Heyoo, So anyway, just a warning, my sincere apologies for an mispellings, OCC, grammar fails, e.t.c.

But anyway, you don't care about me so go on read, read, read and enjoy =D ^_^

Chapter 1

All my life I had been trained to survive.

"As the Princess of ORB you must stay safe my dear daughter… So I'm sending you to where the enemy will least likely think to look."

Trained to blend in with everyone else around me, no matter how we different we may be.

"I will send you to live in Junis Seven where you, Kisaka and the rest of the crew of your shuttle will masquerade as a family of Coordiantors until the war is over and it is safe for you to return."

Trained to be strong, fast, and never show weakness.

"You must remember no matter what, though, Cagalli Yule Attha, that you are a Princess of ORB and Natural. But in Junis Seven you are Akira Yamato, a Coordinator."

Trained to think calm while under fire.

"The Earth Alliance has attacked and destroyed Junis Seven, leaving many dead."

Trained for the day I would return to ORB and rule it in my father's stead. However, it's not safe yet for me to be Cagalli and so until then, I am Akira Yamato, and though I can't do much right now, I will do what I can.

"State your name!"

"Akira Yamato! Mobile Suit Pilot trainee!" I saluted the officer in front of me, my uniform neat and straight, my blond hair tucked back, may bangs pulled straight back and clipped.

The woman nodded and waved her clipboard. "Continue on."

Briskly, I trotted past her, biting my lip and tucking a stray lock of shaggy golden hair behind my ears. My piloting training was coming to an end and I was on my way to the administration office to receive my assignment. Hopefully I would be placed on the Avenger; a ship that was going to be help leading the war against the Earth Alliance. For as far as I was concerned, until the moment when I returned to ORB and being the real me, Cagalli, I was Akira and I was determined to protect PLANT from further attacks.

Well… that and be a spy for ORB.

I stepped out of the building I was in and into the bright hot sun light of the mobile suit base I was at.

Soldiers in green uniforms swerved about the military sheds in green jeeps and mobile suits walked around, clanking loudly.

Just as I was turning a corner in the direction of the Administration base a GINN foot landed squarely in front of me, making me jump backwards in alarm.

My eyes widened slightly and I turned up crossly to glare at the cockpit of the GINN. "YO! DUMBASS! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE WALKING!" I screeched up at the careless pilot before shaking my head in exasperation and slipping through his feet. Running past it, I glanced back up at the GINN and it occurred to me then. The GINN… was it a new model?

I flushed slightly as I realized something. Only veteran or ace pilots tested out new mobile suits which meant I had just called a higher up officer…a…

I repeatedly smacked my face. "Baka! Baka! Baka!" I yelped though I couldn't help but think to myself: Some ace! That idiot nearly stepped on me!

"Yo! Akira, need a ride?"

I glanced up just in time to see a jeep screech to a halt besides me.

A fellow rookie who I had trained with smiled at me from behind the steering wheel.

"Dearka!" I smiled, sliding in behind him. Then I frowned. "What the hell? Where did you get this? All I got was a stupid sticker!" I pointed furiously at the name tag on my chest. Of all the injustice in the world!

Dearka grinned. "Depends on who you're friends with. Maybe if you were more social… " he trailed off and raised his eyebrows. "Say, be my girl friend for a day and you will be super popular!"

"Oh there's something I've always dreamed of." I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, Dearka, but no go. I'm fine by myself." In truth I was. It was hard for me to get close to people because of my secret. That I was only an ORB spy not to mention the princess of ORB. Besides, one day I was going to return to ORB and I rather people hate me then feel betrayed by me. Even my slight friendship with Dearka was dangerous to me.

Get close to no one just in case I ever had to kill them- that was Akira Yamato's reasoning.

But why can't we all just live in peace? Earth Alliance and ZAFT? Coordinators and Naturals? Why can't we just shut up, put down our guns and shake hands and realize that we're all not so different after all- That was Cagalli Yule Attha's reasoning.

