Big Log

Sonny Munroe's legs carried her through the woods at lightening speed. Running through the forest, as it turned out, had been a lot more difficult than she had anticipated. When she had bolted from camp, both the cast of So Random and Mackenzie Falls had been more than a little upset with her; so much in fact, that they had already come up with a team exercise of their own - picking out a suitable log for hitting Sonny Munroe with. Though the angry mob was no longer on her tail, the idea of returning to camp right now was a frightful one.

Bolting down a loose-dirt hill, Sonny's foot caught an exposed root sending her face first into the layer of twigs and leaves the covered the forest floor. Sonny quickly stood herself up, dusted herself off, and continued her race into the wilderness. However, as she passed a giant Sequoia tree, a pair of hands caught her shoulders and pulled her back. Sonny, in return, emitted a high-pitched scream of distress.

"Hey easy," Chad told her, steadying her on her feet. His blue eyes studied her with what could easily be confused as worry had she not known him better.

"Easy for you to say! Nobody's looking to hit you with a log!"

He rolled his eyes. "Please Sonny, get real."

"Says the boy who suggested everyone pick out the log together. What, the one at camp wasn't big enough for you?"

"You really think I would purposely inflict physical pain on you?"

She gave him a doubtful look.

"Really, Sonny, really?"

"Well, you looked pretty bound and determined back there."

"I was just trying to freak you out," he admitted. "And hey, I guess it worked pretty well. You'd think you just spotted Big Foot out here-Wait, you didn't did you?" Chad's eyes grew wide his gaze traveled through the surrounding forest.

"You're an idiot," Sonny grunted. "And I have to go…get what's coming to me, I suppose."

"Ah," Chad smiled as he grasped Sonny's elbow before she could leave. "No one's going to hurt you, Munroe. Just let the others get over their blind rage before you go back. They'll cool down, they just need time."

"I don't know why everyone is so pissed at me," Sonny responded, huffing as she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jeans. "I was just trying to help end this ongoing feud."

"Sweet little Sonny Munroe, trying to fix the world one camping trip at a time," Chad replied, leaning against the tree behind him and sinking down to the ground to sit cross-legged. "Maybe their problem is your constant meddling in other's lives."

Sonny hesitantly took a seat next to him on the ground. "I'm just trying to make it easier for us all to work together in the same studio. The constant paranoia over pranks and parking spaces is getting old."

Chad leaned forward, bringing his hand up toward Sonny's face to grasp a leaf that had stuck in her hair. "It's easy, Munroe. Our two show's just don't interact with each other. Problem solved."

She frowned. "What? So we just never become friends?"

"Do you want to be friends?" Chad asked her with a smirk.

Her cheeks flushed slightly at the question. "I just don't think we should be required to hate each other because of the shows we're on."

"I don't hate you, Sonny. And I thought we were friends."

"Really?" she asked him, her eyes gleaming in a way that made him smile.


Chad stood up, extending his hand to her. "Now let's get back. And if anyone comes at you with a log - well, they'll just have to go through me first."

Sonny smiled as she accepted his hand. Chad pulled her to her feet, not bothering to loosen his grasp as the two walked back to camp together.

The End

A/N: I wrote this because I have always wondered what happened after the log scene. I have an idea for a second chapter for this, which will be another lost scene from The Legend of Candy Face. Lemme know what you think.