Fear glittered in the councilmen's eyes and Cagalli realized something. None of these men and women had seen war, perhaps not even bloodshed. Yet here they sat around a table discussing Orb's future without knowing true cost.

"It's not just our lives." Cagalli murmured softly. "It is the lives of Kitalla's men, Kitalla's families who have no part in Orb. It is the lives of Mwu La Flagga's men, whose country has gone astray. It is the lives of the men and women, and children in our military, our schools, our streets and our lives. It is a great, and terrible chance. And is it worth risking everything?" She looked around, meeting every gaze. "My father would believe so. My father believed that for the gift of peace, anything is worth it. For the gift of independency any price will be paid. And that for the gift of life, sometimes we must pay our own. This day, will not be the day where we decide to lay down our morals so that others may pave streets of blood over us! This day will not be the day we turn our gaze away from the suffering of those who have been dragged against their will into this! This day is not the day of Orb's surrender. No… This day will be the day that Orb takes its stands against all opposition, against all warfare, and against all chance!"

A silence followed as Cagalli raised her jaw and stared challengingly at all the faces of her advisors. Please God, please.

Kira cleared his throat. "All in favor against preparations of war with Zaft and the EA, raise your hands."

One, two- wait four, three? Was he scratching his head? Cagalli's eyes flashed around the room, but not quickly enough for Kira was calling the next vote. "And those for?"

Again the hands rose and quickly fell back. A sigh issued and Cagalli glanced confusedly at Kira who was smiling sadly.

"8 for, six against." He said.

The breath flew back into Cagalli's lungs and she declared. "Let the news be released through out Orb. War is at hand."



At a brisk trot I led Kitalla, La Flagga, Yuna, Murrue and Kira through the halls. "Murrue, I want you to oversee military preparations, I want every ship ready to sail or fly and every mobile suit ready to fight by the end of this week. That gives you five days. I want to start making plans to send help for the neutral countries in the desert lands."

"Yes, your highness," she bowed and hurried off.

"La Flagga," the EA pilot walked up beside me.

"Your highness. It's good to meet the real you."

I winced slightly, nodding to him. "My apologies for how your stays with us began. I am glad you are on our side though."

"Thank your Captain, she is very…persuasive." He smiled with a wink.

"Kitalla?" I said confusedly, and I glanced at the black haired woman who snickered.

"No Ramius," La Flagga grinned. "She kept me company even while in lock down and I have to say she is a pleasure to be around."

I chuckled. "It seems like you'll be seeing a lot of her then."

"That is my hope."

"Well, unfortunately today, I need you to get in contact with those trusted militants of the EA."

La Flagga sobered up. "That I will do. And I can't promise anything."

I nodded gravely in understanding. "Report back to Captain Kitalla as soon as you have made word."

He saluted and ran off.

"Yunna, you wished to speak with me?" Yunna glanced at my other followers and shook his head.

"In private?" he mumbled.

"I'm a little tied up now, dinner tonight?"

He grimaced. "I'll take it." and scurried off.

"I wonder what that's about." Kitalla muttered before skipping up to walk along sides me. "Anyway, your majesty, I have a scheduled meet with my sister in which we'll discuss military operations. Not to mention, I am still gathering all of Peace that I can."

"Good," I paused. "Also, that laptop you rescued from Blue Cosmos? I want that to be given to Kira."

"Yes your ladyship. I'll retrieve it and place it in his room now." She began to walk away before she stopped and added. "Also, I'm going to be conducting research into all the closed hangers and secret bases on Orb."

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

Her gaze darkened and she braced her shoulders in a defensive manner. "Because somewhere on this island is a mobile suit of my making that I must destroy, with or without your acceptance." We locked gazes for a moment. I didn't want to allow it. We needed all the strength we could get. But Kitalla had given everything. I needed to afford her some good faith. Through gritted teeth I gave my acceptance.

She bowed and trotted off.

"Finally, Kira." I waved to my brother to join me.

"What do you ask of me?" he asked.

"I need you to retrieve all the information you can from that laptop. Blue Cosmos is still out there pulling strings and I need to know what they are going to do next."

"Sounds good-" he began to move away but I yanked him to a stop. "Also, before you do that, I want you to interview each body guard of mine personally. I was going to have Kitalla do it but she's so tied up…" Not to mention Kitalla would recognize Athrun in a heartbeat.


"Because they're really from Zaft."

"How do you know this?" Kira demanded, shock interlaced in his words.

"Because the one named Alex Dino," I bit out the words. "Is really Athrun Zala. And he is here to kill me."

"What the hell Cagalli! When were you going to tell the rest of us?!" he yelped.

"Because, I don't want them to know that I know, dumb ass!"

"Why?" he demanded.

"We're going to war with Zaft, we may need some leverage on our side."

Kira mulled this over. "I suppose…" he relented. "But Cagalli, they're here to kill you, you-"

"I can handle them, Kira. And I have you and Kitalla at my back." I interjected shortly.

He sighed. "I hope you know what you're doing…"

I smiled. "Trust me."

He sighed. "I do. You're just unpredictable, you've always have been."

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "It's what makes life around me fun! Oh don't you scowl at me! Anyway, Kira, I have one last favor to ask of you…"


"H'lo, My name's Kira Yamato- event coordinator, envoy, ambassador, so on so forth to, the throne of Orb."

Athrun inclined his head shortly, recognizing the brunette from earlier. He was close to Ak-the princess. "I saw you earlier." Was it just him or did his tone come out more bitter then it needed.

The boy eyed him with his odd purple eyes curiously. "Nice to meet you too…Alex…Dino." He murmured, reading the top of a folder in his hands. "It says here you are a Coordinator, born on Zaft… Parents came over here when you were little."

Athrun nodded. "At the time they were journalists and studying abroad appealed to them greatly, but by the time I was three they had fallen in love with Orb."

Kira chuckled.

"What?" Athrun asked indignantly.

"I'm not laughing at you but-well…it's just…" he coughed, trying to conceal his laughter.

"What?" Athrun demanded nervously.

"Well, the other two gave the exact same story!" Kira choked out, regaining his calm slowly.

It fell like the blood got sucked from his face. Oh damn- "Well, our parents were all on the same team when they came over." Athrun scrambled about quickly.

I'm pushing it too far. Cagalli's gonna's get me if she finds out I've been busting his balls. "Well anyway, moving on. I see you're qualified in martial arts, self dense and gun handling." Kira's eyes roamed down the sheet as he flipped through it.

Athrun straightened, relieved as things switched to a safer topic. "Yes."

"And, well versed in royal social etiquette."

"My mother raised me simply to be a gentleman."

"She did a pretty good job if you know how to use four different forks." Kira laughed.

Athrun grinned. "Nah, I still don't. I eeny meany miny mo my way through dinner."

Kira snorted, flipping another page. "You're worse than Cagalli,"

Athrun's grin froze slightly. "Oh?" he said through his teeth.

"On her sixth birthday, her father gave a banquet. They had just pulled out the food, and her father, trying to cultivate her I guess into a speaker, asked her to give a speech. So Cagalli rose. And gave the first order of her life."

"What was it?" He couldn't help the curiosity that sparked in him as he tried to connect the innocent child hood of Akira with the devious cunning woman that she had become.

"Well she raised her glass," Kira's gaze faded as he raised his own imaginary glass. "Cleared her throat... And declared: 'To hell with forks!'"

Despite his stiff composure, Athrun snickered. "Unbelievable." He chuckled.

"Yeah, well the rest of the night she ate with her hands. Needless to say her parents were mortified."

Athrun chuckled and then noticed something particular Kira had mentioned. "Parents?" he repeated. There was her happy care free child hood, her training as a princess; and then her life raised as a Coordinator, a Zaft pilot, and most importantly a spy. What had happened between? And where had her mother gone? "You know, in all my study of her family history, there's not much said about her mother."

Kira's eyes softened. "Moth-" he shook his head slightly. "Lady Val… She was everybody's sweet heart…"

"You knew her?"

"For a little while…" Kira's shoulders sunk slightly and he looked away. Athrun's brow furrowed at the wistful tone in the boy's voice. Kira straightened again under Athrun's scrutiny. "Well, anyway, around Cagalli's seventh birthday, she was assassinated in her home." Bitterness caused his eyes to darken as he shared the sorrowful tale. "Men and women, shrouded in black, broke into the Uzumi's private home and killed the Queen… They tried to kill Cagalli as well." He added.

"Aki-the Princess was there?" Athrun's eyes widened.

Kira looked away. "Yeah. For every moment."

"How did she survive?" Oh God…she watched her mother die… He thought he had finally figured out the puzzle that was Akira. And yet again, she had only unraveled into an even bigger mystery.

Kira shrugged. "Nobody knows… We're all just thankful she did… She's all we got…We would do anything for her." The dedication and love for the princess was clear in his voice and Athrun swallowed down the acidic feeling in his stomach.

"You sound close?"

Kira eyed the Coordinator curiously. Alex- or Athrun- sounded almost defeated. "We are." He said quietly, watching the fidgeting Zaft spy thoughtfully. "She and I have been friends since we were toddlers."

Athrun nodded, studying the table between them. He loves her…

"She's like my sister." Kira added, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Athrun's green eyes flashed up in a heartbeat as realization dawned upon him and that feeling of recognition finally explained its self. The picture of Akira's that she had of her at the Zaft ball with the brown-haired boy she had loved like a brother! That boy had been Kira! The one she had thought had been killed by the mercenary was the same boy sitting directly in front of him.

Things are making sense now!

Holding back his amusement as the black-haired boy put his thoughts together, Kira went on with the interview. "Have you ever been in a fight?"