"So where you heading?" Dearka asked, swerving around a landing ZAKU. The cool wind tugged at my blond hair, lifting it up and swirling it slightly as the jeep moved.

"Oh, right! The administration office!" I barked, snapping my fingers.

Dearka glanced at me in the rearview mirror. "Ever the soldier- heard you filed to try and get recruited for the Avenger."

I nodded, licking my lips reminding myself once more. "Mhmm, I want revenge for what they did on Junis Seven." Cover story. I repeated to myself, feeling as if a spike was being drilled through my heart. I didn't want to be apart of the war, especially ZAFTs, but with out a family in ZAFT, with out records or money to Akira Yamato's name, and with out being able to return to ORB then ZAFT's army was my only chance at doing something useful until ORB found me.

Dearka nodded, narrowing his eyes slightly at the mention of Junis Seven. Everyone in PLANT seemed to have known someone in Junis Seven. It pained us all.

"Well anyway, that's not the main talk anymore." He added and I cocked my head, eager for any information he could share. Like all the other people I had trained with, he had graduated before me, I a year behind thanks to my Natural limitations. If it weren't for my violet-colored contacts that I wore and my hard work then my Coordinator status could be in danger of being checked. And that was one thing I couldn't let happen. I never went to the doctors if I could help it.

"Apparently they have made a new ship- the Demi-god that has some sort of top-secret super important mission. Everyone's trying to get on it but they're only choosing the aces and all."

My eyes widened. A super top-secret mission? Dearke was normally right with these sorta things… So if I could get the information about the Demi-god.

"Oh, here you go," Dearke slid to a slow stop and I jolted in my seat, blinking.

"Thanks Dearke. I'll see ya."

Dearke nodded, giving a friendly salute. "Good luck Akira."

I hopped out of the car, nodded once before hurrying into the building before me.

After signing myself in with the Secretary, I walked slowly up to Commander Gladys in her office.

Commander Gladys was a young woman who had been recently escalating through officer positions swiftly. On her wooden desk was her computer, some files and awards and all around on the wall were more awards she had received for her service in ZAFT.

The only thing that stood out to me was a picture of her and a little boy- the two of them were sitting on a park bench smiling at the camera, portray another side to Commander Glady that I doubted I would ever live to see.

Currently, though, Commander Gladys was in charge of this airforce base's younger soldiers, including me.

I saluted, standing straight, feet together. "Akira Yamato, mobile suit pilot reporting!"

Commander Gladys looked up from her desk, smiling as she saluted back. "Konichiwa Akira. I heard that you are finally getting to graduate." Her smile grew teasingly and I pretended to be embarrassed.

"Yes, Commander,"

She pulled out a slim tan folder from her desk, flipping it open and scanning it quickly. "Despite that you show favorable talents in mobile suit piloting and you are a surprisingly quick learner and show skill in hand-to-hand combat."

I grimaced slightly to myself. Being trained from birth in hand-to-hand combat did give me a slight head start after all.
"You are quick to follow orders but improvise when you see a better solution." The Commander murmured. "And you work better in flight then on land."

I nodded.

"And I see you have filed to be placed on the Avenger."

"Yes, Commander."

"Hmmm…" she flipped through the rest of the file before straightening the folder and looking up at me and smiling. "Well, I'll see what I can do with that request. You have high-regards from all your trainers but one, I see. I wouldn't be surprised if the Avenger accepts your request… minus that one trainer."

I shrugged before remembering that was a rude and inappropriate way to respond to the Commander. "Yes, Commander." The only trainer who had chosen to fail me despite my abilities did happen to be the hand-to-hand combat trainer and that was only because he disagreed with my fighting style which differed from Coordinators. Coordinators relied on their strength and agility in fighting while Naturals had only what they possessed and their brains. An example would be that a Coordinator could easily flip someone; I had to bend my knees and use leverage and motion.

