The day was refreshing. She woke feeling rejuvenated, Salazar against her arm, hogging her pillow, and Ava sleeping soundly. It was more silence than Antha had had in weeks. She slowly slid from the bed, careful not to wake her son, before she padded her way out into the hallway. George's bedroom door was shut and the bedrooms of all the others in their wing - just Fred, were shut as well.

She put the kettle on the stove, taking a cup down from the rack and selecting a few fruits from a bowl in order to make a fruit salad for the morning. Whatever was left over, she would give to Salazar when he woke up. She was so lost in her own world, silently cutting the fruits so as not to wake anyone up from the noise, that she didn't notice when someone was up.

"Morning," they greeted. She hid her surprise jump by pushing the knife down a little harder than before. Bloody hell. Lee Jordan.

"Morning," Antha greeted evenly. Surprise meant that they had caught her unaware, and to catch her unaware was a weakness. "I'm making tea."

"I'll take a cup when it's done," Lee stated. "Want bacon?"

"No, thank you," Antha returned carefully. She slid the apples into another bowl, and then got to work on cutting the pears. There was silence, and then the sound of sizzling bacon on a pan as Lee began to cook. "I'm sorry, for burning this place down."

"Good wake up call," Lee shrugged. "No one died from it... no kids anyway."

"I know," Antha nodded.

"You should come down to the shop with me, while we're waiting for the guys to get up." Antha agreed and once they finished breakfast and tea, she changed into some day clothing and then followed him down. The store was dead, of course. It was just strange to see it so empty. Yet, it wasn't a burned heap of rubble, either. It looked like it had never been burned.

"How did you guys rebuild so fast?"

"The guys charmed this place when they built it to be fireproof. Can never be too careful with experiments," Lee answered promptly. He dug in his pocket for the keys before handing them to her. She took them uncertainly. "Unlock the place, yeah? I've got to take inventory and restock."

"Sure," she said carefully. Pounding footsteps sounded behind them and she spotted Salazar, still in his pajamas. "Morning, Zar. What are you doing up, early?"

"I wanted to get the paper before George. He always spoils the cartoons."

Antha smiled slightly, nodding. "Well, we'll go to the shop down the road, then, and get a paper. Owls don't come out until eight."

"Yay!" Salazar grinned. He hopped next to Lee down the stairs. "Mr. Lee, what do you think will be in the paper today?"

"I suspect more of your mum," he answered the boy, collecting him onto his shoulder and Lee ducked to avoid a beam of wood threatening to knock into their heads. Antha sincerely hoped there weren't anymore stories of her, but knew there would be. Something always seemed to come up.

"Bets?" Lee questioned, glancing back at Antha as she opened the front door and grabbed the morning milk delivery off the stoop.

"George and I eloped while I was still under the Dark Lords care," Antha offered, waving her hand. She really cared for nothing they wrote about her, but Lee found it amusing. "The child was really his."

"Oh, scandal, I like the sudden turn." Antha gave him a small smile, amused. "I'm thinking... you didn't miscarry. You actually are still pregnant and the world is hoping to actually see if you lied."

She snorted. "That's a bit of a stretch, since I've already had to comment on a few of them related to the miscarriage."

"You're right," Lee admitted. Antha unlocked the doors as he inspected a few shelves near her. Once the doors were unlocked, she passed him the keys, shutting the doors until the customers arrived, and then placed the milk on the countertop. "Oh! Maybe... duck, there, Zar, maybe you didn't actually kill anyone. You pulled a George on them all."

"Pulled a George?" Antha questioned. "Is that what it's called?"

"That's what I'm calling it." Lee shot her a grin. "What? You can't tell me it's not catchy."

"Pulled a George," Antha murmured, rolling her eyes. "Whatever. Salazar, do you want to get a paper before the normal traffic arrives?"

"Sure!" Zar cried. Lee Jordan lifted him off of his shoulders and Antha took his arm. She paused, though, glancing at Lee.

"I am sorry."

"We know," Lee winked. Antha swallowed and ducked out of the shop, letting Salazar lead her to the Daily Prophet.

As soon as the scream sounded, Antha knew something was wrong. Then her father came into view. She threw a galleon on the counter and shoved the paper into Salazar's hands, shoving him out the door and along the running crowd.

"There she is!" her father's voice cried. "Antha!"

