It had been over two years since Sasuke left Konoha. A lot had happened since that awful day. Ino Yamanaka had felt her heart crack for the first time when she found out. After that she had spent many days and nights alone in her bed weeping. Ino could not believe that he had left; she had loved him so much and he had left her and everyone else all for power. Her heart leaked tears of sadness for him each day and night. She had never felt so depressed in her entire young life.

A week later she emerged from her room only to find that Sakura had taken it a lot harder. At that moment, deep down she knew that Sakura was in real love with him, she was not. She was merely in puppy love with him. Again her heart cracked knowing that she had fought Sakura, her childhood best friend, for so long over Sasuke and because she had had her heart toyed with by her own girlish emotions over a man who was never hers and never would be.

Ino had to laugh at herself as she jumped through the trees with her comrades Shikamaru and Choji. She was so foolish as a child. Back then she would have done anything to earn Sasuke's love. Too bad it wasn't hers to earn though. Ino sighed to herself as she followed Shikamaru's lead.

Sasuke was Sakura's and she knew it.

Yet Ino couldn't help but still be attracted to Sasuke, well damn who wasn't? He was a freak'en Uchiha for Kami's sake. All Uchiha men were drop dead sexy with their broad shoulders, sculpted muscles, commanding eyes, definitive skills and most of all, that smirk that could make any woman week in the knees. Oh yeah the Uchiha clan was full of fine men.

She licked her lips. Too bad that there were only a few Uchiha's left. If there were more then maybe she could bag herself one. Ino couldn't help it; she wanted her own Uchiha lover.

"Ino look out!" Choji, her plump teammate screamed to her as he threw some kunai in front of her. She blinked and shook her head, enemy ninja were surrounding them from up ahead. "Great, just what I get for daydreaming." Ino reached for her shuriken pouch, observing her opponents attacks and her teammate's strategies. Shikamaru was locked in a battle with three masked opponents, his shadow on the move as always. Choji was going head on with another large masked opponent, though his battle would be over soon according to the look of the masked man's eyes when Choji did his human bolder form/jutsu.

That left only herself and the scrawny heifer that was rushing towards her with a sword. Ino smirked at the girl and jumped above her onto another tree branch. As soon as she felt her feet grip the new branch she threw her shuriken and pulled out a kunai ready to fight. Suddenly, she felt her side being kicked and she was forced up against the trunk of the tree. Turning around she met the bitch head on with her kunai but was not pleased to find that her opponent was winning this fight and had her pinned quite nicely to the tree by her neck.

Ino tried to kick her but she was too far away. She stared at the girl in front of her and smirked. "Perfect." Ino dropped her kunai and did her hand signs and, using her mind transfer jutsu, took over her opponent's body. She, now in the bitch's body, joined Shikamaru in his battle and swiftly helped him defeat his last opponent.

She grinned and Shikamaru and asked "What would you boys do without me?" Shikamaru gave a half laugh and scratched the back of his head. "Come on let's get going. It's too troublesome to stay here."

Ino and Choji nodded their heads and Ino returned to where her body had fallen. "Gahhh!"

Shikamaru and Choji both jumped up after her, rubbing their aching ears and asking what was wrong. Though it was a foolish question considering Ino was screaming "My body's gone, my body's gone!" and the fact that her body was nowhere in sight.

Ino was panicking. This was not the first time her body had gone missing when she used her mind transfer jutsu and she was terrified of what was being done to it right now. "Oh Kami, what's happening to my body? Please Kami don't let it be anything bad! What if they kill me? O-or worse rape me! Or –or decapitate my arms and legs! Or-or-or-" She was cut off by Shikamaru's hand over her newly acquired mouth. "Relax Ino well find it-I mean you. Choji you look for her towards the north, I'll take the south and Ino you take the west. If we don't find your body by sundown well meet up here and head east. Alright? Now your body can't be far. Let's move!"

Shikamaru removed his hand from Ino and started towards the South, while Choji had already left for the North.

Ino quickly went in search of her body. She had to find it and soon, she only had enough chakra to maintain this new body for about six hours if she preserved her energy. She glanced at the sky; sundown was only a few hours away. If she didn't find her body soon then she knew that the odds of finding it would only get smaller and smaller as night fell and wore on.

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