Athrun nodded, trying to squash the feeling of elation. Focus, Athrun! You need to kill her and here you are getting all thrilled that Kira doesn't like her? Remember who your allegiance is for. He sobered up.

"Used guns in live fire?"


Kira bit his bottom lip then asked. "How many have you killed?"
Taken aback, Athrun blinked widely. "How do you know I have killed anyone?"

The brunette leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "I can tell." He smiled sadly. "No matter how hard you try, the blood never washes out."

Athrun looked down at his pale hands. Kira was right. Even with his eyes closed he could still see the crimson stains that marked his hands. Murderer. Monster. "No it doesn't." he agreed quietly.

"That's what politicians' don't realize." Kira said. "The price of war isn't only the number of lives that have died, but also those who lost a piece of their soul to kill them."

Athrun laughed emptily. "Well, it's not like there's anything we can do."

Kira smiled gently. "Yeah, you would think that one day we would figure it out- that killing only brings more killing."

The words struck a chord in Athrun's mind- that sounds like something Lacus would've said- and he said musingly. "You remind me of a friend of mine."

Kira grinned. "I was thinking the same about you… Ya know… this is why I believe in the Uzumi family."

"Because they carry Orb's ideals?"Athrun asked wearily.

Kira shook his head. "No, because they are Orb's ideals..."



"Oh bloody hell- this one's empty too…" her voice echoing in the dead air, Kitalla dragged a hand through her hair with a sigh. She stood in the mouth of the dark hangar, once again struck down. "I hope this one wasn't shipped off to the EA." She muttered. Consulting her list of possible locations she crossed off Versailles Hangar and then hopped into the small jeep that had been carrying her around Orb for the day. "Next." She called to the driver.



"Sara, I place you in charge of assembling all ground troops. Nathan, you'll take the ground suits. George Mason, is he here?"


"Good, I want you to be over seeing that every ship is outfitted with ammunition and is working at best performance. Patrick, I want you to assemble the pilots, brief them, and make sure their mobile suits are in the docking bay. We have only a few days, we need to get this done!"

"Aye Captain!" the men and women that filled the large office snapped a salute before hustling away, calling out names and grabbing clipboards.

Murrue sighed, leaning back onto her desk. Warm hands slid up her shoulders, kneading her worn muscles. She sighed, allowing her eyes to close for a brief moment of pleasure before saying. "That's sexual harassment, even in your military."

There was a low chuckle. "It wasn't when I was your prisoner."

She blushed, swatting Mwu La Flagga as he perched himself next to her, an easy grin on his face. "I'm sorry… for everything."

"I know, I know, you already told me that, more times then I count."

"I didn't know…"

"That she was the clone? Who did? Hell, who knew clones existed?"

"I just feel…awful…that everything has happened."

"Well, not everything that's happened has been bad." He mused.

"Hm?" Murrue's brow furrowed and she gazed into his adoring, and sparkling blue eyes.

"I met you didn't I?" he smiled and then leaned in to catch her in a kiss.


That evening

Athrun POV

"You told the envoy that both of your parents were journalists?" Athrun hissed furiously.

His comrades exchanged confused looks. "No, that was your story- mine were biologists."

"And mine were interning." Troy added. "Why?"

Athrun relaxed. "Oh then why…" he paused. Suddenly his body went very cold. Could Orb have possibly figured out who they were? Shit! Shit! Shiiit! But then why hadn't they carted them off to prison yet?

"Thanks Kira! Check out the laptop in your room too when you get a chance!" With a click, the approaching princess snapped the phone shut as she walked up to her body guards. "Hi boys!" she said cheerfully. Instead of the neuter- but stylish- outfit she had been wearing earlier, she had adorn a silk blue cocktail dress with trails of silver glittering down it. Her long hair was coiled into a curly up do and sapphires glinted from her ears. "Sorry I couldn't get to know you guys myself- breaking treaties and constructing war plans are pretty time consuming." Though her words were light, the meaning behind them perplexed Athrun. What the hell was her game?

"You asked for us to accompany you?" Troy asked apprehensively.

The Princess shrugged and rolled her eyes. "Apparently palace food isn't good enough for a dinner with a pompous ass so I have to go out, which means I'm required to take the lot of you with me." She waved her hand in a 'follow me' motion and began heading to the front doors.

"Who did you say you were having dinner with?" Westenfluss asked with an easy smile as they trooped down the stairs.

"Oh you'll see." She muttered and a moment later an extremely long and extremely flashy black limo pulled up. One of the doors swung open and out paraded Yuna Roma.

Distaste ran through Athrun and he wrinkled his nose in disgust. He vividly remembered his adventures with the purpled hair boy aboard the Blue Cosmos ship, and then later when he had swept the Princess away at the dance.

"Caaaagaaallii!" Yuna sang, extending out a bouquet of roses.

Swallowing back a sigh, Cagalli forced a smile accepted the gift graciously. "Yuna." She curtsied. "Did the smaller limos offend you?"

Yuna threw back his head in a obnoxious laugh. "Today, my dear, is a very important day, I wanted to make it memorable as possible." He swung his arm around her shoulders and Cagalli gritted her teeth, trying to shrug it off.

"How sweet." She muttered, allowing him to guide her into the limo.

Fists clenched tightly, Athrun quickly followed suit. He didn't know if he wanted to sit between the two royals or be as far back from them as he could, but once inside he found that they had already closed themselves off from him and his fellow Coordinators with a curtain that cut the limo down the middle.

The other Coordinators shrugged to each other as they all sat down and began whispering to each other. Athrun leaned back against his seat, closing his eyes with a sigh. "It all seems sooo…easy." He mumbled.


"Wow, I heard the list to reserve a table here is over two years long."

"Indeed it is!" Yuna replied smugly as he led the Princess by her hand.

"And yet,,, somehow you managed to rent out the entire place for the night." Cagalli's voice was dry as her gaze swept the restaurant.

Yuna gave her a cheesy smile. "Well, Princess, you'll find that having the right connections makes all the difference." He laughed as if he had a secret joke, but Cagalli, unable to see what was so funny, just gave him a concerned 'have you taken your medication recently' look before taking a seat.

They had arrived at the most sought after caterer in Orb and were in the beautifully furnished ballroom of the restaurant. Golden chandeliers towered high above where sculpted angels and demons tried to free themselves from the wood furnishings. On the ceiling was painted replicas of the works of ancient artists- Da Vinci, Gogh, Picasso, Uccello and countless others- all interweaving to create a single master piece. While Yuna and Cagalli had taken their table together, the body guards were stuck at a table next to theirs, struck with the same awe at the majestic surroundings.

"My, the last time I had been here….was…" she fumbled, unable to recall and Yuna placed a comforting hand on hers.

"Don't worry, we'll make tons of memories here to come back to." He exclaimed to an invisible audience and Cagalli closed her mouth slowly, an odd look on her face.

"Is he her boyfriend?" Troy whispered to his friends.

Westenfluss raised an eyebrow. "I don't remember reading anything about this in her bio."

"It must've just happened- Athrun, are you alright?"

"Yes, why?"

"I dunno, you look pissed."

"How bout now?"

Troy laughed. "Now you look high!" the three flowed into an easy banter and Athrun breathed a sigh of relief as they distracted him from ache growing in his chest, caused by a certain pair only a few feet away. The sooner she is dead, the better. He told himself, feeling slightly sick. Throughout dinner he barely ate his food, only stewing it around as he threw himself into empty conversation with his rowdy comrades.

It was one of the most difficult things he had ever done. That is, ignoring Yuna and the Princess as they continued…whatever the hell they were playing at.

Even when Yuna used his fork to give her a piece of dinner.

Son of a bitch.

And complimented her on her melodious voice.

(At that Athrun had laughed, forcing it into a cough. The Princess's voice was a lot of things but melodious it was not!)

Lying son of a bitch!

Or when he had used his thumb to swipe away a crumb of chocolate cake from her pink lips.

The bastard!

And took her into his thin arms, leading her into a rather forced solo dance across the floor, a broad grin on his face. Seeing them dance- her rather clumsily as she tried to keep up with Yuna's flashy spins and flourishes- brought back aching memories of themselves dancing and sparring, just for an excuse to hold each other close.

That fu-

"Athrun, you're looking really mad again." Troy noted, his voice softly underlying the strains of violins that played in a corner of the room. "Dude, you sure you're fit to carry out this mission. One second you look sick, and the next you look like you're going to kill someone."

"Kill me." Muttered Westenfluss with a groan, watching in exasperation as Yuna put a rose between his teeth while dancing.

"Yeah, seriously, man, we got this. We can care take of a ditzy little Princess by ourselves."

Athrun shook his head, anger flooding through him again. "No, if anyone is to kill her, it will be me."

The two raised their hands in surrender. "Ooookay, you da' boss." Said Westenfluss, exchanging a glance with Troy.

Athrun sighed, folding his hands over his eyes. He needed to focus. Get his head back in the game. He was a highly trained soldier from Zaft. He had dispatched many faceless people before, this was no different. She was a threat to Plant. She was a threat to him. He needed to kill her- she broke his heart-he needed to kill her- she lied to him, used him- he needed to kill her. Even if it killed him to do so.

"Awww, the dweeb's proposing."

"What?" AThrun spun around in his seat, eyes wide.

Sure enough, a broadly grinning Yuna had gotten down onto one knee, clutching the Princess's left hand in his.

The Princess on the other hand had frozen with an expression akin to that of a deer's when it was faced with blinding headlights.

"Princess Cagalli," Yuna's reedy voice exclaimed out, his chest puffed up like that of a posing rooster.

The Princess tugged fruitlessly at her hand. Her desperate eyes roved around the empty ballroom, landing for a split moment on AThrun's. Quickly she looked away. But in that moment, Athrun had seen the silent plea. He held himself still, his heart pounding as he watched the unfolding scene.