Antha grabbed Salazar, holding him tightly. "Go straight to George. Don't stop until you get to the shop, okay? Just like at the castle. Go to George-"


The stream of fire knocked a few things in the way and the path to the shop was blocked, leaving Antha, Salazar, and a few other shoppers on Rodolphus's side of the Alleyway. Antha pulled her wand out, her son protected behind her. "What are you doing out of prison?"

"Hard to be in prison when you aren't caught in the first place," her father laughed. It was shrill and reminded Antha of her mother. No one had told her that Rodolphus hadn't been caught... no one had even hinted that he was loose.

Antha backed up a step, gripping Salazar tightly. "Mummy?" Salazar whispered.

"Shh," Antha insisted quickly. She stood rigid, but protectively, and her stance was that of a woman that had been in many duels in the world. "It's a shame, then, that your reign of freedom is going to end by coming here."

"Our Lord would never have surrendered," Rodolphus spat. "You always were a lion, weren't you? I had such hopes that your husband beat whatever your mother and I couldn't out of you."

"He tried," Antha smirked. She glanced briefly to the shoppers with her. A scrawny teen, probably a sixth year, and a few elderly individuals. No one with the magical ability to counter her father. Antha was on her own. "Is this really necessary?"

Spells began firing from him then, leaving Antha no choice but to defend herself. She cast strong shields, as that was all she had time for before another spell came bombarding against her walls. And then another. Salazar was terrified. She could hear him crying as he clung to her waist.


Antha stumbled back at the force of it, knocking Salazar down and falling to her side, her wand sliding feet from her until it was nestled in the cobblestone. The shoppers were either nursing injuries or backed as far away as the wall of fire would allow them. Rodolphus grinned, his wand pointed at her as he sauntered forward.

Antha was not going to let him win. She was trained too well for that, just as she was trained too well for him to get her wand. She slid so that she was sitting and began to crawl backwards with each step he took.

"The Dark Lord did everything for you," Rodolphus snarled. "He let you live when I would not." She rolled her eyes. "It wasn't because of love. More men than just the Dark Lord have succumbed to the temptation of a woman's warmth."

"So he was most men, then?" Antha spat back. Rodolphus growled at such an insinuation.

"You only surrendered to save your own arse, to save that precious life you wanted," he spat. "You only surrendered so that you would be granted a pardon."

"I never believed-"

"A whore and a backstabbing cunt make a dangerous combination," Rodolphus hissed. "It's more disgraceful to have you as a daughter than it is to have a Death Eater admit to being in the Order."

She didn't believe she was that much of a whore. "I did nothing to betray the-"

"Stupify!" Antha flinched, pulling her arm up to shield her face from the spell. Just as she did so, she was pulled to the side and a shield charm was cast in front of her. Her breathing left her heavily as she stared at the shield. It wasn't as strong as hers, but it was holding and Rodolphus seemed furious.

Antha was quick and scrambled to the wand that had been cast away and then grabbed her son, hauling him to his feet. He had scraped a knee, tearing into his jeans, but that was okay. "Thank you," Antha told the elderly man, holding the shield strong. His wife was hovering a few feet from Antha, eyeing Salazar as though she was about to whisk him away.

Antha didn't know if she trusted the woman, but she trusted the two of them enough to keep the shield up.

"That boy back there's called the Aurors," the man said firmly. It was obviously a drain on his energy to keep the shield up this long, as he seemed tired. "Leave the girl alone. Your sort has killed my brother, and I have no qualms killing you as revenge."

"Do you know who this is?" Rodolphus demanded of him. "The girl that destroyed everything she's ever touched." Antha flexed her fingers on Salazar's wrist, before tightening it and glaring at her father, her wand pointed at the Death Eater. "You shouldn't be defending her any quicker than she defended you when she burned this place to the ground, when she murdered so many, when she danced upon the graves of your family and friends." Rodolphus snarled at her and Salazar jumped in fear. "She's not worth it."

The shield failed and she held Salazar even tighter, ready to move him if need be. The spell came so suddenly that she didn't have time for a shield, instead she pulled Salazar out of the way and cast a spell back, hoping to injure him. But he was ready for a counter and so she sent another. And another, but to no avail.

He knew how she fought. "So... weak," he observed. She heard the word echoing in her head. Weak. She was anything but weak. The word made her unbelievably angry. After everything, after everything she had seen, and endured, and done... she wasn't weak.

"I'm not weak," Antha said fiercely.