"I see you also have filed to be roomed alone…" Commander Gladys raised her eyebrows and I struggled not to flush slightly.

The reason for that was because, if I was roomed with someone then I had to wait for them to go to bed first before I removed my contacts and then I needed to get up earlier then them. It was all a pain in the end and I never got enough sleep.

"Well, no promises there." Commander Gladys's gaze became rather steely and I moved my jaw up slightly, not feeling the least bit contrite.

"Whatever can be afforded I'll be happy with." I did a slight bow of respect and like a cat lowering her fur, Commander Gladys relaxed.

"Alright then Yamato," she began when suddenly an alarm went off resounding through out the entire airbase.

A crackly male voice sounded over the com-link on the Commander's desk.

-All pilots report to their mobile suit! There is a breach in the base. The Earth Alliance is attacking! I repeat, all pilots report to their suits and prepare to fight!-

I jumped slightly, eyes widening and my hands clenching into round balls.

Commander Gladys frowned, clicking a button on her com-link. "Deploy all mobile suits and prepare the GUNDAMs to be activated."

-The new GUNDAMs? But Commander! They haven't been tested!- yelped back another voice.

"Am I the Commander or am I not?" snapped Commander Gladys, standing up, placing her hands on the table. "Deploy all operational mobile suits and initiate defense. This is Code: Red!" she glanced up at me, her lips pursed, her eyes glittering with dangerous excitement. "I believe when they call for all pilots, then they mean, Yamato, all pilots!" she snapped.

"Co-Comannder!" I gaped. "I haven't gotten a mobile suit assigned to me! And I haven't been in a war yet, I'll be more of a liability!"

Thunder seemed to crackle in the Commander's blue eyes. "Are you questioning my orders? Pilot Yamato?" she opened up a drawer and pulled out a set of keys. "Hangar 7. Take a backway."

I blinked in surprise, taking the keys from her and turning to leave.

"And, Yamato."

I glanced back over my shoulder. "Yes, Commander?"

"Do not…" she paused. "break it. I'm putting a lot of faith in you. You better live up to it."

My eyes widened, trying to understand what she meant before the building shook with the shockwave of a bomb.

-Three GINNs down! Hanger 15 and 4 are destroyed! Firing back all missiles!-

The Commander hissed and shot me a glare and I nodded, turning and breaking into a run towards the Hangar, tightly grasping the key in my hand. Soldiers were running down the halls, arming themselves as they went and calling out to eachother.

I shoved my way through the thicket of excited bodies, my heart pounding in my chest. As I ran past a window, I saw Earth Alliance fighter jets zooming through the air, twirling as they let loose a row of missiles. The ground shook beneath me and I slammed into the wall. Fires were breaking out and units were running everywhere, pilots hopping into mobile suits.

Once I got to Hangar seven which was thankfully very close to the main head quarters, missing death by a few heart beats multiple times, I pulled out the key, fumbling it into the Hangar's door.

Opening it, to my bewilderment, I found no one inside of it. It was dark. I groped my way through the darkness and encountered a cool metal hunk. Peering in the darkness I made out the shape of what looked like a ZAKU flat on it's back as if it was still being worked on. I remembered what the soldier over the com-link had said. It hadn't been tested yet. But why wasn't any one using it anyway? We were being attacked!

Shrugging, I climbed, up, running down what seemed to be the leg, then the chest towards the thankfully open cock pit. There wouldn't be time for questions if everyone was killed.

I jumped inside, adjusting into the seat, strapping myself in before finding the ignition lock.

A screen lit up as the cock pit door slowly closed shut and I was immersed in a blue-light.

Reading what was being written on the screen, my eyes grew huge and I gasped, swallowing tightly.

"G-GUNDAM!" I whispered, touching the console, my hands running over the switches and levers.

The visual kicked in and I could see back into the darkness of the Hangar. I sat there stunned when suddenly there was a small blip sound and small box appeared up.