"Yuna, Yuna, I- I can't just-" The Princess sputtered.

Yuna grinned. "But you can, see I've already spoken to the council, and get this; my father has connections. And if you marry me, not only will bind together two of the most powerful names in Orb, but also we would be willing to risk ourselves to use those connections!"

"Use them anyway." She gasped.

Yuna shook his head. "No, because we could lose everything." Mustering up his most adoring stare, he gave her his smolder. "Dearest Princess, please realize, it is for the best. Together we will create the strongest union, and we will add to Orb's strength… together. You know it is true! You know we, Seirans, have ties in the EA that we could use! They will aide us against Zaft! Marry me!"

AThrun could read the reluctance in every particle of her body. She'll say no. She doesn't want him. She doesn't desire him.

But he had forgotten one thing… Cagalli never did as he predicted.

Her proud shoulders sagged, and it seemed as if she had wilted in the hand hold of Yuna. "Yes." She whispered.

Athrun gasped. There was a roaring in his ears like the sea had risen from the coast and crashed down ontop of them. His heart pounded rapidly in his chest and he struggled to catch his breath. In that moment, Athrun could've sworn the earth had opened up and swallowed him, burying him six feet under. But Troy promised him, he hadn't moved an inch.


Whoa whoa! What just happened? Let me fill you in.

Cagalli has just declared war on Zaft and is preparing for war with the EA. Currently they are going to first try to rescue Zaft/Peace allies in the deserts, and Mwu La Flagga's followers.

Kitalla, along with sharing military roles with Murrue Ramius, is searching for the gundam she accidentally caused the creation of.

Murrue is gettin' doooown with Mwu. And, ya know, doing Captain things.

Kira is busy hacking that Blue Cosmos laptop to figure out what their plan is.

Lacus is still stuck in EA prison.

The EA is planning their war on Zaft. Zaft in return.

Yuna just proposed to Cagalli with the promise they will find more military support in the coming war. *le gasp*

Menelaus Troy. If you get it, good for you. If you don't…how? Just how?

** Same goes for the Aniken Skywalker reference.

Soooo guys, this was a severly loooong chapter. It originally was supposed to be two, but I morphed it into one…I dunno how that turned out. *scratches head*

So anywaaaay, leemiiie know what you think :)

Much love!


Chapter 22:

"She's been out for a while…"

In the darkness, a familiar voice murmured.

Cagalli stirred restlessly, feeling like she was floating in a warm dark pool. So comfortable and safe. What's going on? Why am I here? She pondered wearily.

"Well that's what happens when someone reveals that your entire life has been a lie." A voice that would normally sound snarky issued tiredly.

A pain throbbed in the back of her head and Cagalli shifted uncomfortably now. Something wasn't right.

"So what? You were going to just leave her in the dark for the rest of her life?! Never knowing the truth?"

The truth. The words stabbed Cagalli with panic.

A chair clattered over and someone gasped. "Because ruling a country is enough shit to handle with out dealing with the fact that you're a clone!"

CLONE! The word pierced through her like a bullet. Cagalli gasped and sprang upright, her chest heaving.

She was lying in a giant four-poster bed in a large, greatly decorated room. Absentmindedly, her mind acknowledged The Princess's chambers… A chair beside the bed had been knocked over and Kitalla had Kira pinned up against the wall, her arm pressing down on his throat. They both still wore the clothes from the previous night- though rather than sleek they were severely disheveled. Bags stood out under their eyes and Kitalla's left arm was wrapped in a sling.

"Kitalla!" Cagalli cried reflexively and the woman clenched her fists.

"He's a traitor to the crown!" Kitalla argued furiously.

Cagalli looked desperately at Kira. The previous night's events flooding her mind- all up until when she fainted. "Kira?" she asked, bewildered.

"I would never betray you…" he whispered weakly.

She bit her lip, torn between her love for her bestfriend and her hurt at being chosen second to Kimi-hime. "Let him go," she at last said and with a grumble Kitalla dropped him, stepping back.

Kira panted slightly, leaning forward to lean on her nightstand. Beyond him, sunlight could be seen streaming through the crack of the curtains. Seeing Cagalli eyeing it, Kitalla rolled her eyes and reached out to yank them apart, wincing in the bright light.

There was a silence where Cagalli looked back and forth between them- neither wanting to meet her eyes. "Well," she said sadly. "Who's going to tell me the truth?"

Kitalla shot Kira a look, absentmindedly rubbing her injured arm and Kira sighed. Miserable, he sat on the bed in front of the clone of his sister. You knew this day would come. He thought unhappily. Meeting the amber eyes of his Princess he began firmly.

"You're a clone."

Cagalli flinched and Kitalla rolled her eyes, muttering. "Let's not beat around the bush."

Immediately, Cagalli shook her head. "No." She closed her eyes as if the darkness put a barrier between them. "Kimi-hime is the clone."

"It's true." Kira said quietly. "Kimi-hime is the biological daughter of Val and Uzumi."

Cagalli's hands clenched the sheets. "It can't be true. I have been-" she struggled to find the words. "It's just impossible! I have been with my mother since the beginning!" She looked frantically back and forth between them, waiting for one of them to relent that it was all a huge joke. "I have a belly button for crying out loud!"

Kitalla raised an eyebrow. "Congratulations, you want a prize?"

"That was an accident." Kira refuted, ignoring the Captain.

"He doesn't mean the belly button by the way." Kitalla interjected helpfully.

"They meant to switch you later in your life with Kimi-hime." Kira continued, ignoring the Captain.

Angrily Cagalli's eyes sprang open. The knuckles of her hands whitened as she balled them even tighter. "You mean to tell me that my life was a lie? Everything?!"

Kira hesitated. "In a sense, yes, but-"

Cagalli cut him off, refusing to believe it. "No. I don't believe you!" Her eyes darkened. "You're not on my side! You're trying to confuse me!"

"Cagalli." Kitalla warned and she fell quiet, fuming. He can say whatever he wants, he has no proof. He lied and protected Kimi-hime! Why should I believe him?

"Cagalli," Kira tentatively took one of her hands in his. She tried to tug it back but he gripped it tightly. "Do you perhaps have a birthmark in the shape of a '3' on your back anywhere?"

Cagalli froze, the fury draining from her as she considered this. Perplexed, she glanced between Kitalla and Kira. Reaching behind with her free hand she touched the spot on her back with trembling fingers. She knew the marking so well she could trace it with out seeing it. "How did you-" she stammered.

Kitalla and Kira exchanged a glance of confirmation.

"You were the third clone." Kira said quietly. "They marked you. The other two have numbers tattooed in the same place as well."

Her amber eyes widened and her shoulders slumped, lost. "No," she said quickly as her walls came crumbling down. Doubt seeped into her like a cold flood, sending shivers wracking up her soul.

"I don't know everything, but I'll tell you all what I do know." Cagalli nodded desperately and Kira continued. Kitalla righted the upturned chair and sat, crossing her arms over her chest. "Years ago, a leader from every country got together to concoct a plan with Blue Cosmos; the intention to bring peace and power to the leaders and their countries. They paid Blue Cosmos to create clones of celebrity children-"

"Lacus, Flagga and me-" Cagalli shook her head as she began to assemble the pieces. "Kimi." She corrected as an afterthought.

Kira winced, but nodded.

"When your mom-" How strange it is for him to say. Cagalli reflected, trying to remain cheery. In reality she's his mom and not mine. "First found out she was pregnant and went to get her baby checked- they took samples of Kimi-hime to make a clone of. As they were doing this they intentionally disrupted me, endangering me. They figured I would get in the way so they hoped by having me die then it would look more natural. However your mom got a doctor to perform extensive in womb operations which made me into super-classed Coordinator. Blue Cosmos found out though, and when she had the C-section they took me and told her I had died. From the moment I was old enough to understand they began training me to be their soldier."

Cagalli felt like her heart was slowly crumbling as she saw the story pan out. She could almost see it in her head like some badly written movie. Remain strong! She told herself before forcing herself to ask. "So that explains why you weren't there. But how did we get switched up?" She didn't mean to sound so challenging, so desperate- but she was. Desperate to hear some flaw in his story that she could somehow use to prove it wasn't true.

Kira grimaced. "It was a mistake. A small mix-up. When Kimi-hime was born and your mom was asleep, they brought you in to compare side by side to the real princess. Confirm that you guys were perfect matches."

The words "real princess" hit like a ton of bricks. One Cagalli forced herself to bear.

"However your mom didn't stay asleep long and when she woke up and found her baby missing she tracked down the place where the nurse had brought Kimi and went there." Kira's shoulders went down slightly. "It was just a trick of fate that when she went there, the nurse who had taken Kimi had just walked out for a moment. Just pure chance that she came upon the two of you side by side, unguarded. And-" His smile flickered, strained. "And she took you back instead…" He shook his head, unable to look at Cagalli's despairing expression. "They think it was because they had her on sedatives that she couldn't recognize her own daughter."

"Her own daughter"…the words bounced around in her head as gravity sank in. Which isn't me…

No matter how much her heart ached, Cagalli suddenly could understand her…original. "That's why she hates me…" she whispered, tears rising in her eyes. Furiously she wiped them away and as if reading her thoughts, Kitalla muttered.

"Don't get sympathetic for her now."

"I wasn't…I won't. It's just." Her tears began to fall harder. "I guess I just… understand. To her it must feel like her own mother didn't want her." In her eyes I took her family, her home, and her throne. Everything that was her birthright I stole. Even her identity…

And though Cagalli could understand she couldn't feel regret. Because not for a single second did she wish their places had never been switched. She couldn't give up the memories of her childhood. She couldn't give up the country she led.

