Dapper Prince

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee! I wish I did, but I don't!

This is story is AU after the Rocky Horror Glee Show. I did steal some events from episodes after that, but Blaine and Kurt haven't met yet. Burt and Carole aren't married, and Karofsky hasn't kissed Kurt.

Also I'm aware my grammar might be off a little. I never was very good with punctuation. Give me a math problem, and I can solve it. But, punctuation throws me off. A friend once told me I just slap a coma in whenever I think I've been writing for too long. LOL

This is my first attempt at writing fanfiction in a long time, and I don't know how one goes about getting a beta. So, any input I could get from reviews would be awesome!

I can't believe we are at sectionals already. Its been a long school year so far, what with Karofsky's constant bullying. Some days I wonder why I get up every morning and continue to try so hard. I know every moment is an opportunity for fashion, but I don't know how much longer my wardrobe can take the abuse of slushies and dumpsters.

I swear some days that my fellow glee clubbers are truly ignorant; it is as if they don't care about or don't notice Karofsky. And as much as I'm loathe to admit it even my Mercedes seems to have caught the oblivious bug I swear the other day we were sitting at lunch, and Karofsy walked past calling me a homo and all she could talk about were her precious tots. Did she not hear him? Didn't she care?

I really don't know what to do anymore and now more than ever I feel like I'm missing a piece of myself. Maybe I'm doing crazy, but I feel like I forgot to do something important.

Now, I'm sitting in this awful smelly bus on the way to sectionals and I don't know, but for some reason I'm actually thrilled like something is waiting for me. Well, something other than our obvious win at sectionals. WOW, total Rachel Berry moment. Who may I just add is the only one of my friends who has noticed the bullying.

I stare aimlessly out the window as the bus pulls up to the red brick building where sectionals is taking place, and the gray stormy clouds hovering above seem to mirror my current mood. But, that glimmer of sunshine I see trying to poke through this stormy day leaves me hopeful that things may turn around for me soon.

The bus jerks into its parking spot and I feel myself return to reality. I look up to the front along with everyone else as we all expectantly wait for one of Mr. Shue's pep talks. "Alright everyone I know for some of you this has been a rough couple of weeks." As the words fall from his mouth I feel like he's talking to me directly. Seriously after weeks of being shoved around and threatened and all I get is I know its been "rough". Right, its been more like my own personal brand of hell.

"But, I just want you guys to remember how far you've come from last year" blah, blah, blah same speech different day. I let my attention drift back out the window, and a huge charter bus catches my attention. Wow, either those old folks dipped into their pensions or the Warbler's have a booster club with deep pockets.

The door to the bus opens and a pile of boys rushes out, seriously a pile of boys. They seem so comfortable messing around and goofing with each other. And despite the oh so basic coloring of their uniforms. I mean, really blue and red? I'm all for patriotism, but Wow! Not that there aren't some hot guys over there, but I could think of better color layouts for their uniforms.

And I won't lie I'm envious of those boys. Girls are great and don't get me wrong I love my girls a lot! But, I wish I had more guy friends, some that wouldn't shy away from me as if I had a contagious disease. They think I don't notice the cracks about me wearing dresses or the way they are uncomfortable with me in situations they don't mind being in with other guys. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I crush on every guy, ok so I had that thing for Finn and maybe a little thing for Sam. But, I thing I've grown since then. Some days I just wish for someone like me who understands me, and what I'm going through.

Finally I turn my attention back to Mr. Shue in time to hear the end of his generic speech. "So lets just go win this thing." We all stand up to file off the bus, with Rachel still grumbling about us not appreciating her talents, honestly I'm still a little shocked Mr. Shue even offered me a solo. And, even though she's a drama queen I have to give Rachel credit where it is due I don't know if I would have been able to pick as epic a song as "Don't cry for me Argentina" by myself.

I still find it sad that Rachel is the only one of my "friends" who has noticed the bullying. She's offered to take me home with her and let me talk with her Dads, but I don't know if I can trust adults anymore to care. Hey, even Mr. Shue who seems so caring basically did nothing for me, but give me a pep talk. Don't get me wrong that's great and all, but I wish I had someone fighting for me, with me.

Speaking of the devil as we step off the bus Rachel comes bouncing over and links arms with me. "Are you ready for your big solo? I just know you'll be awesome, not as amazing as I would have been, but you'll be a close second" she says looking at me expectantly. "Kurt, are you ok? You've been kind of spaced out sine we pulled out of McKinley? If your not feeling well, I could always do your solo for you." You have to love Rachel the only person I know capable of being nice and a bitch at the same time.

"Well as much as I'm sure you would love to do that solo, I'm fine. Thanks for your oh so selfish concern for my well being" I respond. Rachel looks at me with a look of sudden true concern flooding her face. "Are you really ok? You seem distant, I know I can be selfish sometimes, but if you ever need to talk I'm here ok?" This time I can hear true sincerity in her voice and I respond more kindly this time, "thanks." We approach the double doors to the auditorium. And maybe I do feel a bit anxious, but I'm not sure that it's all about the performance.

I walk over to the concession stand where a bored girl stands behind the counter and I get in line. I know that everyone in New Directions means well, but all the drama can be annoying and taxing at times. Who cares that Finn slept with Santana and I know Mercedes is a diva. And, maybe its hypocritical, but it is not the end of the world that she didn't get a solo. Gosh, this line is taking forever. Seriously how long can it possibly take to fill a drink order and hand someone some overly greasy popcorn.