"I'm not weak," Rodolphus mocked. "Nothing is ever weak to you. You're always strong. Your lover is strong. Your beautiful foundations are strong. But they're not. They're only appearing to be strong because you haven't properly stepped on them. But once you do, they'll crumble just like you did."

"That's not true," Antha hissed. It wasn't true. George was strong. The Weasleys were strong... She had a home, her children, the offer of a job. It was a strong start. "You're the weak one. You're the one that joined with no thoughts. You're the one that did everything he said without the bat of an eye-"

"And you didn't?"

"That was different," Antha insisted. "He forced me to join, you forced me to join, and mother. I was forced to do what he wanted, I was threatened, he threatened Salazar-"


It was aimed at the old man that had helped her. No one that helped Antha was hurt... she had vowed it as soon as the war ended. She didn't think much about what she did, but she stepped in the path of the spell, taking a deep breath just as the spell hit her skin.

One thing about making sure oxygen was in abundance was also having to deal with the fact that screaming was even louder.

She fell to her knees, her grip on her wand tight as she tried to control the muscles spasming. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't even feel her lungs inhaling. And then the spell was off of her, leaving her panting and shaking, struggling to stand, but it had been... it had been nearly six weeks since her last cruciatus curse. She hadn't felt it ... she was-

"Weak," Rudolphus spat at her. "I'm ashamed to call you my daughter."

"You've always wanted a son," Antha whispered. She couldn't stand. She couldn't stand... She was trying. She was trying to move her legs, but she couldn't. Why couldn't she? Her legs pushed off of the ground, but she ended up only falling harder, and her hands caught her before she could fall forward. It was like the day she was presented to her mother for torture.

"Oh, come now, Philantha... a son wouldn't have been able to get so close to the Dark Lord. Though, I do suspect he had a taste in men, as well. After all, why do you think he was so proud of your son-"

"Leave him out of his," Antha snapped. Her eyes were cold and her breathing was even, despite not having enough breath a second before. He had stepped too far. Tom was nothing but fatherly towards Salazar, and nothing untoward. "Salazar has done nothing-"

A hand touched her shoulder, to offer her help, but she shrugged it off. She had a strength, now. The strength of a lioness who's cubs were threatened. She stood fluidly and Rudolphus faltered slightly. Advancing a step, her wand was pointed at her father.

"Say one more word," Antha hissed. "I dare you."

"What are you going to do? Show the world that you can kill both parents?"

She laughed, a sound that sounded neither Antha, nor human. It sounded like Bellatrix. "Why would I do that, father? Why would I kill you when I'd rather see you get the Kiss." She stared at her father, her amusement turning into a deadly smirk. "I'm not going to hurt you... Though I'd rather like to." She advanced another step and he stumbled back. "It's not fun, is it? Being the mouse? It makes you feel... weak."

"Antha," Rodolphus said nervously. "You know I love you, right? You know I wouldn't hurt you-"

"I know that you're no longer my father," Antha said calmly. "And you're no longer in a position to keep talking."

"Antha, dearest-"

"Petrificus Totalis," Antha said firmly. The man was stiff as a board and fell to the earth. With his disability, Antha felt the strength leave her and she faltered, her wand falling from her fingers as they spasmed from the effects of the Cruciatus. She nearly fell over, had it not been for the elderly man that grabbed her arm and held her upright. He picked up her wand fluidly and walked her over to a bench outside of Olivanders.

"Alright, lass?"

Antha didn't answer. She was staring at Salazar, as he talked to the elder woman, pointing to WWW. She followed the direction, seeing George on the other side of the fire, conferring with an Auror.

"No, that's my daddy!" Salazar said, pointing towards George. "He's Mummy's boyfriend, so he's my Daddy!" She felt the warmth bloom in her heart. They weren't boyfriend/girlfriend. George was nothing more than a friend, but the fact that Salazar liked him... That Salazar liked him enough to call him a father... It meant a lot to Antha. He needed someone proper to learn from.

"All right, lass?" the man repeated firmer.

"Better," Antha admitted quietly. "When the Aurors put the fire out, I'm afraid I'll need a tonic. Nasty bit of spellwork."

"Can't believe you took that spell for me, lass. Can't thank you enough, either. 'Fraid my ticker wouldn't have lasted it."

"You helped me," Antha said quietly. "It was the least I could have done. You're a very kind man..."