"So they kept Kimi. Figured it was for the better that they had the legitimate one anyway, and raised her to hate Orb. Hate you. And hate your mother most of all."

These words took away the sorrow and filled Cagalli with pain and anger. "She killed her own mother." Cagalli sobbed bitterly.

Kira smiled sadly. Tentatively he gathered her in his arms, stroking her hair as she cried into his chest. Kitalla sat, silently observing. In the very recesses of her eyes sorrow flickered though her expression remained flat

"I shouldn't be here." Cagalli whispered after a while, calming down. "I'm the one that shouldn't exist!"

Kitalla's eyes flashed but before she could say anything, Kira shook his head.

Speaking softly into her ears, he whispered on, honestly but as gently as possible. " "You and Kimi-hime may look perfectly alike but when it comes to personalities you two are different as day and night. Two sides of the same coin. And while some may call it a coincidence I call it a miracle your places were switched."

Cagalli lifted her head to gaze up at him. "But she might not have turned out this way… if –"

Kira interrupted quickly. "Perhaps, perhaps not but that doesn't make her the person you are. She could never be you and you are the princess of Orb. Perhaps not by blood but by deed alone." He kissed her on the forehead sweetly, wiping her tears away. "You are the Princess of Orb, and not even she can take that away, so don't feel sorry."

Cagalli shook her head. "That's not the problem. The problem is that I should feel sorry and I don't. I understand how she feels now but I don't regret what happened one bit." She raised her chin. "I couldn't give up this country. I owe it my life."

Kira and Kitalla shared a glance, both of them satisfied with her answer.

At last Kitalla spoke, standing up. "Then it is time," she bowed low, crossing her right arm over her chest, her clenched fist over her heart. "Your majesty-"

For the first time ever, Cagalli could hear sincerity in her voice and the eyes that looked up at Cagalli, showed the loyalty only a princess could deserve.

It gave Cagalli confidence. It gave Cagalli pride. Sliding out from under the covers- still in her ripped dress from the previous night- she came to a grand stand, a trembling smile on her face.

Seeing her rise, Kitalla straightened, reaching to the night stand to pick up something. "I gathered these from last night. You should know that we told the party-goers that you had been attacked by some undeclared assassins. Your guards are shaken but they'll feel better once you reassure them with your presence."

"Also," Kira added. "You have a few events today-"

"Already?" Cagalli asked surprised but not taken-a-back.

He nodded. "First you have to meet your new body guards that Kimi-hime hired. Second you have a meeting with the Orb Council over United Earth-"

The three of them grimaced in unison. It was going to be tricky dealing with that. She couldn't let it go on, however she couldn't seem like Kimi-hime had been replaced. Which she had. Unless… A plan began to form in her mind and she put it away for further thought.

"And third we need to discuss finding Lacus Clyne and the preparation for war." Kitalla finished.

Cagalli nodded seriously then asked Kitalla. "What's that?"

Kitalla smiled with her eyes, taking out from behind her back the Orb diamond encrusted gold circlet and the Attha family ring. She placed the first upon Cagalli's head, her eyes never leaving Cagalli's wide ones- and the last she slid on to her hand. Finally she kneeled down, head bowed. Kira followed suit a moment later. "I am a simple Captain, your majesty and until Lacus reclaims me, I and what is left of Peace are under your command… If you will have us that is…"

Cagalli smiled, realizing the trust Kitalla had placed on her. One day I hope I can repay her for all that she has done for me. Cagalli rested a hand on Kitalla's, proclaiming. "Rise Kitalla, Renamed Captain of the first fleet of the majesty's guard; the lives of Orb rest on your shoulders." The words- practiced from childhood- flew with an imperial tone from her lips. So naturally. So perfectly.

Kitalla stood straight again, dipping her head slightly. "So forth shall my brethren and I faithfully serve you until we are relieved."

Cagalli turned to Kira. "Why-" she began, falling to kneel beside him. "Do you kneel?" she coaxed his eyes up to her. They were full of sadness.

"I lied to you, Cagalli." He whispered. Kitalla looked away politely.

Cagalli hesitated then smiled warmly. "I know now."

"But I didn't betray you!" he said feverishly. "I only saved her because I just couldn't let her die!" he gazed at Cagalli brokenly, trying to convey everything he didn't know how to say. And Cagalli understood. He still had hope for Kimi-hime. All this time and he still wanted to love her. It was so Kira. The compassion, the love, the hope.

This time it was she who embraced him comfortingly. "I love you, Kira." She murmured. "Like a true brother you have always been, and I will always consider you." Sitting back she asked, searchingly. "I know I'm only a … a clone, but will you accept me as your sister and serve beside me to help protect the country our parents loved?"

Kira beamed, relieved. "Of cour- I mean, yes, your majesty!"

That will take some serious getting used to… Cagalli thought, grinning slightly. She stood, pulling Kira up beside her. "Then, Kira Yamato, I name you official first protector to the throne and event coordinator. Nothing is to happen in this castle and in Orb with out you knowing and approving it."

Overcome with gratitude, Kira simply bowed.

"Weeelll- this has all been very heart warming," Kitalla sighed, her usual attitude back in place. "But I have to get in contact with the Chariot." She made a face. "Actually I just want to go change my clothes and get these nasty bobby pins out of my hair."

Cagalli chuckled. "I'll call the resident commander and let him know of your ranking and that you are to be given full disclosure and control. Report back to me of the military status. Put a stop to whatever Kimi-hime had going on before."

"I'm going to need an official decree." Kitalla frowned.

Walking to her desk, Cagalli searched the drawers till she found a sheet of paper and a pen, and an ink pad. "It's not an official decree but it will do for now," she said, scribbling down her notice for the military to stop all of its previous conduct and to report to Kitalla. She signed her name with a flourish- I hope they don't notice a change in signature- before dipping the end of her ring into the ink and stamping it on the page, leaving the Attha mark. "Here you go." After waving it for a moment to let the ink dry she handed it to Kitalla.

"Thanks, your majesty." Kitalla bowed once before heading out, only pausing at the door to say. "Congratulations,"

"For what?" Cagalli's brow furrowed.

Kitalla shrugged. "It's been a journey through hell and back to get here but you did. Not many people would go the lengths you have."

Cagalli smiled. "I'm not many people."

"That's right," Kitalla said. "You're not. You're a princess."

And some how, her words just made it real.


NPOV Orb throne room

"How much longer are we going to have to wait for this damn princess." Menelaus Troy* muttered, bouncing his knee in agitation.

"She's a girl- she has to put make up on and stuff." Justified Heine Westenfluss.

"She's still a ruler of a country." Troy huffed.

Athrun ignored the two ZAFT staff sergeants, keeping an eye out for the Princess of Orb.

The three faux body guards sat in a smaller version of the Orb throne room that was used for more private royal affairs. The night before they had mapped out the castle and the gardens, but had remained a distance from the Princess who had disappeared half-way through the night anyway after what people were calling an 'assassination attempt'.

"It's a shame they didn't kill her, would've saved us the work." Athrun sighed. He tugged in annoyance at the thick, shaggy black wig he wore. It itched.

"Still more comfortable then that awful mask." He muttered. Remembering last night gave him mixed feelings. He had the coincidence of meeting Akira and feeling hope and joy that were only replaced with anger. He hated her. He hated her so badly for betraying him and hurting him.

But when she walked away on the arm of that other man he had felt something different. Equally as worse as the hurt and fury but different. And he didn't know what it was except that he didn't like it.

"Announcing, her royal highness, Princess Cagalli Yula Attha."

Focus, Athrun, He thought, forget about her. She doesn't matter. The Princess does.

He turned, kneeling- not bothering to look up at the already memorized blonde's face.

This will be an easy job. Once we gather all the information we can, we kill her and get out. She's the bitch who sent Akira. She's the reason behind her lies. She will die.

Really, when he thought it like that- it did sound simple. But he had no idea how wrong he was.

"Oh, please rise, It has been a long week and I'm not really up for dealing with the theatrics!"

He froze. Did I hear- Looking up slowly, Athrun found himself gazing up at the face of the princess, the face of Akira Yamato. She sat in a dressy suit, tailored to her figure. Her long blonde hair was coiled into a side pony tail and she wore no make up, her amber eyes twin fires that burned. From the tips of her slightly heeled shoes, to the thin crown resting on her forehead, she was a symbol of dignity and grace. The only things that tarnished the image were the band aid on her cheek and another scratch along her jaw.

No, she can't be- Athrun took a subconscious step forward, narrowing his eyes. How could I have not realized before?! He closed his eyes, trying to picture the princess with violet eyes (the eyes most familiar with him).

His heart froze, and his mind faltered as if he had run face first into a wall.

How? "Impossible!" He whispered. I saw the Princess at the ball last night! How could she have been in two places at once?! It's impossible! That can't be her! Because if it is- then that means… that means… I fell in love with the Princess of Orb! Well. Shit.

Is this how Anakin felt?**

"Are you alright?" her concerned voice- oh God it was too familiar, too painful- floated through his conscious and he looked up, realizing he had been grimacing while clutching the left side of his chest. His two comrades looked anxiously at him, afraid he would blow their cover. The Princess had taken a step off her throne, watching him. He could almost feel the heat of her gaze and he ducked his head slightly to stave off her inspection.

"I'm fine." He muttered.

Instead of being offended at his rude behavior the Princess scrunched her eyebrows- she used to always do that when she would think- "Are you sure?" she asked again. "You look like someone sucker punched you. Is it heart burn? Gas reflux? I can get you something for it?" Amusement flickered in her eyes and her words removed all the doubt left in him.