It was Commander Gladys and what appeared to be General Tokicha standing over her shoulder, his face a bright red of anger.

-Aw, Yamato, I see you have met our latest GUNDAM. There are only five of it's kind and each our equally rare and equally expensive.-

-SO DON'T BREAK IT YOU ROOKIE TWERP!- screamed the General and I bit my lip, grasping the controls.

It was different from ZAKUs and GINNs and maybe a Coordinator could understand the situation in seconds.

I on the other hand.

I took breath, closed my eyes, then blinked them open, focusing on what was before me. Just another mobile suit, another puzzle for you to put together. I told myself and quickly I ran my hands over the keyboard, enacting the system, quickly scanning the fight-stimulation data. My eyebrows scrunched. There was no fight-stimulation data. Oh hell, this isn't funny. A rookie pilot in a rookie GUNDAM. I don't even know what to adjust so that I, a Natural, can handle it!

-Listen very carefully, Yamato, and know that any information you learn here after are military secrets. You could be penalized with death.- Commander Gladys continued to me, a warning implied in her tone.

I nodded, though already I had made up my mind.

-This GUNDAM is half piloted by the pilots' mind. If you look below you will see a hand pad, fit your bare palm there and the machine will pick up your brainwaves and read them.- she paused. –Hopefully. The original model for this GUNDAM was piloted with two hand pads and no console. The reason why this is only 'half' controlled this way is because this system of piloting would not work for our test drive pilots. It would not pick up their brainwaves no matter how much we fined tuned it. So be prepared to be solely piloting it the normal way.-

I nodded, slightly amused and stunned. I could bet that this wasn't ZAFTs idea- they must have gotten it from another company, otherwise they wouldn't have made a GUNDAM with two hand-pads.

"Might as well give it a try." I smiled weakly and I placed my right hand on the smooth hand pad below the console screen that the Commander had directed.

Instantly and to both the Commander's, the General's and my own surprise a mechanical female voice spoke.

"Welcome pilot, to the NL-TCMOD4 ZAFT GUNDAM, HUNTRESS."

I smiled. How fitting a name.

The ground shook and I took a deep breath.

"Alright, let's do this!" Huntress! I thought. I need you… to help protect PLANT from the Earth Alliance until ORB needs me. I need you to stand and fight!

For a second it felt like nothing was going to happen and then there was a groan sound as the machine whirred it's gadgets and I gaped as the Huntress slowly clambered to it's feet.

"It's standing!" I reported, my face blank with.

The Commander's eyes narrowed her expression unreadable while the General gaped.

-Impossible!- He blustered.

-Go Yamato!-

I saluted with my left hand and smiled. "This Akira Yamato, reporting for action!"

-Opening Hangar seven!- Commander Gladys reported and light burst in as the Hangar's door in front of me slowly slid upward revealing the chaos and fighting that was taking place out side.

I clenched my fists, and to my surprise the GUNDAM did like wise. It wasn't just reading my directed thoughts, but my movement-will thoughts as well. But why? Commander Gladys said that it hadn't worked with anyone else. Surely the Coordinators would have-… Unless… It was because they… they were all Coordinators? But if that was the case then that would mean that the original creator of the mind-linked piloting was a Natural.

Could the Earth Alliance created this and ZAFT stole the design?

A cold chill ran down me. "Just how many forces have this?" I whispered, just realizing then how dangerous a GUNDAM could be with such an easy way of piloting.

I shook my head furiously. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. "Akira Yamato, Huntress! Launching!"

I hit a few switches, changing the fight stimulation to the gravity before willing the Huntress to fly out.

After that I was swept away into the world of war fare taking place outside.

Soldiers lay bleeding on the ground, Hangars and mobile suits lay in ruin, smoking. Fires burned and the air was filled with flashes and explosives.