"Ailfried Mac Naolmhin," he introduced himself. The name gave her a jolt. Oh, Merlin... She had murdered a Mac Naolmhin, near the same age as he. "You're...?"

"Philantha Riddle," Antha said quietly, her eyes watching as his face seemed to register who she was... What she had done. She dropped her head, staring at her hands that were shaking, her fingers moving spastically.

"Ah, you're the one they talk about in the papers." She closed her eyes, expecting the comments. She nodded carefully. "Some nasty rumors about you."

"I doubt they're much rumors, rather than truth."

"They released a list of dead attached to your name. I find it hard to believe someone that takes the Cruciatus for a stranger would kill so many people." He knew, then... he knew who she had murdered.

"I'm sorry, for all the pain I've caused your family."

"Was it quick?" So much rested on this response, that she found herself hesitating. He mistook it as a response. "I see, then."

"He didn't suffer," Antha said quietly. "It was very swift. More surprised we managed to get into the home, really. It was quick." She heard him sit beside her, heavily, as though the words were a blow to him. "He didn't suffer."

"Good. I know some of your lot would have made it painful."

Her lot. She nodded in agreement, however, because it was true. His brother's wife hadn't been so lucky. Her father had gotten to her, and ... and it was... "Antha?"

She looked up at the sound of George's voice and he was approaching cautiously. The fire was gone. Lee had Salazar's hand and was looking him over, talking to the wife of the man beside her. She nodded to George that she was alright. He hugged her tightly, and she smelt his familiar scent of potion ingredients. He had been inventing again.

"Are you okay?"

"Took a rather nasty curse for me," Ailfried spoke up behind her, choosing to answer truthfully. "But I'd say she's alright."

George pulled away long enough to see her give him a look that clearly said she didn't want to talk about it. She wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "Merlin, Anth. What'd you do?"

"It was my battle, not his."

"Saved my life," Ailfried insisted. Antha shook her head lightly, not wanting to be given the hero treatment. Not again.

"Is he being taken to the Aurors?"

"They'll administer the Kiss once he is at the Ministry. They don't want to take any chances." She relaxed in his embrace, in relief, and let out a small breath. "We didn't think he'd be a problem, being free and all... We thought he'd stay hidden-"

"How many others?" she questioned. "How many should I be worried about?"

"Not that many big threats. Just... a few. We'll talk about it later, but you need a tonic, and some rest." She agreed. She glanced at the old man, dropping her gaze when their eyes met. She hated the thought that this kind man - this man that had saved her life, had been hurt by her.

"I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused your family... I really am. And I know it won't make anything right, but... I'm sorry."

"Maybe not," he agreed. "But I'll always remember this when someone starts some nasty comments about you."

Antha felt an emotion clogging her throat and George put his arm around her waist, as if supporting her. "And I'll always remember what you've done for me," she returned. Her eyes darted to Salazar's retreating form, relieved. "I owe you a life debt."

"That's grave magic you've just evoked, lass," Ailfried looked surprised and George even stiffened. "But no need. You've saved mine. We're even." But she wished he would take it - she wished he would accept the life debt so that she could make up for everything she had done to his family. He glanced towards the elderly woman, his wife. "I had best get her home before she makes off with yer boy." Antha swallowed, seeing that she was talking to Lee now, Salazar between them. "She's got a soft spot for the little 'uns."

Antha ran a shaking hand through her hair, and nodded. "Thank you."

He dipped his head. "Thank you… for not letting him suffer." She didn't know what to say. She just watched as he walked over to his wife, and with a few more words, they were walking towards some Aurors, giving a statement.

"Aurors will get a statement at the shop," George said quietly. "You alright?"

"I wish you would stop asking me that. I'm not a doll, George," Antha said quietly. "I'm fine. It's nothing."

"You were crucio'd-"

"I'm fine," Antha cut him off. She took a deep breath. "But some tonic sounds great."

"I'm going to call Snape over. He's probably got something for this."

Antha couldn't find it in her to argue. She just followed George - or rather leaned on him for support - as they walked back to the shop. At least now she knew who had been watching her in the shadows. At least now she knew what she was going to be facing. At least now she knew that the Death Eaters no longer supported her.

But that was fine. Death Eaters were the least of her problems. She hadn't shielded her mind in a while - with the threat looming. And now.. she wasn't sure how close she was to a break. She just knew that she felt mentally exhausted. And when she was given a tonic, she was sent to sleep before she could strengthen them.