That was definitely the girl he had once known and loved. Shit.

He nodded stiffly, straightening and she shrugged, turning to talk to Westenfluss.

The second her attention left him, he breathed, wondering if maybe he had developed a heart condition because there was no way his heart could hurt that much over this. It wasn't enough to tear it from my chest, you had to rip it apart too? What didn't you lie about? He glared bitterly at her back. You lied about being apart of ZAFT. Hell you joined the very assassination team that was sent to kill you! Such a fool! He thought but his heart-the traitor!- whispered wistfully "so brave. I love that about you,,,". He shook his head again, banishing the thoughts of his foolish heart. All this time we were trying to kill you and you were next to me the whole time. Her words about Orb suddenly made sense. She was the Princess. THE DAMN PRINCESS!
"Damn it, Akira. Or whatever the hell your name is!" he hissed angrily. He wanted to grab her by her shoulders and shake the very answers from her like coins from a piggy bank. But, most importantly, he wanted to know "Did any of it matter or was it all a joke? Did I mean anything?! Do I… still?" But instead he remained silent and still, seething.

As if sensing his ire, Cagalli straightened and glanced at him, she cocked her head puzzled. His breath caught. Did she recognize him. If she did it would ruin the entire mission. Please don't! His brain thought while his heart begged the opposite. Know me, see me.

Hurt flickered for a moment when she shrugged again and carried on. This is good. He told himself. If she had known me then this whole mission would be jeopardized. Too late he realized it already was. I'm going to have to kill her. Well he had always known that but some part of him had kept hoping for Akira to escape. But now she was the bloody Princess!


Troy shot him a dirty look. "Get yourself together!" he muttered.

"Is everything okay?" Quick as a flash, the Princess pounced, her eyes glancing between them.

"No problem, your majesty." Troy said quickly.

She waved her hand dismissively. "You guys are about to be tied to me for the rest of…well however long. Please just call me Miss Atthaa or Cagalli. 'Your Majesty' gets old and boring fast. And it's stuffy in this castle already." She fanned her face as if the air was dry. The three Coordinators exchanged startled looks, Westenfluss and Troy slightly smirking in amusement. "Like wise I expect to know your names?" She raised her eyebrows.

Smoothly, Troy and Westenfluss filed out their false names.

"And yours?" Cagalli asked, taking a step closer to Athrun.

Athrun gazed straight at her, studying her. Her brow furrowed puzzled.

"Alex… Alex Dino." He said quietly. Her eyes lit up with recognition and he knew she was remembering when he spoke to her on the balcony. Which didn't make sense... How had she been on the balcony and out at the main table? If she was really the princess then who was the other girl?

Nodding graciously, she smiled. "It's good to meet you, Alex Dino. And welcome all of you!"

She was so like the Akira he knew and yet, so different. Her poise and manner so graceful and full of dignity. The clumsy Akira he had known was quiet on the outside, barely concealing a tempest within. Athrun had so many questions, he wanted to grab this strange girl, slam her against the wall, shake her vigorously…kiss her senselessly…hold her like he wouldn't let her go…

He shook his head again. He needed to remain focused. She was the reason they were here.

"Cagalli!" Simultaneously, the princess's and Athrun's heads whipped around as a brown haired boy entered, his step firm as he strode towards them. His eyes graced over the Coordinators before returning to the princess.

For a second, Athrun felt a flash of recognition- like he had seen him once before. He shifted slightly as he watched the boy stand close next to Cagalli and whisper in her ear, not in the slightest - as if they were close friends. Something akin to acid churned in the pit of Athrun's stomach and he crossed his arms tightly.

POV switch

Cagalli frowned as Kira reported that Yuna had requested tea with her before the council meeting. Seeing her expression he gave her a knowing look. "Very well," she said. "Also, if you could get the Captain for me, I want to do some over looking of all the countries known operations. By now she should be done what I sent her to do." He walked a step before she nabbed him again by the shoulder – "Also, Kira… I want a secure line to the fake Lacus, in Plants, made. I need to speak with her."

Kira's brow furrowed but he bowed and hurried out.

After watching his back retreat, Cagalli turned to look at her new body guards. More like Plant spies. She thought sardonically. We had our suspicions but Zala being here only confirms it. Taking a deep breath to steady her self she peered at the now-black haired boy who was studiously avoiding her eyes. Have you come to kill me, Athrun? After finally realizing who I really am? She had been stunned when she had recognized him, and connecting him with the man she had spoken to the previous night. It took all of her control to not break down even now as she tried to slow her beating heart. I can't let him know I know. She thought. For both our sakes, this charade must go on. I must stall this until I can come up with a plan. "Shall we?" she invited her guards to follow her, and they nodded and fell into formation around her. One on her right, one behind and Athrun on her left, watching everything but her.

"Princess-" Troy began as he fell instep just a foot behind her.

"Please, Cagalli." She waved a hand over her shoulder.

He ignored her. "Princess Attha, we heard there was quite the commotion the previous night?"

They are curious. "Oh you know, assassination attempts have to come around once in a while." She glanced over her shoulder at the moody Athrun and added casually. "Why, the other day someone told me Zaft had attempted one on my life a little while ago." She shrugged. "For some oddball reason they thought I was aboard some mercenary ship and felt it was fit to persue and ex-e-cute." She pronounced the word carefully, allowing each syllable to hit like a hammer.

Athrun stumbled.

The Plant spies shifted uncomfortable, nervously. The leader cleared his throat. "We weren't aware- it is fortunate that you didn't die."

"It wasn't me to begin with." She said acidly. "No I was right underneath all of their noses the whoooole time… Hmm… I wonder if that eats them up in the middle of the night?"

Hammer two struck. Westenfluss and Troy exchanged confused looks while a muscle in Athrun's jaw clenched.

"Well, your highness, I think you need to supply us with a list of anyone who may have a motive against you."

Cagalli snorted. "If I had a list like that I wouldn't have left my home in the first place… But let's be safe- everybody?"
"So…no one in particular you want to name."

"Hm. My resources told me that the one who was leading the assassination in Zaft was the ex-councilmen's son, Athrun Zala. Add him on to the list. Put him before 'everybody'-" she held her hands up in the air, using them to describe her 'list'. "And after 'demon Nanny from second grade.'"

And so fell hammer three.

She could almost hear the sound of gritted teeth over the nervous clearing of throats.

Wait for it. She thought.

"Your majesty-" Athrun spoke up in a low husky voice.


"Please take us seriously."

"Why I am." His voice sounded so good that she almost hated to interrupt. Even filled with barely-concealed anger, his voice felt like a warm shawl around her shoulders on a cold winter's night. It soothed her and comforted her and soaked into her skin. She relished it. But she shouldn't. She had to let him go. But she couldn't! She wanted to be with him so bad…but she wouldn't.

"Athrun Zala, although his father has been thrown into a harshlight, is still a member of FAITH. Despite your suspicions, he is of good faith and so we must also be as well. Even if it is hard for some of us."

Cagalli winced. Keep walking. Almost to the meeting. "I am of good faith, Sir Dino, however one can be of good faith to many different callings. Everyone has a conflict in their life. Everyone has a crossroads. Our choices aren't always easy, nor right, and, least of all, the ones we want- regardless we can not remain at a stand still. We must do what is best, if not for ourselves, but for others. I heard he made a choice quite like that."

"What do you mean?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Troy furiously miming Athrun to shut up.

"Well this esteemed Athrun Zala, blessed with the mission to covertly kill the princess of Orb-or rather the imposter - had a chance to- but chose not to. A confliction. He made a decision, it wasn't an easy one."
"Perhaps he didn't know she was the princess."

"He didn't. But he did know what she wasn't."

"Truthful?" came the spitted word.

"No. Selfish."

At this Athrun fell silent, his gaze on the floor- which was good, for Cagalli realized she was overstepping herself. "OF course-" she amended with a shrug, her shoulders falling along with her heart. "That girl disappeared. Nobody's seen her again."

"Or maybe she just didn't exist in the first place." Although he sounded weary, his words cut her to the bone.
"I imagine." She said softly. "That was exactly what she was afraid of." Cagalli came to a stand outside the council room, brooding. A minute later she clapped her hands and turned to her bewildered and somber guards. "Well, enough gossiping. And never mind the list, I'll have my Captain of fleet speak to each of you separately to inform you of your individual jobs. Wait in your assigned rooms."

"What about you?" Troy asked, confused.

Cagalli laughed, " I have guards all over the place- I think I can survive the afternoon." She dipped her head in farewell that they quickly returned before stepping in side the council room and closing the door completely close behind her. For a moment, a memory flooded her, of when she was little and had snuck in before her father's meeting and hid underneath the oval table that filled the center of the grand room. Quiet as a mouse she had stayed there, listening to the badgering of advisors and her father back and forth over politics. She learned more there in what became a common adventure then she ever did in her classes. Not to mention, by the time her father had caught her, she had perfected the art of secretly tying people's fancy shoes' laces together.

She nodded her head at the Yunas' who were viewing her with a uncertain gaze before taking a seat at the counsel table next to her brother of heart. Quick and to the point. "My council men and women." She began. "I have called this meeting to discuss the military decisions…" She took a deep breath,feeling everyone's gaze upon her. "And I hereby, in the name of the throne of Orb over which I reign, cancel all military support to the EA and retract all troops back under my control."

It was like lighting a firework. Hardly had she finished when the room exploded.

"Your majesty!"


"What the fu-"

"-The EA?!"

"-is going on here?"