Narrowing my eyes, I aimed the built-in short ranged laser-gun that ran along the Huntress's silver arm at an enemy GINN that was shooting down our ground forces.

A mental trigger was pulled and red laser short forth, hitting the GINN and knocking it's gun from it.

Quickly I took it down, and the others that followed until ZAFTs ground forces were free to take up their arms again. After that I lifted into the sky, joining my fellow pilots and helping them to dismantle the enemy.

A com-link was requested between me and another GINN.

-Pilot Dearka requesting information along the lines of: Who the hell are you?- Dearka snapped with out looking up to check our shared video box.

-I'm a rookie pilot in a rookie GUNDAM but I also respond to Akira- I grinned back at him, mentally twirling the Huntress into a side roll while gunning out some fighter jets.

-What the…- Dearka paused and glanced up and his jaw dropped. –Hell, you're kidding me-

"Hell doesn't joke, but thanks for the compliment, Dearka. Ever smooth with the ladies I can see." I responded dryly and after getting over his initial surprise he grinned and flashed me a thumbs up before ending the transmission.

I threw myself eagerly into the fight. "You destroyed Junis Seven, and now you think you can continue risking more lives of PLANT?" I shrieked. I drew some energy knives from the slots in my legs and slashed at my enemy.

"Power levels, thirty percent." The mechanical female voice warned and I swore. They probably didn't properly charge the GUNDAM before this.

"Way to be prepared, ZAFT!" I snarked, raising my arm to block a missle, my mobile suit shaking with the force.

Then I noticed another GUNDAM. It was bright red and wielding duel sabers, leading the head of the ZAFT mobile defense. Swiftly, I wove my way up to the GUNDAM, cutting my way through at times.

I joined the GUNDAM in fighting. At one point my left arm was shot off and I had to fumble with the Huntress's balance. I had hit a snag in the mental-controls. While my body was perfectly balanced with two arms, the Huntress now wasn't and my mind couldn't adjust to thinking a different way of balencing. My other hand sped to the extra control as I swore repeatedly.

The fight went on for another few minutes before we completely destroyed them, and just in time too. The Huntress was smoking and damaged in multiple parts, and my energy levels were dropping swiftly.

I flew back towards the headquarters where the General and the Commander had a set up an outside base with some soldiers. Landing carefully besides them, I took one look through the Huntress's cockpit, it was clearly a state of the art fighting machine that I, as Cagalli, wholly disapproved of.

I opened the cockpit doors and once I was down from the GUNDAM the Commander hurried up to me.

We saluted.

"Well, Yamato, you did surprising well when so many other star pilots failed." She watched me and I tried to understand what she was thinking. I remembered my earlier suspicion that the reason why it had responded and activated to me was because I was a…Natural.

But she didn't know that… unless she was suspecting it, in which case my cover was being threatened.

I blinked my violet eyes nice and slow, staring back hard at her, not allowing an inch of ground. I was a spy and I couldn't be caught. "Must have been luck, Commander." I said respectfully.

The Commander's blue eyes glinted slightly in the sunlight. "Luck is having reinforcements close at hand when the battle has gone bad. Luck is having a change in the wind in the least likely moment, right when it serves you most. Luck is realizing something at the exact moment you need it. But this was not like luck at all."

I gritted my teeth. Was my secret compromised?

The Commander watched me closely for a moment longer before smiling and her whole expression lightened. "You have done well, Yamato and we all are grateful for your outstanding help. I will indeed throw a word in for you with the Avenger. I'm sure they will be pleased to have you aboard. Report here tomorrow, packed and ready to disembark, soldier."

She nodded and recognizing my to cue to go, I saluted sharply and turned to walk away, finding myself breathless.

My heart was pounding in my chest still and I was in shock from everything that had happened. One last time I glanced up at the Huntress. The Commander had said there were four more. Were they all in ZAFTs possession? And what did they plan to use them for attacking?

