Disclaimer: I do not own HFive-0 or the characters in it. Nor do I own the lyrics or the song, that right belongs to Alana Grace. Also, the next chapter may be all sex…so those who do not like m/m smut should not read it! Just a warning, also I googled the Hawa'iian words that I used so if I didn't use them in the correct context please tell me! :D much love ~nani~
That Night
Steven J. McGarrett, Daniel Williams, Grace Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, & Kono Kalakaua
Steven J. McGarrett
The day went well. Danny and Grace made blueberry pancakes with me watching (for some reason I was deemed too violent to be able to cook properly), Chin and Kono came in a few hours later and started setting up the grill outside with food. Somehow Kamekona and Momo ended up coming by, Kamekona brining his ice cart. By the time the day was done all of us were tired. Kamekona and Momo had left; Kono, Grace, and Chin were cleaning up the countertops, and Danny was packing away the last of the food. I was polishing up my last beer when Grace ran up to her father, he turned and picked her up.
"Danno, can I sleep over at Auntie Kono's house tonight, please? She and Uncle Chin promise to bring me back really early in the morning! And I won't do anything wrong! I promise" I looked at Danny expecting him to say no, even though I knew it would break Gracie's heart.
Daniel Williams
I was wondering when Chin and Kono would pick up on the fact that I finally had McGarrett right where I wanted him. It took them long enough to get here, then it took forever to wear Gracie out. I mean I love my little girl but sometimes it was just easier to not have her around for certain things….especially when those things involved my feelings, my cock, and my partner. Damn just thinking about what I was going to do was getting me hard.
Grace Williams
When I picked up on the looks that Danno was giving Uncle Steve I decided something needed to be done. But this was years ago that something should have been done. I mean I knew Daddy wasn't himself around anyone else other than Uncle Steve. Sure he had fun when Uncle Chin and Aunty Kono were with him as well. But he was the most happy when Uncle Steve was around. Uncle Steve made him laugh a lot. I loved it when my Danno laughed. I mean I was no longer the little girl he always made me out to be, but I was still his little girl. And this little girl wanted to see her Danno happy, and if that meant getting Uncle Chin and Aunty Kono to lie to Danno then…let the lies fly! "Danno, can I sleep over at Auntie Kono's house tonight, please?..."
Kono Kalakaua
The looks that Steve gave Danny behind his back, the ones that Danny gave him. The slow touches they shared, the lingering smiles when both of them thought no one was looking. I swear I can't remember how long this was going to go on. But it finally came to a boiling point today. I guess Grace finally decided enough was enough. That's when she came up with the plan. Me and Chin were to take her out for the day, the whole day tomorrow, and give Danny and McGarrett some "alone" time. It didn't seem too bad of a plan. Considering she had her father wrapped around her little finger. My kaikuname needed something good to happen in their lives. But seeing as how dense they were it wouldn't happen with a little push. So what if Danny thought that me and Chin thought up the plan? As long as it worked it didn't matter.
Chin Ho Kelly
Finally the lolo halo and hoalohoa were able to get with the program and do what was right. I didn't even care that they were in the highest position given to a law enforcement officer and they were gay, they were ohana and they deserved happiness. So when Grace and Kono came to me with a plan, I was more than happy to help them out.
Daniel Williams, Grace Williams, & Steven J. McGarrett
I bent to pick Grace up, it didn't matter that she was twelve; she was still my little girl. "Yes Grace, you can go with Uncle Chin and Aunty Kono, just remember you have to be in bed by 9 and no more sweets! Make sure you brush your teeth, and make sure Aunty Kono brushes your hair before bed. Ok?"
I choked in my beer and started walking over to my partner. What the hell was going on! Was Danny suddenly deaf, or did my need to take risks suddenly rub off on him? "Danny, I'm not sure you heard Grace properly. She said she wanted to go to Kono's house…Kono's house. That means that you will not be there to watch her every move. You do understand that right?"
I turned to look at Steve, the man that I wanted to be my partner in every sense of the word and gave him what Hawaiians called, the stink eye. "Yes you oaf, I understand that clearly. Do you understand? Obviously you don't."
I stopped in my tracks. "Huh?" was my unintelligible reply.
Danny turned and looked at me. "What's with that face? Is that a new face? I think I'll call that your I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing face; because if you can think back, I mean I know it hurts you to actively use brain cells McGarrett, I said we had to talk. This would give us time to talk."