"We already have one enemy why-"

"Your father-"

At that moment Cagalli slammed her fists on the table with a bang, effectively silencing them. "My father, bless his soul, died and left his nation in my hands. He left his advice in yours. I have heard your reasoning, but I will make my decision. Firstly, the EA is lying to us. This United Earth is a sham to spread their control into Orb. Recent evidence has shown that the assassination attempted on my life last night was orchestrated by our so called "ally". We are Orb! We only strike against those have struck against us! I will not allow their warmongering with Zaft to infect our peaceful nation as long I live!"

At that moment the door slammed open. "Your majesty!"

Cagalli spun around, angrily. "What?!"

Taken aback to see Kitalla there, already changed into the blue and white Orb uniform, Cagalli cleared her throat before speaking calmly. "Captain?"

Panic shone in Kitalla's eyes as she stared at Cagalli. "Your majesty- it's too late!"

"What is?"

"That's what we've been trying to tell you!" one of the Councilmen piped up, Cagalli shot him a dark look.

"What do you mean?" she asked Kitalla.

"The military- it has already been seized by the EA!"

Cagalli staggered back slightly, feeling like she had been sucker punched in the gut. "How is this possible?! The military wasn't supposed to leave for a few more days!"

Kitalla shook her head. "An executive order was given last evening. They fell under the EA's control this morning."

The room swam about her for a moment and Cagalli reached a hand back to lean on the table. Oh my God. What do I do... Kimi-hime must have had some fail-trigger in place for this. So that incase I took her throne this would happen. Unless… Cagalli sat down abruptly, her shaking hand reaching up to hold her head. Unless…this was her plan all along. Her plan for me to assume the throne. So that I would die with Orb. She looked numbly up. The council room had disposed into chaos of people shouting. But she couldn't hear them. All she could hear was the pulsing of her heart, like a cannon in her head. Is that all I've been doing? Going along with her sick plan? What do I do now?

Kira had grabbed her by the shoulders and was shaking her. His mouth was opening and closing but the sounds that trickled out didn't make any sense to her befuddled mind.

What is he saying? Cagalli wondered dazedly.

Kitalla pushed him a side, swinging Cagalli's head to focus on her. She brought her hand up. And then, quick as a flash, slapped her across the face.

Blood flooded her face and the noises surged into Cagalli'so ears. "Oh my God." She sputtered, rubbing her face. "Ow!"

"Cagalli, snap out of it!" Kitalla hissed, she looked nervous.

Get it together! Cagalli thought to herself- she spun to her feet, mustering all of her dignity. "QUIET!" she called and the arguing council fell silent. "Take your seats!" she commanded imperially. They did so, some of them reluctantly.

"We are at an emergency right now."

"How-" began one of the men but she bulldozed through his words.

"I said silence! I will speak, and you will listen! I know some of you were for this, an alliance with EA. I know some of you have been pushing this for many years, even when my Father wore the crown. But I will not have it! You are either with me and with Orb, or you are not welcome in this room."

You could've heard a pin drop as everyone's gaze followed her as she walked around the room.

"As I have stated previously, the EA had ulterior motives to assume control over Orb. Considering we've already granted them two thirds of our military, they have been quite successful. However not much longer. We will terminate all connections, treaties and agreements of military and nonmilitary value with the EA. We shall announce them as a neutral nation and demand the safe return of our military that is with them. And if they refuse, then we shall declare them enemies to Orb."

"And what about Zaft." Spoke Kitalla quietly.

"Zaft…" For a moment her heart flickered to a certain confused bluenette. And then it hardened as reality sank in. "Our spies in Plant have been reporting for years their military preparation for war. They have tried to assassinate me while I was away and now that I know of their advances they will stop at nothing."

"You want us to face two nations… With a third of our military?" Counselor Seiran spoke sardonically. "I beg your pardon, but are you insane?"

Cagalli flushed, and furiously, she opened her mouth- only to feel Kitalla's hand on her shoulder. "If I may?" the Captain queried.

"Although Orb may take no side, we are not alone." Her voice was calm, like cool water flooding the room.

"And you are?" one of the councilwomen demanded.

"I am an engineer, a captain, and a leader of the secret Peace Organization. More importantly, I am the recently named Captain of the First Fleet." Kitalla replied, her gaze direct and unnerving.

The lady bit her lip.

"As I have mentioned, I am one of two remaining leaders of Peace. Peace was founded under Siegal Clyne's directions and passed on to his daughter and myself. As my co-leader is out of commission, I speak for the both of us in saying that all of those under us will lend their support in this coming war. Already, ships full of mobile suits and pilots are making dock in Orb's harbors under the Princess's orders." She gestured to Cagalli who nodded in agreement. "Also, I have connections with smaller Zaft secs that have always been rather neutral. Granted, they are under siege of the EA in the deserts. Their term is if we come to their aide now, so shall they rise to ours."

"Those small Zaft militants are puny." Said Seiran broadly. "A few Ground troops and desert mobile suits don't do us much. And you would trust them over the EA? Am I the only one hearing this?!"

"One of the leaders of these 'puny' militants is my sister who is also pledged to the Peace Organization. And family is family no matter what." Kitalla snapped.

"Regardless. That still doesn't give us much." Another councilman spoke up.

Kitalla nodded in agreement. "I'm not finished. Lastly, you are all familiar with Mwu La Flagga, champion to the EA's beliefs?"

The room muttered their yes's.

Kitalla smiled grimly. "That man is not Mwu La Flagga. That man is a clone designed by Blue Cosmos to take control over the EA."

Cagalli grimaced slightly, glancing at Kira in bewilderment at the turn of events. He mouthed "Trust her" back and she nodded.1111111111111111111111

"HA! That's ridiculous!" Seiran barked. "You have no way of proving it!"

Kitalla smiled smugly. "Au Contrair, Sir Councilman." She turned to the door, clearing her throat slightly. "Come in!"

"No way." Cagalli whispered under her breath. The room went silent as they stared at the door and finally it swung open to reveal a cleanly shaven, if slightly pale blonde man. He was dressed in an EA's gray officer uniform, and there was slight bags under his eyes as he studied the room nervously. Beside him stood Captain Murrue Ramius who's eyes lit when they saw Cagalli, a smile spreading across her face in recognition.

Kira, the envoy, walked up to Mwu La Flagga, a slightly apologetic look on is face as he bowed slightly. "Officer,"

"Yamato." La Flagga greeted curtly.

"He certainly looks like him."

"And sounds like him?"

"Then who is the man in EA?"

"Or who is this?"

The soft whispers were exchanged around the room and La Flagga shifted under the staring. Murrue elbowed him slightly, giving him a comforting smile, and he relaxed.

"I am Mwu La Flagga, First Officer and Lieutenant to the Mobile Suits of the Earth Alliance Skies." As he spoke, confidence bloomed in his voice. "For the past few months I have been in…lock down," he exchanged a look with Murrue. "Until recently I was freed by Orb. A lot has happened with out my permission in the EA. In fact I have been replaced by this…imposter! I have never been a warmonger, and never shall be. Regardless, I will also not allow my nation to tear it's self apart under the misleading of Blue Cosmos. I swear my help to Orb until there is peace."

"What good does that do us?" someone asked rudely.

La Flagga shrugged. "There are many EA soldiers out there that are peace ful at heart and have no wish to follow with this but are remaining quiet. I believe that if I rise and take a stand, I may gather some of them to rally with us."

There was a few mutterings, and then elderly man stood, leaning on the table slightly as he spoke. "This all sounds good and promising, milady… But truthfully it's a gamble of chances. Is it truly worth it to risk all our lives for this?"

Fear glittered in the councilmen's eyes and Cagalli realized something. None of these men and women had seen war, perhaps not even bloodshed. Yet here they sat around a table discussing Orb's future without knowing true cost.

"It's not just our lives." Cagalli murmured softly. "It is the lives of Kitalla's men, Kitalla's families who have no part in Orb. It is the lives of Mwu La Flagga's men, whose country has gone astray. It is the lives of the men and women, and children in our military, our schools, our streets and our lives. It is a great, and terrible chance. And is it worth risking everything?" She looked around, meeting every gaze. "My father would believe so. My father believed that for the gift of peace, anything is worth it. For the gift of independency any price will be paid. And that for the gift of life, sometimes we must pay our own. This day, will not be the day where we decide to lay down our morals so that others may pave streets of blood over us! This day will not be the day we turn our gaze away from the suffering of those who have been dragged against their will into this! This day is not the day of Orb's surrender. No… This day will be the day that Orb takes its stands against all opposition, against all warfare, and against all chance!"

A silence followed as Cagalli raised her jaw and stared challengingly at all the faces of her advisors. Please God, please.

Kira cleared his throat. "All in favor against preparations of war with Zaft and the EA, raise your hands."

One, two- wait four, three? Was he scratching his head? Cagalli's eyes flashed around the room, but not quickly enough for Kira was calling the next vote. "And those for?"

Again the hands rose and quickly fell back. A sigh issued and Cagalli glanced confusedly at Kira who was smiling sadly.

"8 for, six against." He said.

The breath flew back into Cagalli's lungs and she declared. "Let the news be released through out Orb. War is at hand."



At a brisk trot I led Kitalla, La Flagga, Yuna, Murrue and Kira through the halls. "Murrue, I want you to oversee military preparations, I want every ship ready to sail or fly and every mobile suit ready to fight by the end of this week. That gives you five days. I want to start making plans to send help for the neutral countries in the desert lands."

"Yes, your highness," she bowed and hurried off.

"La Flagga," the EA pilot walked up beside me.

"Your highness. It's good to meet the real you."

I winced slightly, nodding to him. "My apologies for how your stays with us began. I am glad you are on our side though."

"Thank your Captain, she is very…persuasive." He smiled with a wink.

"Kitalla?" I said confusedly, and I glanced at the black haired woman who snickered.

"No Ramius," La Flagga grinned. "She kept me company even while in lock down and I have to say she is a pleasure to be around."