The next morning, my slim black suitcase in tow, my red pilot uniform crisp and ironed, I marched into the Commander's office. "Commander!" I saluted.

"Ah, Yamato." The Commander turned away from the window from which she had been watching the base's reconstruction take place. "I'm afraid I have some bad news for you."

I cocked my head. "Yes?"

"You have been requested to pilot a mobile suit for the Demi-god. Apparently their head pilot, the pilot of the GUNDAM you fought along sides yesterday found your skills useful for their mission."

My eyes widened and I blinked furiously. Okay, Cagalli, I thought, This isn't quite going along to your plan of protecting PLANT until ORB comes. "Er… I guess there's no way out?" I trailed off feebly.

The Commander shook her head, taking a seat at her desk. "No, Yamato, and you should be grateful that they thought so highly as to request your presence aboard." She looked at me oddly and I realized that she was right. This was an honor for any ZAFT soldier.

Just not me...

But wait, you blockhead! My mind shouted, excited to the point of being thrilled to pieces. The Demi-god is a new state of the art ship with some sort of super secret mission. You're a spy, though not the smartest one in the lot, this is your chance! Imagine just how much information you could pass on to Kira and ORB!

My eyes widened then and I nodded to the Commander. "I'll board right after I leave."

She nodded. "Good. But Yamato,"

I glanced back to her and found her expression dark. "You will report back to me… understand?"

I saluted again before hurrying out.

"Room 37…" I murmured to myself, I paused along sides the doors, reading their numbers, searching for mine. It was a small ship with a crew just reaching forty and only myself and another pilot. I wondered when I would get to meet the pilot though I didn't look forward to it. Who I did look forward to meeting was the captain. Hopfully then I would learn what the Demi-God's mission was.

"Ahah!" I grinned. "37. Check." I swiped my card, the door sliding open and stepped into a brightly lit room.

"Oh, I have a roomie. The other pilot must be a girl. Wonderful. No sleep, here I come." I noted disgruntled, spotting another bed. I laid my suitcase on top of my bed and began unpacking. Once my stuff was away, I grabbed a more comfortable shirt to wear under my uniform. I slid my top off until I was just wearing my thin, form fitting red cami that I always wore underneath of it. It smelled of my home on Heliopolis and my old caretaker's soap.

"Mana." I whispered, smiling at myself sadly in a mirror. "What would you think of me now?"

I could almost see the elderly woman throwing a fit over my tomboy appearance and I smiled slightly to myself.

My reflection didn't answer my open-ended question but simply revealed my nicely toned, lightly tanned body, my shoulder-short jagged cut blond hair, my cold expression, and my sad, yet unnatural violet eyes.

With out my purple-eyed contacts my eyes were a light brown, or, as some put it, an amber color that not many Naturals possessed.

Suddenly there was a sliding sound from behind and a male voice broke the silence with a swear.

"What the-! I'm sorry."

I spun around, alarm bells ringing in my head, my fists raised.

A taller male figure stood in the door, his emerald eyes wide. He had midnight blue hair that hung loosely around the shoulders and I noticed that he was wearing a red pilot uniform.

I froze. No… he couldn't be the other pilot… could he? I glanced at the bed behind me. Oh hell no… unless… he was a trans? But still! "HELL NO!" I snarled, glaring at the stunned guy.

"You're… You're the boy I nearly stepped on yesterday!" He yelped, his mouth hanging open and I blinked.

"Boy you nearly stepped on…" I repeated slowly when I flash back to the GINN who had rounded the corner and nearly killed me in the same moment. My eyes widened and I shot forward. "Wait, that makes you that Dumbass! And I'm a girl, dammit!" A furious tide of anger swept through me at being intruded on. In other words I was just incredibly cross at being caught as Cagalli and I locked my fist and punched him squarely in the jaw. He staggered back, staring at me in shock as I breathed furiously.

Way to go, Akira Yamato, making friends left and right.