Just when I'm almost to the front of the line I catch a glimpse of what appears to be a McKinley letterman jacket. I feel myself freeze. I have to calm myself down. It has to be one of the guys, but no we all came dressed for performance. Which I thought was a bad idea all that sitting on the bus, and we must have terrible wrinkles by now. Ok, I must have imagined it Karfosky has really gotten to me now I think I see him at a place I know he would never dare step foot. I must be losing it.

After the longest wait ever I get up to the counter. "Can I help you?" the blond behind the counter says in a bored tone while examining her chipped nails. Wow, someone needs to tell her nail biting is bad for her cuticles. "Yes, I would like a small Diet Coke" she looks at me blankly, yep this is why the line is so long. "That'll be $1.80." I open my wallet to pay her I swore I had a five dollar bill in her somewhere, damn. I gave it to Finn earlier. "Do you take Debit?" I ask. "Only if its over ten dollars" "Ok, then I guess nevermind." She sighs at me exasperatedly. Just as I'm about to walk away I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey its ok I've got it. I'd like his Diet Coke, and a Coke for me as well as some Red Vines." Woah, who is this guy? Is anyone ever that nice in real life?

I watch as a blazer covered arm pays the girl. Then this guy turns and hands me a cup, my eyes trail up his arm to his face. And I find myself staring into the hazel eyes of the most gorgeous boy ever! Meeting his eyes I smile and say, "thanks." He smiles back and responds, "Hey no problem I always hate those ten dollar limits, and don't they understand no one carries cash anymore!" He extends his hand out to me, my eyes hesitantly leaving his hazel gaze to flick down to his hand. Does he really want me to shake his hand? I slowly extend my hand out grasping his lightly, and then his voice, which is a rich musical sound to my ears, says "The names Blaine." I swear my heart just froze in my chest and I can't let go of his hand, tingles keep shooting up my arm like electricity. This guy must think I'm a mute freak. "Kurt" I say, releasing his hand. Yeah he definitely thinks I'm a freak.

As I snap out of my daze I take notice of his blazer "So… you're a Warbler?" He chuckles, "Yes, and unless you're the most beautiful 60 year old man I've ever seen, I'm going to guess you must be in New Directions." Beautiful, he just called me beautiful! Guys do not call other guys beautiful. I feel a blush beginning to spread up my neck and onto my cheeks.

However, reality crashes back to me as I flick my eyes over his shoulder to see a nightmarish vision. He must have noticed me tense because he places his hand on my shoulder again, and when I meet his eyes with my tear filled ones I see nothing but concern in his. "Hey are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost?" and just as I open my mouth to answer him, my nightmare steps up to us. "Hey Lady Boy, this your boyfriend?" Krafosky sneers at me. Seriously, what is he doing here? School isn't enough he has to haunt every moment of my life?

I wait for the Hazel eyed Warbler to turn on me, to flinch back in disgust as most boys do when they realize I'm gay. That's why his words shock me. "And what if I am? You have a problem with that?" Hope fills me for the first time in a long time; did someone just stand up for me? But, I cringe when Karofsky responds shaking his fist in the air "Well then you'll have to meet the Fury like your faggy boyfriend has!" It is one thing to throw some words out, but like most people I expect my hero to run in the face of danger. Instead I feel him reach out and grasp my hand, lace my fingers with his, and pull me to his side. Lifting his other hand with the soda still in it he points a finger to a group of 20 blazer-covered boys. Who all seem to be looking our way with concern filled faces. He turns back to Karofsky and sneers, "I think my team mates have a bunch of Fury you'll meet if you don't take your idle threats somewhere else and leave me and my boyfriend, Kurt, here alone."

Now Karofsky might be a Neanderthal, but he's not completely stupid. Before he finally stalks away he turns around throwing a last scathing remark, "This ain't over Hummel." I feel my gaze drift to the floor. As I try to burn a hole in the floor to bury myself in.

Blaine slowly release my hand and places his hand gently on my arm as if silently asking me to lift my gaze from the floor back up to his face. After what feels like hours I look at him and quietly tell him, "you didn't have to do that." A smile slowly returns to his face and my heart skips a beat. "It was my pleasure, I've wanted to stand up to a guy like him since I was chased from my old school. Plus its not every day I get to claim a gorgeous guy as my boyfriend." OMG if he doesn't stop complimenting me I might just have a heart attack. What I say next shocks me more than it does him, "Are you gay?" His eyes widen with surprise for a moment then his adorable chuckle returns "Yes" he responds.

As if being pulled from a dream we both turn our heads as a bell chimes in the distance calling us to our places. He hesitates in front of me as if contemplating something. I watch him set down his drink. He pulls a pen out from his blazer, grabs a napkin and starts writing. He turns back to me handing it to me, "Its my number, call me." The shock must show on my face because he starts talking again. "Really call me sometime. I know what it feels like when you think you're the only one like you, but you don't have to be alone. So, please call I'll be waiting for you." Then he pouts at me, could this guy be anymore adorable?

Finally, I laugh at him, "thanks, and don't worry I'll call. It isn't everyday Prince Charming comes to my rescue." Just as we split to go our separate ways he turns to me and calls out. "I'm not charming, I'm dapper." I find myself laughing again, and I feel like something just clicked into place like a puzzle piece.

That's it for now. I hope you guys enjoyed it.