I chuckled. "It seems like you'll be seeing a lot of her then."

"That is my hope."

"Well, unfortunately today, I need you to get in contact with those trusted militants of the EA."

La Flagga sobered up. "That I will do. And I can't promise anything."

I nodded gravely in understanding. "Report back to Captain Kitalla as soon as you have made word."

He saluted and ran off.

"Yunna, you wished to speak with me?" Yunna glanced at my other followers and shook his head.

"In private?" he mumbled.

"I'm a little tied up now, dinner tonight?"

He grimaced. "I'll take it." and scurried off.

"I wonder what that's about." Kitalla muttered before skipping up to walk along sides me. "Anyway, your majesty, I have a scheduled meet with my sister in which we'll discuss military operations. Not to mention, I am still gathering all of Peace that I can."

"Good," I paused. "Also, that laptop you rescued from Blue Cosmos? I want that to be given to Kira."

"Yes your ladyship. I'll retrieve it and place it in his room now." She began to walk away before she stopped and added. "Also, I'm going to be conducting research into all the closed hangers and secret bases on Orb."

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

Her gaze darkened and she braced her shoulders in a defensive manner. "Because somewhere on this island is a mobile suit of my making that I must destroy, with or without your acceptance." We locked gazes for a moment. I didn't want to allow it. We needed all the strength we could get. But Kitalla had given everything. I needed to afford her some good faith. Through gritted teeth I gave my acceptance.

She bowed and trotted off.

"Finally, Kira." I waved to my brother to join me.

"What do you ask of me?" he asked.

"I need you to retrieve all the information you can from that laptop. Blue Cosmos is still out there pulling strings and I need to know what they are going to do next."

"Sounds good-" he began to move away but I yanked him to a stop. "Also, before you do that, I want you to interview each body guard of mine personally. I was going to have Kitalla do it but she's so tied up…" Not to mention Kitalla would recognize Athrun in a heartbeat.


"Because they're really from Zaft."

"How do you know this?" Kira demanded, shock interlaced in his words.

"Because the one named Alex Dino," I bit out the words. "Is really Athrun Zala. And he is here to kill me."

"What the hell Cagalli! When were you going to tell the rest of us?!" he yelped.

"Because, I don't want them to know that I know, dumb ass!"

"Why?" he demanded.

"We're going to war with Zaft, we may need some leverage on our side."

Kira mulled this over. "I suppose…" he relented. "But Cagalli, they're here to kill you, you-"

"I can handle them, Kira. And I have you and Kitalla at my back." I interjected shortly.

He sighed. "I hope you know what you're doing…"

I smiled. "Trust me."

He sighed. "I do. You're just unpredictable, you've always have been."

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "It's what makes life around me fun! Oh don't you scowl at me! Anyway, Kira, I have one last favor to ask of you…"


"H'lo, My name's Kira Yamato- event coordinator, envoy, ambassador, so on so forth to, the throne of Orb."

Athrun inclined his head shortly, recognizing the brunette from earlier. He was close to Ak-the princess. "I saw you earlier." Was it just him or did his tone come out more bitter then it needed.

The boy eyed him with his odd purple eyes curiously. "Nice to meet you too…Alex…Dino." He murmured, reading the top of a folder in his hands. "It says here you are a Coordinator, born on Zaft… Parents came over here when you were little."

Athrun nodded. "At the time they were journalists and studying abroad appealed to them greatly, but by the time I was three they had fallen in love with Orb."

Kira chuckled.

"What?" Athrun asked indignantly.

"I'm not laughing at you but-well…it's just…" he coughed, trying to conceal his laughter.

"What?" Athrun demanded nervously.

"Well, the other two gave the exact same story!" Kira choked out, regaining his calm slowly.

It fell like the blood got sucked from his face. Oh damn- "Well, our parents were all on the same team when they came over." Athrun scrambled about quickly.

I'm pushing it too far. Cagalli's gonna's get me if she finds out I've been busting his balls. "Well anyway, moving on. I see you're qualified in martial arts, self dense and gun handling." Kira's eyes roamed down the sheet as he flipped through it.

Athrun straightened, relieved as things switched to a safer topic. "Yes."

"And, well versed in royal social etiquette."

"My mother raised me simply to be a gentleman."

"She did a pretty good job if you know how to use four different forks." Kira laughed.

Athrun grinned. "Nah, I still don't. I eeny meany miny mo my way through dinner."

Kira snorted, flipping another page. "You're worse than Cagalli,"

Athrun's grin froze slightly. "Oh?" he said through his teeth.

"On her sixth birthday, her father gave a banquet. They had just pulled out the food, and her father, trying to cultivate her I guess into a speaker, asked her to give a speech. So Cagalli rose. And gave the first order of her life."

"What was it?" He couldn't help the curiosity that sparked in him as he tried to connect the innocent child hood of Akira with the devious cunning woman that she had become.

"Well she raised her glass," Kira's gaze faded as he raised his own imaginary glass. "Cleared her throat... And declared: 'To hell with forks!'"

Despite his stiff composure, Athrun snickered. "Unbelievable." He chuckled.

"Yeah, well the rest of the night she ate with her hands. Needless to say her parents were mortified."

Athrun chuckled and then noticed something particular Kira had mentioned. "Parents?" he repeated. There was her happy care free child hood, her training as a princess; and then her life raised as a Coordinator, a Zaft pilot, and most importantly a spy. What had happened between? And where had her mother gone? "You know, in all my study of her family history, there's not much said about her mother."

Kira's eyes softened. "Moth-" he shook his head slightly. "Lady Val… She was everybody's sweet heart…"

"You knew her?"

"For a little while…" Kira's shoulders sunk slightly and he looked away. Athrun's brow furrowed at the wistful tone in the boy's voice. Kira straightened again under Athrun's scrutiny. "Well, anyway, around Cagalli's seventh birthday, she was assassinated in her home." Bitterness caused his eyes to darken as he shared the sorrowful tale. "Men and women, shrouded in black, broke into the Uzumi's private home and killed the Queen… They tried to kill Cagalli as well." He added.

"Aki-the Princess was there?" Athrun's eyes widened.

Kira looked away. "Yeah. For every moment."

"How did she survive?" Oh God…she watched her mother die… He thought he had finally figured out the puzzle that was Akira. And yet again, she had only unraveled into an even bigger mystery.

Kira shrugged. "Nobody knows… We're all just thankful she did… She's all we got…We would do anything for her." The dedication and love for the princess was clear in his voice and Athrun swallowed down the acidic feeling in his stomach.

"You sound close?"

Kira eyed the Coordinator curiously. Alex- or Athrun- sounded almost defeated. "We are." He said quietly, watching the fidgeting Zaft spy thoughtfully. "She and I have been friends since we were toddlers."

Athrun nodded, studying the table between them. He loves her…

"She's like my sister." Kira added, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Athrun's green eyes flashed up in a heartbeat as realization dawned upon him and that feeling of recognition finally explained its self. The picture of Akira's that she had of her at the Zaft ball with the brown-haired boy she had loved like a brother! That boy had been Kira! The one she had thought had been killed by the mercenary was the same boy sitting directly in front of him.

Things are making sense now!

Holding back his amusement as the black-haired boy put his thoughts together, Kira went on with the interview. "Have you ever been in a fight?"

Athrun nodded, trying to squash the feeling of elation. Focus, Athrun! You need to kill her and here you are getting all thrilled that Kira doesn't like her? Remember who your allegiance is for. He sobered up.

"Used guns in live fire?"


Kira bit his bottom lip then asked. "How many have you killed?"
Taken aback, Athrun blinked widely. "How do you know I have killed anyone?"

The brunette leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "I can tell." He smiled sadly. "No matter how hard you try, the blood never washes out."

Athrun looked down at his pale hands. Kira was right. Even with his eyes closed he could still see the crimson stains that marked his hands. Murderer. Monster. "No it doesn't." he agreed quietly.

"That's what politicians' don't realize." Kira said. "The price of war isn't only the number of lives that have died, but also those who lost a piece of their soul to kill them."

Athrun laughed emptily. "Well, it's not like there's anything we can do."

Kira smiled gently. "Yeah, you would think that one day we would figure it out- that killing only brings more killing."

The words struck a chord in Athrun's mind- that sounds like something Lacus would've said- and he said musingly. "You remind me of a friend of mine."

Kira grinned. "I was thinking the same about you… Ya know… this is why I believe in the Uzumi family."

"Because they carry Orb's ideals?"Athrun asked wearily.

Kira shook his head. "No, because they are Orb's ideals..."



"Oh bloody hell- this one's empty too…" her voice echoing in the dead air, Kitalla dragged a hand through her hair with a sigh. She stood in the mouth of the dark hangar, once again struck down. "I hope this one wasn't shipped off to the EA." She muttered. Consulting her list of possible locations she crossed off Versailles Hangar and then hopped into the small jeep that had been carrying her around Orb for the day. "Next." She called to the driver.



"Sara, I place you in charge of assembling all ground troops. Nathan, you'll take the ground suits. George Mason, is he here?"


"Good, I want you to be over seeing that every ship is outfitted with ammunition and is working at best performance. Patrick, I want you to assemble the pilots, brief them, and make sure their mobile suits are in the docking bay. We have only a few days, we need to get this done!"

"Aye Captain!" the men and women that filled the large office snapped a salute before hustling away, calling out names and grabbing clipboards.

Murrue sighed, leaning back onto her desk. Warm hands slid up her shoulders, kneading her worn muscles. She sighed, allowing her eyes to close for a brief moment of pleasure before saying. "That's sexual harassment, even in your military."

There was a low chuckle. "It wasn't when I was your prisoner."