Athrun Zala stared at the huffing bo- no wait, girl in front of him, rubbing his jaw in stunned bewilderment. "A…a girl?" his green eyes widened. "But girls can't punch like that! Are you a trans?" he gasped, realizing then what he had said, and he struggled to regain his composure. He was after all a high-ranking soldier and the son of the Chairman of ZAFT.

The blond stared at him, her mouth hanging open. "Wha- No! You're the trans!"

He flushed, glaring at her darkly. "I am a boy and this is my room. Get out!"

The blond stamped her foot, putting her hands on her hips, bending slightly forward. Athrun flushed as her tank top dipped low slightly. Yup, she is definitely a girl. He thought and he struggled to meet her violet eyes that didn't really fit her appearance at all.

"Excuse me, but this is my room!" she snapped. "You get out!"

Athrun narrowed his eyes. "Listen," he said shortly, feeling his temper grow slightly. "You must be confused. This room is reserved for the-"

"Pilots!" she interrupted, straightening up, crossing her arms loosely over her stomach. "I know. I am one." She swayed her weight in agitation to one side and then back to the other and Athrun couldn't help but notice that she was rather fit looking, a hard and keen edge to her eyes.

Athrun froze. "You're…You're a pilot." He stated slowly.

"Yes, genius."

"The one who flew the GUNDAM Huntress yesterday." He continued, double-checking to be safe. Hiding his hands behind his back, he pinched the back of his hand, checking to make sure this wasn't some sort of officer nightmare.

Pain twinged from his hand and he rebuked himself. And this right here, Athrun Zala, is what you get for not doing extensive searches into pilots before signing them up. You couldn't even check the gender!

The female ZAFT pilot nodded, cocking an eyebrow, examining his attire. "And if you're the other pilot then that makes you the guy who requested me to be on the Demi-god!" she frowned. "Did you find sharing a room funny with a girl? Thought you would be bored for the whole trip, huh?"

Athrun flushed again at her implication, his gaze dropping but he snapped it back up again. He was, after all, the higher ranking officer. He nodded shortly. "I thought you were a boy… obviously I was wrong." He glared at her pointedly and suddenly the girl blushed, her arms lifting by instinct to try and cover herself. "Maybe you want to finish getting changed?" he suggested coldly.

She nodded, her blond hair rustling with her eager movement and he turned and walked out, the door sliding shut behind him.

Sighing he slumped against the wall outside. Noticing a unit walking by, Athrun waved him over.

"Are you aware of any extra dorm rooms aboard the ship?" Athrun asked.

The green-coat shook his head, saluting. "Afraid not, Lieutenant Zala. We're already cramped and the ship is about to leave in a few minutes. The Captain wants to speak to you and the other pilot." He nodded once then turned and walked away.

Athrun stared blankly after him then thumped his head against the wall. "What am I going to do?" he asked himself. He was rooming with what appeared to be a rabid tiger! That's not nice, he chided himself. She could be fairly pleasant to be around once you get to know her. Then he remembered something that put a rather wrench in that.

Nearly stepping on her the day before in a new GINN model didn't seem to be promoting a healthy friendship any time soon. He groaned. Looks like neither of them had a choice.

The door sliding open made him turn around and he met the still-indignant violet eyes of the pretty young woman dressed in her full red uniform.

She saluted. "I over heard whoever was speaking to you. Lieutenant." She muttered crossly, a blush still seeable on her fair skin and Athrun turned to face her fully. A flashback of the moment when he had first walked in with out her noticing and he had seen a relaxed woman, watching her reflecting, a grave look of sorrow in her eyes shot through his mind and he blinked. Now what did that have to do with anything?

"I guess we're stuck with each other after all."

Athrun nodded. "We are to report to the Brigg- Captain Schway wants us." He hesitated then stuck out his hand awkwardly. "The name is Athrun Zala, rank Lieutenant, but seeing as we will be rooming with each other for the time being, you can call me Athrun." He met the girl's eyes and to his surprise they were wide with shock and what looked like… horror.