I guess I still had a look on my face because Danny turned away from me and just said: "Go Gracie, your stuff is in the guest room, but make sure you come back tomorrow." I looked at Chin and Kono "She better be coming back in one piece, and no funny business ya hear?" Yes I loved Steve but right now I was lusting after him like a bitch in heat, but that didn't mean that I couldn't remember my daughter. I put Grace down and kissed her forehead. "You be a good girl now you hear, and don't give Uncle Chin and Auntie Kono any trouble now. Okay?"
"Yes Danno, I promise." I ran into the den that was turned into a guest room where my backpack was then grabbed Uncle Chin and Auntie Kono's hands. "C'mon guys! Let's go!" I pulled them towards the door then pushed them out whiles waving to Danno. "Bye Danno! Love you! Bye Uncle Steve! Love you too!" I slammed the door shut before they could say anything else then ran down to the car. This was gonna be a fun night.
Steven J. McGarrett & Daniel Williams
As soon as Gracie shut the door, I turned around and all but storm the fortress that is McGarrett. I grab him by the forearm and drag him up the stairs to his bedroom. I push him on the bed and slam the door shut, locking it for good measure. Then I turn to him.
"Now listen to me McGarrett, and listen good." I said pointing my finger in his face. "I want all of your brain cells functioning for this conversation and I do not want to repeat myself. I do not want you to talk, I do not want you to make faces, I don't even want to hear a garbled question. When I ask you a question you will nod your head in the affirmative or the negative. Do you understand me?"
*I nod yes* You're Danny, can I ever get a word in edgewise when you're on a rant?
"Sometime between me punching you two years ago, and yesterday I realized three things. One, I am not getting any younger, two, I have everything I need, or at least as much of it as I am going to get in this pineapple infested hellhole, and three, I love you.
*I make a face* He loves me
"With the face, what did I tell you? Did you not understand?"
*I nod yes* I understood it's just I am not sure I heard you properly.
"Good because before this night is done I will hanama'I, or however the hell you say it, the ever living daylights out of you, so much so that you are as big of a pile of goof as I am. Capicé?"
*I nod yes* He's going to make love to me until I turn into a big pile of goof…God Danno I love you.
"Now talk."
I get my thoughts in order then decide fuck it. "Hear me out please?" I beg him.
He looks at me and gestures, "Go on."
I take a deep breath. "I love you, I am crazy, but I love you. I thought you were just hoaloha at first but then I found out that I was really in love with you. I found that I wanted to make you my kumu. Will you be mine?"
Can I ask you a question please
Promise you won't laugh at me
Then the idiot starts to laugh. "Would you be mine he says." Then he slowly walks up to and frames my face with his hands. "I ask you again, you goof, did you not hear me the first time? I LOVE YOU. Is that clear enough for you? Do we need a translator in here? I mean, not that I'm into orgies or anything but, hey…." Then he gives me a look.
Honestly I'm standing here
Afraid I'll be betrayed.
"I just don't know if I can do this" I hear myself say. "I've never done love before so I don't know."
As twisted as it seems, I only fear love when it's in my dreams
So let the morning light come in and let the darkness fade away
He leans in, I closed my eyes, then feel his lips brush softly against mines. I feel him pull away but he is still close enough that I feel his sigh settle on my mouth.
"This is my first time since Rachel," He whispered against my mouth. "We will take it slow, we will not rush things. I promise you that."
Can you turn my black roses red?
Can you turn my black roses red?
I opened my eyes as he settled on his knees in between my legs. "You promise? What happened to 'don't make any promises'?" I asked.
Drowning in my loneliness
How long must I hold my breath
He laughed. "Do you ever shut up McGarrett? Why is it when I'm trying to make a move on you, you can't shut up. Every other time that I need you to talk, all you do is drop a witty one liner and then shoot someone?"
So much emptiness inside I could fill the deepest sea
I reach to the sky as the moon looks on
I smirked. "Shut up Danno, and kiss me."
I brought my mouth down on the lips that taunted me for the better part of two years. Grazing it once, twice, then finally settling firmly on it. I nibbled the edge of his mouth, letting my tongue slide out between my lips to trace it. He opened his mouth. I slid my fingers to the back of his head and interlocked them, deepening the kiss.
I was full, with just his tongue, I was full. It was as if I had no more place for anything else.
One last year has come and gone
It's time to let your love rain down on me
I guess this is what giving in and drowning in love was like. I felt like I was home, finally. The sea was once the only place that I felt whole. But now that I was in his arms ….I was complete.