She blushed, swatting Mwu La Flagga as he perched himself next to her, an easy grin on his face. "I'm sorry… for everything."

"I know, I know, you already told me that, more times then I count."

"I didn't know…"

"That she was the clone? Who did? Hell, who knew clones existed?"

"I just feel…awful…that everything has happened."

"Well, not everything that's happened has been bad." He mused.

"Hm?" Murrue's brow furrowed and she gazed into his adoring, and sparkling blue eyes.

"I met you didn't I?" he smiled and then leaned in to catch her in a kiss.


That evening

Athrun POV

"You told the envoy that both of your parents were journalists?" Athrun hissed furiously.

His comrades exchanged confused looks. "No, that was your story- mine were biologists."

"And mine were interning." Troy added. "Why?"

Athrun relaxed. "Oh then why…" he paused. Suddenly his body went very cold. Could Orb have possibly figured out who they were? Shit! Shit! Shiiit! But then why hadn't they carted them off to prison yet?

"Thanks Kira! Check out the laptop in your room too when you get a chance!" With a click, the approaching princess snapped the phone shut as she walked up to her body guards. "Hi boys!" she said cheerfully. Instead of the neuter- but stylish- outfit she had been wearing earlier, she had adorn a silk blue cocktail dress with trails of silver glittering down it. Her long hair was coiled into a curly up do and sapphires glinted from her ears. "Sorry I couldn't get to know you guys myself- breaking treaties and constructing war plans are pretty time consuming." Though her words were light, the meaning behind them perplexed Athrun. What the hell was her game?

"You asked for us to accompany you?" Troy asked apprehensively.

The Princess shrugged and rolled her eyes. "Apparently palace food isn't good enough for a dinner with a pompous ass so I have to go out, which means I'm required to take the lot of you with me." She waved her hand in a 'follow me' motion and began heading to the front doors.

"Who did you say you were having dinner with?" Westenfluss asked with an easy smile as they trooped down the stairs.

"Oh you'll see." She muttered and a moment later an extremely long and extremely flashy black limo pulled up. One of the doors swung open and out paraded Yuna Roma.

Distaste ran through Athrun and he wrinkled his nose in disgust. He vividly remembered his adventures with the purpled hair boy aboard the Blue Cosmos ship, and then later when he had swept the Princess away at the dance.

"Caaaagaaallii!" Yuna sang, extending out a bouquet of roses.

Swallowing back a sigh, Cagalli forced a smile accepted the gift graciously. "Yuna." She curtsied. "Did the smaller limos offend you?"

Yuna threw back his head in a obnoxious laugh. "Today, my dear, is a very important day, I wanted to make it memorable as possible." He swung his arm around her shoulders and Cagalli gritted her teeth, trying to shrug it off.

"How sweet." She muttered, allowing him to guide her into the limo.

Fists clenched tightly, Athrun quickly followed suit. He didn't know if he wanted to sit between the two royals or be as far back from them as he could, but once inside he found that they had already closed themselves off from him and his fellow Coordinators with a curtain that cut the limo down the middle.

The other Coordinators shrugged to each other as they all sat down and began whispering to each other. Athrun leaned back against his seat, closing his eyes with a sigh. "It all seems sooo…easy." He mumbled.


"Wow, I heard the list to reserve a table here is over two years long."

"Indeed it is!" Yuna replied smugly as he led the Princess by her hand.

"And yet,,, somehow you managed to rent out the entire place for the night." Cagalli's voice was dry as her gaze swept the restaurant.

Yuna gave her a cheesy smile. "Well, Princess, you'll find that having the right connections makes all the difference." He laughed as if he had a secret joke, but Cagalli, unable to see what was so funny, just gave him a concerned 'have you taken your medication recently' look before taking a seat.

They had arrived at the most sought after caterer in Orb and were in the beautifully furnished ballroom of the restaurant. Golden chandeliers towered high above where sculpted angels and demons tried to free themselves from the wood furnishings. On the ceiling was painted replicas of the works of ancient artists- Da Vinci, Gogh, Picasso, Uccello and countless others- all interweaving to create a single master piece. While Yuna and Cagalli had taken their table together, the body guards were stuck at a table next to theirs, struck with the same awe at the majestic surroundings.

"My, the last time I had been here….was…" she fumbled, unable to recall and Yuna placed a comforting hand on hers.

"Don't worry, we'll make tons of memories here to come back to." He exclaimed to an invisible audience and Cagalli closed her mouth slowly, an odd look on her face.

"Is he her boyfriend?" Troy whispered to his friends.

Westenfluss raised an eyebrow. "I don't remember reading anything about this in her bio."

"It must've just happened- Athrun, are you alright?"

"Yes, why?"

"I dunno, you look pissed."

"How bout now?"

Troy laughed. "Now you look high!" the three flowed into an easy banter and Athrun breathed a sigh of relief as they distracted him from ache growing in his chest, caused by a certain pair only a few feet away. The sooner she is dead, the better. He told himself, feeling slightly sick. Throughout dinner he barely ate his food, only stewing it around as he threw himself into empty conversation with his rowdy comrades.

It was one of the most difficult things he had ever done. That is, ignoring Yuna and the Princess as they continued…whatever the hell they were playing at.

Even when Yuna used his fork to give her a piece of dinner.

Son of a bitch.

And complimented her on her melodious voice.

(At that Athrun had laughed, forcing it into a cough. The Princess's voice was a lot of things but melodious it was not!)

Lying son of a bitch!

Or when he had used his thumb to swipe away a crumb of chocolate cake from her pink lips.

The bastard!

And took her into his thin arms, leading her into a rather forced solo dance across the floor, a broad grin on his face. Seeing them dance- her rather clumsily as she tried to keep up with Yuna's flashy spins and flourishes- brought back aching memories of themselves dancing and sparring, just for an excuse to hold each other close.

That fu-

"Athrun, you're looking really mad again." Troy noted, his voice softly underlying the strains of violins that played in a corner of the room. "Dude, you sure you're fit to carry out this mission. One second you look sick, and the next you look like you're going to kill someone."

"Kill me." Muttered Westenfluss with a groan, watching in exasperation as Yuna put a rose between his teeth while dancing.

"Yeah, seriously, man, we got this. We can care take of a ditzy little Princess by ourselves."

Athrun shook his head, anger flooding through him again. "No, if anyone is to kill her, it will be me."

The two raised their hands in surrender. "Ooookay, you da' boss." Said Westenfluss, exchanging a glance with Troy.

Athrun sighed, folding his hands over his eyes. He needed to focus. Get his head back in the game. He was a highly trained soldier from Zaft. He had dispatched many faceless people before, this was no different. She was a threat to Plant. She was a threat to him. He needed to kill her- she broke his heart-he needed to kill her- she lied to him, used him- he needed to kill her. Even if it killed him to do so.

"Awww, the dweeb's proposing."

"What?" AThrun spun around in his seat, eyes wide.

Sure enough, a broadly grinning Yuna had gotten down onto one knee, clutching the Princess's left hand in his.

The Princess on the other hand had frozen with an expression akin to that of a deer's when it was faced with blinding headlights.

"Princess Cagalli," Yuna's reedy voice exclaimed out, his chest puffed up like that of a posing rooster.

The Princess tugged fruitlessly at her hand. Her desperate eyes roved around the empty ballroom, landing for a split moment on AThrun's. Quickly she looked away. But in that moment, Athrun had seen the silent plea. He held himself still, his heart pounding as he watched the unfolding scene.

"Yuna, Yuna, I- I can't just-" The Princess sputtered.

Yuna grinned. "But you can, see I've already spoken to the council, and get this; my father has connections. And if you marry me, not only will bind together two of the most powerful names in Orb, but also we would be willing to risk ourselves to use those connections!"

"Use them anyway." She gasped.

Yuna shook his head. "No, because we could lose everything." Mustering up his most adoring stare, he gave her his smolder. "Dearest Princess, please realize, it is for the best. Together we will create the strongest union, and we will add to Orb's strength… together. You know it is true! You know we, Seirans, have ties in the EA that we could use! They will aide us against Zaft! Marry me!"

AThrun could read the reluctance in every particle of her body. She'll say no. She doesn't want him. She doesn't desire him.

But he had forgotten one thing… Cagalli never did as he predicted.

Her proud shoulders sagged, and it seemed as if she had wilted in the hand hold of Yuna. "Yes." She whispered.

Athrun gasped. There was a roaring in his ears like the sea had risen from the coast and crashed down ontop of them. His heart pounded rapidly in his chest and he struggled to catch his breath. In that moment, Athrun could've sworn the earth had opened up and swallowed him, burying him six feet under. But Troy promised him, he hadn't moved an inch.


Whoa whoa! What just happened? Let me fill you in.

Cagalli has just declared war on Zaft and is preparing for war with the EA. Currently they are going to first try to rescue Zaft/Peace allies in the deserts, and Mwu La Flagga's followers.

Kitalla, along with sharing military roles with Murrue Ramius, is searching for the gundam she accidentally caused the creation of.

Murrue is gettin' doooown with Mwu. And, ya know, doing Captain things.

Kira is busy hacking that Blue Cosmos laptop to figure out what their plan is.

Lacus is still stuck in EA prison.

The EA is planning their war on Zaft. Zaft in return.

Yuna just proposed to Cagalli with the promise they will find more military support in the coming war. *le gasp*

Menelaus Troy. If you get it, good for you. If you don't…how? Just how?

** Same goes for the Aniken Skywalker reference.

Soooo guys, this was a severly loooong chapter. It originally was supposed to be two, but I morphed it into one…I dunno how that turned out. *scratches head*

So anywaaaay, leemiiie know what you think :)

Much love!


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