Honestly, as the son of Patrick Zala, chair man of ZAFT, he was used to the shock. But the look of fear and uncertainty in the girl's eyes did surprise him. But then it was gone, replaced with a cool assessment and Athrun wondered if he had ever even seen it there.

She met his grasp strongly, nodding. "Rookie Pilot Akira Yamato." She saluted sharply once he let go.

Rookie? He noted curiously. And yet she piloted the Huntress so easily? Mentally he slapped himself. Another thing you should have known about!

She glanced up at him and seeming to notice something she mumbled, getting red in the face. "My apologies for punching your face…"

Athrun touched his face, hoping that there wasn't a red mark on his jaw but figuring that there must be. He smiled slightly, she didn't sound sorry at all. In fact, Athrun thought, she sounds as if she's resisting the urge to lock fists again and punch him. And sure enough, her small hands were hung, clenched at her sides.

The surprising lack of feminism threw him off with the girl's obvious temptation to fighting. Not like every other swoony girl he had met.

He grinned. Maybe she was right, maybe the trip wouldn't be so bad after all.

The girl glared at him. "What are you smiling at me for? And with such a dirty expression!" she gasped. "You wouldn't dare!" she raised her hand threateningly.

Athrun stared at her for a moment then bent over laughing. What was the girl thinking he was thinking?

"What are you laughing at me for?" the girl swung a fist that he dodged swiftly. He turned, still chuckling and set off, waving for her to follow. She has quite the temper and reacts on it way to easy, he noted. That could prove dangerous on the battle field. Slightly troubled with that thought, Athrun resigned himself to mentoring the younger pilot in his free time about keeping her temper.

"Come along, Yamato. We musn't keep the Captain waiting." He glanced back at her and noticed that she seemed to be in a debate with herself.

"Now he's all code etiquette after walking in with out knocking. Dumbass…" Athrun heard the girl snip to herself and he smiled slightly, ignoring her insults in his own private amusement. Akira Yamato was certainly unique.


"-Does not return, we-"

The captain paused as Athrun Zala and I walked in. We snapped to attention, saluting respectfully.

"Our apologies, Captain." Athrun said. "There was some matters that we needed to… overcome."

Over come in deed. I thought, not betraying a flicker of thought on to my expressionless face. And speaking of which, I had my own personal problems to deal with. Like how i acted earlier! It was totally out of conduct! In fact I had been acting like... myself. Instead of anti-social cool-tone Akira. That bugged me more then anything. Was my facade breaking? Not that it was such a big deal, but it mattered to me that I kept my ZAFT self separate from Cagalli.

The Captain nodded from where he sat, the main sections of the crew standing around. He was a burly man with a brown handle bar mustache and silver eyes that glinted beneath his brown bangs. "Anyway, as I was saying, we must track down this fugitive vessel and, after acquiring the certain knowledge that she is aboard, destroy it. The Chairman himself has ordered this, and this mission can not be told to anyone outside of those in the room. You will report this to no one. It can not be found out with out endangering ZAFT. Understand?"

I cocked my head curiously. A mission that important? What was it?

"ZAFT does not want anyone outside of this vessel to know the operation Assassin. But we must track down the Harmony where it is rumored that she is and make for certain that the representative is killed with out anyone knowing that ZAFT was involved."

Athrun raised his hand, echoing my thoughts to the Captain. The Captain nodded and Athrun continued. "Just who are we assassinating?"

The Captain leaned forward in his seat, glaring at us both in turn. "Cagalli Yule Attha, Princess of ORB."

So whatcha think? Good? Crappy? OOC? Should i continue it or just let it die off now? Should I add in more details? More romance? More action? Make it longer? Or don't take so long at all? ahhhh let me know please =) R&R and i will love you forever with my entire writing-obsessed heart
